HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 172 Paving Roads
RES Q e~ I T 0 ~i
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~ :~~:SC'~'_:T~O:\ _~,.UTHORIZI:\G A\D !?IRE~TT7\'G the j,layor of the Ci t)' of 1''-intcr
:::-~):'l.n~;s, l-lorlCla to ma~~e applIcatIon for Federa_l :\';si"tallcC l:rider
~'''':~jlic ':..2.'.'- 94-369 Local Public 1''-orks Capital J)CFcJcpi;~~nt ;lnd In'/c.str:-;cnt
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WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs, Florida proposes extend water mains
within the City1s right-of-ways for fire protection and water service
to the medium density single family area of North Orlando Ranches located
between Hays Road and Shore Road and Anton Road and Sailfish Road.
:~EERE1-\S, it is deemed necessary and advisable to seek a Federal GraEt
lmderPublic LaH 94-369 for such construction:
xo~ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Council of the City of ~inter
Springs, Florida:
T::a t Troy Piland, ;'.1ayor, be and he is hereby authori zed to exec:u-::e
a~d iile an application on behalf of the City of Winter Springs
\.;ith t.he Economic Development Administration for assistance uncler
Public Law 94-369 for the extension of water mains and installation
of fire hydrants along selected streets within the City1s rights-
o f - \'; a y s .
T:-3t Troy Piland,:.layor, be and he is hereby authorized Cinel dir-ectccl
to furnish such information as the Econo2ic Development Administ~ation
1::2.)'" reasonably request in connection Hith the appJic8_tion \,:hjd" is
herein authorized t.o be filed.
).PPi'?.or::::D _-\:m ADOPTED BY TIlE Ci ty Council of
f lor i J 2. t 11 i 5 __E6-.4_____ cia y 0 f 0 dl"k/>i
the City of Winter Springs,
, 1976.
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/(City Clerk)
do hereby certify that the Resolution
and adopted by the City Council of the
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