HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 446 Amending Comprehensive Plan ORDINANCE NO. 446 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES 163.3187; PROVIDING FOR THE ADDITION OF ANNEXED PROPERTY TO THE LAND USE MAP AT COMMERCIAL CLASSIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING CATEGORY R-U FOR THE PROPERTY ON THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs has annexed the property described below, upon petition of the owners, Paul C. Palmer, Jr., and Dwight D. Van Bibber: Lot 9, less the East 1028.5 feet and less the existing right-of-way for SR 434, Block D, D.R. Mitchell's SUrvey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. WHEREAS, The owners of the property wish to use the property in the future in a manner consistent with the zoning category C-1 of the City of Winter Springs; and WHEREAS, the land use classification Commercial allows such C-1 zoning; and WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs, Florida, has considered the assignment of land use classification for the said property on the Land Use Map of the City in accordance with Florida Statute 163.3187 and has determined that the addition of the property to the Land Use Map as Camlercial is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COM1ISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION I - The Comprehensive Plan of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, is hereby amended to add to the Land Use Map the property described below and to assign to it the land use classification Commercial: Lot 9, less the East 1028.5 feet and less the existing right-of-way for SR 434, Block D, D.R. Mitchell's SUrvey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of Saninole County, Florida. SECTION II - Upon petition of the owners, the property is hereby zoned R-U Rural-Urban and shall be so specified on the Official Zoning Map of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. SECTION III - If any section or portion of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or portion of a section or sub-section or part of the Ordinance. OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2025 PAGE 0447 SEMINOLE CO. FL. DAVID N. BERRIEN CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SEMINOLE CO. FL 569115 RECORDED & VERIFIED 1988 DEC 19 AM 10:52 SECTION IV - All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict hers-d th are hereby repealed. final passage and adoption. SECTION V - This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its Passed and adopted this 12th day of CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LEANNE M. GROVE, MAYOR ATTEST: Mary T. Norton CITY CLERK FIRST READING Nov. 14, 1988 POSTED Nov. 15, 1988 SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING Dec. 12, 1988 OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 2025 PAGE 0448 SEMINOLE CO. FL THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: JACQUELINE KOCH, CITY PLANNER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 EAST S.R. 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION OR CHANGE ZONING C. D. Middle Initial X Annexation P Change of Zoning )( Amendment to Land Use Map and Assignment of City Zoning Amendment to PUD Preliminary Plan PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE Palmer, Jr. Van Bibber Last Name Paul Dwight First P.O. BOX 1807 209 Lochberry Pl. Mailing Address (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, the applicant must include a letter of authorization signed by the owner) Maitland Longwood City FL FL State 32751 32779 Zip Code 767-4880 (407) 869-1559 Telephone Number Legal description of the subject property (attach map): Lot 9, Blk D, Less the East 1028.5 Ft. and less ROW, D.R. Mitchell Survey of the Levy Grant, PB 1, Pg. 5 Total No. of Acres 6.315 (Includes Shore Rd)Total Usable Acres 5 Present Zoning Category County A-1 Present Land Use Classification County General Rural General location of subject property (includillg names and types of roads which tract abuts): (See Attached) South side of SR 434 continues to Shore Rd. Present development status of Land: Undeveloped Zoning Categories and Land Use Classification of abutting property: City R-1A/Low Desnity Residential R-U/Rural Residential County A-1/General Rural Zoning Category requested (R-U) Land Use Classification Required Commercial Detailed information concerning purpose and intent of request: C-l zoning would reflect the highest and best use for the subject property due to its location on S.R. 4 3 4 . The request for annexation is contingent upon the Commercial land Use. Date July 21, 1988 Applicant/Owner FEE 0 AMOUNT Ordinance References RECEIPT NUMBER lnformation Verified By Commercial Land Use Date * Applicants request approval (ONLY))with Annexation. Owners request that the C-l zoning change not take place until a later date. ':;.>.'~:,'t' ~" ~~'7}!';~;;;;~'t:.'t:r'r,\\:~"'f!;~ , .., :~..~\:!7~~~;~~:;~~t~~~~~;:~;~."~f~",,~~~ ;,.:,.~~.:f'f".",:-"""".,.:r~t~,~:".r', ,'!<("",,- *",",i:,""~:""",,' "",;'",:".;"...,.,:,,,,, ",:,".'H'" '., ~k~~r~J:itiJ&;.l;",..&;w"".uJl"",IJ.tt_J:,~"'L'l.il"l"".~,",,,"~,,,,',,:'..w.d' ..".~Jo",..~"'""""_l\....,,;W;,,,""~'.:J - __M';-__ w~'~li'rF:"- ?,'&'iiiii1ijr::"~'----~~"";'=-~ ,. ;Ij;, J-I '~ 1r! ,- "7l ~. This Indenture, .. <> '" ,. ......c:o '0."" .. ..........'" Oft. U.&fU'OtT f , ... 02 Mud,. I~ ___ u.r.,. Itw Ifl_ ..,,", ,..Il" 10ld _oad parn-" ....... '1K1.o.. ".....Ia' al\d ..""al ~,.. 10-...1 ..........1_. .114 _ 04 ...~.. alld dw ._~.n..... -..._ cot ..."......,...... ..lK....", ,..... '''''','..1 _....... ............1 -.I ,/... ,;",' ,/". ,,' February .'\ /J I" 77 BllWElN Shirley. I. Sheppard and Charles Sheppard. her husband ... ~ '" '" ;; .. A ~ ..... . I" w W --..J 01 ,Ill" LUHOh 0/ Seminole "' ,h" -""alt. uf Florida John I. ~alcolm. Jr. and Patricia Malcolm. his wife p"" ies 01 ,I.... fir.' port. and of lllf' COtllll\' 'II Seminole on ,h. Sla'. 01 Fl ori da whos.. posl office Gddrftu II II Ii 1\ i \ II \ Rt. 3 Box 27A4, Oviedo. FL 32765 pnrl 1 tiS "t 111, '., ,,",/ PHrl lttitntSstth. 7t"l' th.. HHl~ part leS 01 ,/H' llt~t part for on" HI conudf'f'ClliOn 011". sum 01 Ten (SI0.00) Dollan. '0 them In liGnA poul hv Ih.. ,oul part ies of aJ... 'f>nmrl pari. ,I,,. fffC"ipl wl"reo( i. henb., oc'nowl. f'dg.d. "0 ve flran,.d. borOdln"d. and laM 10 I",. _olll pGrl ; es t,l r'l(' J,,('and port. thei r h",.. Gnrl o.tuq'" forft....., Ih,. follou.tn9 rlr,olh"J land ~duu'''' a/Ill "..HUf HI Ih.. Counl, of Seminole -"a', of Florida '0 u,.1 The Sou~h lQO.07 feet of Lot 9, Block D. D. R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant, as recorded in Plat Book 1. Page 5, of the Public Records of Seminole County. Florida. less the [dSt l02R.5 feet and also less the Ri~ht-of-Way for Shore Road, Less R/W as described in Official Records Book 234. Page 102. SUBJECT TO: any restrictions and covenants of record. if 2~ =~ llt.J~'.]\\t~rARY ~ SUR TAX == l= 0 1~~~ .~ ~ ~ ,~, ..... '" -"'< -,: s- 1.IJ, '~,J~' :"N-' ~"~f .l.::1!ll ~~ I -:'~: l I. 00 I . I And du. laid pcaral ec; of fl.. Ilftt J"CI'" dl) ".."..1,., fully U'tlFTdnl ,I,.. Itllco '0 '(lid land. and w.u d.l.rui ."- .a"'. dgatn.' ,h. 14u.,ul .loIMJ o( all JM'rlon. u./U'''UOfO''f''r 1ft 1IJilIlrss lIIhtrtof, l'h. .a.d pa,ti es 0/ ,h. /.." ,>0,' ha VI' "and sand ...ols .h. tlaw Gml wtoa' lin' abut,.. ",,.u,." h_unlo ..1 thei r Sq,,,..J. ...W O"J .1.1;......1 i" I~. ".......... 0/ . '(- ../ / .,' //' '.J' /. .~....__/.ll.4.: ' --f"; ~ ''''. ~.~ ..' Shirley V-'"?heppard '1"/ . -("' . L,,(..~....:-, ..::,4,,~ Ch~rles K. Sheppa~ C A. ., ('::/ ./ ~ / ......\ // .1::/1.::':....:.. ,'/./ - ,-- ,...:':,' ~Lf:J' --&-~kL lR'di ana '1 .IE "1 Ill()UIX. CtH"T'" nt , , ", ( ') .- . 1 HUU:8'" ( f,R lit'\, that lMI ,hI' d..... brfo.-. rM. .. oHII~r duh .~th..rllf'.J In Ih. ".tr .furrYIl.i .nd ,n ltwo Cuunlv .fort"Yl<t 10 t..r ...f.no.......d.mC'nt.. JWnonaUy .&PPf'an<i SHIRLEY I, SHEPPARD and CH~PLES K. SHEPPARD \ J '0 nl'- .",._n ,.) hr 11"1" po-u",n S drt< uhrd b.rfor" "'" th.t thf'Y "."'\oI,..d ,h,. '''mf' ""' IT'"t~S rm' h.nd ."d {lill< 1.1 ....1 February . 0 1.77 and .ho r.'" \.I,,,d Ih.. Inft".UloC In,thlfnf'n1 and they at"amw~ ,h..l '('\.Inl\l Inri 'lit.. I... .I.,.."....t tht.i ~' .... ~~I...I... day 01 ~" ."(1; t /~. 'J " .":;(4~ .-.L- e,)' ~ ~ .?'..' . 'I,' \<)0". '. " ., ,.....:{ Ii \J } \) . 1". c...... .I"("':''f ,..~: 'f"" /Iii' I,,>lnmu.,,' r"l'",,1 h Richard (oflPldno U./,," /()~ Colonial l.dn" l,;wrwool1. FL l{'J(J) L .....~~:~":'...1.~:'.,'.I.:s.i:i~...",,.,..'.. t, ",',",:; ,:' '''., ,...'.;.. .', ,: " '.. .' ",.' , " Northerly lIne of Lot .1. alock D of .ald Levy Grant. 33.0 feet to the polAt er place of be,lnalnQ. whIch road rl,ht of .ay 1. .ore partIcularly ehown and colored- red on the plat hereto attached. .arked Ewhlblt A. and .ade a part hereof. And .ald partIe. of the flr.t part covenant and a,ree that the above de.crlbed road rl,ht of .,y ahall be u.ed aft4 1. hereby dedIcated for u.e .. a publIC road. . IN WITNESS WHE~EOF. ..1d p.rtle. of the flrat part have hereunto eet theIr hand. .nd eeal. the day .nd flret flr.t above wrItten. . ~ ~ ", . I. (' '. , .- *' .... .' ---~ .1 ~.., . ". t. ....,,~ . ,....: " .{, '. " ~. .:.'-:-. &~.. .l~' , \. . ::: 'll"" II . " . ",.". ~~ . . .:,. .. - : , ,,- ~. . ',. "'''., - - v 4 I '. .~ .. :- ~. .... -' .~ ,. . '.... .\ '. . '.,' . . ;:.... '.. . ': 10 . . . . ',." . I ", ~ . _. .... ~ . .! . ;'. ~,' : .\. . .., .. " ~~ , () 6., "\~. ,"~ ~ \ \~ .-. _.~ \ \ \ i . -.' ... . "" . II, I - : . ....... j~ . ~ ;,. ! . o. '- :.l ~ It J-IID' ~ i I ~ ,I "., V" .,. ~,.I , .i.'- .a ........l i ...~ ,,", '.. . :J " ? ~' q u . :..r ,,",. ~-I "-I.,. ... ~ ...& D. ,1:. """" -!--_ _ o::..~;/ ....... lH., ...E5 o <l. \) III J: ;1~. ...........~~_.~.. 41'" l.L.~/ :}", " . ,"T. _'-2::..s~Hn C H"M 1,..../ L,,;~~' -;/<<, (;) The Orlando Sentinel f,'ubliahed Daily AItamonte Spring., Seminole County, Florida $34.72 ADVERTISING CHARGE ~tate of lfloriha} SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Tuesday C. Leavitt , who on oath says that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad- vertisement,beinga Notice of Public Hearing in the matter of Ordinance No. 445 in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of November 27, 1988 Mfiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin- uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. ~.t~~ 6 30 Sworn to and subscribed before me this November day of ~~ ~ ~onrtp.t1.~. ,M ~1r.Af\' Pin.... ~ R I":"C;.,'&' Tv IN1it. ~O NOTICE OF PUElUC HEARING :ITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ~OTlC~ IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City ~ommISSIO!l 01 the City of Winter ,prlngs, Florida, that said Commission '1111 hold !11 Public Hearing on an ordi- l8nC8 entitled as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 445 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTERSI?RINGS flORIDA AMENDIN'3 THE COM PRE HEN: SIVE PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 163.3187; PROVIDING FOR THE RECLASSIFICATION OF PROPER- TY TO COMMERCIAL ON THE ADOPTED LAND USE MAP' PRO- VIDING FOR THE REZONING OF THE PROPERTY TO C-l ON THE OFACIAL ZONING MAP; SEVER- ~~~3>NFUCTS AND EFFEC- . Public ' . will be held at 7'30 p.m. on Dec~988 or as soon ther- seller as possible in the Commission ~ Hall, 1126 East S.R. 434 _ ............. FL 32708. ' ::oples of the propoSed ordinance are lvaJ!eblein thEi office of 1he City CleO< or Inspection. Interested perties may IIlP88' at. this hearing and be ~ vith respect to this proposed ordinance 'arsons iIre advised thet it they dec:id8 o appeal any. {lecjsion made at this neelIIoceedilQ. they will need a record of the lr ngs and for such purpose they nay need to ensure that a verbatim re- :ord of. the proceedings is made which ..scord Includes. the testimony and evi- L~ upon whiCh the appeal is to be r~er Section 286.0105 Florida ~5Ib~~'988. ~. Ncld'on ,,~~ "1 ~ '.-. , Nc!V.2!~9ll8 FORM NO. AD-264 The Orlando Sentinel Publiahed Daily "Altamonte Springs, Seminole County, Florida ~htte of 1floriha} SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Tuesday C. Leavitt , who on oath says that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad- vertisement,being" Notice of Public Hearing in the matter of Ordinance No. 446 in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of November 27, 1988 Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin- uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. ~ ('~~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30 day of ~~ ~ NO My Commisso M'''',h'(\~' l.M' Rlr-AN p,nf\l' t- ~ ~A"-lI . "".,. 'N~. r,,, ADVERTISING CHARGE $34.72 .'. .: ~. .-,-,---,----.- 'Crn-'OF ~"'lflC NOnce 's HEI'lEBY. CO~i"io!l Of'the,' . ~.. wil8e!i1 ~." '. FIori~, ltlal said Commission ""'" a Public.' H8ari ~ 8I1lilIed as folIQws~ on an .ordi: OROINANCE NO. 44& AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS f'LOR1QA AMENDING THE, COMI'REHEN: ,'SIVE PLAN IN ACCORDANCE 'WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 163.3187; PROVIDING FOR THE ADDlTION OF ANNEXED PROPER- TY TO THE LAND USE MAP AT COMMERCIAL CLASSIFICATION' PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING CATEGORY R-U FOR THE PROP- ERTY ON THE OFFICIAL . MA2l.flEVeRA8ll.fN ' ZONING AND EFFECTIVE DAr'e~j This PubliC H8aiilig win-be held al 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 12, f988 or as soon ther- . eaftar as ~bIe in the Commission Chamber, Cily Hall, 1126 East S R 434 Wi~ Springs, FL 32708. ", CoJ)leS o~ the propo, . sed ordinance are a\llli!8ble In. the office of the Cily Clerk for InspectIon. In/$rested, parties may 8I;lP8llf allhis I)e&ring 'and ba hearc! . wjth respect to this proposed ordinance PersonS are edvi88(/ tha1. if they decidti to lIIJpee/ any decision. made al this : meeting, they. wiD need a record of the , procee(lings and for SI.lCh purpose, they may need to ensure tha1. a verbatim re- cord of . the proceedings is made which ~. includes the testimony and evi. ~'"'" upon which the appeal is 10 be ~,Section 2811'.0105 Florida Daled this 15th day of Nov, 1988. ~m'R~ WINTER SPRINGS IS/Mary T. Norton Mary T. Norton City Cieri< LS-922(6s) Nov.27,1988 FORM NO. AD-264 .' C:1"= _5 _ 8~ aJ 8 I 07" W 1 {' ':: 1.0RI6, R./w - - - ~G < \. LINE ;./ /W:H' ~ I.D e3 SE'T ~34 ~ ~~ 1\ 1a03S' btS" \fIION ~ \:\ \)::0 1 03' \ ~::o Se. \ ~E1IR~'" \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~~ \ ..,1 :~"I ~L \ ,I' u' ~- \ ~ ~, I.!'J '.0 \ 2 ~ \ ..~. 0": b. \. \~, \t'~ ~u \ \0 \ ~ - \ 0' \ ~I~ S N\ $'<0 \ll z I .9 '116', ~ \.{";0' S ~ \ \ ~ ~~ I; os' /" Jf:'o ~ \ ' en :a ~. ~ ' (T' ~s. ~ \ \ ~.J = \ \ ~ ~ ~ \, I Ss I- \, ,,? c:>>. s .-y '" \ '" ~ a ..& 0 r: 'a" :9i: $/,,,,,, .of> "" ~G uJ \ ~" ~., ,: t? % _ .1/: Q 4'(' ::, \ct~ b~ 1'c9 +(1' S,.,' '.J ~ . () ~ ~ () ~ ~.po "9."..y A" S ~./ ~ "9 & <:) \ ~ _ ,..,.. .9,3? . '<, ~ ..y6' /..y. ~s ,.~ \ .6" ~ ~'~6',~' \ in \1 (0 Of RD.' ,...a .citE) co "J~ 85.18' 72. IS' \\ '-.:\ 5 83'04' 31" ~ ~~.lC.l.P. r " 318.lf , PoEt. ," sa\J~~E. \..-;,." 'S> \ \ II \f~nN ...,.\.( y .. \ I, \~ ~.\\ .~ -p ':- \ \ I b: r- r r ." q f. \<9: ~ 'i/,:----' \ ~ ~ t. C. ~': :.: ':- ~ 'f, \~ 'f- \ ~"!~ \ \ I :!. ~ ~~ \~ ' \ ~~~ \ S'j.Qll' 55.00' \ '(1,. ~ u>. \'&~:;;. \ \ \ '. "', \ .~. ...-_-------tI I \ I I ( \' ....",... I P. \ 1 5.01"48'Z8'E.. I \ a \ ' (......"." .' _\'J_ p.c. 0.5\' REC. ,'/~"I.P.) " , '" ').1,.. \16.98' 'iI' 66.00' ) 195.0f ~I/"' ( 22 On' ..."1 nn',.I C 83a 04' 32" LI . N'LY. LINE Of LQl48.,' n. u ,..~ \ :J oj " ___....:-\L--~ _1>l~O~~~~5_~; \ p'Q.B. Qf 5~G~E ~o \ \ R./W i NE. CORNER \ \ .L i!J' col 4&, 6C~ O. \ ~ \ \ _._ \ nQR\9l. PIl>NE~ \.\~\1 .w"'~ . \ ~~ r~ -,' '7 ;- :,) :~ I ~') C=, I , ' " ..'--- ~ , r"' l ,'-.!J' f\)~ p"/W LIN'- .... R::o 2\70.83' 0::: sa \ 7 I 2e" ~::: 20\.02 IO'l.&.SQ' 34.81' N S6 a S 1 I 1 S II E NOTE: CREE KNOT ,.,tt.O t,ocA rEO DR SilO WN ON ,-u,S suR\lfY " -- (D . 1Q1~L. 4.1<33~ ..tRES (I<. Of s"GI'l1'. RGbO . 4.1.104) bCRI'.S) "- .~ - (J'\ . .co (0 ('.I o co I.D r- If) en ::~~ I -.' ~ co If) en ...s- a r- z NO rf COR'" f ..''5 N01 ;t. r ALONG 5HO" t ~OAO R/W I LAND TO 8l ,'CQ.UIRED Ff(OM rUE ,."TII DRLI~NOO co, o~, 9. ~ ..;. " ~:9. " 9' 0 ~ ,5') ./ ./ '. v,..y, ./6' ~ ) ,.. " -9 , ~ (? ./- \to 10 /- \ R,Ec.\.P. 220.78' 5 83004'31" .., -'(' , , , , \ . , g, 0' ::" , , , I I \.- r- ~ ~- (:, ,::. ....' _..' \ --\----- \ , ---p ....:.0...' "., -.., ..>' \" " ...'.'.....A' . ", ., . . . .. .,.... . . . .... ~. - ~. '. ,. .', ',~ . ,- . _ ':.0 ~.,_ '.' o' "', . fl'\ ~ ; . ...... :.................~. ," ~', .,0...:...... ;, ," ~. -:.:' .. -.' , .. .. .. .. - . ~; -t.... , ,'\ ,a". -- ". .. '. ~.~ ....-: -':. ,". .... PLAT OF SURVEY FOR JOH~ I. & PAfRICIA MALCOLM SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA DESCRIPTION Lot 9, Block 0, of the D. R. MITCHELL1S SURVEY OF THE ltVY GRANT, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 5, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, lpss the East 1028.5 feet and also Less Right-of-Way for Shore Road described in Official Records Book 237, Page 102. Also l~\s the South 140.00 feet thereof and Less Right-of-Way for State Road 434. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that a Boundary Survey of the above described property was made under my direction and the Plat hereon is a correct representation of the same to the best of my knowledge and belief and meets the Minimum Technical Standards as set forth in Chapter 21:HH-6, Florida Administrative Code. Copies of this survey are invalid unless embossed with the seal of the surveyor. RLS #1~~3KELtt~1~TES. 1807 French Avenue Sanford, Florida 305/322-2213 NOTES: olndicates iron set with cap 11653 unless otherwise noted. Bearings based on the West line of Lot 9, as being N.07046151"W. The surveyor has not abstracted the land shown hereon for easements, rights-of-ways or other matters of record that may affect the subject property. --... 4~4-- s-rA" E. ~OAD NOTE: F'I (/..V CREEK NOfR 5UawN /..OCA rE~tJR"!Y ON n-I/S ~ / 10 SEP 87 INC. / /' /' / / /' /' /" / /" // / ~ ~<:) / / /~\. ~ ,,<-J)'/ / ~~ ,../. ~ /'" ""~ \\ -../ / \. b. \,,~ /' \ \.'=> / 1.1.1.' ~~ /. oS\. / \, .q.; NG SDUTH /' (,~ S<o/ /L ~\~~ EX~5Z;~E 5.R.434 /'_ ~~ '> / t;>~' R/ /'" r;;,~ \.Rn~ / R::: '2\ 76. ~3'2'e" __ __------/ (sg 0::: 50\7 '2 REt.2."'.f.)___ R::: '20\'0 .30~_1// 34.81' ) N 56051' 15" E 49.40' N 88018'07" E -' --,- -- \ \ \ \ \ -----, \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .... -- r- -- '..... ..". .- I (. \ ... ;; _. ..'~ , . ...