HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 551 Board Member Compensation AMENDED ORDINANCE NO. 551 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A FEE TO BE PAID EACH MEMBER OF A BOARD APPOINTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHED CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, is desirous of reimbursing each person appointed by the City Commission to a volunteer City board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I - That each person appointed by the City Commission for the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall receive the sum of$25.0Q for each meeting of the Board the person attends as reimbursement for all expenses incurred in attending the meeting. SECTION II - That any person who is a member of an appointed City Board shall have the right to waive acceptance of any reimbursement. SECTION III - That any ordinances or resolutions in conflict here- with are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. All ordinances or resolutions pre-existing this ordinance and setting the fees or reimbursements for any appointed board in the City is hereby repealed. SECTION IV - This ordinance shall take effect upon passage. Passed and Adopted this 24th day of January , 1994. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA JOHN F. BUSH, MAYOR ATTEST: Mary T. Norton CITY CLERK First Reading Sept. 27, 1993 Posted Oct. 1, 1993 Public Hearing 12/13/93 Posted12/15/93 Public Hearing & 2nd Reading 1/24/94 -- -- - - - -- - -.. -- - -.. -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- The Orlando Sentinel Published Daily $50.40 ~tatt of $lortba } 5.5. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the unde,"-signed authority personally appeared BEI'SY HADDAD , who on oath says that he/she is the Legal Advertising Representative of The Orlando Sentinel, a dally newspaper published at CASSELBJ:"RRY in SE1HNOlE County, Florida; tnafthe attached copy of advertisement, being a NOT ICE Of PUBLIC H inthematterof ORDINANCE NO- 551 in the SEMINOLE Court, was published in said newspaper in the issue; of 11/21 '93 Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at CASSELBERRY ,in said ~INOlE County, Florida, and t at the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously publiShed in said SEMINOLE County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in CASSELBERRY in said SEMINOLE County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. (SEAL) J J\ .My J LiHe Commission #= CCOa:J02 "'.JTlCE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE OF HEREBY GIVEN by the City Commission of the City 01 Wonter serings Florida that said Commission Will hold a Pubiic Hearing on an ordi- nance antltled as follows: ORDiNANCE NO. 551 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ES- TABLISHING A FEE TO BE PAID EACH MEMBER OF A BOARD Ap. POINTED BY THE CITY COMMIS- SION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA; ESTAB- LISHED CONFLICTS, SEVERABIL- ITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. This Public Hearing will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday. December .13. 11193, or as soon thereafter as posSible In the Commission Chamber, ~ Hall, 11.26 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, FlOrida 32708. . Copies of the proposed ordInance are available in the office of the City Clerk for inspection. Interested parties may appear at this hearing and be heard with respect to this proposed ordinance. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEED- ING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD -CON1'AOT- THE EMPLOYEE RELATIONS DIlPAI'lTMEMT ADA CO- ORDINATOR'" HOURS .. .It1ltIIWCE OF THE MIE11N& Nr/l1GJ\'S... PERS0fl8 AM AOVt8l. ~t IF THEY DECIOE TO AfIIIIllL Nfl( DECI- SIONS MADE AT THESE MEETING. S/HEARINGS, THEY WIU. NIIO ARE. CORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY MAY NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTI- MONy' AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED, PER SECTION 286.0105, FLORIDA STATUTES. - Daled this 21 at day of November, 1993. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Is/Mary T. Norton, Mary T. Norton City Clerk SLSBH63028 NOV.21 ,1993 "1 18. 199,t - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- ~ - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- ~tate of jflotilla } 5.5. COUNTY OF ORANGE (f{fANlTA ROSADO Before the undersigned authority personally appeared , who on oath says that he/she is the Legal Advertisi~Rel2.resentative of The Orlando Sentinel, a dally newsllaper published at CAS~lHERRY in SEMINOLE County, Florida; thattheattachedcQP.YOfadvertisement,bein.'fla NOTICE OF PURl Ie H in the matter of O!:S.JUNANCE NO. 55 1 in the SEMINOLE Court, was published in said newspaper in the issue; of 0]'/02/94 NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEREBY GIVEN by the City Commission of the City 01 Winter Springs, Florida, that said Commission will hold a Public Hearing on an ordi- nance entitled as follows: AMENDED ORDINANCE NO. 551 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ES- TABLISHING A FEE TO BE PAID EACH MEMBER OF A BOARD AP- POINTED BY THE CITY COMMIS- SION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA, ESTAB- LISHED CONFLICTS, SEVERABIL- ITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. This Public Hearing will be held at 7:30 p.m. on January 24, 1994, or as soon thereafter as possible In the Commis- sion Chamber City Hall, 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708, Copies 01 the proposed ordinance are available in the office 01 the City Clerk lor inspection, Interested parties may appear at this hearing and be, heard with respect to this proposed ordinance, PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEED- ING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE EMPLOYEE RELATIONS DEPARTMENT ADA CO- ORDINATOR 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING AT (407) 327-1800, PERSONS ARE ADVISED THAT IF THEY DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECI- SIONS MADE AT THESE MEETING- S/HEARINGS, THEY WILL NEED A RE- CORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY MAY NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTI- MONy' AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED, PER SECTION 286,0105, FLORIDA STATUTES Dated this 2nd day of January, 1994, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ~~~ryT T N~~;~N City Clerk SLSCT64005 JAN,2,1994 The Orlando Sentinel Published Daily $S() 4() Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at ~El9t~RY , in said IN County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said SEMINOLf" County, Florida, each Week Da and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in C E BE in said S E County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any di unt, rebate, commission or refund for th!y u ose of securi this a v rtisement}Q.~r publication in the said newsraper. crro-U day of ;'1,',11' (SEAL) The fore~Qlll.q instrument waf, ack ..JANUARY 1994 , -, who is personally known to me and who did take C o.ath~~ ~ BEVERLY C. SIMMONS My Cornm Exp. 3/10/97 Bonded By Service Ins No. CC26J839 IJ Pet~ known IJ lh' t. o. --"._~""-""_,..~_._.,",_...-...-...._._...,-_.,~. ---.......,~. .."""-'~" .~""""''''.'''~''''--'''-'~._~<..,-..- ~-_.._'..._--,~" -~..- SENT BY: Xerox Telecopier 12-13-93 10:07AM TO: CITY OF WINTER SPGS FROM DAVID MCLEOD FAX #: 327-6912 December 13, 1993 TO The City of Winter Springs ATTN: The Honorable John F. Bush and The Commission RE Ordinance Number 551 After several discussions on the part of the Board members, we have come to the following conclusion: 1. The Board does not feel that it is going to affect the city budget one way or another weather we are paid fifteen dollars ($15.00) per meeting or fifty dollars ($50.00) per month. 2. The Board does not feel that the money should serve as an incentive for any board to have extra, unnecessary meetings per month. 3. The P & Z Board members set on this Board for the Public service they perform, and not for the monies they receive. Respectfully, DAVID W. McLEOD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Beautification of Winter Springs Board October 13, 1993 Dear Mayor Kulbus and City Commissioners: I have polled the Beautification Board about the money paid to them monthly, as you requested. The Board unanimously agreed that the $50 monthly reimbursement should be kept. It is in our opinion that there should be no changes. The Board also felt if there should be one or two absences a year, the Board Member should still receive their reimbursement check. They felt even if they miss a meeting, they still have assignments to work on and carry out. If a Board Member misses his third meeting in one year, they should be docked. We urge you to make no changes. If the Boards are important to the City, then they should be worth the reimbursement money spent by the City. Thank You, Jean Jacobs Chairman B.O.W.S. JJ:jl RECEIVED OCT 11 1993 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL William A. Jacobs 207 Sweetgum Court Winter Springs, FL 32708 Mary Norton City Clerk City of Winter Springs Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Mary, Enclosed please find a letter to the Mayor and City Commissioners. I request that the Mayor and each member of the Commission, City Manager and City Attorney receive a copy of my letter. I also request that my letter to the Mayor and City Commissioners be read into the minutes, prior to the discussion when "the proposed Resolution on Payments to the Board" comes up on the agenda. Please let me know if you have a problem with this request. You can reach me at work (407) 383-2550 or at home (407) 695-0509. Thank you TO: Mayor, City Commission FROM: William A. Jacobsl RE: Proposed Resolution on Payments to the Boards DATE: September 13,1993 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since around 1976 I have served as a City Commissioner, member of the Planning and Zoning, Board of Adjustment, Charter Revision, District Committee, Florida Municipal Pension Fund and currently I am on the Pension Board. As you can see, I have been on both sides, some with payment and some without payment My purpose is to give you comments, based on years of service to the City through my experience on many boards concerning your proposed Resolution on Payments to the Boards. If you would read the Resolutions providing payments to the Boards, the Mayor and City Commissioners you will see it contains the same language, "expense reimbursement. .for natural and necessary expenses." In Resolution number 590, providing payment to the Mayor, $500.00 per month, Deputy Mayor, $400.00 per month, and City Commissioners, $350.00 per month "for expense reimbursement. . for expenditures naturally and necessarily incurred," not a salary. You are receiving from SEVEN TO TEN TIMES THE AMOUNT PER MONTH PAID TO BOARD MEMBERS who qualify under similar Resolutions under IDENTICAL STANDARDS. Recently, I did some research at City Hall. I read over the minutes for the past three years. During this time, the City Commission met on an average of slightly over two meetings per month. If you break their payments down to a per meeting basis, at two meetings per month, the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and City Commissioners would receive $250.00, $200.00, and $175.00 per meeting respectively. Board members, who qualify, receive only $50.00 per month. I know, and I am sure you are aware that some boards usually the Planning and Zoning Board, meet as many as four times a month. Also, I am sure if you check the time the City Commissioners spend at meetings now, you will fmd that they are spending about 1 hour less than in the 70's and 80's. During that time there was more business to conduct because of the tremendous growth the City was experiencing. If you agree there is less business to conduct, this may explain why some Boards are meeting less, namely the Board of Adjustment and probably the Planning and Zoning Board (except for special projects). I certainly do not resent or oppose the monies paid to the Mayor or City Commissioners, you may well be underpaid. What I do resent and oppose is your apparent attitude. By proposing a reduction in payments to only the Boards, your implying that your time is more valuable and you are more important than others who serve the City. This is my impression from listening to the tape of the meeting where you tried to pass this Resolution, without input and without including yourselves. You want to reduce payments to the Boards because they're not meeting as often as in the past. Maybe the City Commission and some boards are putting in less hours than years past, however if a change is necessary, the change should apply to ALL. Not only is your proposed Resolution reducing the Boards' payments going to anger many who serve the City, you may well have insulted them ($15.00 per meeting for gas and a babysitter for some meetings that may last over four hours is an insult). I know there are some members on various Boards that do not want any payment, some that need the money to pay for out of pocket expenses, and some that ___their pay to justify spending many hours away from their families. However, our Mayor and Commissioner did not know this, for they did not ask for any input from those directly effected. GET ALL THE INFORMA nON AND BE FAIR. I agree, there is a problem in attendance and some Boards may not be meeting as often as in the past. By proposing this reduction in payments, without even getting input from the Boards' members, YOU ARE GOING ABOUT IT THE WRONG WAY. Fortunately, the City Attorney advised against it. It seems to me by attempting to pass this Resolution you are demonstrating what is wrong with the United States Congress. THE CONGRESS PASSES LAWS THAT AFFECTS OTHERS, BUT EXEMPTS THEMSELVES DIRECTLY OR THROUGH OMISSION. So if you decide to adopt this Resolution which reduces board members' reimbursements and eliminates pay for non-attendance, then REDUCE YOUR PAY proportionately and DO NOT PAY YOURSELVES for non-attendance. DO NOT do what our Congress does. My point is, 1HINK before you pass this Resolution. Make sure you don't hold the Boards to a higher standard than you hold yourself. Make sure your decision is in the best interest of the City. I know you do not want it to backfIre. My recommendation is to mirror the Mayor/City Commission compensation scale as follows: · Chairman $75.00 per meeting with a maximum of $150.00 · Vice-Chairman $60.00 per meeting with a maximum of $120.00 · Members $50.00 per meeting with a maximum of $100.00 Conversely, pay yourselves $250.00 for the Mayor, $200.00 for the Deputy Mayor and $175.00 for the City Commissioner per meeting, with a maximum of $500.00, $400.00, $350.00 respectively, based on attendance. ORDINANCE NO. 551 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHrNG A FEE TO BE PAID) EACH MEMBER OF A BOARD APPOINTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHED CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, is desirous of reimbursing each person appointed by the City Commission to a volunteer City Board; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: 1. That each person appointed by the city commission for the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall receive the sum of $15.00 for each meeting of the Board the person attends as reilnbursement for all expenses incurred in attending the meeting. 2. That any person who is a member of an appointed City Board shall have the right to waive acceptance of any reimbursement. 3 . That any ordinances or resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. (handwritten ilegible) 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon passage. DONE AND PASSED THIS DAY OF , 1993. Fees or reimbursements to any appointed board in the City is hereby repealed. MAYOR CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ,^ \L~',~ 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Beautification of 'Winter Springs Board October 13, 1993 Dear Mayor Kulbus and City Commissioners: I have polled the Beautification Board about the money paid to them monthly, as you requested. The Board unanimously agreed that the $50 monthly reimbursement should be kept. It is in our opinion that there should be no changes. The Board also felt if there should be one or two absences a year, the Board Member should still receive their reimbursement check. They felt even if they miss a meeting, they still have assignments to work on and carry out. If a Board Member misses his third meeting in one year, they should be docked. We urge you to make no changes. If the Boards are important to the City, then they should be worth the reimbursement money spent by the City. Thank You, 5k- r~ Jean Jacobs Chairman B.O.W.S. JJ: j 1 ~~j ~~t:=: I~~ \~"~'.1-=S;i (' - ;.J ~,~. <,......1 i \ ~\~< l,.:;'~ ~1 v.... OCT 11 1393 (.....-r'v '..Ji\ ' ...- (',.........."1("(.. CF 'tIlNTtR .)f r<li'1U.J Sin h;',Ll