HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 89 Appreciation Jordan,Mayor, P&Z -~"~.'.i'f'''l.-il:i.;.:'''~''~~":'S::;,~~... -'~ _'n__~.N"'Q e e aBSOLUTION NO. 89 WHEREAS, CLInoID D. JORDlN has .erved the Vil1ase ot Borth Orlando a. both Zoning Board Ohairman and MAYOR, and WllBRBAS, CLI,roRD D. J01UlUl has taken of hi. tille to aid the co.-unit7 in which he live., and VRERElS, OLIJ'PORD D. JORDAI has worked to iIlprove the .tabillt7 ot the Village, and WHEREAS, Publlo aervants reoeive no c..penaatlon tor .ervlng, but .an7 h.adache. 1natead, and WRBRIlS, Thi. ded10ated .ervant i. te.porar117 leav1ng V111age Qovernment TBBRSPORB 1m If RESOLVED that the V111ase Coun011 on behalt of the re.1dent. of the Village do herebJ g1ve thank. tor out.tand1ng .erYlce, and regreta tor 10.1ng a aan ot such h1gh. e.teemJ Approved .j O:LA da7 of aeptember 1971. VILLAR OP IOllft OItUlIDO 1J12i!a ~ ~ 'I .. :g CLB