HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 258 Improvement Revenue Bonds RESOLUTION NO. 258 A RESOLUTION FIXING THE MATURITIES, INTEREST RATES AND REDEMPTION PROVISIONS FOR $600,000 IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1979 OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, NAMING THE PAYING AGENT FOR SAID BONDS AND AWARDING SAID BONDS AT NEGOTIATED SALE. WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs, by resolution adopted on February 27, 1979, as amended, authorized the issuance of $600,000 Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1979, dated April 1, 1979, for the purpose of constructing drainage and paving im- provements; and WHEREAS, said Bonds were validated by judgment of the Circuit Court for Seminole County rendered on April 16, 1979; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and required that the maturi- ties, interest rates and redemption provisions he determined for said Bonds and the paying agent named therefor; and WHEREAS, the City desires to sell all of said Bonds at this time; and WHEREAS, The Leedy Corporation, of Orlando, Florida, has submitted a proposal offering to purchase said $600,000 Improve- ment Revenue Bonds, Series 1979, at the price of $573,000, said Bonds to bear interest at the rate of 6.75% per annum on Bonds maturing in 1980 to 1992, inclusive, and at the rate of 7.20% per annum on Bonds maturing in 1993 to 2009, inclusive, being a net interest cost rate of 7.39%, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. The $600,000 Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1979, dated April 1, 1979, shall bear interest, payable semiannually on April 1 and October 1, at the rates per annum and shall mature serially, in numerical order on April 1 in the years and amounts as follows: INTEREST INTEREST YEAR AMOUNT RATE YEAR AMOUNT RATE 1980 $ 5,000 6..75% 1995 $15,000 7.20% 1981 5,000 6.75% 1996 20,000 7.20% 1982 5,000 6.75% 1997 20,000 7.20% 1983 5,000 6.75% 1998 20,000 7.20% 1984 10,000 6..75% 1999 25,000 7.20% 1985 10,000 6.75% 2000 25,000 7.20% 1986 10,000 6.75% 2001 25,000 7.20% 1987 10,000 6.75% 2002 30,000 7.20% 1988 10,000 6.75% 2003 30,000 7.20% 1989 10,000 6.75% 2004 35,000 7.20% 1990 10,000 6.75% 2005 35,000 7.20% 1991 15,000 6.75% 2006 40,000 7.20% 1992 15,000 6.75% 2007 40,000 7.20% 1993 15,000 7.20% 2008 45,000 7.20% 1994 15,000 7.20% 2009 45,000 7.20% SECTION 2. The redemption provisions for said Bonds shall read as follows: "The Bonds of this issue maturing in the years 1980 to 1989, inclusive, shall not be redeemable prior to their respec- tive stated dates of maturity. The Bonds maturing in the year 1990 and thereafter shall be redeemable prior to maturity, at the option of the City, in whole or in part but in inverse numerical order if less than all, from any source of funds, on April 1, 1989, or on any interest payment date thereafter, at par plus accrued interest to the date of redemption plus a premium of 3% of the par value thereof if redeemed on April 1, 1989, such pre- mium to reduce by 1/4 of 1% on each April I thereafter." SECTION 3. Said Bonds shall be payable as to both prin- cipal and interest at the Flagship Bank of Seminole, Sanford, Florida. SECTION 4. Said Bonds be and they are hereby awarded and sold to The Leedy Corporation, Orlando, Florida, at the price of $573,000 and accrued interest from April 1, 1979 to the date of delivery, said Bonds to mature and bear interest as set forth in Section I hereof, being a net interest cost rate of 7.39%. The award of said Bonds is subject to the expiration of the appeal period without any appeal being taken from the Final Judgment validating said Bonds. SECTION 5. The proper officers of the City are authorized and directed to execute said Bonds when prepared and, upon the expiration of said appeal period as aforesaid, to deliver said Bonds to said purchaser without any further authority from this Council. SECTION 6. This resolution shall take effect imme- diately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of April, 1979. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA By: Troy J. Piland, Mayor ATTEST: Mary T. Norton City Clerk b F southeaSt ~ SIGNATURE. 'T'ITI..E- -= ,"c. o..w.....,Uz.JlloT.OM G,,""1AT'OM ,.",e.. OR . c.. ORGANIZATION 0"''''. A "'\J"~~~~:~ ~'~::U'flilg Tlil-ES 2 2 .a AI 0'" 2 A-rU"&. tR1I.O TITl-ES TITLES Ci tl-, ar. BANK USE ONLV: mt DATE OPE-tiED) ... 060-,....070 s_i:l",,-U3 putV. 1/76 or }la-vor ~ J piland ~ Tro . DeputY Hayor - Wilfred Arnold y Manage-r C-;"rt'1 H r-laa~naaer 1 1 1 ~ ity C er"" . ch rd Rozans",y y Clerk R~ City Clerk ---== .0 . eupcn20d3ysnotic8. Hary T. Norton - 31) d.'1$ 1\0' (;$0 obb)'. '- aeU?OIl iED BY) ,. ._ b'e-t to ehan" ~ \ \c cllatg,e$ are sU I" . .. D B'i) _ - BY I ."._ ....",t:" ur tnlS corporation. SIlT'l... ~h~" 'i'I. I-tO.RIZE .....~ CJlIV and all checks, notes. drafts, bills of exchang~, sue...."..,.... . - -- ._ .._".:> ur any Kind. Further, RESOLVED, that the City Manaqer Richard Rozansky. City Clerk Mary T. Norton Two signing and their successors in office (or either) (or any of (Number of Signatures Required) them) be and they are hereby authorized to sign any and all checks, drafts, notes, acceptances, bills of exchange, orders or other instruments for the payment and withdrawal of any and all moneys, credits, items and property at any time held by the. said Bank, for account of this corporation" Further, RESOLVED, that said bank is hereby authorized to payor cash any such instruments and any instruments payable to or held by this corporation when endorsed as aforesaid and also to receive the same for credit to the account of or in payment from the payee or any other holder (including any officer of this corporation). without inquiry as to the circumsta.nce of issue or endorsement thereof, or the disposition of the proceeds, even if drawn, endorsed or payable to cash, bearer or to the individual order of any signing officer or tendered in payment of his individual obligation. Further, RESOLVED, that the following officers or authorized sigfJ,ers: Mayor Troy J. Piland, De or Wilfred Arnold Cit Mana er Richard Rozansk Clerk Mar T. Norton (Number of Signatures Required of this corporation are hereby authorized to borrow money and to obtain credit for this corporation from said bank on such terms as may seem to them advisable, and to make and deliver notes, drafts. acceptances. agreements, and any other obligation:; of this corporation therefor, in form satisfactory to said bank, and as security therefor to pledge and trustee, withdraw, exchange and substitute any stocks, bonds, bills and accounts receivable, bills of Jading, warehouse receipts, or any other property of this corporation, with full authority to endorse or guarantee the same in the name of this corporation, to execute and deliver all instrumen~s and assignments and transfer and to affix the corporate seal; and also to discount any bills receivable or paper of any kind (negotiable or otherwise) with full authority to endorse same in the name of this corporation. Further, RESOLVED, that endorsements on behalf of this corporation upon any and all commercial paper of any kind deposited by or on behalf of this corporation with the said bank fo(credit orfor collection or otherwise may be made by anyone of the foregoing officers, or by rubber stamp. Further, R ESOL VED, that the foregoing authorized official or any of them and their successors in office or any of them be and they are hereby authorized (a) for and on behalf of tnis corporation to leasa from said Bank a safe deposit box: or boxes and enter into for and on behalf of this corporation with said Bank its required standard form of safe deposit box leasa for corporations, and (b) for and on behalf of this corporation to have access to said box or boxes, in accordance with the terms, conditions, agreements, rules and regulations of the said lease. Further. RESOLVED, that all the foregoing authorities shall be and continue in full force and effect until revoked or modified by written notice actually received by said Sank. setting forth a resolution to that effect stated to have been adopted by the Board of Directors of this corporation, and signed by the secretary or assistant secretary of this corporation and bearing this corporation's seal; and said Bank hereby authorized and directed to at all times rely upon the last notice received by it of any resolution as to the foregoing authorities and as to the persons who from time to time are its officers and their signatures, when such notice bears this corporation's seal and is signed by one purporting to be its secretary or assistan t secreta ry. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the foregoing resolutions are fully in accord with and pursuant' to the by-law! of said corporation. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the following persons, whose genuine signatures appear below, are officers of or authorized signers for said corporation in the capacity set opposite their respective signatUres, to-wit; Mayor ~xi~~ M Depur.y ayor XH:~~~. fJJ*xClerk ~f~y ~anager '. i ) ." X~~9( Ir;.l' Yj),T~IE5S"WM~?- OP,. I he, hereunto subscribed my namlt and affixed the seal of said corporation, 'h,,-ii;!.. I,~,: .....<"'YO, e--"y, " ~ ,'9 ?? ' :0~:~ I.!:.',) -~)..\". ~.~"~. ... --- IS,.1 of Corpo.."on ~(,,",, .J". , .,' ""'-.' ~~., ,''-, ..'..' "~",', ~ .~ '. . ,I ..::.:::y: ~ ;. _. "_n . Mayo .... .'. >>~~f(... '. ..:...:::.:~.. -i .-:- ~ '. ". 'l .i':~"../ ':,' ! .:_-'-~:P . ~--:"..,.,-"- .:~-.q~-.;. - ;._~ .'-' :. -"~' ,"-,-,-':c-~-'==i~ ~_~1:- ..'. .._,~,.:;.;.-:...._"L,. { .....- -~.~..._. _-. _.- '; - ~ - ._ - 'l:::;....{._-' _.-...:.~=:_ :..::..,:;':";'''~''"''''''~'''' -_ ~',:.= ~ .~ .".# J t~ . 0/ . __~.~____.._~_.__ /,...- _~~.;,"" --.-~'-{.."tI. ~"'~~~...~ .=",0~~ )I'" ~ __ ;.....f.;.!:.~) l .....~f.....~~-:-~ .." _." __'""~______._ ,.....:-__'""'-...~ ~....~ ...._:;:-"/" ..../1 I..;; .....-:...'.)>. " -'>.;;::'~ s~U':!"~ - ~-::- --~...~--.~ 7~- ~......,.,#': " ~~:.,."''l,- ;)11.""',: . ,\.....~_... .:~t:!~..(:I~.t>=~.~.:~~., ~...Jty _Clel'..JC:~.-.,......:'f"';=::-~..:~;;.:-t~f~~m~~:. ~ - 9 l'JOTe.-~f~IUlt;;~~~s~~ D:.;:tn:~id;;l;;;d'rl::~~~Th~cB~~~b;""~~~til~":M;i~tio-ft'at~~~'" :aSo;~...~~ :r-~_i~~rIUlio".previoUs1"f,,",Khed the Bank" . Troy J. Piland Wilfred Arnold Mary T. Norton Richard Rozansky TITLE \., LL.)' Ul. 'OJ ..1.. LLJ.. t::1. .:)U1. .LtL;::..::JI General Fund "'use. ORGANIZATION NIZAT.ON MISC. O"QAH'~ATIO'" H.... NU,"U,." O~ SfGHATU"., RCQUU,aO 2 2 Ma." O~ NATU"CS QUU. co 2 TITLES TLES , TITLES I la Or Piland Hayor Arnold Deputy Mayor e ut Ha"or . -y City Hana~er " ban~ lobby. ZED BY) ::yc~:c~ ~~~:!~~\u .L'~~~1~ j'~j~~~~le' ......,$., notica wi~ be llosWi in the bank lobby. DATE OPENED ,........ S~JU("n3 '''8''. 117OS) M 0.0-14-0'70 (AUTHORIZED BY) moneys, 2cceptances, orders and other .;rems or any KinO. ~..,..,~/.. BANK USe: ONLY: Further, RESOLVED. that the Ma~or Troy J. Piland. Deputy Mayor Wilfred Arnold. Insert titles of officers and/or names of otner persons authorized to sign checks) City Manager Richard Rozansky. City Clerk Marv T. Norton signing Two and their successors in office (or either) (or any of (Number of Signatures Required) them) be and they are hereby authorized to sign any and all checks, drafts, notes. acceptances. bills of exchange, orders or other instruments for the payment and withdrawal of any and all moneys, credits, items and property at any time held by the said Bank, for account of this corporation. Further, RESOLVED, that said bank is hereby authorized to payor cash any such instruments and any instruments payable to or held by this corporation when endorsed as aforesaid and also to receive the same for credit to the account of or in payment from the payee or any other holder (including any officer of this corporation). without inquiry as to the circumstance of issue or endorsement thereof. or the disposition of the proceeds, even if drawn, endorsed or payable to cash, bear~r or 'to the individual order of any signing officer or tendered in payment of his individual obligation. Further, RESOLVED, that the following officers or authorized sig~'ers: _Mayor Troy J. Pi 1 and. -:. De Ma or Wilfred Arnold Cit Mana er Richard Rozansk Clerk Mar T. Norton INumber of Signatures Required of this corporation are hereby authorized to borrow money and to obtain credit for this corporation from said bank on such terms as may seem to them advisable, and to make and deliver notes. drafts, acceptances. agreements, and any other obligations of this corporation therefor, in form satisfactory to said bank, and as security therefor to pledge and trust~, withdraw, exchange and substitute any stocks, bonds, bills and accounts receivable, bills of lading, warehouse receipts, or any other property of this corporation, with full authority to endorse or guarantee the same in the name of this corporation, to execute and deliver all instruments and assignments and transfer and to affix the corporate seal; and also to discount any bills receivable or paper of any kind (negotiable or otherwise) with full authority to endorse same in the name of this corporation. Further, RESOLVED, that endorsements on behalf of this corporation upon any and all commercial paper of any kind deposited by or on behalf of this corporation with the said bank for credit or for collection or otherwise may be made by anyone of the foregoing officers, or by rubber stamp. Further . RESOLVED, that the foregoing authorized official or any of them and their successors in office or any of them be and they are hereby authorized (a) for and on behalf of this corporation to lease from said Bank ;j safe deposit box or boxes and enter into for and on behalf of this corporation with said Bank its required standard form of safe deposit box lease for corporations, and (b) for and on behalf of this corporation to have access to said box or boxes, in accordance with the terms, conditions, agreements, rules and regulations of the said lease. Further. RESOLVED, that all the foregoing authorities shall be and continue in full force and effect until revoked or modified by written notice actually received by said Bank, setting forth a resolution to that effect stated to have been adopted by the Board of Directors of this corporation, and signed by the secretary or assistant secretary of this corporation and bearing this corporation's seal; and said Bank hereby authorized and directed to at all times rely upon the last notice received by it of any resolution as to the foregoing authorities and as to the persons who from time to time are its officers and their signatures, when such notice bears this corporation's seal and is signed by one purporting to be its secretary or assistant secretary. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the foregoing resolutions are fully in accord with and pursuant to the by-laws of said corporation. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the following persons, whose genuine signatures appear below. are officers of or authorized signers for said corporation in the capacity set opposite their respective signatures. to.wit; , . i . . '.tta~\ .' --r: I ., " ,/ ...,..... . ;~I \VITr;JpSS....WHEREO subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said corporation, .i,';,"7-<X:\ d.yo' ~ . ~ t' .19 ~7 . .: .~~.-~I . C.-). t-, ~ ~~ .. .. , , '" ',' :.~ ,.! .. : ,.j ._'.0.'.'..' " 152<11 O. CGro.:;(~tlon),1 ./ ~__ _:: \ c". f \ .)/ --. )'--.. l .:..-.:__ \, -'.-!);tJ"'". .....~\\),' .... , May ,,~ ~ - '!ml1l!l1f~ .'....~-~ ~... /; ',."".> .\,\' ..... '. . .'" o~ / ~ ~,-~!-.t._. "-~'~~"-----'- /'1 t :J '-1, , .. -- . ~~--_........ - --- ... ...--~""'!~~ /111;;, I '.)~;,:~,,:,:. . ..:.~i.- "~~-"-'''-'''. C'l '-~. .' ,'" . ~~.wiil. -""-~r-~~~ 'If:i;i;'\'~'.'.~.:~.F.......~__ '.'' ~.o;~~,:::::,::-~..:..-~~~7:..:-~ Cl tr e'r~~~-'"~~L-':~~~f.:. '_-:5~~,,~: ~~-~;;~ NOT=~ Th is reosolu'ionO"musc ~ signed I).,..'" P'"Mident and the-wcnrart: Th. 8_1e. should '- fumKhed w;,h~.- '~lutjol't ac sUen timelS) _' ~.:;;_,..:;:: ,3stI'lMsha~anvc:Nngeil'tatftOlurionpl'....iousl.,.fur"j~ecBh. 8anlc-~--~~=--' - .. '____n__ - . .~e~~~...~ &s'~]!.f;~;!~~~~~R--~'~~~-:-~- . . -, . ;~.~~n4':" '._ ,~. ;;=~.: ~~~~~~1r,~~. --~.', ---- . ~ .,- Mayor . P.l'X~~t Deputy t1ayor ~iX\(Rets. City Clerk ~~anager 1{~~~~ Troy J. Piland Wilfred Arnold Mary T. Norton Richard Rozansky =~~!';J;'-Y..L _ ,_~ ,,\H ~ "l; :::~~," ::::;.",,' -/ .I," '-'JI -..-...."",..0 TlTI..I1:~Citv -<.?7LWinter - T;tl..1 A '" ~ ~. ~l ~~T 700-106_1 n a c( c;: -369 - . 1 -- - t= b SANK U e: ONLY' DATE: OPE:NED . C S.SK.J3.J (RC!V. 1/7;Y- Ser'lics Ch'l a tney lie.. ~_, .. 0.""4-070 Ucn n' roes 2.e ~ubJe~t to chan"e u I d . . h h v lca ~1I1 ~ ,." pon 30 day . anc to epos!! Wit t e sala Ddll" ... "'_ tJ. t:~ 7l1! ~ snatica. moneys, acceptances, ord~rs and other items of any kina. ,. Ci ty --.lli!rLager r it: la - - 10" - ? r r r w 94-369 MtsC.OftCA"UZAT'ON OTP.U!'~ 2 Iy held I ns were ordance on ad wi TITLES Hayor. j!eputy Hayor ~C1erk signature m be and poration. exchange. Further, RESOLVED, that the d Ci ti' t';anag~r Ri chard Rozanski't City Cl erk r~ary T. Norton signing Two and their successors in office (or either) (or any of (Number of Signatures Required) them} be and they are hereby authorized to sign any and all checks, drafts, notes, acceptanc<:!s. bills of exchange. orders or other instruments for the payment and withdrawal of any and all moneys, credits, items and property at any time held by the said Bank, for account of this corporation. Further, RESOLVED, that said bank is hereby authorized to payor cash any such instruments and any instruments payable to or held by this corporation when endorsed as aforesaid and also to receive the same for credit to the account of or in payment from the payee or any other holder (including any officer of this corporation). without inquiry as to the circumstance of issue or endorsement thereof, or the disposition of the proceeds, even if drawn, endorsed or payable to cash. bearer or to the individual order of any signing officer or tendered in payment of his individual obligation. - Further, RESOLVED, that the following officers or authorized sig~ers: Mayor Troy J. Pi 1 and. Deputy Mayor Wilfred Arnold, City Manager Richard Rozansky~ City Clerk Mary T. Norton (Num~r of Signatures Required) of this corporation are hereby authorized to borrow money and to obtain credit for this corporation from said bank on such terms as may seem to them advisable, and to make and deliver notes, drafts. acceptances, agreements, and any other obligation5 of this corporation therefor, in form satisfactory to said bank, and as security therefor to pledge and trustee, withdraw, exchange and substitute any stocks, bonds, bills and accounts receivable, bills of lading, warehouse receipts, or any other property of this corporation, with full authority to endorse or guarantee the same in the name of this corporation, to execute and deliver all instruments and assignments and transfer and to affix the corporate seal; and also to discount any bills receivable or paper of any kind (negotiable or otherwise) with full authority to endorse same in the name of this corporation. Further, RESOLVED, that endorsements on behalf of this corporation upon any and all commercial paper of any kind deposited by or on behalf of this corporation with the said bank for credit or for collection or otherwise may be mad!! by anyone of the foregoing officers, or by rubber stamp. Further, RESOLVED, that the foregoing authorized official or any of them and their successors in office or any of them be and they are hereby authorized (a) for and on behalf of this corporation to lease from said Bank a safe deposit box or boxes and enter into for and on behalf of this corporation with said Bank its required standard form of safe deposit box lease for corporations, and (b) for and on behalf of this corporation to have access to said box or boxes, in accordance with the terms, conditions, agreements, rules and regulations of the said lease. Further, RESOLVED, that all the foregoing authorities shall be and continue in full force and effect until revoked or modified by written notice actually received by said Bank, setting forth a resolution to that effect stated to have been adopted by the Board of Directors of this corporation, and signed by the secretary or assistant secretary of this corporation and bearing this corporation's seal; and said Bank hereby authorized and directed to at all times rely upon the last notice received by it of any .resolution as to the foregoing authorities and as to the persons who from time to time are its officers and their signatures, when such notice bears this corporation's seal and is signed by one purporting to be its secretary or assistan t secretary. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the foregoing resolutions are fully in accord with and pursuant to the by-laws of said corporation. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the following persons, whose genuine signatures appear below, are officers of or authorized sign~rs for said corporation in the capacity sat opposite their respective signatures. to-wit; Mayor ~~8~~ayor .PJ __ , ~~:~l erk /Y! /.. ; ~ ~i{,.~ _ l_ .' f) ci:t;Y..Manager e.A5_;'(J..(__~ J,"{L ~ ~, 1:r~~X Richard Rozansky /' 'IN.:,j\ii~NE~S "~\j;;ERE~F I have1hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the se~~ of said corporation, thi(:'/?s:.:""~y""'cl'YOf ~. ~ ,19 77. (+~:r~,~~"t;6n:) ..G) ....... ~~ ~ M~~,_.__._.c2~i '~:'~~~:;~~:i' ,1.iiii:~:"/ "~'~~'::.il~~~C~~~Cl e~~~~~ei,,~~.i=~~;::r~*'" NOTe::~ Thi. "~~I~~ "- sig~ Dy- t'" p~enf.and ttt. ~t3rf;: Thl!t Ban_lcsOOu~_~_~~~ ~.'n a_~ ,~lutlOn "I: !"'.c:tI tIrT~4. -.'~~"~~, as 'n_ftM~..,.,cha"9.,n..rnolutlOftpreonousl.,fum;,hed the B.....lc . ...~~~~'" ;~:~:Ji~~:~:.~~'''~'''~;'~:._:;,:.i ...- ; ~~ ~.. . . . -.. ~ Troy J. Pil and \~ilfred Arnold Mary T. Norton :: Federal Revenue Sh . ~~ ar ~n~....:.~ d TITI..ES TITI..ES SC.O"GA....Z.......O.. "'.....u....... CHI'(. NU"",ei(R OJlll' ~'-=;l"fATUR.S Fl'I!I:QU'''.D 2 2 "R 0" TU~IlS I"E!D 2 "use:. O"GAH'~A'rIO'" TITI..ES Hayor or or De9uty Hayar City Nanager out Ha or uty Nayor t Hanaaer BANK USE; ONI..Y, DATE OPENED S-BK*n,J IFt.v. J/7S} Pot Ollo-t.t.--070 Citv Clerk Serl/iell Cl]arllos ar~ .,. . & h. . ~~~l-.-' '" -, ,.;I.:'~ -i'.... .;.U day' noUce. lr hl1~ ",111 hA rotAII In thf' "1n~ I<>bby AUTHORIZED BY) and to deposit wit .-w~-._. ,----- ... . moneys, acceptances, orders and other items of any kind, -ty Clerk UPOIl 30 days notfrn. E t Further, RESOLVED, that the Ma or Tro J. Piland, De uty Mayor Wilfred Arnold Insert titles of officers and/or names of other persons authorized to sign checks! City Manaqer Richard Rozansky, City Clerk Mary T. Norton Two and their successors in office (or either) (or any of signing (Number of Signatures Required) them) be and they are hereby authorized to sign any and all checks. drafts, notes, acceptances, bills of exchange, orders or other instruments for the payment and withdrawal of any and all moneys, credits, items and property at any time held by the said Ban~, for account of this corporation. Further, RESOLVED, that said bank is hereby authorized to payor cash any such instruments and any instruments payable to or held by this corporation when endorsed as aforesaid and also to receive the same for credit to the account of or in payment from the payee or any other holder (including any officer of this corporation), without inquiry as to the- circumsto.nce of issue or endorsement thereof, or the disposition of the proceeds, even if drawn, endorsed or payable to cash, bearer or to the individual order of any signing officer or tendered in payment of his individual obligation. Further. RESOLVED, that the following officers or authorized sig;;ers: Mayor Troy J. Pil and. De Cit Mana er Richard Rozansk Clerk Mar T. Norton (Number of Signatures Required of this corporation are hereby authorized to borrow money and to obtain credit for this corporation from said bank on such terms as may seem to them advisable, and to make and deliver notes, drafts. acceptances, agreements, and any other obligations of this corporation therefor, in form satisfactory to said bank. and as security therefor to pledge and trustee, withdraw, exchange and substitute any stocks, bonds, bills and accounts receivable, bills of lading, warehouse receipts, or any other property of this corporation, with full authority to endorse or guarantee the same in the name of this corporation, to execute and deliver all instruments and assignments and transfer and to affix the corporate seal; and also to discount any bills receivable or paper of any kind (negotiable or othen.vise) with full authority to endorse same in the name of this corporation. Further, RESOLVED, that endorsements on behalf of this corporation upon any and all commercial paper of any kind deposited by or on behalf of this corporation with the said bank for credit or for collection or otherwise- may be made- by anyone of the foregoing officers, or by rubber stamp. Further, RESOLVED, that the foregoing authorized official or any of them and their successors in office or any of them be and they are hereby authorized (a) for and on behalf of this corporation to lease from said Bank a safe deposit box or boxes and enter into for and on behalf of this corporation with said Bank its required standard form of safe deposit box lease for corporations, and (b) for and on behalf of this corporation to have access to said box or boxes. in accordance with the terms, conditions, agreements, rules and regulations of the said lease. Further, RESOLVED, that all the foregoing authorities shall be and continu" in full force and effect until revoked or modified by ""ritten notice actually received by said Bank, setting forth a resolution to that effect stated to havEt been adopted by the Board of Directors of this corporation, and signed by the secretary or assistant secretary of this corporation and bearing this corporation's seal; and said Bank hereby authorized and directed to at all times rely upon the last notice received by it of any resolution as to the foregoing authorities and as to the persons who from time to time are its officers and their signatures, when such notice bears this corporation's seal and is signed by one purporting to bIt its secretary or assistan t secretary. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the foregoing resolutions are fully in accord with and pursuant to th" by-Jaws of said corpora,ion. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the following persons, whose genuin" signatures appear below, are office~ of or authorized signers for said corporation in the capacity set opposite their respective signatures, to-wit; ~ Mayor m~~ Deputy Mayor , . <>>>rll(s. City Clerk m~~ City Manager ".' , xmm !.l'I: ~v.(r~~s~'\/~~Hi:R~F /. e hereunto sub~ibed my nam" and affixed the sea~ of said corporation. this .74:) '.'~.~) \,~. ".X6[ ~ . ~.Lf- .19 ,7J - f.':! I~) -'":\ .) : ;-;: ; '" -1~ - (S':3.i qf C:rpor:c;fionr 'J ,oJ' ...:s -& , ", ',', ...:'\.: J) ~;,--.. -Ma -" - ~~K.' .- _...~ ~ -... I~'-:--- ')/ o'~) ('. .... .'.. ._., ..' \' ,:'" ..z~i:::~ ....:<~).../.. . ....,--" .,_~./ _~~ - 7'--.. .,- ...., . 7 =-~:.... ...:.:'~~~:~.:~ .' J,,' / I, _........,..,_~... .) ) ..:',-- _~--'___ '-~.~'" - ~~#'- ---;?~~. . _......."r.'-"~ .-_ ".. -__: .J)) "~}!)m~li'- ;ij,)_Jol -::.) ~ ,'1~,;,'::::...~ .... _.-._ ....-.-::::=...._~ ~ ___ _ . _~ _. ...;.::....-.......,... -- --. '--. _ ._,-"*'~~~ ___~ J,. fl,~, -:.,~ J ", -+;,.....-_._._-~~....,.,.."",......... Cltv.C.lerk',,,~r'"'>''''' .:'.--:::" .::.;.:::~~,..~- - --- - ),' ~~ -.' ...~4"'" -, .....'...-:r;.;--.,......... 4 ~ 'J.~. ~.~ oe"'~"""'''''''''_ ~ ~ . --. ':':;NOT~ nits r;.-j~,.,~~~,bot'.;ag~ 0.,.-1';. p~~nnd me. ~~;:.Th. Bank snould t.fwi,.~ w;th~.- re-solutlo" ar such nm.{ .~~: as t~~~an.,_~~ '"_~,~!~C~ prw:u!'y}~.~r!'.~_r..- -- :-;::21..11. lie. ..' .: __'"-"- ..~....._"M.. ~ ,. .. ~.- ." $~.~;-~',.-~:~.~_:' ~ -.~1,. Troy J. Pil and Wil fred Arnol d Mary T. Norton Richard Rozansky .:. -...~. ",e;. Southeast B.1nks SlGNA,URE CARO . TITL;; "fl- City 0 f W in'_ ,,,...s.r ~; 5 ccount. Genera 1 Fun :.SC!i - O"QAM'Z.A~'ON M1SC. O"QANIXATIOM ....IZ...YION ~IUG.'~':.;~"O:S 2 AlEtauu.aD 2 0'- ",.. eo TITLES TLES T~TLES or Hayor Deputy Hayor Ha or ut Richard RozGn-ky City Mana~er City Clerk Hary T. Norton 30 days notice. b' t to challga UPOIl BANK USE ONLY: SeJ<<:ec!l:aJlll$31asU leclli!,' \P~ ~J~~ '''hhy PENED ~...--..il b.. "'fAUf'HORIZED BV) __ ______ -" . OA TE o. I 1 M Otl~'~"O ~ __ .....--- "'''1 atlU 1:211 t.:neCK 5, notes" 5_BK~n3 (AIiV. 1 l'i . ._ __.._~. v.ut'rs ana otht'r Hems ot any kmd. = Further. RESOLVED, that the Ci ty r'lanager Ri cha rd Rozansky, Ci ty Cl erk Mary T. Norton signing Two and their successors in office (or either) (or any of (Number of Signatures Required) them) be and they are hereby authorized to sign any and all checks, drafts. notes, acceptances, bills of exchange, orders or other instruments for the payment and withdrawal of any and all moneys, credits, items and property at any time held by the said Bank, for account of this corporation. Further, RESOLVED. that said bank is hereby authorized to payor cash any such instruments and any instruments payable to or held by this corporation when endorsed as aforesaid and also to receive the same for credit to the account of or in payment from the payee or any other holder (including any officer of this corporation). without inquiry as to the circumstance of issue or endorsement thereof, or the disposition of the proceeds, even if drawn, endorsed or payable to cash, bear~r or to the individual order of any signing officer or tendered in paymei;~ of his individual obligation. Further, RESOLVED, that the following officers or authorized sig~ers: Mayor Troy J. Piland, De Cit Mana er Richard Rozansk Clerk Mary T. Norton (Number of Signatures Required of this corporation are hereby authorized to borrow money and to obtain credit for this corporation from said bank on such terms as may seem to them advisable, and to make and deliver notes, drafts, acceptances, agreements, and any other obligations of this corporation therefor, in form satisfactory to said bank, and as security therefor to pledge and trustee, withdraw, exchange and substitute any stocks, bonds, bills and accounts receivable, bills of lading, warehouse receipts, or any other property of this corporation, with full authority to endorse or guarantee the same in the name of this corporation, to execute and deliver all instruments and assignments and transfer and to affix the corporate seal; and also to discount any bills receivable or paper of any kind (negotiable or otherwise) with full authority to endorse same in the name of this corporation, Further. RESOLVED, that endorsements on behalf of this corporation upon any and all commercial paper of any kind deposited by or on behalf of this corporation with the said bank for credit or for collection or otherwise may be made by anyone of the foregoing officers. or by rubber stamp. Further, RESOLVED, that the foregoing authorized official or any of them and their successors in office or any of them be and they are hereby authorized (a) for and on behalf of this corporation to lease from said Bank a safe deposit box or boxes and enter into for and on behalf of this corporation with said Bank its required standard form of safe deposit box lease for corporations, and (b) for and on behalf of this corporation to have access to said box or boxes, in accordance witl't the terms, conditions, agreements, rules and regulations of the said lease. Further, RESOLVED, that all the foregoing authorities shall be and continue in full force and effect until revoked or modified by written notice actually received by said Bank, setting forth a resolution to that effect stated to have been adopted by the Board of Directors of this corporation, and signed by the secretary or assistant secretary of this corporation and bearing this corporation's seal; and said Bank hereby authorized and directed to at all times rely upon the last notice received by it of any resolution as to the foregoing authorities and as to the persons who from time to time are its officers and their signatures, when such notice bears this corporation.s seal and is signed by one purporting to be its secretary or assistant secretary. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the foregoing resolutions are fully in accord witl't and pursuant to the by-Jaws of said corporation. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the following persons, whose genuine signatures appear below, are officers of or authorized signers for said corporation in the capacity set opposite their respective signatures, to-wit; Nayor ~~~~~ Deputy Mayor X~m. City Clerk ~'anager X,>>)($(JX~ Troy J. Piland Wilfred Arnold Mary T. Norton Richard Rozansky subscribed my name and affixed the sea} of said corporation.