HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 371 1986-1987 Budget ORDINANCE NO. 371 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE 1986-1987 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET WHICH WAS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 348 OF THE CITY; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs, Florida, adopted its annual Budget pursuant to Ordinance No. 348 of the City of Winter Springs, Florida on September 22, 1986, and WHEREAS, the City must amend its Budget to provide for the appropriation of additional funds and their expenditures; and WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 7.06 of the City Charter of the City of Winter Springs authorizes amendment to the City's budget after adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION I - That Ordinance No. 348 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Winter Springs, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Said amendment is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The amend- ment affixed hereto as Exhibit "A: is hereby declared to be adopted as the City of Winter Springs, Florida, amended Budget for the fiscal year October 1, 1986 through September 30, 1987. SECTION II - All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION III - If any section or portion of a section or sub-section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or portion of a section or sub-section or part of this Ordinance. SECTION IV - This Ordinance shall take effect upon final passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 8th day of June, 1987 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS JOHN V. TORCASO, MAYOR ATTEST: Mary T. Norton CITY CLERK The Orlando Sentinel ----.. Publw.ed Daily AItamonte Springs, Seminole County, Florida ADVERTISING CHARGE $29.85 ~tate of 1flori~m} SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE , who on oath says that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Catherine Deering in the Court, N011CI!OFPWUC __ CITY OFw.na-. R..ORmA NOnce IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Citr ~ 01... ~,= Springs, Florida. ... Mid .. wit hOld a Public He8ring on .. ordi- _enIiII8d as ~ ~1IIO_171 AN 'OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA. AMENDING 'THE ll1l18-1887 FlS- CAL YEAR BUDGET WHICH WAS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO ORO. NO. 348 OF lIE CITY; ~- I~ IN CONFLICT HEREWITH: fIROVIOING FOR SE\/EfWIlLITY. CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. " This Public He8ring wit be held 81 7:30 p.m. on ..... 8. 1987. or as llOOfl ~ as poeeibIe in ... C0mmis- sion Chamber, Citr Hall. 1126 !:aM 8.R. 434. Wir.- Sprin...:FJ. 32708. CopIes 01 the JIllDII088lICIIdinance _ lMIiIII:JIe in ... olIice 01... Citr Clerk for iNpectian. ......... ~ mar ~ 81 1his -.g 8nd be '-d wilh respect to this.proposed CIIdinance. Persons _ drislId ... if ..., d&- cide to appeIII anr decision III8dlI 81 _ meellnIl. ..., wit _ a NCOn:I -01 ... prOCMdio_ 8nd for such pur- ~. ..., mar - to __ thai a lNlrbeIim NCOn:I 01 ... lIftlC*ldi<\ll- is III8de which ineIu\t8S the testinlOny 8nd evidence upori wIIiCh the appeIII is to be ~ _ Section 286.0105 Florida s.- Deled 1his 3lIlh, day ot April, 1887. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLOflIOA IlIIMaIyT. Norb> u.y T. Norb>. Citr Clerk L8-113(lls) May.17.1987 published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad- vertisement,being" Notice of Public Hearing in the matter of Ordinance No. 371 was published in said newspaper in the issues of May 17, 1987 Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin- uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation t, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for plication in t said newspaper. 19th Sworn to and subscribed before me this of 87 May ~yt;;'~ . ~ry P.~k:~ Stabr of ~ ,.. ~ge' . Y CommisSIon Expires Ma 25 8cwJed ~ Ame' . Y, 1987 rlCan PIoneer Casualty Ins. Co. r~~, FORM NO. AD-264 -CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS REVISED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1986-1987 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 1986/1987 REVISED BUDGET JUNE 8, 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I GENERAL BUDGET General Fund Revneues Public Service Tax Fund Revenues Excise Tax Fund Revenues Electric Franchise Fee Fund Revenues Capital Improvements/Capital Equipment Fund Revenues Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Revenues Police Education Fund Revenues Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund Revenues 1979 Revenues Bond Issue Sinking Fund Revenues (Priority No.1.) Sinking Fund Reserve Renveues 1985 Revenue Refunding Bond Issue Sinking Fund Revenues (Priority No.2) Sinking Fund Reserve Revenues 1984 Construction Fund Revenues Transportation Improvement Fund Revenues Winter Springs Employee Pension Fund Revenues Land Acquisition Revenues Sidewalk Improvement Fund Revenues Expenditures: Police Department Fire Department Paramedic Department Public Works Department City Manager's Office Land Development/Engineering Building Department Finance Department Personnel & Administration City Clerk's Office Recreation Department City Commission Legal Counsel General Government Debt Sl~rvice Capital Improvements/Capital Equipment Transportation Improvement Fund Winter Springs Water & Sewer Revenues Winter Springs Water & Sewer Expenditures PAGE NO. 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22-23 Ad Valorem Taxes Franchise Fee - Gas Franchise Fee - Water Franchise Fee - Cable TV Occupational liceses Permits - Building Permits - Electrical Permits - Plumbing Permits - Mechanical Recreational Hall Rental Ci ga rette Tax State Revenue Sharing Mobile Home Tax State Sal es Tax Alcoholic Beverage Tax Zoning and Annexations Recording and Copy Fees Fines and Forfeitures Interest Earned Miscellaneous Revenues Candidate Fees Fixed Pole Fees Gas Tax Refund Sale of Surplus Equipment Transfer from P.S.T.F. Transfer from Sinking Fund Reserve Transfer from Electric Franchise Fee Fund Fund Balance FY 85/86 Transfer to Capital Equip/Cap. Impr/lnterest TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES -6,SG6~S.99 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Revenues Description of Revenues PUBLIC SERVICE TAX FUND Electric Utility Taxes Telephone Utility Taxes Water Utility Taxes Gas Utility Taxes Propane Gas Utility Taxes Interest Earned Interest Transfer to Sinking Fund Sinking Fund Contribution Transfer to General Fund Fund Balance FY 85/86 TOTAL PUBLIC SERVICE TAX FUND Revised Budget 577,613.00 --24-,.QOO...oo. --23-,000...00. -...J5.,.QOO."ga, 40,000.00 95,990.09 18,000.00 15,000.00 9,000.00 -t;66&;1Ht 80,900.00 474,580.00 16,500.00 667,900.00 5,000.00 1-;eee:-ee 5,000.00 -S-isOOO.oo 45,000.00 -6~.oo 100.00 11,QOO.oo 3,000.00 1,000.00 144,193.99 -i,QOO.99 -34i-;-389.-OO- 899,999.99 -f8g;666-:66- 49,000.00 34,999.99 7,500.00 500.00 i9,999-;99 (i9,999-;99) f235,89~-;99~ fi44,i93-;99~ -0- -0- June 8, 1987 -tktobel -t;-i.~ 21,303.00 23,015.00 39,283.00 150,000.00 3,000.00 13, 000 . 00 80,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 147,711.00 2,500.00 313,389.00 77 9 , 267 . 00 (1,500.00) 3,559,561. 00 269,000.00 38,000.00 5,000.00 (5,000.00) (235,932.00) (lit 7,711. 00) 19,643.00 Page 1 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987Budget Revenues Description of Revenues EXCISE TAX FUND Florida Power Franchise Fee Transfer to Electric Franchise Fee TOTAL EXCISE TAX FUND ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEE FUND Transfer from Excise Tax Fund Interest Sinking Fund Contribution Transfer to General Fund TOTAL ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEE FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS/CAPITAL E UIPMENT 19 Road mprovement Assessment 1984 Moss Road Assessment Interest S1gna11zat1on Fund Balance FY 85/86 Transfer from General Fund TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS/CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Federal Revenue Sharing Interest Fund Balance FY 85/86 TOTAl FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING POLICE EDUCATION FUND Police Education Revenues Interest Fund Balance FY 85/86 TOTAL POLICE EDUCATION FUND SPECIAL lAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND Revenues Interest Fund Balance FY 85/86 TOTAL SPECIAl LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND June 8, 1987 6etcbe-r-i,-ige6 R~vased U get 5-2-1-;99&;9& 493,000.00 ( 52-l-rOQOrl>>) (493,000.00) -0- 5-2-1;ee&;9& 493,000.00 7.000.00 (186,611.00) ( 34-1,389;OOt (313,389.00) -0- 40,176.00 61,173.00 3~:g88:88 --5TQQQTQQ l5QTQQQTQQ 170,321.00 1,500.00 256,349-;-99 318,670.00 -~5TQQQTQQ- 9,326.00 ~QQTQQ 1,000.00 -&TQQQTQQ 20,040.00 -3-1,-200:-00 30,366.00 -3,666:-66 6,500.00 t56:-66 275.00 --4,566:-66 5,713.00 +,-650-.* 12,488.00 t,666-:-66 6,460.00 -750,.00 1,250.00 -2i TOOO TOO 25,170.00 "'2it,79()-.1)(t 32,880.00 Page 2 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Revenues June 8, 1987 getel3e ~-h..-l98& RevJsed Description of Revenues Bu get 1979 REVENUE BOND ISSUE SINKING FUND (PRIORITY NO. 1t Interest --1';58&;99- 700.00 P.S.T.F. Interest Transfer -t&;ee&;99- 5,000.00 P.S.T.F. Contributions -49;f5&;86- 49,285.00 Electric Franchise Fee Contribut~ons -0- Fund Balance FY 85/86 -t3;666-:6e- 43,924.00 TOTAL SINKING FUND S3,1SQ..QQ. 98,909.00 SINKING FUND RESERVE Interest 5.999-;-99 2,500.00 Transfer to General Fund (5,999.99~ (2,500.00) Fund Balance FY 85/86 52,360.00 TOTAL SINKING FUND RESERVE 52,360.00 1985 REVENUE REFUNDING BOND ISSUE SINKING FUND (PRIORITY NO.2) Transfer from Construction Fund 2,500.00 Transfer from Sinking Fund Reserve ~'lOOO-:OO 20,153.00 P.S.T.F Contributions 186,647.00 Electric Franchise Fee Contributions 186,611.00 Interest i&;OOEr.$ 6,000.00 Fund Balance FY 85/86 i669eeEr.$ 220,912.00 TOTAL SINKING FUND -5i-6;-7-68..oo- 622,823.00 SINKING FUND RESERVE Interest ~-;OO&:-ee- 20,153.00 Transfer to Sinking Fund (~-;OO&:~ (20,153.00) Fund Balance FY 85/86 -~,-7~OO- 380,496.00 TOTAL SINKING FUND RESERVE ~~-OO- 380.496.00 1984 CONSTRUCTION FUND Interest 2,500.00 Interest Transfer to Sinking Fund (2,500.00) Fund Balance FY 85/86 -92-,-000..00- 95,414.00 TOTAL 1984 CONSTRUCTION FUND -92-,-OOG-.~ 95,414.00 Page 3 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Revenues Description of Revenues TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND Local Option Gas Tax Interest Fund Balance FY 85/86 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND WINTER SPRINGS EMPLOYEE PENSION FUND Pension Fund Fund Balance FY 85/86 TOTAL WINTER SPRINGS EMPLOYEE PENSION FUND LAND ACgUISITION Collectlons Interest Fund Balance FY 85/86 TOTAL LAND ACQUISITION ~~~~~~und Grant State Contribution City Contribution TOTAL ~~r~i~und R~vi:;ed Iiuaget 175,000.00 -6;.000..00- -l2.Q;.ooo..oo- '*H.,oo&;-e&- ~,-ooo-.-* *,-900-.-* -50-,~.-* -0- ~ .-9& -e ;588:-9& -S-,rr3-:OO- 3,222.00 1 ,611.00 4,833.00 June 8, 1987 ~-1-,--l986. 9,000.00 125,604.00 309,604.00 52,100.00 -0- 5Z,100.00 450.00 8,787.00 9,237.00 l&~~=~~1============9UOOE=1f&~=================5',)}=5:,m:=oo= LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ASSISTANCE GRANT Grant Revenues TOTAL REVISED FY 1986-1987 BUDGETED REVENUES 10,000.00 5,589, 741.00 Page 4 Page 5 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Fire Department - 28 Description of Expenditures 12.1 Salaries 13.1 Volunteer Fire Expense 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 31.4 Physical Exams 31.5 Criminal Histories 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone 42.1 Postage 43.1 Utilities 44.1 Equipment Rental 46.3 Rep. & Maint. - Equipment 46.4 Rep. & Maint. - Communications 46.5 Rep. & Maint. - Vehicles 46.6 Rep. & Maint. - Buildings 46.8 Rep. & Maint. - Grounds 47.2 Copy Machine Supplies 47.3 Printing Expense 48.0 Promotional Activities 51.1 Office Supplies 52.1 Gas & Oil 52.2 Tires & Filters 52.3 Operating Supplies 52.4 Unifonns . 52.6 Janitorial Supplies 52.7 Small Tools 52.9 Protective Clothing 54.1 Subscriptions and Dues 54.2 Operational Books 54.3 Employee Development 64.1 Equipment 71.2 Revenue Note - Principal 72.2 Revenue Note - Interest 48.1 Employee Relations TOTAL GENERAL FUND FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING 63.1 Capital Improvements Revised Budget ~~~ 7,200.00 32,044.00 20,234.00 3,600.00 100.00 1,000.00 5,680.00 165.00 23,435.00 400.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 lS-;ee&:e& l&;ee&:e& 1,000.00 600.00 600.00 2,000.00 850.00 8,000.00 3,000.00 7,500.00 5,700.00 1,400.00 1,200.00 3,200.00 900.00 500.00 4,000.00 23,735.00 26,509.00 2,916.00 667,638.00 7,200.00 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT 674,838.00 June 8, 1987 .6ctobe r-r,-l98& 447,708.00 21,000.00 4,000.00 462.00 Page 6 Ci ty of Wi nter Spri ngs . Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Paramedic Department - 29 Description of Expenditures 12.1 Salar'ies 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 31.4 Physical Exams 31.5 Criminal Histories 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 46.3 Rep. A Maint. - Equipment 46.4 Rep. & Maint. - Communications 52.3 Operating Supplies 52.4 Uniforms 52.7 Small Tools 52.9 Protective Clothing 54.1 Subscriptions and Dues 54.2 Operational Books 54.3 Employee Development 54.4 Certification Expense 64.1 Equipment 4e.1 Employee Relations TOTAL GENERAL FUND R.evis~d Budge't --l':'+.-488-.-OO- 12,690.00 6,456.00 1,200.00 60.00 400.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,300.00 1,600.00 300.00 1,100.00 150;00 150.00 1,700.00 1,300.00 11,000.00 220,394.00 220,394.00 TOTAL PARAMEDIC DEPARTMENT June 8, 1987 -ol. Lube I -l-,-l986- 177,312.00 176.00 Page 7 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Public Works Department - 34 Description of Expenditures 12 .1 Sa 1 a ri es 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 31.4 Physical Exams 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone 42.1 Postage 43.1 Util ities 44.1 Equipment Rental 46.3 Rep. & Maint. - Equipment 46.5 Rep. & Maint. - Vehicles 46.6 Rep. & Maint. - Buildings 46.8 Rep. & Maint. - Grounds 46.9 Rep. & Maint. - Traffic Control 46.14 Rep. & Maint - Fire Hydrants 51.1 Office Supplies 52.1 Gas & Oil 52.2 Tires & Filters 52.3 Operating Supplies 52.4 Uniforms 52.6 Janitorial Supplies 52.7 Small Tools 52.8 Mosquito Control Chemicals 52.10 Road Signs 53.1 Road Repair 54.1 Subscriptions and Dues 54.2 Operational Books 54.3 Employee Development 64.1 Equipment 48.1 Employee Relations TOTAL GENERAL FUND Re~ised 8uuget -288,299-:99- 20,606.00 15,702.00 525.00 800.00 1,680.00 60.00 125,000.00 8,000.00 13,000.00 6,700.00 1,750.00 1,500.00 Devises 2,000.00 5,000.00 600.00 13,000.00 3,500.00 10,000.00 2,800.00 2,400.00 4,000.00 3,750.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 400.00 200.00 400.00 22,000.00 574,573.00 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 574,573.00 June 8, 1987 -ol.lube I -l-,-}965- 287,804.00 396.00 Page 8 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget June 8, 1987 City Managers Office - 13 get.'f'-~-;-~986 Revised Description of Expenditures Budget 11.1 Salary - City Manager 45,950.00 12.1 Salary - Secretary 16-,115-:e& 16,731.00 21.1 FICA Taxes 4,485.00 23.1 Health Insurance 1,752.00 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 1,700.00 41.1 Telephone J5G.:GG- 1,250.00 42.1 Postage 110.00 43.1 Utilities 1,925.00 46.3 Rep. & Maint. - Equipment l-25-;-99 173.00 46.5 Rep. & Maint. - Vehicle 1-59;-99 102.00 47.3 Printing Expense 300.00 48.0 Promotional Activities 300.00 51.1 Offi~e Supplies 525.00 52.1 Gas & Oil 900.00 52.2 Ti res & Fi 1 ters 225.00 52.3 Operating Supplies 275.00 54.1 Subscriptions and Dues 700.00 69.1 Contingency 3,~gg';"gg 2,500.00 48.1 Employee Relations 1,044.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 8&;44-1:00 80,947.00 TOTAL CITY MANAGERS DEPARTMENT 86;441;$ 80,947.00 Page 9 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Land Development/Engineering - 22 Description of Expenditures 12.1 Salaries 13.1 Planning & Zoning Expenses 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 31.3 Consulting Engineer 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone 42.1 Postage 43.1 Util ities 46.5 Rep. & Maint. - Vehicle 47.3 Printing Expense 51.1 Office Supplies 52.1 Gas & Oil 54.1 Subscriptions and Dues 54.2 Operational Books 64.1 Equi pment 48.1 Employee Relations TOTAL GENERAL FUND Revised Budget i1,i-7....(>>.. 6,000.00 4,124.00 1,752.00 10,000.00 250.00 750.00 400.00 1,925.00 300.00 500.00 750.00 500.00 500. 00 200.00 500.00 86,124.00 TOTAL LAND DEVELOPMENT/ENGINEERING 86,124.00 June 8, 1987 eet~-l,--l%6 57,629.00 44.00 Page 10 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget June 8, 1987 Building Department - 30 O\.luber-t,-t9'86- Revised Description of Expenditures Budget 12.1 Salaries '8t);75fr.'60- 80,714.00 21.1 FICA Taxes 5,774.00 23.1 Health Insurance 3,666.00 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 750.00 41.1 Telephone 750.00 42.1 Postage 495.00 43.1 Utilities 1,925.00 46.3 Rep. & Maint. - Equipment 135.00 46.5 Rep. & Haint. - Vehicles 1,000.00 47.3 Printing Expense 1,760.00 51.1 Office Supplies 440.00 52.1 Gas & Oil 1,900.00 52.2 Ti res & Fi 1 ters 800.00 52.3 Operating Supplies 275.00 54.1 Subscriptions and Dues 500.00 48.1 Employee Relations 44.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 100,928.00 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 100,928.00 Page 11 City of Winter Springs . Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Finance Department - 14 Description of Expenditures 12.1 Salaries * See Note 1 21.1 FICA Taxes * See Note 2 23.1 Health Insurance 32.1 Accounting Services 32.2 Payroll Services 40.1 Travel & Per Diem 41.1 Telephone 42.1 Postage 43.1 Utilities 46.3 Rep. & Maint. - Equipment 47.3 Printing Expense 51.1 Office Supplies 52.3 Operating Supplies 54.1 Subscriptions and Dues 64.1 Equipment 48.1 Employee Relations TOTAL GENERAL FUND Revised Budget 29-;49&.-00 2,109.00 1,806.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 600.00 750.00 ~..oo 1,925.00 300.00 1,000.00 +,.1)00-..00- ~..oo- 500.00 1,200.00 54,436.00 TOTAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT 54,436.00 Note 1: Total Salaries 49,160.00 less 40% allocation to the Utility Department of 19664.00 Note 2: Total FICA Taxes 3,515.00 less 40% allocation to the Utility Department of 1,406.QO June 8. 1987 6ttobe,.-i,-ig86 29.452.00 . 580.00 780.00 390.00 44.00 Page 12 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Personnel & Administration - 16 Description of Expenditures 12.1 Salaries 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone 42.1 Postage 43.1 Ut11 ities 45.1 City Insurance (See Breakdown) 46.3 Rep. & Maint. - Equipment 46.6 Rep. & Maint. - City Hall 47.2 Copy Machine Supplies 47.3 Printing Expense 49.3 Classified Advertising 51.1 Office Supplies 52.3 Operating Supplies 52.6 Janitorial Services 54.1 Subscriptions and Dues 64.1 Equipment 48.1 Employee Relations TOTAL GENERAL FUND Revised Budget -16-;559-;00- 5.480.00 3.612.00 46&;00- 750.00 200.00 1,925.00 153,750.00 4,000.00 -S-;~'f)6 1,500.00 600.00 3-,~.~ 1,000.00 -200;00- H-,"SSEh-OO- 200.00 3,000.00 271.517 .00 TOTAL PERSONNEL & ADMINISTRATION 271,517 .00 Insurance Breakdown Workers Comp. General liability Exces s li ab 11 i ty Vehicles - liability & Damage Property AD & D Bon ds 63,063.00 54,364.00 9,514.00 18,509.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 1,800.00 153,750.00 June 8, 1987 g6t9ge~-.lT-J.gS6 76,440.00 300.00 5,000.00 4,200.00 300.00 9,150.00 110.00 Page 13 City. of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget City Clerks Department - 12 Description of Expenditures 11.12 Executive Salary 12.1 Salary 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone 42.1 Postage 43.1 Utilities 46.3 Rep. & Maint. - Equipment 47.3 Printing Expense 49.2 Legal Advertisements 49.5 Recording Fees 51.1 Office Supplies 52.3 Operating Supplies 54.1 Subscriptions and Dues 64.1 Equipment 48.1 Employee Relations TOTAL GENERAL F~D Revised Budget fi;~t)f) 11,688.00 2,516.00 1,752.00 300 ~ 00 750.00 1,500.00 1,925.00 150.00 500.00 9,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 900.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 65,979.00 TOTAL CITY CLERKS DEPARTMENT 65,979.00 June 8, 1987 &tobe-r-i,-i-986 23,454.00 44.00 Page 14 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget June 8, 1987 Recreation Department - 36 eet..,......i-;-i986 Revised Description of Expenditures Budget 12.1 Salaries 3fr~;OO 35,980.00 21.1 FICA Taxes 2,576.00 23.1 Health Insurance 1,860.00 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 300.00 41.1 Telephone 750.00 42.1 Postage 70.00 43.1 Uti 1 i ties 3;456';66 5,650.00 46.3 Rep. & Maint. - Equipment t;666;66 1,000.00 46.5 Rep. & Maint. - Vehicle 500.00 46.6 Rep. & Maint. - Building I,SOO.OO 48.0 Promotional Activities ~T500...00 2,300.00 51.1 Office Supplies 250.00 52.1 Gas & Oi 1 750.00 52.1 Ti res & Fi 1 ters 150.00 52.3 Operating Supplies 2,000.00 52.6 Janitorial Supplies i,5e&;ea 1,000.00 54.1 Subscriptions and Dues 250.00 64.1 Equipment -3;QQG.QO- 2,300.00 48.1 Employee Relations 44.00 52.4 Uniforms TOTAL GENERAL FUND 59,430.00 200.00 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING 63.1 Capital Improvements ~.oo- 17,766.00 63.2 Summer Youth Program 4~OOO_OO 5,400.00 TOTAL FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING ff-,-ootr.-OO 23,166.00 TOTAL RECREATION DEPARTMENT -8-3-,-4-30-.-00-- 82,596.00 Page 15 City of Winter Springs Fi sca 1 Year 1986 - 1987 Budget ConInission - 10 June 8, 1987 ik lube I +,--t966 TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL COMMISSION Revised Budget fi.,ogo~ 21,600.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 350.00 2,000.00 4;~;6e 50,150.00 50,150.00' 6,120.00 Description of Expenditures 11.1 Mayor's Expense 11.12 Commission Expense 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 48.0 Promotional Activities 52.3 Operating Supplies 54.1 Registrations and Dues 69.1 Contingency 4,080.00 LEGAL COUNSEL - 20 31.1 Monthly Retainer 31.1 Other Legal Services 31.2 Codification 4,200.00 27,000.00 10,000.00 41,200.00 41,200.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL LEGAL COUNSEL Page 16 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Hudget Genera 1 Government - 24 Description of Expenditures 13.4 Election Officials 25.1 unemploYment Compensation 45.0 Insurance/Pension Reserve 47.1 Election Printing 49.2 Legal Advertising 69.1 Contingency 69.3 Year End Reserve ~~.~ Compensated Absences TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL ALL DEPARTMENTS GENERAL FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 63.1 Capital Improvements 64.0 Vehicles 64.1 Equipment 69.3 Rese rve TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND 63.1 Capital Improvements 69.3 Reserve TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND WINTER SPRINGS EMPLOYEE PENSION FUND PI an Trust Fund LAND ACQUISITION FUND Reserve Community Services Trust Fund Grant ~~=~:GAAIH =PUftD' 63,..l.-~i-ta-l-~ 64.1 Equipment/Police Dept. Comm ReI Dept. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ASSISTANCE GRANT 31.31 Consulting Services 52.31 Operating Supplies TOTAL LGCPAG Revised Budget 1,890.00 2,500.00 45-;6t1-;OO- 1,400.00 300.00 35-;$2-:00- -f56-;600-;OO- 3"36-,~;OO-- ~;OOO";OO- -83-,000-...00- -40-,0??....oo- -64-;-~.oo- 46&,~.oo }'~;HG-,GG- -}8&.~3G-.oo- 3&1-;000-:00- -50-;000-.-* &;-r1-3":OO- 4,833.00 June 8, 1987 -eet'68e1'-+,-4:986 54,000.00 23,423.00 250,000.00 59,260.00 3?2-' 77 5.00 :t;56":t;685":OO 3,559; 561. 00 35,000.00 78,560.00 103,231.00 101,879.00 318,670.00 127,036.00 182,568.00 309,604.00 52',100.00 9,237.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 Page 17 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Bond Issues Description of Expenditures 1979 REVENUE BOND ISSUE SINKING FUND 71.1 Bond Principal 72.1 Bond Interest 69.3 Debt Service Reserve TOTAL SINKING FUND SINKING FUND RESERVE 69. 3 Rese rve 1985 REFUNDING REVENUE BOND ISSUE SINKING FUND 71.1 Bond Principal 72.1 Bond Interest 69.3 Debt Service Reserve TOTAL SINKING FUND SINKING FUND RESERVE 69. 3 Reserve CONSTRUCTION FUND 69.3 Reserve Revised TOTAL FY 1986-1987 Revised Budget 10,000.00 39,285.00 ~m.QQ 3a-t-7iQ.;OO 52,360.00 60,000.00 313,224.00 'i:4~;-5-34.00 -5-1&;75&;-00- ~.oo 92,eae..ee BUDGETED EXPENDITURES June 8, 1987 -6et~-h--i986 49,624.00 98,909.00 249,599.00 622.823.00 380,496.00 95.414.00 5,589.741.00 ~,"""3t5-,m-.-oo Page 18 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Capital Improvements/Capital Equipment June 8, 1987 ~ctaber-t;-ttM I. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND A. Capital Improvements Program: $65,000.00 1. Roads/Drainage: a. Northern Way & Shetland - Drainage Pipes b. Northern Way - Underdrain c. Sheoah Circle - Drainage d. Oak Drive & Mockingbird - Drainage e. Sugartree - Drainage a9,QQg..QQ i9,999-;99 8,000.00 5,000.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 -0- EST! MATE D COST B. Capital Equipment Program: $127,000.00 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT a. Rescue Vehicle 2. POLICE DEPARTMENT a. Po 1 i ce Ca rs ( 2 ) 3. BUILDING DEPARTMENT a. Pick-up Truck 4. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT a. CADD System 5. FINANCE DEPARTMENT a. Computer $ 65,996-;99 35,000.00 59,666-;66 49,208.00 f4,66er.66 21,352.00 8,000.00 f9,666-;66 78, 231. 00 25,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES i~,~ee 216,791.00 TOTAL RESERVES -i4,~~G9 101,879.00 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPRV./CAPITAL EQUIP. -~56,~4~ee 318,670.00 II. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND A. FIRE DEPARTMENT 63.1 Capital Improvements - FS 1 & 2 7,200.00 B. RECREATION DEPARTMENT 63.1 Capital Improvements - Ball Field 63.1 Capital Improvements - Moss Road Park/Tennis Courts 63.2 Summer Youth Program TOTAL FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND i9,eeEr.66 7,766.00 10,000.00 4,~~ 5,400.00 ~~~ 23,166.00 3i:;-re&;-66 30,366.00 Page 19 City of Winter Springs Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Transportation Improvement Fund B. TRANSPORTATIa. Ir-FROVEMENT FUND: June 8, 1987 6ctober-'i';-t'86 1. Street Resurfacing Program Priority One Projects Lynx Trail (Deer Run to Leopard) 6.430.00 Leopard Trail (Deer Run to Lynx Trail) 23.000.00 Puma Trail (Leopard Trail to Lynx Trai 1) 5.230.00 Northern Way (Professional Ctr. to Tarpon CL)12.720.00 Winter Springs Blvd. (Tuscawilla Blvd to Northern Way) Dual Lanes 25.800.00 3 manhole rings @ 130.00 390.00 ESTIMATED COST - TUSCAWILLA AREA Second Street (Edgemon to Bombay) South Fairfax (SR 434 to Lombardy) South Devon (SR 434 to Lombardy) Bitterwood (Buttonwood to Edgemon) Sailfish (Shore Road east to Dead-end) 13 manhole rings @ 130000 ESTIMATED COST - TERRACES & RANCHES Priority Two Projects Alderwood (Edgemon to Moss Road) Buttonwood (Between addresses 206 & 218) ESTIMATED COSTS 73.570.00 3.680.00 7.300.00 7.400.00 1.480.00 . 9.050.00 1.690.00 30,600.00 8.450.00 2.550.00 11.000.00 90,036.00 TOTAL RESURFACING PROGRAM SIGNALIZATION MOSS ROAD & 434 TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL RESERVES TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND BUDGET 37.000.00 ~~,~~~ 127,036.00 ~~~~ 182,568.00 a,g 1-.-.oQg. 00 309,604.00 Page 20 City of Winter Springs Water & Sewer Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987 Budget Revenues June 8, 1987 'Ot'tTitJ'e1r1=;==t'!e6 Description of Revenues Water Revenues Sewer Revenues Utility Tax Collections Connection Fees N.S.F. Check Fees Turn-On Fees Interest Income Meter Charges Inspection Fees Appl i cation Fees Ta"1>ering Fees Miscellaneous Revenue Revised Budget 507,953.00 979,612.00 20,318.00 -&;-6-190* -aoo.W ~-eoo.-* *,~.oo- 9,000.00 1,400.00 8,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 359,000.00 800.00 4.000.00 95,000.00 1611d.--REVENtJE--BOOOET-- +~,-t6r-.* Reservation Charges Renewal & Replacement Transfer State Grant Refund (Step 2+3) 96,755.00 65,383.00 391,000.00 TOTAL REVISED BUDGETED REVENUES 2,539,721.00 Page 21 :ity of Winter Springs Water & Sewer riscal Year 1986 - 1987Budget Expenditures June. 8, 1987 -eet~+,-~ Jescription of Expenditures 12.1 Sal aries 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance. 31.4 Physical Exams 31.6 Consulting Engineer Services 31.11 Legal Services 32.1 Accounting/Finance Dept. Servi ces ~O.l Travel & Per Diem 41.1 Telephone ~2.1 Postage 43.1 Utilities ~4.1 Equipment Rental 45.1 General Insurance ~6.3 Rep & Maint - Equipment 46.4 Rep & Maint - Communications 46.5 Rep & Maint - Vehicles 46.6 Rep & Maint - Buildings !6.9 Rep & Maint - Water Lines 46.10 Rep & Maint - Sewer Lines 46.11 Rep & Maint - Meters 46.12 Rep & Maint - Pump Stations 46.13 Rep & Maint - Lift Stations 46.14 Rep & Maint - Fi re Hydrants 47.2 Copy Machine Supplies 47.3 Printing Expense 49.3 Advertising 51.1 Office Supplies 52.1 Fuel &Oil 52.2 Tires & Filters 52.3 Operating Supplies 52.4 Uni fonns 52.6 Janitorial Supplies 52.7 Small Tools 54.1 Subscriptions & Dues 54.3 Employee Development 64.1 Equipment 69.5 Purchased Meters 69.6 Depreciation 69.7 Interest on Customer Deposits 71.0 Debt Service - Interest 75.0 Transfer to Revewal & Replacement 99.0 Transfer to City - Uti 1 ity Tax ~. , Capital Expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES BUDGET Revised Budget 3B&~~ 308,520.00 22,083.00 14,609.00 1,000.00 53,000.00 ~~~ 15,000.00 28,070.00 ** 500.00 7,500.00 9,000.00 133,000.00 10,000.00 70,183.00 ** 10,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 300.00 4,000.00 500.00 2,500.00 9,000.00 1,200.00 '5'5,~66 ** 50,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 1,500.00 ~,~.e4.{)G- ** -0- 4,000.00 . 170,500.00 l-,~{)G- -0- 475,312.00 65 ,383.00 20,318.00 48.1 Employee Relations 972,163.00 1-~,~..oo 2,539,721.00 330.00 Page 22 City of Winter Springs Water & Sewer Fiscal Year 1986 - 1987Budget Expendi tures June 8, 1987 OctatJer-t;-t!tM ** Accounting/Finance Dept. Services: . Audi t Fees Finance Dept. Salaries & FICA 7,000.00 21.070.00 28,070.00 ** General Insurance: Workers Compensation General Liability Excess Liability Vehicles - Liability & Damage Property AD & D Bon ds 18,719.00 32,303.00 5,654.00 4,627.00 5,000.00 3,780.00 (Blr & Mach) 100.00 70,183.00 ** Operating Supplies: Lab Fees Supplies & Chemicals -2+,-000..00- 34,000.00 5fr;00&.* 16,000.00 50,000.00 ** Equtpment-: B8clffloe- ~r704-..oo. Capital Expenditures Backhoe W.W.T.P. Improvements Wells 45,704.00 826,459.00 100,000.00 972,163.00 Page ,23