HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 713 Division/Platted Lot RESOLUT I ON NO. 713 A RESOLUTiON OF THE CiTY OF WiNTER SPRiNGS, FLORIDA. PROViDiNG FOR THE DiViSiON OF AN ORiGiNALLY PLATTED LOT. HEREiNAFTER DESCRiBED. ONCE iNTO NO MORE THAN TWO (2) PARCELS OR LOTS, PURSUANT TO SECTiON 9-3 OF THE WiNTER SPRiNGS CODE OF ORDiNANCES ENTiTLED "DiViDiNG PLATTED PROPERTY"; CONFLiCTS AND EFFECTiVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 9-3 of the City Code of W'nter Springs, Florida, allOWS an owner of a lot of sufficient size. except in an approved planned Unit Development platted area, with the prior approval of the City Commission, to divide an originally platted lot once, into no more than two (2) parcels or lots, provided that each parcel or lot shail in every respect meet the criteria established elsewhere in this Code for the category of zoning under which the property is zoned; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Juanita E. Kettering, has made application to the City Commission for the following property to be divided pursuant to Section 9-3: Lot 11, North Orlando Ranches Section Pages 46 & 47, of the Public Records Florida. 1-B. plat Book 12. of Seminole County, WHEREAS, the City Commission was informed that: 1. The owner was seeking such division of the property of sufficient size; 2. The property in question is not contained in an approved planned Unit Development platted area; 3. The platted lot to be divided had not been previously divided pursuant to Section 9-3; MARYANNE MORSE CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT 465973 seminole county, fl recorded & verified 93 sep 8 am 10:12 OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2643 PAGE 0410 seminole co. fl PREPARED BY: Donald R. LeBlanc Land Development corporation City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708-2799 4. The platted lot to be divided shall be divided into no more tnan two (2) parcels or lots, and that each parcel or lot shall ln every respect meet the established criteria contained in the category of zoning under which the property is zoned. NON, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOL.VED BY THE CiTY OF WiNTER SPRiNGS, FLORiDA. AS FOLLOWS: SECTiON : 1 That the division of the originally olatted property is approved in accordance with Section 9-3 as follows: a) The following property, owned by Juanita E. Kettering is to be divided into no more than two (2) parcels or lots: Lot 11, North Orlando Ranches Section 1-B, Plat Book 12, Pages 46 & 47, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. b) The two (2) lots or parcels to be described as follows: Lot l1-A (southern portion of Lot 11) and Lot 11-8 (norther'n portion of Lot 11), North Orlando Ranches Section l-B, Plat Book 12, Pages 46 & 47of the PubIic Records of Semno I e County, Florida. SECTION II This Resoution shall remain in effect until supplemented, amended, repealed or otherwise altered. SECTION III- All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed. SECTION IV- This Resolution shall take immediately effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 23rd DAY OF August, 1998. PHILIP A. KULBES, MAYOR ATTEST: Mary T. Norton CITY CLERK OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2643 PAGE 0411 SEMINOLE CO. FL. PROPOSED LOT SPLIT OFFICIAL RECORDS B OOK 2643 PAGE 0412 SEMINOLE CO. FL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel A: Beginning at the Southweat corner of Lot 11, Harth Orlando Ranchea SEC, 1-B according to the plat thereof a. reoorded in Plat Book 12. pagea 46 , 47 of the Public record. of l.-inole Countr. Florida; Thence run South 77.45' 23" la.t along. the loutherlr line of .aid Lot 11 a diatance of 185.25 feet to the louthea.t corner of add Lot 11; Thence run Harth 12014' 37" la.t alan, the I..terl r. line of said Lot 11 a di.tance of 77.98 feet; Thence run Marth 69 16' 45" Weat a dhtance of 120.23 feet; Thence run Marth 83.21' 27" West a diatance of 26.S4 feet; Thence run Marth 7.047' 08" W..t a diatance of 35.04 feet to a point on tbe la.terl, Right-of..ar line of Sunri.e Avenue, .aid point being on a curve concaVe to the la.t and having a radiua of 975.00 f.et; Tbence run southwe.terl, along the arc of said curve a di.tance of 95.04 feet throu9h a central angle of 05.35' 07" to the Point of .e9innin9. Parcel B: Connence at the Southeast corner of Lot 11, No&'tb O&'1ando Ranche. SEC. 1-B according to the plat thereof a. recorded in Plat Book 12. at Pagea 46 , 47 of the Public Record. of S..inole Countr. Florida; Thence run North 12-14' 37" la.t alon9 the la.terlr line of aaid Lot 11 a diatance of 77.98 feet to the Point of Beginning; Thence run Horth 69-16' 45" We.t a di.tance of 120.23 feet; !bence run Harth 83.21' 27" Weat a di.tance of 26.84 feet; !henoe run Harth 74.47' OS" We.t a distance of 35.04 feet to a point on the laaterlJ Ri9ht-of-Wa, line of Sunri.e Avenue, .aid poiot J,i09 on a curve concave to the laat and havin9 a radius of '71.00 fe.t; Thence run HortheaaterlJ aloo9 the arc of .aid curve a di.tance of 95.04 feet through a central an,le of 05.35' 07" to the lortbwe.t corner of aaid Lot 11; Tbence run 'outb 6'.35' 09" la.t .10ft9 tbe Harth line of .aid Lot 11 a dhtance of 170.00 feet to the Northeaat corner of aaid Lot 11; Thence run South 11'14' 37" .eat along the laaterl, line of .aid Lot 11 a di.tance of 77.98 feet to the Point f\Begirning. CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS 20751 State Road 520. Orlando, Florida 32833 Telephone (407) 568-8759