HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 43 Junior College ~~.-----..,-....~"'-~~ . ...~ -- ..W1U_ ~-_ e e RESOLUTION 143 WHEREAS, The Village Council of the Village of Horth Orlando, rlor14a, ncogDins. the vital importance of public higher ea_tion for our children and our c~'t7, and WBBRBIS', it is our personal responsibility to do e'geryth1q possible to provide for the higher educational needs of our rapidq increasing number of high school graduates, and WBERE.AS, the future industrial expansion, cultural dnel- opl8Dt, ecODC81c weltare and general weU-beingof Seminole C01Dlty and this CCIII1IIUDi't7 1IOi14 be great17 enhanced by the location of a junior co]Jece in s.inole County, HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the VILlAGE OOURCIL OF THE VILtlGE OF I<RTH OR.LUDO, FIDRIDA., that we hereby endorse the request for the establis1'DDlmt of a cOJIIIlUDity junior college in SEMIlOIE COUBTY. PASSED AID ADOPTED this 18th day of December, J.. D. 1964. ~ .. .. . ,CoUDc1l1Dan --J . CO\1l'loilman .lTTFSr. ~ >::&~ Village Clerk , ouncilman