HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 406 Governor's Committee Construction RESOLUTION NO. 406 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, OPPOSING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE GOVERNOR'S COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. WHEREAS, the Governor's Committee for the Study of the Construction Industry has made recommendations, and WHEREAS, many of the recommendations would provide for mandatory and restrictive elements which would severely limit the City of Winter Springs ability to manage the Building Department, and WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs opposes these recommendations as proposed by the Governor's Committee for the Study of the Construction Industry (Vogt Committee), NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA SECTION I - That the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, vigorously opposes these recommendations as proposed by the Governor's Committee for the Study of the Construction Industry (Vogt Committee). SECTION II - That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Governor's Committee for the Study of the Construction Industry (Vogt Committee) and to the Florida League of Cities. Passed and adopted this 25 day of January, 1983. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA JOHN V. TORCASO, MAYOR ATTEST: Mary T. Norton City Clerk FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES, INC. 201 WEST PARK AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 1757 904/222/9684 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 RECEIVED Jan 3, 1993 December 29, 1982 URGENT ACTION MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager/City Clerks FROM: Raymond c. Sittig, Executive Director RE: COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY The governor's committee for the Study of the construction Industry (Vogt Committee) will be holding publich hearings to discuss their final recommendations early in January. THESE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE BEING VIGOROUSLY OPPOSED BY YOUR LEAGUE. MOST OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS PROVIDE FOR MANDATORY AND RESTRICTIVE ELEMENTS WHICH WOULD SEVERLY LIMIT YOUR CITY'S ABILITY TO MANAGE YOUR BUILIND DEPARTMENT. IRONICALLY, MANY OF YOUR EMPLOYEES (BUILDING OFFICIALS) ARE THE STRONGEST SUPPORTERS OF THESE PROPOSALS. THE RECOMMENDATIONS INCLUDE: 1) Mandatory state certication of all building inspectors by July 1, 1986; and the necessary fees, rules and regulations to implement this certification. 2) All building permit fees must be resticted exclusively (By the trust fund) to the building department. 3) Building officials responsibilities will be limited to construction codes only by state law. 4) In issuing building permits, building officials will be limited exclusively to plans and specifications that directly affect the health, safety and welfare of the general public or occupants. All other features woul be specifically excluded from Building Department permitting responsibilities. 5)that plan review and construction inspection for fire safety be mandatorily transferred from local fire departments to the building department. 6) A "receover" frund be established at the state (from interest earned on mandatory certification fees) to allow payments up to $20,000 for contractor losses suffered by owners of small residential construction. 7) That the business entity and the contractor be equally responsible for construction problems and authorize up to $5,000 in administrative fines. 8) Provides for a "threshold" category of construction which would include all buildings with more than 15,000 square feet; more than two stories or twenty-five (25) feet in height; and building constructed for assembly in excess of 5000 square feet or of unusual design. For threshold City Managers/City Clerks December 29, 1982 Page 2 construction, t!:.e a...ner ViOuld l::e obliged to ::;l..-a::.re S"".0='Cial insF€Ctors as required b.f b.ri.lcling depa.."'i:rr81t for It structural frarr;2'hOrk". A"TIenCl state building c:cCe to f~~. that 1:1'.2 cy,.;ner provi.de ::'utside e:-:perts for "p=ofessioI"_::U review" of construction. J...mend state building c:oCe to increase ri1inhr.um electrical aDd me<::f1..3.l1.ica1 constn:ction require:re.:."1ts. All general contractors, for their first five years, be re:.::.-::3red to searre a $25,000 lico..nse bor:d. I pQ--,\ S1..~. crnk7 ",vi t:;"~-'7 G~~ A "ccr:mittee" be set up to review prop:>sa1s tr..at sChool and state constructio..""l o:::rrply vlit..l} local codes. 'Ih.:> Depar: wl.:=....1t of Professional R..'=>g'U1ation advised League Staff in a merrorandum received DecErrlber 23, 1982 that the Ccmni.ttee for the Sixdy of the Construction Industry (Vogt Cr::m:nittee) will hold public hearings to discuss their final rec.cm:rSldations. The four public hearings are scheduJ..ed as follaH's: January 6, 1983 Janua:r:y 7, 1983 Pensa.cola Junior College 1000 College Boulevard North Dining Rcan P~~cola, Florida 32504 Ricl>..ard P. Daniel En i J n ; "'g III Coast Line nri ve, East Suite 409 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 TIME: 10:00 A.M. TIME: 10:00 A.M. January 11, 1983 City Council Chambe_'\'""S Third Floor of City Hall 315 East Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33611 Tn-:iE: 10:00 A.M. JaDuary 12, 1983 Ft. LaudE?-~e City Hall 100 North Andrews Avenue City Ccmnission Roan Ft. lauderdale, Florida 33304 TIME: 10: 00 A.M. League Staff will be atterlding the January 11, 1983 public hearing in Tc....':p3.. Your ma.~g~t and elected officials sr...ould pla..""l to atte.;d these meetings. RCS:1j cc: FLC Board of Direc+...ors FI.C t....rba.'1 Administration Ccrrmittee