HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 46 Council Vacancy ...aa.w1llllJ.~ - e e RESOLUTION 1146 WHEREAS, Article III, Section 12, ot the Charter ot the Village ot llorth Orlando, Florida stateSt "It there shall be a Taeanq in arrr elective ottice, the Village Council, or so much ot it as shall remain, shall have potier, by resolution, to till such vacanq by tb.e appointment ot a sui table person to hold such ottice until tile next; ce-ral election and until his successor shall be eleeted and qualitied", and ~s, such a vacancy does exist on the Village Council ciu8 to the res1gu.t10n ot lIrs. Kona Grinstead, and WHIRI&S, Hr. J&7 A. wetz is tamiliar with the responsibilities and duties pertaining to the ottice of Councilman anti is quali.tieti and eligible to accept these responsibilities, and WBER,.&R, Hr. Jay A. Wetz has expressed hiswiH'h'gD8SS to taithtul.l7 perform and enter upon all the duties ot said ottice, I'CIi, THEREFmE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF 'l'BE VILLAGE CF .NCRTH mUNDO, FIDRIDA, that Hr. Jay J.. Wetz shall be and is hereby appointed as COUNCIDWf ot the Village ot Horth Orlando, and shall hold such ottice until the next general election in Karch, 1965. PJ.SSED THIS loth day ot l'oTellber, 1964. - ~~& e er