HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 736 Assessments
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
hereby expresses its intent to use the uniform method for the levy, collection
and enforcement of non-ad valorem assessments as provided by Section 197.3632
Florida Statutes for the levy, collection and enforcement of the said non-ad
valorem assessments called for by Ordinance No. 555, and
WHEREAS, the City Commission has entered into an agreement with H. W.
"Bill" Suber, as the Seminole County Property Appraiser as required by Section
197.3632(2) of the Florida Statutes;
SECTION I - That it is the intent of the City Commission of the City of
Winter Springs, Florida pursuant to Ordinance No. 555 which states its intent
to use the uniform method for the levy, collection and enforcement of non-ad
valorem assessments as provided for by Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, for
the purpose of providing for the mandatory collection of solid waste/recycling/
yard trash levied pursuant to Ordinance No. 555 for 1994 and each year thereafter
until discontinued.
SECTION II - The legal description of the boundaries of the real property
subject to the levy are properties described in Exhibit A attached hereto.
SECTION III - The City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
hereby declares that the need for the levy as established by the provisions of
Ordinance No. 555 of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, an ordinance establish-
ing a municipal service assessment within the incorporated area of the City as
hereinafter defined, for the purpose of providing for the mandatory collection of
solid waste/recycling/yard trash in the areas defined herein, see Exhibit A.
Passed and adopted this 28th day of February, 1994.
Exhibit A
Section 1.01. [Corporate name.]
The municipality hereby established shall be
known as the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
Section 2.01. [Territorial boundaries.}
The territorial boundaries of the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, shall be: All those certain par-
cels of land lying and being "in Seminole County,
Florida, more particularly described as follows:
Within D. R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant,
Plat Book 1, Page 5, of the Public Records of
Seminole County, Florida, Lots 26 and 28 of
Block B; also, Lots 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, and 23 of
Block C, also, all of the unplatted part of. the
Levy Grant lying north of Lot 19, Block C; also,
Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, and Lots 26 to 54 inclusive
in Block D, and that part of Lot 56, Block D,
l}ing north of Longwood-Wagner Road, less the
east 300 feet thereof, and Lot 55, Block D; also,
all of Lots 59 to 94 inclusive, the east ~ of Lot
95, Lots 99 to 107 inclusive, the east ~ of Lot
108, 10 acres square in the northwest corner of
Lot 110, Lots 111 to 115 inclusive, Lots 119 to
123, inclusive, Lots 127 and 128, and all of that
part of Lots 129, 139, and 131 not heretofore
conveyed to Seminole Driving Park, and all of
Lots 135, 136, .143 and 1~, all in Block n' of
said D. R. Mitchell's Survey of the LeVy Grant;
also, a tract of land described as follows: Begin
at the intersection of the east line of Lot 99,
Block D with the north line of the lands of
Micon and LeHardy; thence run southeasterly
along the north line of the lands of Micon and
LeHardy approximately 2,400 feet to the south.
erly extension of the west line of Tuscawilla;
thence run north along southerly extension of
the west line and along the west line ofTuscawilla
to the northwest corner of Tuscawilla; thence
easterly along north line of Tuscawi1la to the
west side of a road running north and south
between Lots 7,8,9 and 10 ofTuscawilla; thence
northwesterly along the west side of said road
to the southeast corner of Lot 36, Block D; thence
run westerly along south lines of Lots 36 and
37, Block D to the northeast corner of Lot 61
Block D; thence westerly along the south line
of Lots 74, 75, 76 and 77, Block D to the north-
east corner of Lot 99, Block D; thence southerlv
along the east line of Lot 99, Block D to th~
point of beginning. Within Entzminger Farms,
Addition No.2, as recorded in Plat Book 5,
Page 9, of the Public Records of Seminole Coun-
ty, Florida, Lots 26 and 29, Lots 33 to 40 inclu-
sive, Lots 43 to 51 inclusive, and Lots 56 to 61
inclusive. In Gardena Farms, according to the
plat recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 23 and 24 of
the Public Records of Seminole County, Flori-
da, the south 250 feet of Block 3 and all of
Blocks 4 to 100 inclusive. All of Gardena Farms
Townsites as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 39,
of the Public Records of Seminole County, Flor.
ida, less and except Lots 1,2, and 3 in Block 2,
also less the unplatted portion of Block 2 and
Blocks B and C. In Chase and Company's Sub.
di vision of Wagner, as recorded in Plat Book 6,
Page 64 of the Public Records of Seminole Coun-
ty, all of Block E. Also, a track (tract] of land
described as follows: Begin 130 feet WeSi: and
151.8 feet north of the southeast corner of the
northeast ~ of the southwest ~ of the south-
west ~ of Section 22-20-30, run north 48 018'30"
west 161.1 feet to the easterly right-of-way State
Road 15-600; thence north 41041'31" east along
said right-of-way 181 feet; thence south 257.8
feet to Beginning, and; parcel "A": Lots 17 and
18, Block B, Oak Grove Park, according to the
plat thereof as recorded-in Plat Book 7, Page
83, of the Public Records of Seminole County,
F~orida, less right-of-way for U.S. 17/92 and all
that part of Lots 15 and 16 of said Block B,
lying east of the west line of Lot 21, Block C, of
D. R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant, ac-
cording to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat
Book 1, Page 5, of the Public Records of Semi.
nole County, Florida; also all that part of said
Lot 21, Block C, of D. R. Mitchell's Survey of
the Levy Grant, lying easterly of said Oak Grove
Park and southerly of Shepard Road and lying
northerly of a line described as follows: Begin
at the northeast corner of Lot 12, Block E, of
said Oak Grove Park; thence run'south 86035'15'"
east 1928.3691feet to a point on the easterly
line of said Lot 21, Block C, D. R. Mitchell's
Survey of the Levy Grant, said point being
1155.005 feet south 5057'13" west from the south-
erly right-of.way line of Shepard Road, subject
to Florida Power Corporation's 175-foot ease-
ment and containing exactly 50 acres. Parcel
"B": Lot 12, Block B, Oak Grove Park, accord-
ing to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book
7, Page 83 of the Public Records of Seminole
County, Florida, less right-of.way for U.S. 17/92;
and the north 385 feet of the east 225 feet of
Lot 15, and Lot 24, less the east 25 feet of the
south 200 feet thereof, of Entzminger Farms
Addition No.3, according to the plat thereof, as
recorded in Plat B9~k 6, Page 27, of the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida; also that
part of Lot 21, Block C, D. R. Mitchell's Survey
of the Levy Grant, according to the plat thereof
as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 5, of the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida, described
as: Begin at the northeast corner of Lot 12,
Block B, said Oak Grove Park; thence run south
~ 0 ~-l:' west 1,063.719 feet to the southwest cor-
ner of said Lot 21; thence run north 83021'25"
east 1,950.789 feet to the southeast corner of
said Lot 21; thence run north 5057'13" east
i22.942 feet to a point 1,155.005 feet south
5 ~ 57'13" west from the intersection of the East
line of said Lot 21 with the southerly right-of-
way line of Shaphard Road; thence run north
86"35'15.5" west 1,928.369 feet to the point of
beginning, subject to Florida Power Corpora-
tion's 175-foot easement and containing exactly
50.286 acres, less the following: Lot 12 and Lots
17 and 18 lying west of the northerly projection
of the east property line of Lbts 12 through.tp,
Block B, Oak Grove Pa.rk~ as recorded in Plat
Book 7, Page 83 of the Public Records of Semi.
nole County, Florida, and: Begin at the south.
l,p.ast corner of Gardena Farms as recorded in
Plat Book 6, Pages 23 and 24, Public Records of
Seminole County, Florida; run thence north
85000'00" west along the south line of said
Gardena Farms a distance of 5,479.23 feet to
the westerly right-of.way line of the Tuscawilla-
Gabriella Road; run thence north 04024'22" east
along said westerly right-of.way line a distance
of 2,450.55 feet; thence leaving said westerly
right.oi.way line run south 84050'15" east
1,120.89 feet; run thence north. 04004'15" east
1,969.15 feet; run thence north"85005'45" west
418.47 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of
the aforesaid Tuscawilla-Gabriella Road; thence
continue along said westerly right-of-way line
run north 43025'40" east 521.37 feet to the
point of curvature of a curve concave northwest-
erly having a radius of 1,612.02 feet, and a
central angle of 20005'33"; run thence north-
easterly along the arc of said curve a distance
of 565.30 feet to the point of tangency; thence
continuing along said westerly right-of-way run
north 23020'07" east 3,903.29 feet to the point
of curvature of a curve concave northwesterly
having a radius of 2,839.79 feet and a central
angle of 09014'37"; thence run northeasterly
along the arc of said curve a distance of 458.15
feet to the point of tangency; thence continuing
along said westerly right-of-way line, run north
.14005'30" east a distance of 1,581.20 feet; thence
leaving said westerly right-of-way run south
84051'30" east 1,368.08 feet; thence run south
05010'20" west 386.72 feet; run thence south
84050'40" east 634.53 feet to a point on the
southerly right-of-way line of Railroad Avenue;
run thence along said southerly right-of-way
line south 54056'40" east 633.59 feet to a point
on the easterly right-of-way line of Gardena
Avenue; run thence along said easterly right-
of.way line north 22039'04" east 142.94 feet to
a point on the southerly right-of.way line of
Atlantic Seaboard Coastline Railroad; run thence
along said southerly right-of-way line south
54033'05" east 587.22 feet; thence leaving said
southerly railroad right-of-way run north
00011'11" east 937.80 feet to a point on the
southerly right-of.way line of State Road No.
419; run thence the follo~ing courses along said
southerly right-of-way line of State Road No.
419, north 88026'29" east 2,224.37 feet; thence
run south 89058'56" east 3,686.53 feet; thence
south 89021'56" east 2,159.76 feet; thence leav-
ing said southerly right-of-way line run south
00016'36" west 1,062.76 feet to the northeast
corner of Section 8, Township 21 South, Range
31 East; thence run south 00025'38" east along
the east section line of said Section 8 a distance
of 798.62 feet; run thence north 82010'38" west
310.20 feet; run thence south 04034'12" west
1,143.12 f~et; run thence north.89034'22" east
406.56 feet; run thence south 00025'38" east
745.20 feet; run thence south 89027'54" east a
of 421.48 feet to the P.T. of said curve; thence
run north 66029'00" east 2,776.82 feet to the
P.C. of a curve concave northwesterly having a
radius of 1,637.28 feet, a central angle of
17004'00"; thence run northeasterly along said
curve an arc length of 487.67 feet to the P.T. of
said curve; thence run north 49025'00" east
70.24 feet to the P.C. of a curve concave south~
easterly having a radius of 636.62 feet, a cen-
tral angle of 27058'00"; thence run northeast-
erly along said curve an arc length of 310.74
feet to the P.T. of said curve, said point being
the intersection of State Roads S-434 and 419,
less those parts lying within the City of
Casselberry and the City of Longwood, Florida.
Editor's note-The cment d~scription of the boundaries of
the city is on file in the city clerk's office.
Section 2.02. [Property added by annexation
since 1972.1
All property annexed to the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, since the adoption of the Char-
ter of 1972.
distance of 1,349.48 feet; run thence south
00009'56" west 1,326.01 feet; run thence north
89013'53" west 672.52 feet; run thence south
00000'36" west 980.83 feet; run thence north
89: 16"52" west 671.86 feet to a point on the
~ast line of the aforesaid Section 8; run thence
:south 00001'43" east along said east line of the
aforesaid Section 8; run thence south 00001'43"
east along said east line of Section 8, 330.14
feet to the northeast corner of Section 17, Town-
ship 21 South, Range 31 East; run thence along
the east line of said Section 17 south 00016'14"
west 1,341.14 feet; thence leaving said east sec-
tion line run north 89015'33" west 4,004.99
feet; run thence south 00014'56" west 1,'{75.51
fe~t; n;.n thence north 89003'43" west 1,415.02.
fl:"d; run thence north 00014'26" west 687.66
feet; run thence north 85014'00" west 602.10
teet; run thence south 87051'00" west 1,083.26
feet; run thence south 00015'09" east 2,167.87
feet; run thence north 84048'16" west 2,404.62
feet to the point of beginning; less that portion
of Winter Springs as recorded in Plat Book 15,
Pages 81 and 82 of the Public Records of Semi-
nole County, Florida; also less, begin at the
southeast corner of Gardena Farms as recorded
in Plat Book 6, Pages 23 and 24 of said Semi-
nole County, Florida; run thence north 05009'50"
east 33.00 feet; run thence north 85000'00" west
parallel with the southerly line of said Gardena
Farms, 4,502.35 feet, to a point of beginning;
run thence further north 85000'00" west 627.31
feet; thence run north 05000'00" east 225.00
feet; thence run north 84009'48" east 175.44
feet; thence run south 850'00'00" east 455.00
feet; thence run south 050'00'00" west 257.98
feet to the point of beginning; also less, begin at
the southeast corner of Gardena Farms as re-
corded in Plat Book 6, Pages 23 and 24 of the
Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; run
thence north 05009'50" east along the east line
of said Gardena Farms 7,160.06 feet to a point
on the northerly right.of-way line of a Florida
Power and Light easement as recorded in O.R.
Book 183, Page 130; run thence north 85010'12"
west along said northerly right-of-way line
2,513.71 feet to a point on the southerly right-
of-way line of a Florida Power and Light ease-
ment as recorded in D.B. 193, Page 276, of said
Seminole County; run thence south 1,098.64
feet; run thence north 85010'12" west 772.70
feet to the point of beginning; run thence north
04049'48" east 300.00 feet; run thence north
85010'12" ,vest 675.80 feet to the easterly right-
of-way line of the Tuscawilla-Gabriella Road;
run thence south 23020'07" west along said
easterly right-of-way line 316.36 feet; thence
leaving said easterly right-of-way line run south
85010'12" east 776.20 feet to the point of be-
ginning, containing 2,890.9140:t acres. And also
less, the south 33 feet of the aforesaid Gardena
Farms Subdivision, and also less that part lying
within existing North Orlando city limits~ and
begin at the northeast corner of Lot 6~ Gardena
Farms as recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 23 and
-24,..Public Records of Seminole County, Flori-
da; run thence westerly along the north line of
Lots 6 through 11 a distance of 3,851.40 feet to
the northwest corner of Lot 11 of said Gardena
Farms; run thence southerly along the west-
erly line of said Gardena Farms 6,623.75 feet;
thence run westerly to a point 1,309.8 feet north
and 198 feet east of the northwest corner of
Section 13, Township 21 South, Range 30 East;
thence run southerly 1,309.8 feet to a point 198
feet east of said northwest corner of Section 13,
Township 21 South, Range 30 East; thence run
easterly 906.5 feet; thence run north 19020'
east 359.00 feet; thence run south 850 east 801.9
feet; thence run south 050 west to the westerly
right-of-way line of the Tuscawilla-Gabriella Road;
thence run northeasterly along the said west-
erly right-of-way line of the Tuscawilla-Gabriella
Road to the point of beginning, and also Lots 1
and 2; Block A, D. R. Mitchell's Survey of the
Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5, Seminole County
Public Records, less all that part previously
lying within the city limits of the Village of
North Orlando, and also; Begin at the intersec-
tion of State Road 15 and 600 (U.S. 17/92) and
State Road S-434 run south 89002'30" east
4,005.18 feet to the P.C. of a curve concave to
the north, having a radius of 2,864.93 feet, a
central angle of 5030'30"; thence run northeast-
erly along said curve an arc length of 275.42
feet to the P.T. of said curve; thence run north
85027'00" east 3,709.58 feet to the p.e. of a
curve concave northwesterly having a radius of
1,273.57 feet, a central angle of 18058'00"; thence
run northeasterly along said curve an arc length
Notice is hereby given to all owners of
lands located within the boundaries of
the City of Winter Springs that the City
of Winter Springs intends to use the uni-
form ad valorem method for collecting
non ad,valorem assessments levied by
the City of Winter Springs as set forth in
Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, for
the purpose. of providing for the manda,
tory collection of solid waste/recyclin,
gjyard trash, and that the City Commis,
slon of the City of Winter Springs will
hold a Public Hearing on Monday, Feb-
ruary 28, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. at the Winter
Springs City Hall, 1126 East State Road
434, Winter Springs, Florida, 32708.
The purpose of the public hearing is to
consider the adoption of a resolution
authorizing the City of Winter Springs
Florida to use the uniform ad valorem
method of collecting non ad,valorem
assessments levied by the City of Winter
Springs as provided in Section
197.3632, Florida Statutes.
The City of Winter Springs is consider-
ing adopting a non ad,valorem assess,
ment for 1994 and for each year ther-
ealler until discontinued by the City of
Winter Springs for the purpose of pro-
Viding for the mandatory collection of
solid waste/recycling/yard trash within
the areas defined in Exhibit A and at,
tached hereto. This non-ad valorem as-
sessment is being levied for the first
Interested parties may appear at the
public hearing to be heard regarding
the use of the uniform ad valorem meth,
od of collecting such non ad-valorem
assessments. The public hearing will be
held on Monday, February 28, 1994 at
7:30 p.m. at Winter Springs City Hall,
1126 East State Road 434, Winter
Springs, Florida 32708.
If any person decides to appeal any de,
cisions made with respect to any matter
considered at this public hearing such
person will need a record of the pro,
ceedings and for such purpose such
person may need to ensure that a var-
batlm record of the proceedings is
made at their own expense and which
record jnclude~ the testimony and evi-
I dence upon which the appeal is based.
I Persons with disabilities needing assis-
tance to participate in any of these pro'
ceedings should contact the Employee
Relations Department ADA Coordinator
<Ill hours in advance of the meeting at
(407) 327-18oo.Dated this 30th day of
January, 1994.
Section 1.01 (Corporate Name.)
The municipality hereby established
shall be known as the City of Winter
Springs, Florida.
Section 2.01 (Territorial Boundaries.)
The territorial boundaries of the City of
Winter Springs, Florida, shall be: All
those certain parcels of land lying and
being in. Seminole County, Florida,
more particularly deSCribed as follows:
Within D.R Mitchell's Survey of the Levy
Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5, of the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida,
Lots 26 and 28 of Block B; also, Lots
13, 14, 15, 19, 20, and 23 of Block C
also, all of the unplatted part of the LevY i
Grant lying north of Lot 19, Block C; I
also, Lots 12, 13, 14, IS, and Lots 26 to
54 inclusive in Block d, and that part of
Lot 56, Block D, lying north of Long,
wood-Wagner Road, less the east 300
feet thereof, and Lot 55, Block D; also
all of Lots 59 to 94 inclusive, the east ';"
of Lot 95, Lots 99 to 107 inclusive, the
east '/, of Lot 108, 10 acres square in
the northwest corner of Lot 11 0, Lots
l11to 115 inclusive, Lots 119to 123 in,
clusive, Lots 127. adn 128, and all otihat
part of Lots 129, 139, and 131 not here,
tofore conveyed to Seminole Driving
Park, and all of Lots 135, 136, 143 and
144, all in Block D of said D.R Mitchell's
Survey of the Levy Grant; also, a tract of
land described as follows: Begin at the
intersection of the east line of Lot 99
Block D with the north line of the lands
of Micon and LeHardy; thence run
southeasterty along the north line of the
lands of Mlcon and LeHardy approxima,
tely 2,400 feet to the southerly extension
of the west line of Tuscawllla; thence
run north along the southerly extension
of the west line and along the west line
of Tuscawilla to the northwest comer of
T uscawilla; thence easterly along north
line of Tuscawilla to the west side of a
road running north and south between
Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Tuscawilla; thence
northwesterly along the west side of
said road to the southeast corner of Lot
36, Block D; thence run westerly along
south lines of Lots 36 and 37, Block D
to the northeast corner of Lot 61, Block
D; thence westerly along the south line
of Lots 74, 75, 76 and 77, Block D to the
northeast corner of Lot 99, Block D;
thence southerty along the east line of
Lot 99,. Block D to the point of begin, I
OIng. Within Entzminger Farms, Addition
No.2, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page
9, of the Public Records of Seminole
County, Florida, Lots 26 and 29, Lots 33
to 40 ,ncluslve, Lots 43 to 51 inclusive
and Lots 56 to 61 inclusive. In Garden';
Farms, according to the plat recorded in
Plat Book 6, Pages 23 and 24 of the
Public Records of Seminole County
Florida, the south 250 feet of Block :3
and all of Blocks 4 to 100 inclusive. All
of Gardena Farms Townsites as record,
ed in Plat Book 6, Page 39, of the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida,
less and except Lots 1, 2, and 3 in
Block 2, also less the unplatted portion
of Block 2 and Blocks Band C. InChase
and Company's Subdivision of Wagner
as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 64 oi
the Public Records of Seminole County
all of Block E. Also, a track (tract) oi
land deSCribed as follows: begin 130
feet west and 151.8 feet north of the
southeast corner of the northeast '/4 of
the ~outhwest 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of
Section 22-ZQ-30, run north <Illo18'30"
west 161.1 teet to the easterly right'of,
way State Road 15-600; thence north
41041'31" east along said right-of'way
The Orlando Sentinel
Published Daily
State of Florida } 5.5.
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Beveraly C. Simmons
, who on oath say's
that he/she is the Legal Advertising Repesentative of The Orlando Sentinel, a dally
newspaper published at CASSELBERRY in
SEMINOLE Counnty, Florida;
that the attached Copy of advertisement, being a NOTICE BY THE CITY
was "published in said newspaper in the issue; of
1/30/94.02/06/94, 02/13/94. 02/20/94
Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at
,in said
County, Florida,
and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in
said SEMINOLE County, Florida,
each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post
office in CASSELBERRY in said
SEMINOLE County, Florida,
for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached
copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid
nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate,
commission or refund for the purpose of securing thil\adver~ement. for "-
publication in the said newspaper. BEVERLY C. SIMMONS
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 22 day of
FEBRUARY , 1994, by Beverly C. Simmons ,
who is personally known to me and who did take an oath.
* * Expires Oct. 13, 1997
181 feet; thence south 257.8 feet to Be-
ginning, llJ1d; parcel "A": Lots 17 and
18, BlOCk B, Oilk G/'Qve Park, accQrdlng
to the plat llJereof 8$ recorded In Plat
Book 7, Page 83; oHhe Pyblic Records
, of Seminole County, Florida, less right,
of-way for U.S. 17/92 and all that part of
~~ ciPth'::'~e~~ I~e s;n~I~~~ :o~t~
of D.R. Mrtchell's Survey of the Levy
Grant, according to the plat thereof, as
recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 5, of the
Public Records of Seminole County,
Florida; also all that part of said Lot 21,
Block C, of D.R. Mitchell's Survey of the
Levy. Grant, lying easterly of said Oak
Grove Park and southerly of Shepard
~g,~~n~ I~~~w~o~er\~ ~: ;,~n~o~~:
east corner of Lot 12';IOCk B, of said
Oak Grove Park; thence run south
lW35'15" east 1928.369 feet to a point
on the easterly line of said Lot 21, Block
C, D.R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy
Grant, said pOint being 1155.005 feet
south 5057'13" west from the southerly
right-of-way line of Shepard Road, sub,
ject to Florida Power Corporatlon's 175-
foot easement and containing exactly
50 acres.
Parcel "B": lot 12, Block B, Oak Grove
Park, according to the plat thereof as re'
corded In Plat Book 7, Page 83 of the
Public Records of Seminole County,
Florida, less right-of-way for U.s. 17/92;
and the north 385 feet of the east 225
feet of lot 15, and Lot 24, less the east
25 feet of the south 200 feet thereof, of
Entzminger Farms Addition No.3, ac'
cording to the plat thereof, as recorded
In Plat Book 6, Page 27, of the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida;
also that part of Lot 21, Block C, D.R.
Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant, ac,
cording to the plat thereof as recorded
in Plat Book 1, Page 5, of the Public Re,
cords of Seminole County, Florida, de,
~~~i~~t::lr~:~c~t ~~~a?g'g>:~s~r~~~
Park; thence run south 4044' west
1,063.719 feet to the southwest corner
Of said Lot 21; thence run north
63021'25" east 1,950.789 feet to the
southeast corner of said Lot 21; thence
run north 5057'13" east 722.942 feet to
a point 1,155.005 feet south 5057'13"
west from the intersection of the East
line of said 'Lot 21 with the southerly
right-of,way line of Shepard Road;
thence run north 86035'15.5" west
1,928.369 feet to the point of beglnnin\l'
subject to Florida Power Corporation s
175,foot easement and containing ex,
actly 50.286 acres, less the following:
Lot 12 and Lots 17 and 18 Iylg west of
the northerly projection of the east prop-
erly line of Lots 12 through 16, Block B,
Oak Grove Park, as recorded in Plat
Book 7, Page 83 of the Public Records
of Seminole County, Florida, and: Begin
at the southeast corner of Gardena
Farms as recorded in Plat Book 6,
Pages 23 and 24, Public Records of
Seminole County, Florida; run thence
north 65000'00" west along the south
line of said Gardena Farms a distance
of 5,479.23 feet to the westerly rlght-of-
way line of the Tuscawilla,Gabrlella
Road; run thence north 04024'22" east
along said westerly rlght'of-way line a
distance of 2,450,55 feet; thence leaving
north 04004'15" east 1,969.15 feet; run
thence north 85005'45" west 418.47 feet
to the westerly right-of-way line of the
aforesaid Tuscawllla,Gabriella Road;
thence continue along said westerlx
right,of-way line run north 43025'40 '
east 521.37 feet to the point of curvature
of a curve concave. northwesterly haVIng
a radius of 1,612.02 feet, and a central
angle of 20"05'83"; run thence north-
easterly along the arc of said curve a
distance of 565.30 feet to the point of
tangencr:; thence continuing along said
~3~~6~7X e~~~~~~;af~t't~~hen~~I~~
of curvature of a curve concave north-
westerly having a radius of 2,839.79 feet
and a central angle of 1l9"14'37"; thence
run northeasterly along the arc of said
curve a distance of 458.15 feet to the
paint of tangency; thence continuing
~~~ sfi~o~~~;,IY :~s~t'~f-~i~~i~~;,r~~
1,581,20 feet; thence leaving said west-
:~~t r\~~~~t~ar..~~nth~~~t~ r~~5~~~~~
05010'20" west 386.72 feet; run thence
south 84050'40" east 634.53 feet to a
point on the southerly right-of,way line
of Railroad Avenue; run thence along
said southerly right,of,way line south
54056'40" east ~.59 feet to a point on
the easterly rlght,of,way line of Gardena
Avenue; run thence along said easterly
right-of,way line north 22039'04" east
142.94 feet to a point on the southerly
right-of-way line of Atlantic Seaboard
Coastline Railroad; run thence along
said southerly right-of-way line south
54033'05" east 587.22 feet; thence leav,
Ing said southerly railroad right-of,way
run north 00"11'11" east 937,60 feet to
a point on the southerly rlght-of'way line
of State Road No, 41ll; run thence the
following courses along said southerly
right-of,way line of State Road No. 419,
north 88'26'29" east 2,22:4.37 feet:
thence run south 89'58'56" east
3,686.53 feet; thence south 89'21'56"
east 2,159.76 feet; thence leaving said
southerly right,of,way line run south
00'16'36" west 1,062.76 feet to the
northeast corner of Section 8, Township
21 South, Range 31 East, thence run
south 00'25'38" east along the east
section line of said Section 8 a distance
of 798.62 feet; run thence north
82'10'38" west 310.20 feet; run thence
south 04'34'12" west 1,143.12 feet; run
thence north 89"34'22" east 406.56 feet;
run thence south 00'25'38" east 745.20
feet; run thence south 89"27'54" east a .
distance of 1,349.48 feet; run thence
south 00"09'56" west 1,326.01 feet; run
thence north 89'13'53" west 672.52
feet; run thence south 00'00'36" west
980.83 feet; run thence north 89"16'52" .
west 671.86 feet to a point on the east
line of the aforesaid Section 8; run
thence south 00001'43" east along said.
east line of the aforesaid Sect.ion 8; run -
thence south 00001'43" east along said
east line of Section 8, 330.14 feet to the
northeast corner of Section 17, Town-
ship 21 South, Range 31 East; run
thence along the east line of said Sec,
tion 17 south 00'16'14" west, 1,341.14
feet; thence leaving said east section
line run north 89'15'33" west 4,004.99
feet; run thence south 00'14'56" west
1,775.51 feet; run thence north
89'03'43" west 1,415.02 feet; run thence
north 00'14'26" west 687.66 feet; run
thence north 85'14'00" west 602.10
feet; run thence south 87"51'00" west
1,088.26 feet; run thence south
00'15'09" east 2,167.87 feet; run thence
north 84'48'16" west 2,404.62 feet. to
the point of beginning; less that portion
of Winter Springs as recorded in Plat
BoOk 15, Pages 81 and 82 of the Public .
Records of Seminole County, Florida;
~~s~~d~n~~::;~; t~~ ~~~g:~:dt ~0~1~;
Book 6, Pages 23 and 24 of said Semi,
noie County, Florida; run thence north
05'09'50" east 33.00 feet; run thence
north 85'00'00" west parallel with the
southerly line of said Gardena Farms,
4,502.35 feet, to a point of beginning;
run thence further north 85'00'00" west
627.31 feet; thence run north 05'00'00"
east 225.00 feet; thence run north
84'09'48" east 175.44 feet; thence run
south 85'00'00" east 455.00 feet;
thence run south 05'00'00" west 257.98
feet to the point of beginning; also less,
begin at the southeast corner of Gar,
dena Farms as recorded in Plat Book 6,
Pages 23 and 24 of the Public Records
of Seminole County, Fiorida; run thence
north 05'09'50" east along the east line
of said Gardena Farms 7,160.06 feet to
a point on the northerly rillht-of,way line
of a Florida Power and Ught easement
as recorded in O.R. BOOK 183, Page
130; run thence north 85'10'12" west
along said northerly right-of,way line
2,513.71 feet to a point on the southerly
right,of,way line of a Florida Power and
Light easement as recorded in O.B. 193,
Page 276, of said Seminole County; run
thence south 1,098.84 feet; run thence
north 85'10'12" west 772.70 feet to the
point of beginning; run thence north
04'49'48" east 300.00 feet; run thence
north 85'10'12" west 675.80 feet to the
~~:~:~ita'G~~:i~~I~~~d: i ~~n ~~e~~:
south 23'20'07" west along said easter,
Iy rillht-of,way line 316.36 feet; thence
leaVing said easterly right'of.way line
run south 85'10'12" east 776.20 feet to
the point of beginning, containing
2,890.9140 + I,acres.
And also less, the south 33 feet of the
aforesaid Gardena Farms Subdivision,
and also less that part lying within exist-
ing North Orlando City limits, and begin
at the northeast corner of Lot 6, Gar,
dena Farms as recorded in Plat Book 6,
Pages 23 and 24, Public Records of
Seminole County, Florida; run thence
westerly along the north line of Lots 6
through 11 a distance of 3,851.40 feet
to the northwest corner of Lot 11 of said
Gardena Farms; run thence southerly
along the westerly line of said Gardena
Farms 6,623.75 feet; thence run wester-
ly to a point 1,309.8 feet north and 198
feet east of the northwest corner of Sec-
tion 13, Township 21 South, Range 30
East; thence run southerly 1,309.8 feet
to a point 198 feet east of said north-
west corner of Section 13, Township 21
South, Range 30 East; thence run east,
erly 906.5 feet; thence run north 19"20'
east 359.00 feet; thence run south 85'
east 801.9 feet; thence run south 05'
~~s'r~s~~~ill:~e;~ri~~:t-~:;:J;y t~~~~~
run northeasterty along the said we,ster,
ly ritt,of,way line of the Tuscawilla,Ga-
~~~ ~1~Ot~t;O t:nr~~t ~~~I}:~~~n~:
Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant, Plat
Book 1, Page 5, Seminole County Pub-
lic Records, less all thIiIl part ptevio.usly
lying within the city limits of the ViII age
of North Orlando, and also; Begin at the
intersection of State Road 15 and 600
(U.S. 171512) and SlataBaad-s..134 run
south 89"02'30" east 4,005.18 feet to
the P.C. of a curve concave to the
north, having a radius of 2,864.93 feet, a
central angle of 5"30'30"; thence run
northeasterly along said curve an arc
length of 275.42 laetto the P.T. of said
curve; thence run north 85"27'00" east
3,709.58 feet to the P.C. of a curve con,
cave northwesterty having a radius of
1,273.57 feet, a central angle of
18'58'00"; thence run northeasterly
along said curve an arc length of 421.48
feet to the P.T. of said curve; thence run
north 66'29'00" east 2,776.82 feet to the
P.C. of a curve concave northwesterly
having a radius of 1 ,637.28 feet. a cen-
tral angle of 17'04'00"; thence run
northeasterly along said curve an arc
length of 487.67 feet to the P.T. of said
curve; thence run north 49"25'00" east
70.24 feet to the P.C. of a curve con.
cave southeasterly having a radius of
636.62 feet, a central angle of
27'58'00"; thence run northeasterly
along said curve an arc length of 310.74
feet to the P.T. of said curve, said point
being the intersection of State Roads S-
434 and 419, less those parts lying with,
in the City of Casselberry and the City
of Longwood, Florida.
Editor's note-The current description
of the boundaries of the city is on file in
the city clerk's office.
Section 2.02. (Property added by an-
nexation since 1972.)
All property annexed to the City of
Winter Springs, Florida, since. the adop-
tion of the Charter of 1972.
Is/Mary T. Norton