HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 374 Mobile Home Districts ORDINANCE 374 An ordinance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, revising the Mobile Home Park Districts Zoning Code to permit model manufactured homes to be located within the boundaries of properties zoned R-T; establishing guidelines for the placement of model homes; severability, conflicts, and effective date. WHEREAS, the City Commission of Winter Springs, Florida, has determined that it is in the interests of the City to permit the location of model manufactured homes within approved, functioning mobile home parks; WHEREAS, the current city Code; Appendix A, Article XI, Section 44.'10.5 (1), prohibits such models. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of Winter Springs, Florida, THAT: SECTION I - Appendix A, Article XI, of the City Code of Winter Springs, is hereby revised as follows. Section 44.70.3 shall include the paragraph below: (6) Model manufactured homes located for the sole purpose of sales to prospective residents of the mobile home park in which the model is placed. Such models shall be set up in strict accordance with one of the options herein described; only one option is permissible in a single park. (a) Model homes owned by the park in which they are located may be placed on any valid building sites, as depicted on the approved development plan for the park, so long as the homes are permanently installed and have all the appurtenances required by this Code for a residence that is to be occupied. The only exception is that utilities, although installed, do not have to be activated. The intent of this requirement is that any models located on sites remaining wi thin a partially occupied area of the park shall in every way meet the standards of the homes which are already in use as residences. (b) A model home center may be developed on a site of no more than one acre of land with specified boundaries within R-T property that is developed or developing with an active manufactured home park. Both the location and the conceptual plan of this center, as well as its engineering, must be approved by the Site Plan Review Board. The plan must provide a site of at least 4000 sq. ft. of land for each model home. The models, although not permanently installed, must meet all safety requirements of the applicable jurisdictions. Also, they must have all visual exterior amenities necessary for a home in the residential area of the park. Adequate parking for visi tors to the center shall be provided so as to cause no nuisances to residents of the park. It is the intent of this paragraph that the model home center shall appear similar to the remainder of the park, excepting that permanent, nonreusable auxiliary installations are not required. Section 40.70.5 is hereby revised to eliminate the existing prohibition against models. Paragraph (1)is deleted and paragraphs (2) through (8) are renumbered (12) through (7). respectively. SECTION II- If any section or portion of a section or subsection of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force, or effect of any other section or portion of a section or subsection or part of the ordinance. SECTION III- All ordinances or parts of ordinances on conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IV- This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 13th day of April, 1987. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS JOHN V. TORCASO, MAYOR ATTEST: Mary T. Norton CITY CLERK First Reading 3/9/87 Posted 3/11/87 Second reading and Public Hearing 4/13/87 Thc9rlando Sentinel Publiahed Daily Altamoote Spring., Seminole County, Florida ADVERTISING CHARGE $33.83 ~tate of ~loriha} SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE , who on oath says that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Rita C. Luke Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I CITY OF WINTER ePRINGS FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEIlEBY GIVEN by the City Co/III1ll88IOtI of the City of ~ SprInglI, F\Ol'kla, thatuid Coml1\l88lon will hOld a Pllblic HeMing on an 0rdi- nance entitled as follOWS: ORDINANCE NO. 374 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, RE- VISiNG THE MOBILE HOME PARK DISTRICTS ZONING CODE TO PERMIT MODEL MANUFAC- TURED HOMES TO BE LOCATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF PROPERTIES ZONED R- T; ES- TABLISHING GUIDELINES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF MODEL HOMES; SEVERABILITY. CON- FLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Thla Public Hearing win be held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, AprIl 13, 198!, or as IOOll \hereafter as poaibIe In the Commi8111on Ch8mber, CltyHan, 1126 East S. R. 434, Winter Springs, Fl. 32708. Copies of the propclllllCl ord~ .... available in the office of the City Clerk for inspection. Intereet8d partie8 may appear at tills ~ng and be heard with respect to this proposed ~re 8dvia8d that if ~ de- cide to appeal any d8CIailln I!l8de at tills meeting, they win need a record of the procMdinga and for such pur- poeIl thay may need to ......re that a verb8ttm record of the proce8dings is made which record inCludes the l88li- mony and evidence upon which ~ appeal is to be bSS8d par SectIon 286.0106 Florida Statutes. Dated this 13th day.ol March, 1987. CITY OF WINTER SPRiNGS, FLORIDA Is/Mary T. Norton Mary T. Norton, City Clerk L5-249(6a) Mar.22,l987 . published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad- vertisement, being A Notice of Public Hearing in the matter of Ordinance No. 374 in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of March 22, 1987 Mfiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin- uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, c~~on or refund for the purpose of securing this odv"""",""", Co, pubn~tiM m tho ""'."77;;/, ;;J~ / / ~ 0' ..c~/ y Jf M.arch FORM NO, AD-264 ~ Notary P~b\' . rgG ~~ C~mm\~~\on t.'i~\t~CS Wla~ I \981 d d by American P'loneer Ca",ua\\~ \nt. 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