HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 15 Appreciation Beary, Police Chief, Maitland
WHEREAS, RayDDnd E. Beary, Chiet ot Pollee ot
KaitJ..aJsd, Florida, he.l':i &1ven ot h1aselt many courtesiea, otters
or assistance and aotual assistance to our n.:q orlan1zecl Pollee
Dep8l"t.lllent and ita Chief, D. G. '1'118011, said ua1ate.nee beinl ot
utmost 1raport,ance and value to our new force
BE IT 'l'HERFiORE BE:DI>>'S> that the Vill8&e Cou.QcU
ot the fillace of Borth Orlando, :<<rdoole Count" FlOl"ida, does hereby
mend to the C1tl of ltaitland, \.IIld lk:'. R. E. Beary, our :>inoere;3t and
....Blest appreciation tor these ma.ro' Acts of kindllO$S and tor their
sp1rit ot oo-operaUon, and turtheraore pledge 8Ir1 reclprooal us1stance
po se1hl e.
PA.SSID AND ADOPTED this 7th day at Kay, 1963.
Village Clerk