HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 91 Municipal Courts
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RESOLUT lOll fl-
WHEREAS, the Plorlda House JUdlclar7 Commlttee ls
cODslderlDg the abo1lshmeDt ot maDlclpal oourts ID the pro-
posed revlslon ot Artlcle V ot the P10rlda CODatltutlonJ and
WHEREAS, the Vl11age ot Borth Orlando ls ot the
oplnlon that suoh proposal would be contrar7 to the best;
Interests ormunlclpal resldents and mUDlo1pa11tles throuBb-
out t;he State; now, t;heretore,
sesslon assembled In The Vl11age ot Worth Orlando thls 1st
da.,.. or Iovember, A. D. 1971, that:
1. The abollshment ot munlclpal courts be opposed
tor the tollowlng reasons:
a. Man7 matters heard In munlo1paloourts Involve
dlsputes between nelghbors and can best be.. dlsposed ot b7
local judges who are acqualnted wlth the parties and who can
deal wlth them on a personal basls as local resldents and cltlzens
and not as ImpersODal crlmlnals.
b. Hany utters whlch are heard In mUDlclpal OO\1rts
Involve vl01atlons ot munlclpal sODlng ordlDaDces, 110enalng
ordlnances and bulldlng codes whloh .would b~ untaml1lar to
judges ot countJWlde courts and theretore would not be haDdled
.. expedltlous!,. or a. acouratel,. as Itb...rd b,. IIlUDlclpal judges who
are taml11ar with such. ordinances and have more time 1;0 oOllslder
o. Municipal courts are located within the ..nlolpallt.,..
and are morereadl1.,.. acce.slble to local cltlsen., both detendants
and wltne...., whe~ea.count1Wlde court. are usuall.,.. located con-
slderabl. dlstance. troa IIlUnlclpalltle. and the resultant travel
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causes great Inoonvenlence to parties ano wltnesses.
d. Muniolpal oourt calendars are shorter aQd partie8
aDd wltne88e8 are not dela7ed tor long perlod8 ot tlme.
e. Munlcipal c08rt8 are tl'equ.ntl7 held at night tor
the oonvenlence ot part1e8 and wltne8sea Who are emp107ed during
the da7.
t. Munlolpal oourts are more read117 acoe8s1ble to
looal pollce ottlcer8 who mU8t testlt7 arul less pollce t1.. ls
taken up In travellng to and from court and,.ln waltlng on
length,. count,..lde eale.dar8 to be dl.,oa.o" of treelng the
otticers tor cr1t1ca117,needed pollce work.
g. Creatlon ot larger countJV1de cOUrt8 denl~. to
res1dent8 or munlclpalltles the r1gbt8 of 8elt deteralnat10D In
the1r government aDO 18 contral'7 to the basic prlnclples or local
Pa.sed aadadopted thi8 18t d&.7 of Bovember, 1971.