HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 173 Drainage Structures
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.-\ R;::SOLUT~O); ~\UTHORIZING A\D ?IRE0TING the ~,layor of the Ci ty of l':intcr
5~)rir1gs, rlOTlCb to mal~e atlpllcatlon fOT Federlll .'\ssistancc under
:'___ljlic La',; 94-369 Local Public ]':or},;:s Capital IkvcJopr;Jent ;l!1d Inn'str::cnt:
? YO;' r a iJ .
~HEREAS, the City of Winter Springs, Florida proposes to construct drainage
structures for problem area control and conveyance of natural and storm
floHs at several existing street crossings within the City's right-of-
\~-ay s .
~~!EREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable to seek a Federal Grant
under Public Law 94-369 for such construction:
xo~ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Council of the City of ~inter
Sp~ings, Florida:
(1) That Troy Piland, ~ayor, be and he is hereby authorized to execute
and file an application on behalf of the City of Winter Springs
with the Economic Development Administration fOT assistance under
Public Law 94-369 for the construction of drainage structures with-
in the City's rights of way.
(2) That Troy Piland, Mayor, be and he is hereby authorized and directed
to furnish such infor~~tion as the Economjc Development Administration
may reasonably request in connection with the application which is
herein authorized to be filed.
),PPRO\'ED :\\D
F.lo:r-ida this
/I~L~ day of ~:J <"L~ lC>:jl
the City of Winter Springs)
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City of \hnter Springs, Florida
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Ci L}' of ;';inte:c Springs, FloriclEl
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do hereby certify that the Resolution
and adopted by the City Council of the
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for the
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