HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 482 Easement/Chestnut Ridge ORDINANCE NO. 482 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ABANDONING AN EXISTING THIRTY FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN CHESTNUT RIDGE; DEDICATING AND RELOCATING A DRAINAGE DITCH EASEMENT IN CHESTNUT RIDGE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the owner of the property described below, American Pioneer's Partners, Inc., has petitioned the City of Winter Splings, Florida, to vacate and relocate by dedication a drainage ditch easement located in Chestnut Ridge; and WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs, Florida, has considered the petition of the owner of the property described below, American Pioneer, and has determined that the relocation of the drainage easement is satisfactory and in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs, Florida; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION I: The following described drainage easement of Chestnut Ridge is hereby vacated for purposes of relocation: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Lot No. 47 of Fairway Oaks, Unit 1, as recorded in Plat Book 23, Pages 96 through 98, all of the Public Recol?d"s of Seminole County, Florida, said corner also being on the westerly right-of-way of Oxbow Lane on a curve having a tangent bearing of N.420-58'-01" W.; Thence Northerly along the arc of said curve concave Northerly, having a radius of 450.00 feet, a central angle of 050-43'-45", a distance of 45.00 feet to the Point and Place of Beginning; Thence S.490-27'-33"W., 170.30 feet to a point; Thence S.410- 57'-12"W., 214.51 feet to a point on the Northerly right- of-way of Northern Way; Thence along said Northerly right-of-way of Northern Way S.850-14'-00"E., 37.66 feet to a point; Thence N.410-57'-12"E., 239.23 feet to a point; Thence N. 490-27' -33"E., 173.50 feet to a point on a curve on the Westerly right-of-way of said Oxbow Lane, said curve having a tangent bearing of S.380-25'-29"E.; Thence Southerly along the arc of said curve concave Northerly, having a radius of 450.00 feet, a central angle of 030-49'-25", a distance of 30.03 feet to the Point and Place of Beginning. SECTION II: The following described property is dedicated as a drainage easement in Chestnut Ridge for purposes of relocation; Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot No. 47 of Fairway Oaks, Unit 1, as recorded in Plat Book 23, Pages 96 through 98, of the Public Records of Seminole OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2187 PAGE 1985 SEMINOLE CO. FL. MARYANNE MORSE CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SEMINOLE CO. FL 047636 RECORDED & VERIFIED 1990 JUN 6 AM 9 21 OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2187 PAGE 1986 SEMINOLE CO. FL. County, Florida, said corner also being on the Westerly right-of-way of Oxbow lane on a curve having a tangent bearing of N.410-14'-19"W.; Thence Northerly along the arc of said curve concave Northerly, having a radius of 450.00 feet, a central angle of 090-11'-08", a distance of 72.14 feet to the Point and Place of Beginning; Thence S.860-08'-38"W., 115.26 feet to a point; Thence S.100- 52'-23"W., 150.11 feet to a point; Thence S.420-10'- 27"W., 182.83 feet to a point on the Northerly right- of -way of Northern way; Thence along said Northerly right-of-way of Northern way S.850-14'-00"E., a distance of 18.88 feet; Thence N.420-10'-27"E., a distance of 190.10 feet to a point; then N100-52'-23"E., a distance of 157.47 feet to a point; thence N.860-08'-38"E., a distance of 117.57 feet to a point on a curve on the Westerly right-of-way of said Oxbow Lane, said curve having a tangent bearing of S.350-31'-26"E., thence Southerly along the arc of said curve concave Northerly, having a radius of 450.00 feet, a central angle of 020- 14' -39", a distance of 17.63 feet and the Point and Place of Beginning. SECTION III: The relocation of the Chestnut Ridge drainage easement described in Sections I and II above are made pursuant to a scale diagram of the Chestnut Ridge easement relocation dated April 4, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and hereby adopted and approved. SECTION IV: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict SECTION V: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its Passed and adopted this 14th day of May, 1990. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LEANNE M. GROVE, MAYOR ATTEST: Mary T. Norton CITY CLERK THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: H. CLAY PARKER, IV PARKER, JOHNSON, OWEN, MCGUIRE, MICHAUD, LANG & KRUPPENBACHER, P.A. 1300 Barnett Plaza, 201 S. Orange Ave. Orlando, FL 32801 OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2187 PAGE 1986 SEMINOLE CO. FL. First Reading: April 9, 1990 Posted: April 10, 1990 Public Hearing and 2nd Reading: May 14, 1990 2 Dffje.~^t,Rf. eDRU& aaOK PACE EXHIBIT "A" { 33 \ 48 SEMINOl! CO. FL \ ll. - 02'14'39. \ ..... R - 450.00' 'Ie- ..... T - 8.81' \ L - 17.63' .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ~ CHESTNUT RIDGE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ..... 37 ..... ..... ..... ..... 46 35 45 I / / --- CClIAlC>>l ARf.A S 85"1....00. E NORTHERN WA Y -- - - - - - - CHESTNUT RIDGE EASEMENT RELOCATION DAlE PROLCT NO. 04/04/90 88031.01 I ~ SCALE SHEET NO. , ~o '"-60' ~ , The8rlarido Sentinel Publiahed Daily A1tamonte Spring., Seminole County, Florida ADVERTISING CHARGE $37.28 ~~::~ O~;)R:~;:ribn} SS. , who on oath says that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Juanita Ibsado ~tilt~ .......~.G!'.~..0I'dt- "lDIowINb. ' AN ~.OF OF WfN'l'EftSf'RlNGS;" A. ABANDONING AN '1YFOOT~ IN CHESTNUT ftlOGE;OEll1CfI<T. ING ANI) REtOCAllNG A DRAlN- AGE DITCH EASEMENT IN CHEST. NUT RIDGE; f>ROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS AND' EFFECTIVE n:~ He&ringwlll bllheld at 7:30 p.m. on 1IondBy,IIlIy 14, ~IIO, or as lIOOlI thlIr8lIIIer as ppIelble' In \he Com. mission ChlImber. ClIy H8Il. 1126 EaSt S'R 434 WlnIIIr............. FI. 32708. ". Of \he ~ ordIllance are =- in lh8 ~ of \he ClIy c:Ierk foriJ18peClion. lntel"estecI paItleS~~j :: at lhis ~ and be. n.....u --- to !his --........ onlinlInCe ...... advisediiBiT they dec:ld8 PerlIOnS. ,decisiOn made at lhis' :::.=;' u: Will need 'a ~ of !he ~ and for such putpOIl8..they may need to en$UAt tI'l,iII a VIirbatIm .re- cord of \he ~ i81nad8 whic!l record includes \he llIetimQnyand 8YI- =~:~~":ri~ StatuI8S. ,. Dated lhis llllh dav of AI:ri..1990. CITY oF~' SPRINGS. FLORIDA Js/tMIv T. Nolton Mary 1'. Nolton City CIet'k 1.&881 (8s) I\pr .22,1990 published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad. vertisement, being a Notice of Public Hearing Ordinance No. 482 in the matter of in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of Apri 1 22, ] ggO Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin- uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the 'd newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day of April A.D., 19 90 NOTA"' p::J6w~t ~tb. . .' Exp"'cs M!lY 5 1991 Notary Public My Commiss\On . II ' RICAN PIONEER CAS'\JALTY INS. CO. Bonded BY AMl ~ FORM NO. AD-264 ~~ ~-->--- Orlando Offia _ 1300 BARNETT PlAZA . 201 SOUTH ORANGE AVENUE. ( '), FLORIDA 32801 TELEPHONE: (407) 425-4910. FACSIMILE (407) 423-3140 Boca RaIDn OjJke 400 LAKE WYMAN PlAZA. 2424 NOIITH FEDERAL HIGHWAY. BOCA RPJUN, FLORIDA 33431 TELEPHONE (407) 392-0540 . FACSIMILE (407) 392-0582 pARKER · JOHNSON · OWEN · Mct.._.R[ MICHAUD · rANG · KRUPPENBACHER, P.A. Attorneys at Law H. Clay Parke~ Esq Address all replies to- POST OFFICE BOX 2867 ORlANDO, FLORIDA 32801 April 6, 1990 Ms. Mary Norton City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Sprinqs, FL 32708 RE: Ordinance No. 482 and 483 Dear Mary: Pursuant to my note which accompanied the above- referenced Ordinances which were fax'ed to you on AprilS, 1990, I am enclosing Ordinance No. 482 and Ordinance No. 483. Please attach the scale map from Blount and Sikes as Exhibit "A" to Ordinance No. 482. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ~cfp~ Susan L. Jones, Legal Assistant to H. CLAY PARKER, IV :slj Enclosures April 5, 1990 FROM: City Manager ~ Land Development coordinato~' TO: RE: Ordinance 482, First Reading This is the ordinance that the Commission asked the developer to see if another routing could be accomplished to give Lot 34 a better buildable area. The attached is the result of this request. /fg attach. cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk /" ,::/ l~; l:::J~ t""I'<UIYI ~LUUNI b!Kcb ~ HbbUC TO 3276912 P.02 Consulting Engineers & Surveyors PRINCIPALS: Wesley E. Blount, P.L.S. · John M. Sikes. P.E. · Lowry E. Rockett. P.E. Apri 1 4, 1990 Mr. Frank Kruppenbacher Parker, Johnson, Owen, McGuire, Michaud, Lang and Kruppenbacher Post Offi ce Box 2867 Orlando, Florida 32802 Reference: Chestnut Ridge Engineer's Project No. 88031.01 Dear Mr. Kruppenbacher: Enclosed please find revised Easement Abandonment Request for Chestnut Ridge. As you recall, on March 26, 1990, the Winter Springs City Corrmission advised us to review the proposed easement location and see if we could create a larger buildable area for Lot 34. We have moved the proposed drainage easement to the northern side of the Lot, which increases the buildable area. This proposed easement will repl ace the exi sting drai nage easement that we request to be abandoned. Please find attached map and legal description of the above referenced easements. 00 not hesitate to call should you have any questions. Sincerely, 81.0,UNT SIKES & ASSOCI~T~ ____' ~ ~ ~7 ~ ~hn R. Russell, Jr. JRR/fkp cc: Mr. Donald LeBlanc ~ illill @ ~[}!J1J APR 0 4 90 BLOUNT SIKES & ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 547i59. Orlando, Florida 32854-7759. Office: 1199 N. Otange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32804 (407) 894.3804 ~6 12: 02 FROfol . BLOUNT S U<ES 8. HSSOC m 3276912 P.03 EXHIBIT "A" ~ ~O \ ~ \ -~ \ -- ~ A - 02"14'39* \ .... ~ ''''So!: ~ · 4~OO' y.- ~ T . 8.81' \ (<\ L - 17.e3' ,,> ~ ~~ ~~ \ EXIsTING ~. ~ ~~~ \ DROP INLET ~~~ ~~ ~~ \ (. ~ 86'08'31- E .....!!!.~L '~I' ~ "- J. Ij) q \, -- ~#!' ;.~~ rc; _ ~ :'0(,. -<~ ~.)-.~>,. ',~ ,-- Sii"'W'JS" w 1'$.26 ....."':~ '\~ """, ~;I'''':'CO.~ /..- I ", .!..f'to? ~. ">- 'J!. / ..... 0;'&01: ('.... I / 34 ~/ \"..,~~~~~~,.. ~:A.... 4- ~~ 0(. , ~ .~. :'t9.. ~" /. ", . ~~ 1)f)~cP. C? q .....~~ .....~ot'''' ~~,~~:1P 'h=- A~o/ ..... ~..' Ii " - 7V . "', " 8 .0.4) <-f''''P... " ~~ /' " .......... ~, , ~ // " . .~ / h~~' / ~ EX/STING DEyELOPMENT FAIRWAY_ O.,,(KS UNIT 1 P.B. 2JiP~GES 96-98 / . / 47 / / / / , // / " // 46 1/ " / I v / , I " / " / , / 'x , I " / , / " / Y I I I I 48 33 \ ~ CHESTNUT RIDGE F'UTURE DEVELOPMENT 37 .35 45 I I&; I r:f ./ S ~'1.'oo. r .)?/Jf /'" ---- - --- NORTHERN WA Y -------- Cl:IelclN AIll!A ---- ~ ----- - - ----- --~- ----- - ---- -. - --- CHESTNUT RIDGE EASEMENT RELOCATION O~'l[ 04/04180 ~~~ ~ I "-eo' I"IlO.E.C'T NO. UQ)I.0l !HEn NO. , ~ OF 1 . ~0 12:03 FROM BLOUNT SIKEo ~ HooUL. IU ..."Jt=-I......J...'- CHESTNUT RIDGE EASEMENT RELOCATION rJ>. PRQPOSED EASEMENT COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF lOT 47 Of FAIRWAY OAKS. UNIT 1. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 23" PAGES 96 THROUGH 98. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY" FLORIDA" SAID CORNER ALSO BElNG ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY OF OXBOW LANE ON A CURVE HAVING A TANGENT BEARING N. 410-141-19u W.; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS Of 450.00 fEET. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 090-11'-08D A DISTANCE OF 72.14 fEET TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE S. 860-08'-38u W." 115.26 FEET TO A POINT; TIlENCE S. ioo-52'-2311 W.. 150.11 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S. 420-IO'-27u W." 182.83 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT..Of-WAY OF NORTHERN WAY; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGIff-Of-WAY OF NORTHERN WAY S. 850-14'-00" E.. A DISTANCE OF 18.88 FEET; THENCE N. 420..10'..27" E.t A DISTANCE OF 190.10 fEET TO A POINT; THENCE N. 100-52'-23u Eo." A DISTANCE OF 157.41 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N. 860-08'-38D E." A DISTANCE Of 117.57 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT..QF-WAY OF SAID OXBOW LANE. SAID CURVE HAVING A TANGENT BEARING OF S. 350..31'-26" E.; THENCE SOUTHERlY ALONG THE ARC Of SAID CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY t HAVING A RADIUS OF 450.00 FEET it A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 020-141-39- t A DISTANCE Of 17.63 FEET AND THE POINT AND PLACE OF B~GINNING. ' r .10::::' \:JJ r-r<:UI'1 t".UUI'I1 :::I!Kt:o & HooUL. ..1. IU 3276912 P.05 CHESTNUT RIDGE DRAINAGE EASEMENT RELOCATION EXISTING EASEMENT (TO BE VACATED) . , CCMDCING AT l1fE' NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT NO. 47 OF FAIRWAY OAKS, UNIT 1. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 23., PAGES 96 THRU 98. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY., FLORIDA. SAID COMER ALSO' BEING ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY OF OXBOW LANE ON A CURVE HAVING A TANGENT BEARING OF N.420-58 '-01 aW.; THENCE NORTHERlY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY., HAVING A RADIUS OF 450.00 FEET II A CENTRAL ANGLE' OF 050.431..45-, A DISTANCE OF 45.00 FEET TO THE POINT AND PLACE. OF BEGINNING; THENCE S. 490-27 1-33.V. II 170.30 FEET. TO. A POINT; lllENCE 5.410-571-12'W.., 214.51 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERlY-RIGHT-OF-WAY OF NORTHERN WAY; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTIlERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY OF NORTHERN WAY S.850-14'-00IlE.., 37.66 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N410-57'-12-E.. 239.23 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N.490-27'-33-E., 173.50 FEET TO A POI1fT ON. A CURYE ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY OF SAID OXBOW LANE., SAID CURYE HAYING A TANGENT' BEARING OF S.~380..251-29.E.; .. THENCE SOlITHERL Y ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE CONCAVE NORTHER!. Y., HAVING A RADIUS OF 450.00 FEET., A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 030-49'-25-. A DISTANCE OF 30.03 FEET TO THE POINT A~D PLACE OF. BEGINNING.