HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 264 Rights of Way RESOLUTION NO. 264 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, VACATING THOSE CERTAIN RIGHTS-OF- WAY LOCATED WITHIN THE PROPERTY HEREINBELOW DESCRIBED; CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE: PARCEL I PART of Lot B, Block C and Lots 12, 52 and 53, Block D, of D.R. Mitchell's Survey of the Moses E. Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, described as follows: COMMENCE at the intersection of the East right-of-way line of Moss Road with the centerline of the Longwood-Oviedo Road as shown on the Plat of North Orlando, Plat Book 12, Pages 10 and 11, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida: thence N. 06055'33"W., 532.84 feet to the point of curvature of a curve, concave Easterly, having a radius of 676.78 feet; thence run 378.53 feet along the arc, thru a central angle of 32002'45" to the point of tangency thereof; thence N. 25007'12" E., 341.12 feet to the North right-of-way of 3rd Street as shown on said Plat of North Orlando and the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being on a curve, concave, Northerly, having a radius of 3893.50 feet; thence from a tangent bearing of N.6l035'36" W., run 40.08 feet along the arc to the Northerly extension of the centerline of said Moss Road; thence N.250 07'12"E., 329.24 feet; thence N.29022'53"E. 205.81 feet; thence S.62057'46"E. 581.49 feet; thence S.07059'09"W., 150.00 feet; thence S.19005'40"W., 263.31 feet; thence N.7500l'02"W., 638.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 6.98 acres, more or less. PARCEL II From the centerline intersection of Moss Road and Longwood-Oviedo Road; run thence S.88o23'42"E. along the centerline of Longwood-Oviedo Road 701.16 feet; thence N.O1o36'18"E. 351.56 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve concave Easterly with a radius of 924.31 feet and a central angle of 24o25'48"; run thence along the arc of said curve 394.11 feet to the Point of Tangency; run thence N.260o2'06"E. 143.08 feet for a Point of Beginning; continue thence N.26o02'06" E. 376.23 feet; thence N.14055'35"E. 150.00 feet; thence S.75004'25"E. 130.28 feet; thence North 26o02'06"E. 102.95 feet; thence North 220.00 feet; thence N. 63o57'54"W. 52.0 feet; thence N.26002'06"E. 180.00 feet; thence S.63057' 54"E. 285.00 feet; thence S. 74o34'25"E. 283.00 feet to a point on the Westerly right of way line of Sherry Avenue; run thence S.14o52'25"W., along said right of way 655.00 feet; thence S. 26o02'06"W. 506.06 feet; thence leaving said right of way, run N. 57o57' l5"W. 643. 87 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing therein 14.7768 acres more or less. All of the above being in Seminole County, Florida. WHEREAS, the Florida Land Company being the interested party in the lands referred to hereinabove as PARCEL I, and Indian Ridge Patio Homes, Inc., being the interested party in the lands referred to hereinabove as PARCEL II, and said parties having requested the City of Winter Springs, Florida, to vacate those certain rights-of-way located within the property hereinabove described; and WHEREAS, it has been represented to the City of Winter Springs, Florida, by Florida Land Company that they are in fact the fee simple owners of all the land located in PARCEL I herein- above described, and that all property affected by the requested vacation is presently undeveloped with no streets or drainage improvements having been constructed to serve the rights-of-way; and WHEREAS, it has been represented to the City of Winter Springs, Florida, by Indian Ridge Patio Homes, Inc., that they are in fact the fee simple owners of all the land located in PARCEL II hereinabove described, and that all property affected by the requested vacation is presently undeveloped with no streets or drainage improvements having been constructed to serve the rights- of-way; and that access to lots adjacent to the affected property will not be adversely affected; and WHEREAS, the Florida Land Company and Indian Ridge Patio Homes, Inc., have represented to the City that this request would not adversely affect any of the adjacent land owners since no improvements have been constructed nor are in use at this time and WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs, Florida, feels that it is in the public interest of the citizens of Winter Springs Florida, to provide clear title to the lots located in the above described property by abandoning the aforementioned rights-of-way due to the fact that no property interest of others will be adversely affected. 2 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I - That those certain rights-of-way located within the above-described property are hereby vacated. SECTION II - This resolution shall remain in force until supplemented, amended, repealed or otherwise altered. SECTION III - All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed. SECTION IV - This resolution shall take immediate effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED and ADOPTED this 24th day of July 1979. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA By: Troy J. Piland, Mayor ATTEST: Mary T. Norton City Clerk ,..- I 240 Evening HentI4lAL _ S OWl 0 It:. An Independent NC'\\'spapel' SANFORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SETvII.:'\OLE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared.",......" \238 E Q,E.CORO co. FLA . . who on oath says that he is . . . . of the EVE!-.TING HERALD, a Newspaper Pub- ment. being a ]jshed at Sanford, in Seminole County, Florida, that the attached copy of advertise- . . in the matter of rll \VSS pnblislled ill sajd ne\\'spaper in the issuC',~~ of . Court, Affiant further says that the said EVENING HEEALD is a newspaper pLlblished by The Sanford Herald, Inc., at Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, fwd that the said nev;spaper has heretofore been continuously p:.lbli.shed in said Seminole County. Florida, and has been entered as second class mail maneI' at the post of1ice in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, for a period of Olle year next preceding the l1rst publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corpora lion any discount. rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing ,hi:; advertisement for publication in the said nevvspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me thi:; clay at . A. D. 19. ", .. (8K\U Notary Publjc ,,-"")/ '-_l CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, . FLORIDA , Notice of Public Hearing TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said City Council will hold a public hearing at 7:30 P,M, On TU~sday, July 24,1979, or as soon tlJereafter as poss ible to consider tlJe vacation of those certain rights,of,way located within the following described property: PART of Lot B, Block C and Lots 12, 52 and 53, Blol!!K D, of D,R. MitchelJ'ji Survey of the Moses E. Levy G(anh Ph\tBook 1, Page 5, pUblicReCO((jS~ Seminole County. Florida,,(jess.rl~d"iJs foUows: COM~NeE at the ,ntersection of the 12Mt ri l1t60f'Way line of Moss RoadWi'~ e(lterline of the Long' ',. " ~ad as shown on the Plat' narido, Plat Book 12, p,.' n, Public Re, cordS"<,;S'.'"minole County, Florida: "fheril!ih~~ 06 degrees degrees 55'33" W., 532.84 feet to the point of curva'ure of a curve, con, cave E~sterly, ha,ving , radius of 676,78feet.;Jhence run 378,53 feet along. t/;le'arc, thl'qugh a central angle Of '-32 ~r.~s 112' 45" to the point ot;tailgency thereof; thence N. 25 degree$ 07' 12" E., 341.12 feet to the NOrth'l"lght'of,way of 3rd Street as shPwn <on.sail! Plat of North Orlando'~~'the POINT OF BEGIN,N1R,,"'.".ld point being on a curve, co'., ",o'1her1y, having a radius o1.3lI93; . J~'; thence from a tangent bearing'iSfN, 61 degrees 35' 36" W" rUn 4O:08f"t along the arc to the NortherlY.' e)(tension 'of the centerline:Of.a~jd Moss' Road' thence,N.~;~rees 07' 12:' E., 329,24 feet; tMlnce N, 29 degrees 22' 53" .E, 20S.8(feet; thence S, 62 degre~ 57' 46" E, 581.49 feet; thence S. 07 degrees 59' 09" W" 150,00 teet; thence S, 19 degrees 05' 40" W., 263,31 feet; thence N, 75 degrees 01' 02" W., 638,25 feet to the POINT OF BEG INN I NG, Containing 6.98 acres, more or less. and From the centerline intersection of Moss Road and Longwood,Oviedo Road; run thence S. 88 degrees 23' 42" E. along the centerline of LongwOOd.Oviedo Road 701.16 feet: thence N, 01 degrees 36' 18" E. 351.56 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve concave Easterly with a radius of 924,31 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 25' 48"; run thence along the arc of said curve 394,11 feet to the Point of Tangency; run thence N. 26 degrees 02' 06" E. 143.08 feet for a Point of Beginning; continue thence N. 26 degrees 02' 06" E, 376,23 feet; thence N. 14 degrees 55' 35" E. 150,00 feet; thence S. 75 degrees 04' 25" E. 130,28 feet; thence North 26 degrees 02' 06" E. 102.95 feet; thence North 220.00 feet; thence N. 63 degrees 57' 54" W. 52.0 feet; thence N, 26 degrees 02' 06" E. 180,00 feet; thence S. 63 degrees 57' 54" E. 285.00 feet; thence S. 74 degrees 34' 25" E. 283,00 feet to a point on the Westerly right of way line of Sherry Avenue; run thence S. 14 degrees 52' 25" W. a long sa id right of way 655.oo.feet; thence S, 26 degrees 02' 06" W. 506.06 feet; thence leaving said right of way, run N. 57 degrees 57' 15" W. 643,87 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing Therein 14,7768 acres more or less. All of the above being in Seminole County, Florida. A location map of the above, described real property shall be ;tvl:tlil;:thlp .:.It th~ (jffiro nf: tho ri+..