HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 128 Cadet Program r"'"'''-'''>"l'i:'<<,,'',jfi!~.'':'''~'~',,'=:r;::'.:'''''-'_C'''':"'.',"~'-'-'- ".-;'- ~'.'':T::~':?''''~---,-,;" '''_.' ,,,~...'ft!(':"".,:'J'~~':'i:':'=~~~_'__T' ,,,.,a--,,.,-,.p.,',:,,":--"--- .' "'-:'-,'-.~~""""l'''.':~:'r''''I'I''i:'''''''"=n:;:.."~.-=,"",""~"""",,,,,__ RESOLUTION NUMBER 128 NOT ORIGINAL. APPROVED IN mL Y 29,1974 MEETING. ~_.''''. ~ ~. ",..~Il'!~..,~:"~,~,~ "'~">'\~''Jii!;l;':'1t. 'iii ~,,"=,,,,~~~lB~.j'o~._,_._ ",,,-_ . ~ e e RESOLUTION NO. 128 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF \'lINTER SPRINGS,. FLORIDA, FOR CADET PROGRM~ UNDER TE~IS OF PUBLIC LAW 90-351, AS M.lliNDED, AND AUTHORIZING ACCO~WLISH~mNT OF ALL PREREQUISITES GEffi4AIrffi THERETO. ~mEHEAS, the City Council of \1inter Sprin,:'s, Florida, herein called the "Applicant", after thorough consideration of the problem and available data, has hereby determined that the project described below is in the best interests of the general public: REGIONAL Vl0RK EXPERIENCE (CADET) PROGRAN This program is designed to attract college and pre-college students to the Criminal Justice System. This is~accomplished by financially assisting criminal justice agencies interested in bringing into their organization such students in a '"lork experience environment. In this environment it is expected that more educated young people ~dll acquire a better understanding of the criminal justice mission, thereby being attracted to some aspect of the profession. Those who do not choose to follow the profession ~dll carry this understanding for~ffird in their contact with other members of society. Secondarily, through providing cadet manpower, full-time la\'! enforcement personnel are released for more time in contact with the public, and additional related services are provided that otherwise would not be financially possible. The project will be evaluated in several ~ffiYS including the measuring of the number of students attracted to the profession and the number of full-time manhours made available for other duties. vlliEREAS, under the terms of Public Law 90-351 as amended, the United States of America has authorized the La>;', Enforcement ' Assistance Administration, through the Florida Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance, to make Federal Grants to assist local governments in the improvement of criminal justice; and - ~"'!\O_~~___ ~ ~ . _ lfIiIPl")o:"..;o~ -._ e e vffiEREAS, the Applicant has examined and duly considered such Act and the Applicant considers it to be in the public interest and to its benefit' to file an application under said act and to authorize other action in connection therewith, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~VIIITER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, IN AN OPEN ~lliETING ASSmvlliLED IN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THIS 29th OF JULY 1974, AS FOLLOVIS: 1. That the project generally described above is in the best interests of the Applicant and the general public. 2. That the Mayor Pro Tern, Troy E. Piland, City of Winter Springs, be hereby authorized to file in behalf of the Ap~Jlicant and application in the form prescribed by the Florida Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance in conformity 'with said act, for a grant to be made to the applicant to assist in defraying the cost of the project generally described above. 3. That if such grant be made, the Applicant shall nrovide or make necessary arrangements to provide such funds in addition to the grant as may be required by the Act to defray the cost of the project generally described above. 4. That the Applicant is a~mre that all of the required non-federal cost of the project be appropriated cash and that such f~~ds designated as local hard cash contributions in all related project budget appropriated new funds for Criminal Justice use for the express purpose of matching the LEAA funds. 5. That said Mayor Pro Tern, Troy E. Piland, is hereby authorized to furnish such information and take such other action as may be necessary to enable the Applicant to qualify for said grant. "._<f;;:!I:t,'"l'~:", e e 6. That the Official designated in the preceding paragraph is hereby designated as the authorized representative of the Applicant for the purpose of furnishing to the Florida Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance such infor- mation, data and documents pertaining to the application for said grant as may be required and other\nse to act as the autho- rized representative of the Applicant in connection \dth this application. 7. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the application for said grant to be submitted to the Florida Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance. 8. That is such grant be made, the Applicant of Official designated in paragraph 4 above shall maintain such records neces- sary and furnish such information, data and documents as required by the Florida Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance to support the implementation of the project generally described above. 9. That this resolution shall take effect immediately uoon its adoption. DONE AND ORDERED in open meeting. Councilman VAN EEPOEL offered the resolution and moved its adoption, which was seconded by Councilman BOOTH Upon roll call, the vote was: Ayes: 5 Nays: .... .1 ~ ...... e - DATE: JULY 29, 1974 ATTEST: by '?n Cbk.~ r ~ ~ I CLERK ",-""",",,'-