HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 763 Country Club Village )~C~'?c.. , . . "...-, r:~ ...-1' 0 >=!::: CO l-O::' zl1J :c :::l::> ,-;:> -z ~ N OC CO zO:: W -0 I..L. 4(.) La.J1.&.J U) (I') 0:: (.I) ~c; 0::(..) 01- ::r:= --' WO :2:;0:: Z<.:; ~l'- 0::0 C) ro l.() ..::r <=> 0:> i ~ ~ ~ ~ _._--~.~." -~~",~!'_"Jllllt'\,''!,"\.~,}'~~~:,~.'''-:~'-,''~ RESOLUTION NO. 763 A RESOLUTION OF. THE CITY COMMISSION AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS/COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF FS 170.01 ET SEQ., ADOPTING AND APPROVING THE ASSESSMENT PLAT FOR THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT OF CHARGES~ FOR THE PROVISION OF STREET LIGHTING PURSUANT TO~ ORDINANCE NO. 545, DIRECTING PREPARATION OF THES PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL, EST ABLISlllNG THE METHO~ FOR COLLECTION OF THE ASSESSMENT, PROVIDING FOR NOTIC~ _ OF THE MEETING FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ON AND ADOPTION Olt.t THE ASSESSMENT ROLL, EST ABLISlllNG THE BASIS FOr COMPUTATION OF THE ASSESSMENT, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. :0 c:> N \.0 0)0 O-rt C> .." An }:> r ::0 171 ("') ~~ C')O I'Tl (I) w en - NOW, THEREFORE, , it is hereby resolved by the City Commission of the City of Winter~ Springs, Florida, acting as the governing board of the City of Winter Springs/Country Club Village Streetlight Maintenance District, as follows: 1. That annual charges for the operation and maintenance of street lights located within the district, which charges represent the difference between the actual cost of operation and maintenance of said street lights, less the amount duly paid and/or contributed by the City of Winter Springs for said operation and maintenance, shall be assessed against each residential lot in the following subdivisions, which subdivisions comprise the territory located within the City of Winter Springs/Country Club Village Streetlight Maintenance District: (a) Country Club Village Unit One, Plat Book 22, pages 4,5 and 6~ (b) Country Club Village Unit Two, Plat Book 23, pages 78, 79 and 80~ (c) Country Club Village Unit Three, Plat Book 25, pages 33,34,35,36 and 37~ 2. That the total cost of the annual assessment is $6,390.38. Said assessment is levied pursuant to the authority ofFS 189.041 et seq., including but not necessarily limited to FS 189.4031, FS 189.4041, FS 189.4065, FS 189.416, FS 189.418 and Ordinance No. 545 of the i;.;'<::!3t..,~[?'::C:'-"'.:'.;/,<'~"".',":.':::;"';!f~,~,,~~F.- City of Winter Springs, Florida, an ordinance creating a municipal services assessment and benefit District. 3. The charges so assessed shall be paid by an annual assessment, which assessment shall '.JJ continue from year to year unless amended by action of the governing body, levied ~e~ ~\.O residential lot in each of the subdivisions comprising the territory located within the Sty of r- IT1 Winter Springs/Country Club Village Streetlight Maintenance District in the ~ounts8 dub' . :" w reflected upon the assessment plats as heretofore identified, which assessments shall be cl5lIe~ N by the Tax Collector of Seminole County, Florida in the manner provided by FS 197.3632 and COo 0-" 0'"t1 A- n - )> r- ;0 ill ("') ~~ 00 rT1(1) shall cast a lien upon the real property so assessed. 4. That the City Clerk of the City of Winter Springs, Florida be and she is hereby directed and ordered to cause a copy of this resolution to be published once a week for a period of two (2) weeks in a newspaper of general circulation and published in Seminole County Florida. 5. That the Director of Finance for the City of Winter Springs, Florida, be and he is hereby ordered and directed to cause to be made a preliminary assessment roll, which assessment roll shall be completed and which roll shall show the lots and lands assessed and the amount of the benefit to and the assessment against each lot or parcel ofland. Further, said assessment roll shall show that the assessment is to be paid in one (1) annual payment reflected in the manner provided for by FS 197.3632. 6.(a) That said assessment roll shall be prepared and :filed with the City Clerk of the City ofWmter Springs, Florida on or before August 9, 1995. That upon receipt of said filing, the City Clerk shall give notice to each person whose names and lands appear on the assessment roll, that they may appear before the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, on ~~---'-~,,"---,;_":-e.~'~'f"O-''''''''O'"_'''~~;rC:C-_: :-;';":>_1"'<_"',_""'!_'!f':l11,.t~,t1;';>;:_:,"'i,-';'-' - ATTEST: Passed and adopted this 24th day of August, 1995. f........-....t'lWfl" t" " ~~.~~ CITY LERK CI) I'T1 ~ :z:: C> r- I'T1 ("') ? ..." ,... . i.....,) o N \.0 0:70 0.." 0.." x(=5 > r- ::0 ", n ~~ C')O IT1cn - ~ c:.n Co.) '-~....-r:m':orr,=~.;,-- "tl!~>.'r >""'~~:",,~"~'JiI'-,-,_.,. ""'.~".-\.' '. '<""~' ~" 1b_ ....,-..-$:';\~J~:T'.."'''"IW:'>M'f:~- ''';~~ :'::'-~,:-~"':~~";'~""~~:';"'~~"'!!:''"fn1!f'.''''''''''~~,_"":,:.:,;rc:'-"~-~""""~ . The Orlando Sentinel Published Daily $135.24 ~tatt of fiortba } 5.5. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Kell y Demmo , who on oath say,s that he/she is the Legal Advertisinjl Re~esentative of The Orlando Sentinel, a dally new~aper published at (ISm BF'RRY in SF: lUff. f County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a "OTI(( 6F. .-4181 I(, in the matter of Rpl'lolllt"ion NlImhpr 7f.1 in the Sf"tNat F Court, was published in said newspaper in the issue; of Dal\':I''1s..n~~8,ql; Affiant further syvs that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper publis.hed ~t ~IP , In said . County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said ~~fJT"411 r County, Florida, each Week Da and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in in said County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securi g advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. The foregoing instrument was acknowl August , 19 9 Ke who is personally known to me (SEAL) .JTJANITA ROSADO 1\11y Comm Exp. 7/13/98 Bonded By Servioe Ills No. CC392006 ()hlJonlllly~ U.o"'La ..,,~- ~~ .""'.0".'1' ~.. m,_, "___" "",,_..-""~ '. """~~'~~~" ___'''<''1;;';,.,,,..,,..,.. r=====' lbe Orlando Sentinel Published Daily $311.64 ~tatt of fiortba } 5.5. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the und~rsigned authority personally appeared Kelly De11i1no , ho on oath say's that he/she is the Legal Advertisin Re resentative of The O~and Sentinel, a dally news a er published at that the attached CORY of advertisement, being a in the matter of Resolution Number in the was published in said newspaper in the issue; of Court, Affiant further sa s that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newsdaper published at 1 , in said County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continu usly published in said . County, Florida, each Week D~.t and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in C.~ n RJ>IIRY I in said . I County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publlcati n of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/sh has neither paid nor promised any. person, firm or corporation any iscount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of s curin thl dvertisement for publication in the said newspaper. . (SEAL) I I .fT' ... 'I\'TTA' ROSADO llilY cor~EXP. 7/13/98 Bonded B Service.. No. C 3920'06 (J P...ona1ly wn ....L.. I ReSOLUTION NO. 183 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION AS THE GOVERN- ING BODY OF THE CITY OF WIN- TER SPRINGS/COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE STREET LIGHTING MAIN- TENANCE DISTRICT. PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF FS 170.01 ET SEa,. ADOPTING AND APPROVING THE ASSESSMENT PLAT FOR THE ANNUAL ASSESS- MENT OF CHARGES FOR THE PROVISION OF STREET LIGHTING, PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 545, DIRECTING PREPARATION OF THE PRELIMINARY ASSESS- MENT ROLL).. ESTABLISHING THE METHOD FuR COLLECTION OF THE ASSESSMENT, PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF THE MEETING FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ON AND ADOPTION OF THE ASSESSMENT ROLL, ESTABLISHING THE BASIS FOR COMPUTATION OF THE AS- SESSMENT, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND I' EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby re- solved by the City Commission 0 the City of Winter Springs; FlOrida, acting as the governing, board of the City 01 Winter Springs/Country Club Village Streetlight Maintenance Distrlct,.as fol- lows: , 1, That annual charges for the opera- tion and maintenance of street lights lo- cated within the district, which cnarges represent the difference between the actuaJ cost of operation and mainte- nance of said w.c lights, less the amount duly IlIIid and/Or CllllIrjbuted by the City 01 Winters".... fo/'Uid oper- ation and m.~, "ail be as- I _--------1~ -'- -_. -