HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 684 Transportation Impact Fee ORDINANCE NO. 684 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF W1NTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA AMENDING APPENDIX "B" . TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE WITH $561,879/LANE MILE, OF DIVISION 2-TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES AARTICLE VII -IIVIPACT FEES, CHAPTER 9 - LAND DEVELOPMENT; PPROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, is desirous of amending its Transportation Impact Fee to assure it reflects the general conditions of its ordinances, resolutions, policies and procedures; WHEREAS, it is necessary to update these Codes from time to time. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA: SECTION I - That Appendix "B" Winter Springs Ctty Transportation Impact Fee with $936,827/lane mile is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced the attached Appendix "B" Transportation Impact Fee with $561 ,8791lane mile. SECTION II - CONFLICTS. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith being the same are hereby repealed. SECTION III SEVERABILITY. If any section or portion of a section or subsection of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity. force or effect of any other section or portion or section or subsection or part of this Ordinance. SECTION IV . EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA PAUL P. PARTYKA, MAYOR ATTEST: Margo M. Hopkins CITY CLERK First Reading September 22, 1997 Posted September 23, 1997 Second Reading and Public Hearing October 13, 1997 ~~ ~e "'0 t.; ...~~ ~~~ t.;t.;) ~~~~ ~~gj Ill" O~F ",...t.; 9~~ "t.; c:: >< (5 Z I.IJ ~ <( ~:::~- :(........ Q~:!1~ >-c:~ ~~%'" o ~f!I... ~;~~ ~~c;r;; ~~~~ ~ X(,J =c; ~~13~ <...2:_ ~~ "'~ ..~ ~aS~ ~~C2~ <;Z... 01: -< ~~a <~C Q3~ n ~ u:s; ~ '" .. % .. :32'" ~o~ o~... 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Revisions were made to the roadl,vay capital improvements program which resulted in a reduced construction cost per lane mile. Based on the required capital improvements outlined and described in the City of Winter Springs Transportation Study, August 1977, the Transportation Impact Fee can be adjusted (decreased). The reduction is based on an approximately 40 percent reduction in the cost per lane mile of roadway construction, which directly results in a 40 percent reduction in the single family, multi- family and commercial/industrial impact fees. As part of our project task, we were asked to evaluate whether the projected revenues would be sufficient to construct the capital improvements projects. Based on our analysis contained herein, the program will be adequately funded. The identified transportation expenditures for 1996 thru 2010 (the planning period) total approximately $5.678 463. The projected revenues during the planning period plus the impact fee fund balance as of October 1, 1996, total approximately $5.823.370. We believe that the future revenues combined with existing funds will be adequate to fund the required transportation capital improvements. We recommend that the new lane mile cost of $561.879 and the associated revisions to Appendix B of the Transportation Impact Fee of the Code of Ordinances be adopted. W04S900.FEE/tmz CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS The proposed capital improvements program lS shown in Tables I and 2. The program is divided into four phases through the planning period (1996 - 2010) and represems the roadway projects necessary to maintain traffic flow throughout the City of Winter Springs. The proposed capital improvements program is based on the results of the City of Winter Springs Transportation Study. Table 3 illustrates the calculation of the lane miles of proposed construction which was used to re-calculate the cost per lane mile for the City of Winter Springs transportation capital improvements program. The total cost of the program, $5,678.463, was divided by 10.1062 tune lIliks. which resulted in a cost per lane mile of $561.879. The fee table of the existing ordinance, Appendix B, was revised by inputting the new lane mile cost. The existing Appendix B contained in the City Code of Ordinances was based on $936,827 per lane mile. This represents a decrease in the transportation impact fee of approximately 40 percent. The new Appendix B is attached. W04S900.FEEltmz TABLE 1 NEEDED CITY TR.-\.NSPORT A TION IlYIPROVEMENTS WINTER SPRINGS TRANSPORT A TION STUDY Facilitv Em.m IQ Improvement ~ ~ Panama Road Moss Road Edgemon Ave. Pave & Drainage 5[14,827 Hayes Road North of Pavement on Bahama Road Hayes Road Pave & Drainage 5214,678 Moss Road Panama Road Pavement on Moss Road Pave & Drainage S169.250 Hayes Road Replace Bridge! 5408,158 Raise Road Moss Road Replace Bridge! 5411,550 Raise Road SUBTOTAL PHASE I SI.318.463 Bahama Road Shore Road. Hayes Road Paving & Drainage II 5350,000 Panama Road Shore Road Moss Road Paving & Drainage II 5340,000 Fisher Road Panama Road City Limits Paving & Drainage II 5750,000 Hayes Road Intersection w/S.R. 434 Add Tllrn Lanes II S 150.000 SUBTOTAL PHASE II 52.090,000 Moss Road S.R.419 S.R.434 4 Lanes [[[ SI,OOO,OOO SUBTOTAL PHASE III S 1.000,000 Winter Spgs. Blvd. Northern Way Northern Way Add Turn lanes IV S250,000 ( east section) SUBTOTAL PHASE IV S250,000 TOTAL (1996-2010) ROADS S4,658,463 WOolS900.FEE/tml: TABLE 2 NEEDED CITY TRANSPORT A TrON IiY[PRO VEMENTS Traffic Si,?nals S.R. 434 & Tuscora Drive S.R. 434 & Vista Willa Drive S.R. 419 & Edgemon Avenue S.R. 419 & Moss Road Moss Road & Dolphin Winter Springs Boulevard & Nortliern Way Northern Way & Shetland Avenue Northern Way & Tuscora Drive Northern Way & Vista Willa Drive Trotwood Boulevard & Northern Way Edgemon A venue & Shepard Road Winter Springs Boulevard & Northern Way (easternmost) SUBTOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS ~ 535,000 535,000 5 35,000 S 85,000 S 75,000 S 30,000 575,000 575,000 $ 75,000 S 75,000 S 75,000 S 75,000 S 1,020,000 WQ<4j900.FEEllntZ TABLE J LANE MILE CALCULA TrONS Ph as e I Facility Emm lQ lane Miles Panama Road Moss Road Edgemon Ave. .3277 Hayes Road North of Pavement on Bahama Road Hayes Road .6193 Moss Road Panama Road Pavement on Moss Road .50J8 Hayes Road Bddge .3733 Moss Road Bridp;e .3788 Phase II Bahama Road Shore Road Hayes Road 0.7576 Panama Road Shore Road Moss Road 1.780J Fisher Road Panama Road City Limits i.6288 Hayes Road Intersection w/S.R. 4J4 O. [394 Phase III Mass Road S.R.419 S.R. 4J4 2.!212 Phase IV Winter Spgs. Blvd. ~orthem Way Northern Way t.4205 ( east section) TOTAL LANE MILES 10.1062 (1996-2010) WQ45900.FEE/tmz WQ..S9QO.F2E1tmz PROJECTED REY"ENUES We prepared, as Table 4, a commercial/industrial development mix over the proposed planning period to approximate the amount of revenue which would be provided by the projected commercial/industrial development. The development mix was used to illustrate how various development types on the vacant land would provide the anticipated gro\vth. The resulting revenue was calculated from the proposed Appendix B. Within the planning period (1996-2010), it was projected that 4,028 employees would be added within the commercial/industrial tracts of the City of Winter Springs. This was based on 16 employees per buildable acre. The planning data received indicated that approximately 252 buildable acres would be develo'ped for commercial/industrial use over the planning period. This is total gross acreage and actual net building square footage for estimating impact fees was obtained by using 20% of this figure as the actual building size available. This figure is based on using 20% of the site for public rights- of-way/easements, 20% for retention requirement, 20% for parking, 20% for open space and 20% for building. This resulted in building square footage of2, 195,000 square feet during the planning period. We used this number as our target value in Table 4- to estimate the approximate value of revenues from the transportation impact fee. Please note that the square footage in Table 4 is slightly higher than the tar.get value. We estimate tpe revenue to be approximately $2.141.989 over the planning period. The estimated impact fee revenues for single family construction are ~ 1.150.2\6, based on the construction of 1,291 single family units. During the planing period, 1,667 single family units were projected. Of these, 376 units are covered by existing developer agreements and were paid for by impact fee credits. The estimated impact fee revenues for multi-family construction are $374,976, based on the construction of 744 multi-family units. The estimated balance in the impact fee fund at the beginning of the planning period (October 1,1996) was $'2.156.189. The addition of these figures produces a grand total of$5.8'23.370 which is roughly equivalent to. the capltal improvements program for the planning period. W045900.FEE/rn14 TABLE 4 PROJECTED IlYIPACT FEE / DEVELOPLYIENT lYIIX (1996 - 2010) Proj. Average Total Squar~ Fee Total Category Units Qty. Size Units Footage Per Unit Proj. Fee ( I 000) INDUSTRIAL General Light Industria! 1000 SF 4 100000 400 400 914.75 5:365,900 Warehousing 1000 SF 2 100000 200 200 1154.29 5230,353 Mini-Warehouse SU 3 500 1500 375 26.44 539.660 LODGING Motel RJ.'v I 125 p- 37.5 592.07 574.009 _:l RECREA TIONAL Movie Theater SCR 6 6 120 15610.92 593.666 iNSTITUTIONAL Church 1000 SF 3 10000 30 30 573.93 517,218 Day Care 1000 SF 4 5000 20 20 981.72 519,634 Lodge/fraternal MEM 2 500 1000 100 24.53 $14,530 OFFICE General Office Bldg. 1000 SF 50000 50 50 2093.45 5 104.672 COMMERCrAL Bldg. Mtls./Lumber 1000 SF 80000 80 80 1443.53 5115,886 Specialty Retail 1000 SF 30000 30 30 1689.68 550,690 Discount Store 1000 SF 2 100000 200 200 963.66 5 I 92,732 Nursery/Garden Store 1000 SF I 10000 to 10 10.48.83 510,439 Retail (25,000 to 50,000 SF) 1000 SF 4 37500 150 150 1453.95 52 I 8,343 Retail (50,000 to 99,999 SF) 1000 SF 2 75000 150 ISO 1707.67 5256,151 Quality Restaurant 1000 SF 2 9000 18 18 5178.58 593,214 High Turnover Sit-down Rest 1000 SF 2 5000 !O 10 3954.79 539,548 Fast wlo Drivethru 1000 SF ., 2800 5.6 5.6 10343.83 557,953 .. Fast wi Drive thru 1000 SF 2 3000 6 6 8894.02 553,364 Auto Car~ Center 1000 SF 3 6000 13 /3 963.64 517,346 Tire Store 1000 SF 2 5000 10 10 833.33 S3,884- Convenience Stor~ w/pumps 1000 SF 2 2500 5 5 1970.52 59.853 Furniture Store 1000 SF 2 30000 160 160 140.37 522,459 Walk-in Bank 1000 SF 3000 3 8 1452.32 511,619 Drive Thru Bank 1000 SF 3500 3.5 3.5 3660.47 SI2,812 TOTALS 2196.6 52.141.989 -- ~::~::::~~ l::: -.*o,I:C.....hI_ 0- CEV ~"-F~"'M~~--fW-~-~~%~~V~~ ~. ;<... E E 1. ." DE.' . ~. 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NO ADOPTION DATE ON ORDINANCE ; WAS APPROVED IN OCTOBER 13, 1997 MEETING.