HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 13 Village Bank '~~".,. ... . "..' . ';-".', . . .,~., '. ,'<., ..... 1((3 .~~. I Copy 01 Resolution Passed Byl &~~[s 01 ILLlGE OF NORrH ORLAIDC FlOlUr1A. Falm 32 ':1 ! BE 1'[ ! S~L VED: 1. . h t The Sanford Atlantic National Bank. Sanford, Fla, is designated it depository of this Corporation and upon deliver\' ~o it of it c r ifi,.d copy of this resolution is authorized to: - : (dJ 'ccept for deposit for the account of this Corpora tion, for credit, or for collection, or otherwise, any and aill check, dT fts, notes or othe~ instruments payable or endorsed to th~s Corporation or its order, or to bearer', howeveri enJor e f l' or on behalf of this Corporation, or without any such entlorsement; i , (J ay or otherwise 1)onor and charge' to the accoun t of this :Corporation any and all checks, drafts, notes 01'1 Qrde; .. the payment of money from time to time issued, accepted or otherwise becoming payable by this Corporation, when It n upon or payabl, at said Bank and signed by the person from time to time for the time being: , , " c.. , I t't'e tlUe, n n" es. "of off! ers who h uld sl~n. nd I t joInt sl atures or count signature required, so state.) I indud n , ny sucb paper payable to or for the benefit of any signer rother officer, agent or employee of this Corpora- tion, i 'v\dually, without inquiring into the circumstances of the issuance, acceptance or delivery or the use of the pro-i ceeds ~tof; I 2, T~a~ the persons from time to time for the time being the ..... ,,~o_, """"il.. ~ 10-)- ration. are and each of them severally Is hereby a Ithorized ito: rrow, from time' to time, on behalf of this CQrporation, ftom said bank such sums of money for such timesl uch terms' as may to them or any of them seem -advisable, and to execute notes or agreements accordingly: in the e of the porporatiOn for the payment of any sums so borrqwed or advanced; ! ) lscount or, rediscount with said Bank any of the b Ills receivable, acceptances or notes held by this Corporation,! u h terms as. he may deem advisable, and on behalf of the Co~oration to guarantee by endorsement or otherwise I e t thereof; , '. I ) pply for and obtain from said Bank letters of credit and to sign and execute agreements to secure said B8.1iki in co ct on therewith~ ! () ledge or mortgage any, bonds, stocks, mortgage s, contracts, bills or lIoCcounts receivable, warebousereceiptil~ qills 0 It ing" insurance poliCies, or other securities or prop erty of U.is Corporation to secure the payment of any in, qebte $,. liability or obliglLtion of this Corporation to sa id Bank Whether due or to become due and whether noW! Elxisti g o hereafter tnc~t're4 and however arising; to withdraw any property of the Corporation held at any time by sai4 Bank, t ubstituteother, p!'~perty of the Corporation for any Withdrawn from the Bank, and to sign and execute trust receip s f l' the wiU1drawal pf any property of the Corpora tion released to such officer when required; and generaUy to do an e form any and all acts and sign any and all agree ments, obligations, pledges or other instruments necessary -oIt requlr P said Bank for it. protection in its dealings with this Oorporation; and all such authorities and powers ,shall . contin tU exprese notice of revocation has been duly gt ven to and received by said Bank. i . , a the Sec.rNary of ,this Corporation shall furnish sa id Bank, under the Seal of the Corporation, a certified copy 01 tion, and also forthwith or hereafter from time to time a eertified list of the names of all persons who may l:le e i,ter from.tim e to,' time such officers or represen tativ, es Of,', this Corporation; and until receipt by said Bankif h contrary, duly certified by an authorized officer of this Corporation, under the Corporate Seal, sald Bank sh II e to act upon this resolution and to deal with the persons nlUDed in such list or amended or revised list as the 0 I- I' sentative. of this Corporation duly authorized to act in pursuance hereof, andof any similar or related resoluti n ar11 of Directors; aU prior authorizations in conflict herewit1ll. being hereby revoked. i TtFY that the foregoing t8 a true copy of a resolution of the Board of Directors of "1J.___ ~ !' a OorporGtiondu.Zy organized and existing under .the laws '0/ (Name pt Corporation In full) tate where orltanlzed) having its prinmpaZ place of business in ~.;~r~~tate) . in accordance ~th the By-Laws. and recorcled m the minutes of a meeting 0/ said Board held on . j,9-.. and now in full. force and effect; , (D~te: of Meeting) . I FU~THER OERTIFY that the following are the officers of saidOorporation,. duly qualified afki now acting as Slujll: TITLE OF OFFIC'E HELD ''''' "1"1.'&<11><1"" ...,'~. , - , CnaoOllr fl ! ......n1rnn ' '..,. ~ T~EBB WHEREOF, I have her~:~~bSCribed my name an' affixed the B:a;J said Oorpom.tfoll. t1li.~ 1M" . .6~ ~r~ 4 aL.k I fCOltPOI~A'rE SI<~AL) 6ECRETAR' L_ J 1,1 j L____~___L ,I.