HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 77 United Fund Month RESOLUTION NUMBER 77 WAS APPROVED IN OCTOBER 7,1968 MEETING, BUT COpy ON FILE IS NOT SIGNED BY FELLOW COUNCILMEN. . ~~'''Y-'",~-l''.~'..;r;::;:'"\~~{,~, ",~,'f:,v.':I.~,"i"",1"I''I!;;'TrV'''!'':''':-;:~';r:'' -, - -. ~ -'-'-c";,,,,-'.-;-;_'V:r:-:p-,"'-~:""--',,:---;~T~~:-."""-'i<<:_::~~"'~~~,~~r:""-",:,:""'~.'. -",- --"."'''"-~,.,~';,.'~:;~~''-~:'':-::1..~~~~___~ e e !.ESOLUTION #11 WHEREAS:: OCTOBEfl IS UNITED FUND MONTH, AND; WHEREAS: THE UNITED FUND IS A WORTHWHIIE ORGANIZlT%ON; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: THAT THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VIIUGE OF NORTH ORWIDQ DOES HEREBY PROCLAIM CCTOBER AS UNITED FUND MalTH. -" ,~YOR COUNCIIl1AN COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN COUNCIlMAN COUNCILMAN VILIAGE CLERK VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO, FLORIDA -".~'ft.~'1W"""'PI'fTC-,--_.- .~,- -~- -----,.~. "--~~-,'~\,;i!!f.;. --" "";""-:.1\~- -_-~.....-.."'... ~'- '.~""f,"~~"~~}: -~~ - - PAGE 4 OCTOBBft 7, 1968 " The Fire Plug on the South East corner ot Edgemon and Lombard,. is in need ot repair. Since the trouble i8 above ground, the Village is respoDsible. Hotion was made b,. lfr. Brown to have the Iqdrant fixed since it has been out ot service tor quite some time and that is the onl,. h,.drant on South Edgemon. The coat to be $4$.00. Seconded b,. Mr. Tilson. Hotion was made b7 Mr. ~ilson to table the motion. Seaonaed b7 Mr. Ilowell. 3 votes tor and.q against. Hotion was made b,. Mr. Brown and seeonded b,. Hr. Cronk to have the Fire Plug repaired. !bree votes tor tixing the Fire Plug and 2 aga....'1 Hotion was made b,. Hr. Brown and seconded b,. Hr. Cronk to have the Fire Plug repaired. Three votes tor tixing the Fire Plug and 2 against. Majorit,. carried. The Charter Committee will be discussed at the work shop. !he Questionaires were tabled until a later date. Patrolman L,nn Llons has been on the inactive list tor a while, but is able to be back on the active list now, and will haTe the same status as betore. Hotion was made b,. Mr. Tilson and 8eoonded b,. .Kz-. Brown to pa,. Patrolman L,.ons 2.00 per hour. r- Unanimousl,. approved b,. Council. Resolution #7', designating October a8 BIfid iid*h was read b,. Ha'Jor Jordan. Resolution 179, was read b1 Ha70r Jordan, stating that October 6th throusb October 12th was Fire Prevention Week. There will be no work Shop, but there will be a continuance ot this meeting, Hond.,. night, October l4sb, 8 P.H. A motion was made b7 Mr. Cronk, authorizing Mr. Tilson and/or <hlet Anderson to purchase the 2 V.H.F. radios, trom Pre. DeMott, ot Da,.tona, tor 100.00 eaCh and 30.00 tor the installation ot one. Seconded b1 Hr. Brown and unanimousl,. approved b1 Council. $100.00 was given to Bon Goerke, ot SantOI'd, tor parts tor the grader. Mr. Goerke purchased 21.60 worth ot parts, but the,. were not used. _. Cronk returned them tor a refund ot 21.60. The balance trom the 100.00, 78.40, waa never returned. A motion was made b,. Mr. Tilson and seconded b1 Hr. Brown to have Mr. Freeman to tile charge8 in small claims court. The second was with-drawn b1 Mr. Brown and the motioD was with- drawn b,. Mr. Tilson. r-