HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 168 EPA Standards RESOLUTION NUMBER 168 NOT ORIGINAL. APPROVED IN SEPTEMBER 9,1976 MEETING. 'J;. - U:\IITED ST ATES l:NVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIO:'-J "\~CY ASSURANCE OF CO~,'PLlAN_ FOR TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1954 AND SECTION 13 OF THE FWPCA AME:-.Jm..1ENTS OF 1972 FZ;S"cJL, d r (L' 1'/ ;tJ d. / (,?! NM,H: AND AODRESS OF APPlICAN I/RECIPIENT (Hereinaf.er caNed ASSUROR) r Gi'{;:'~H I~=:-': I iFICATION NUMBER (To be comp:ered by EPAj NiP,,/tr V GRANT ':'~,:OUNT REOUESTED . s r ...j TY?:: OF GRA~T o DE~.tONSTRATION o OTH:: R (Specify): CH=CK ON::: ON=:W o RESEARCH OTRAINING OCONTINUATION HEREBY AGREES THAT IT will comply with Title VI aT the Civil Rights Act ()f 1964 (p.L. 88-352) and all requirements 0: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (hereinafter called "EPA 'J issued PUrsU2Ilt to that tille, to the end that in accordance Title VI of that' Act, no person in the United Stales shall, 0'1 the ground of race, color, or national origin be excluded i participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to dis.cn..--;Un3tion under any program or activity for whid Assuror receives financial assistance from EPA and hereby gives assurance ih:n it will now and hereafter take all necessary me.c to effectuate this agreement, HEREBY AGREES THAT IT will comply with all applicable requiremems oi Section 13 of the Federal Water Pollution Co. Act Amendments of 1972 (pL. 92.500) and aU requirements of EP..\ issued pursumt to that section. to the end that in accord witll that section of that Act. no person in the United States shall, on the ground of sex be excluded from participation h denie.d the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity under the said Federal \1 Pollution Control Act Amendments for which the Assuror receives fL"1ancb.l assistance from EPA and hereby gives,assurance ti will now and hereafter take all necessary measures to effectuate this agreement. I -l If any re:!.! property or structure thereon is provided or irnproved \'r;th the :!id of fin:mciai assistance extended to the Assurl EP A, this Assurance obligates the Assuror, or, in the case of any transfer of such property, any transferee for the perioq d. which the real property or structure is used for a purpose involving the provisions of similar services or benefits. If any per: property is so provided, this Assurance obligates the Assuror for the period during which it retains ownership or possession c property. In all other cases, this Assurance obligates the Assuror for the period during which the financial assistance is extend. it by EPA. .1 . . . , . I . . , 1 . . THE ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obuining any and all Federal grants, loans. cont property discounts or other financial assistance extended after L~e rote hereof to the Assuror by EPA including install payments after such date on account of arrangements for Feder:d finmc!:!l :isist:mce which were approved before such date /usuror recognizes and agree"s that such I:ederal financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representation= :1greements made in this Assurance and that the United States sh:ill reserve th~ rig.l}tto seek judicial enforcement of this Assur nus .Assur:lOce is binding on the Assuror, its successors, transfere~, and :!SSjg:n~. and the person or persOns whose sign :1ppear below are authorized to sign this Assurance on behalf of the Assuror. The obligations assumed by the Assuror hereunder are in addition to any <;>bligations which may be imposed on the Assuror b applicable regulation now outstanding or which may hereafter be 2dopte~ by EPA to effectuate any provision or goal ofth: / . Title VI and aU applicable requirements of the.said Section 13. and no part of this Assurance shall be r~ad so as to in an) / detract from or modify :iI1Y obligation which may be imposed on the Assuror by any such regulation standing alone. OARO OR CC!oI?"R....3LE AUTHORIZ:EO DATE l' //l Y EDITION IS O~SOt..E:.E. ... -- ---------- ----------- -_..-----