HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 836 Surplus Land RESOLUTION NO. _82tL A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA REQUESTING AND ACCEPTING SURPLUS LANDS FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CREATED BY THE REALIGNMENT OF STATE ROAD 434 TO BE USED FOR PUBLIC PURPOSE AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE PROPERTY TRANSFER. WHEREAS, the realignment of State Road 434 has created surplus Department of Transportation right of way as described in Exhibit "A", and WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs utilizes said right of way for ingress and egress from Central Winds Park, a public facility, and WHEREAS, the Winter Springs High School, a public school of the Seminole County School District, also uses said right of way for ingress and egress, and WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs needs the right of way to improve and realign the entrance to Central Winds Park, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I - The Mayor and City Council of the City of Winter Springs hereby authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement to acquire the surplus right of way from the Florida Department of Transportation. SECTION II - The City Clerk of The City of Winter Springs is hereby directed to send copies of this Resolution to the Department of Transportation and all other persons as directed by the Mayor and City Council. SECTION III - This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. # U Passed and adopted this ~ day of ~~ ' 1998. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA QJ' '- ATTEST: ~ft. ~ MARG M. HOPKINS, TY CLERK Exhibit A DESCRIPTION A porilon of State Road No. 434, locattffi In D.R. Mltchtlll's surwy of the Levy Grant as rfICordttd In Plat Book 1, Page 5, of the Public Records of Ssm In ole County, Florida. In Section J8 Township 20 South, Range JO East, blJlng morlJ particularly dlJscrlb~ as follows: CommtJnCfJ at ths. SouthttOst comer of Lot 21, Block -D" of saId D.R. MItchell's Survey of thtl Levy Grant as marked by a 2" Iron pipe end cap stamped "P.R,M. No. 7700" as shown on the Florida Department of Transportation Right-of-Way Map for State Road No. 434, prepared I:>Y Lochrane en gin etlr/ng, Inc., Sect/on 77070-2516; tht!N1ce run North 07" 01' 1,. West along the East line of sold Lot 21 for a distance of 907.48 ~t to a point on the existing Southerly Right-of-Way line of said state Road 434, Thence South 83~ 501 2J" West along said SouthlJrly Right-of-Way a distance of +67.83 feet,' thence North 00' 06' 4J" West for a distance of 43.64 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,' thence continue North O(r 06' 43" WlJst for a dIstance of 1.50 feet,' thence North 83' 53' 17" East along the NorthtJriy Rlght-of- Way lIne ot sold State Road No. 434 for a distance of 1731.19 feet to the Point of Curvaturtl of a curve, concave SouthfJriy and having a radius of 7#.89 ~t: thenC6 Easterly along the arc of said curve and Right-of-Way line through a ctNltrol angle of 07" 57' 04" for a distance of 103.37 feet to a poInt on a non-tangent curve conca'Af SouthwestMly and having a radIus of 152.2~ feet and a chord bwrlng of $outh 47" 57' 39" East,' thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve and RIght-of-Way line throu~h a centrol angle of 49' 12' 02" for a distance of 139.JJ frttJt to the point of tangctncy; thence continuing along saki Right-of-Way line, South 23' 21' 38" East for 0 dIstance of 1027.58 feet to a point a non-tangfJnt curvs# having a radius of 2820.00 fHt and a chord blJorlng of North 45' 74' 52" I.~$t,' thlf7C6 NorthwestMty along the arc of ,aId curve for a distance of 134.13 (Ht to thfJ end of sold curve; thence North 2J' 21' 38" West along the SQuthwtlsterly Rlght-of- Way IIMJ of sold State Road No. 4-34 for a dIstance of 371.24 feflt,' thence South 68' 38' 22" West for a distancfl of 25.74 feet to the Point of Curwturtl of a curve conca~ Southeasterly, and having a radius of 220.00 fHt,' thence SouthwesttJriy along the arc of said CUfYfJ through a central an~/e of J1' 15' 12- for a dlstan~ of 120.00~et to the end of said curve: thonce North 54' 36' 50 West for a distance of 60.00 fHt to 0 point on a non-tongMt curve, cOl7c~ Southeasterly, having a radius of 280.00 feet and a chord ~rlng of North 51" 00' 48" East,' thMce NorlhBasterly along the arc of saId curve through a centrol an~/e of 31' 15' 12" for a distance of 152,73 feet to the Point of Tan,pency; thence North 56" 38 22" east for a dlstanc() of 25.74 ftJet; thence North 23' 21' 38 WlJst along sold Southwt'Jsterly Rlght-ot-Way of State Road Nc. ~4 for a dlstanoe of 471.88 feet to the Point of Curvoturs of a curve concave SouthwsstfJriy and having a radius of 112.25 feeti th(J(7ce Northwesterly along the arc of said curve and Rfght-of- Way line through a ctN1trol angle of 72' 47' 59" for a distance of 142.62 feet to thfl Point of Tangency; thence. South 8J' SO' 2310 West along the Southerly Right-of-Way line of said State Road No. +J4 for a distance of 1277.89 ftl"t to a poInt on 0 non-tangt!Jf/t curve, concave Southerly, having a radius of 2815.00 feet and a chord bearing of South 88' 54' 54" West,' thence Westerly along thlJ arc of said cur"16: through a ctmtra/ angle of 10' OJ' 1J. for a distance of 493.95 fetJt to the POINf OF BEGINNING. Contains: 1JO,532.38 sqUQNJ fHt or 2.997 Acres, mortl or less. , )' '1 i :1 'j I \.