HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 22 Charter Board Election e e liSSOLUTION ..,. 2. 4 I T,JHEP..EAS, appro:x:in1?tel;y- forty. percent of the registered electors of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, have manifested their desire for a Ch'1.rter Board Election by petition, and ~lliEREAS, said petition does comply in fona and exceed in number as specified in Chapter 166.05 Florida Statutes, and vJHE.i.lEAS, certification of the names so 9.ffixecl h'ls been completed by the Village Clerk, and Wr~RE~S, said Florida Statutes direct thqt a Resolution shall be adopted, now, therefore, BE IT HEJuLV.sD bY T:t-Iii; VILL.GE COUNCIL OF THE VILL:\GE 02 NmTH ORLANDO, FI~OiUDr~: 1. Orderint; of Election I That on the third Tuesday of March, 1964, an election is hereby ordered to select five (5) qualified citizens to comprise a Hunicipal Ch'lrter Board, ,,,hose duty it shall be to review and suggest r~visions, deletions, or 9.dd:Ltions to the Village of North Orlando, Florida, Charter, and to submit their suggestions to the voters of the Village at a special election to be held consequent to their session and in accordance to chapters 166.10 - 166.12 of the Florida Statutes; said Charter Board election to be held concurrent to and simultaneous 1dth the General Elections of the s~~e date. 2. ~ualification for Charter Board Membership Any citizen who shall possess the necessary requisites for any other elective office of the MW1icipality shall be qualified for Chart~r Board membership. The rules of General Election candidates shall apply. 3. Hanner of holding Election All laws governing local General Elections shall apply. ~he names of all candidates for the ChartBr Board shall be printed on the ballot in alphabetical ord~r, according to the surnames. The five candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be dech.red elected. BL IT iffiTHM RESJLV.t;D that this Hesolution , effective icrunediat~ly upon passage. PASSED AI~D ADOPTED this --1 ct-dv shall be valid and ~~.~ Village Clerk df):J:)LJl:;:L- ~ r;/1/}4~" . t ft:1:~;; ~ I .:( } .