HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 162 Foxmoor RESOLUTION 162 WHEREAS the City of Winter Springs, Florida has received a petition from A.C. Doudney Surveyors, Inc. acting as agents for Moranda Homes, Inc. owners of Lot 7, Block F, FOXMOOR, Unit 1, as recorded in Plat Book 19, Pages 70 and 71 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and lying and being in the incorporated territory of the City of Winter Springs, Florida; and WHEREAS, said petition requests that the Southwesterly one (1) foot of the Northwesterly Seven and fifty hundreths (7.50) feet of Lot 7, Block F, FOXMOOR, Unit 1, as recorded in Plat Book 19, Pages 70 and 71 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, be vacated and abandoned by the City as a Utility Easement, and WHEREAS, said petition shows that a structure has been inadvertently built upon 0.8 feet of said easement; and WHEREAS, not to vacate and abandon said property would cause great harm and injury to this Petitioner, and the vacating and abandonment of the same will not unduly impair the free access by utility companies over and across the remaining easement; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RESOLVES: 1) That the City of Winter Springs, Florida hereby abandons and vacates the following described property: The Southwesterly one (1.00) foot of the Northwesterly Seven and fifty hundreths (7.50) feet of Lot 7, Block F, FOXMOOR Unit 1, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 19, Pages 70 and 71 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. 2) That the City Council has determined that the vacating and abandonment of the above described property will not impair the remaining portion of the utility easement and will not deny access through the subject property to utility companies. 3) That the City Clerk upon passage and adoption of the Resolution shall forward a certified copy of the same to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County pursuant to Florida Statute 177.101 (4) and Petitioner must comply with 00 Chapter 177, Florida Statutes to make this Resolution fully operative. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17 day of May A.D., 1976. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA BY Troy J. Piland MAYOR ATTEST: Mary T. Norton City Clerk Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3 day of June, 1976. TERRY GOEMBEL Seminole County Property Appraiser ASSISTANT PROPERTY APPRAISER TELEPHONE: (305) 323,4330 SEMINOL E COUNTY COURT HOUSE SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 H, W. "BILL" SUBER 1'1ay 1/+, 1976 fIr. Gary }'la.'ssey 616 East Semoran Altamonte Springs, PIa. 52'701 Dear Mr. Massey, r:~ef: .,.. Lot ~J Blk F FoxmooI' unit 1 PE 19 PGS '70 & 71 Pursuant to your telephone request o1.'yest;!~rday, pleas'3 be advised that by recording of deed in Gffical Record 1075 'Page liJOO:';eminole County Records, ti..tle to above pro rty will appear in the name of Maranda Homes, Inc. on he 1977 tax roll unless of course, other transactions are made and recorded. The 1976 tax ~011 will show this property listed as: Floi'ida Land Company C/O 7'7 Maranda Homes, Inc. 616 East Semoran Blvd. Altamonte Springs, Fla. 32701 We trust ~nlS is the information you desire. Your's verytrUIYq, ------::/ J~~W~ i'I'ERP 'JOEMI~2L T",,;-., (, - -~...,-, _ rrlV ~ ''-''T1R ~ ,~, ,_ 'ry~'] 1~,1~{ .'.;....~.' ..-.tJ.. J.., ii.r~_~.-I _d.j_~J.t,J:\. rrG/a '"r"l. . ,,"', ,,-,,~...-. . J.t,." ;~-t:.'.,,'" ~.' ."~~~~'~::':i'J:'"":<~":~:L,"~::'~:}~.:<~::"'I'j~;;:~::~;~:;j:i}'~~~i::~i'''i.~;~:2~~::::,~'~~;.~{~'~' ,"~.., _c....:-;.,:.:. .. ..-"',,,,,:" ... ,'. '" ....... .~:n_":.-:.;.:.,~'_ .;:t.~-..~-:---:'...,.,: --:~'"'._'-:~.~"V.1'_ ..;;i~f:1i;;~~;~~~~4;~~*~i~~~i~~~~;~t.ritd~:#~:~~i!j:~:~~~~:;:;t~;~~~~i"~::;:~<"~~~}:g;~.: ..:..... '~-..l _' ,--_1\ ...4 c I" _ , . ':~';?2~~=~~:'.~~;,;"'7.'":~;:::~:J;:;:.-::.'~;;7Z::.;':::":""'~":;C' · , A {...' .-:,-. -' ';~',~: :\.:',.\' ~:';";,"'. _. _~ ~ ~:\.....?~.?,',I;;. ,," . , . .... ,& .'" '. ,.'.\ .. . 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I 1 ~ II ~ ,..... \::) ........ ~ <t ~ o 0'1 l.rI .. :T\ _"I::~..>)-~ ./:~ 'i<. >.., ',:. ..:"< ~ " fl' ,...", '.' f' " .- :~",.~:.-:~~~..~:.~::,)\;~.:.~..<~ .::' :,~~ ~ ,- " r . ~ ~ ~. l ~ " .~. ,.' ..:\. .' .. ~"" l.U :::J ....J <t: > r~J2;'~~:J;~~~,iOii; ! ( I ! G ~ MEMBER OF FLORIDA SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS A. C. DOUDNEY SURVEYORS, INC, Professional Land Surveyors 322,1451 OR 322,1456 SUITE 8, JG,,~ 9?fu~a - - p, O. Box 266 SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 A P R I L 29, 1976 CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 102 NORTH Moss WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32707 DEAR COUNCIL MEMBERS: ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND A COpy OF A SURVEY FOR MARONDA HOMES, FOXMOOR UNIT I AND FROM THE SURVEY YOU WILL NOTE THAT THE HOUSE ENCROACHES INTO A 7! FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT BY 0.8 FEET. To MAKE THIS SURVEY LEGALLY ACCEPTABLE, I RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THAT THE COUNCIL PLACE THIS ITEM ON THE AGENDA FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING ON MAY 10, 1976, FOR THE PURPOSE OF VACATING AND ABANDONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PORTION OF SAID EASEMENT: THE SOUTHWESTERLY 1.00 FOOT OF THE NORTHWESTERLY 7.50 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK F, FOXMOOR UNIT I, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 19, PAGES 70 AND 71 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE CpUNTY, FLORIDA. '-ti~ I FEEL THAT THIS WILL NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE PURPOSE OF THE EASEMENT AS IT WILL STILL LEAVE A 14-FOOT EASEMENT. I WILL BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE ON BEHALF OF MARONDA HOMES, INC. SINCERELY, dC:~~ A. C. DOUONEY ,/ REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR No. 873 CC: MARONDA HOMES, INC. ENC. .City of W. ~ In(er Spri City Hall "is APR 3 0 J~!6 RECEIVED .... PLAT or SURVEY FOR MARONDA HOMES, .~C. ..EM~EI ORin. __ ';t ELDERWOOO S1. 50' R/W R.:/J?...5:..5 ' /L";~~ ..5 ? :?~ . /~;" \. ~ ." ~ ~ ~ ~ .r~.,,' ~ -., ~ ~ \ /6.tJ \' ~ ~ '\l \ ~ ~ ~ ~ / --:r /;-, ~.....c. ~ ,~ ~ " ~"" "\: g"u ~~J. ~ .... ,~ ~ 6 . '\; ~ ~ ~/~' 7'./' ~ .::; /J'.o' , ./~,C) , ~.: 'q ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ / ,ro \ 7 ~ , , I , .$'" J~ "./0 '..1'1' '#; 7/'3"'"' .... .... ... OESCR 1 PT ION L..T'l ,~o.~,,;Ft FOX".OR U.'T I, Ace...... TO THE "LAT THEREOF AS RIC.OROED .11 PLAT e... 9..~.. 70 .11. 71 OF THIE PUBLIC; RECORDS OF SEMI NOLIE COUIITY, FLORIDA. IURVEY..'. C~RT''''CATE I ....Sy C.~I"Y THAT THE LOCATION OF THE BU'LO'N., THE FINISHED ARADE AND THE ILEVATION or:: THE 0_AIIIA8E FACILITIES "ERTA.IIIN. THERETO, ARE .N SUBSTANTIAL ,...EEMENT WITH THE A"PROVEP PLANS AND ~PECIFICATIO.. AND ADEqUATELY ACCOMPLISH Till ...JECT'VES OF' THE V. A. MINIMUM PR.GPERTY STANOAROS. A. c. OO~y 8URYt.YOl(~, ..c. ~" By A. C. OOUOIIEV, PRESIDENT, R.L.S. No. 8,73 ,./. ;:..:- It,-,,&-. 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