HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 0 Opening Officers of a City
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WHEREAS t.. Village Councll ot the Village ot Nortll Orlando is
required. under its Corporate Cltarter as authorized by the Legislat'tU"lt
ot the State ot Floria. to appoint one of its members as, and to be,
Viee-l-f.ayor ot said MUDicipallty, and
WHEREAS tJais appointment shall be by Resolution of the Village
Councll, and
WHEREAS Fr8JIk L. Fasula is tamiliar witll the many responsilUities
ot this Offiee, and
WHEREAS Frank L. Fasula is eligible and able to accept these respon-
sibili ties, and
WHEREAS Frank L. Fasula has expressed his willingness to taith.fully
perform and enter upon all of the duties ot said Otfice,
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it Resol'Yed. by the Village CouncU ot the Village
ot North Orlando, Florida, that the said. Frank L. Fasula shall be and is
l1ereby appointed. Vice-Mayor ot said Village J aD4
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tllat the said Frank L. Fasula shall holi this
ottice untU the tirst electiOD to be held lIftder tile Village Charter in
March, 1962. ."
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WHEREAS the Village Council or the Village or Narth Orlando
is required under its CorparateCharter as authorized by'the IBgisla-
ture or the State or Florida to appoint one or its annbers as, and to
be, Counci11naD in Group 5 or said Hunicipalit)r, md
WHEREAS this appointmnt shall be by Reso1ution or the Village
CouncU, 8ld
WHEREAS Rue1 T. stripJ.ing is r~i1i~,. with the many responsi-
bilities or this Office, am
WHEREAS Rue1 T. Strip1ing is eligible and able to accept >>base
responsibilities" and .
WHEREAS Rue1 T. Stripling bas expressed his willingness to
faithfully' perform and enter uPOn all of the duties or said Office,
NOW, THER.EF<RE" BE IT RESOLVED by' the Village Council of
the Village ot Horth Orlando, Florida, that the said Rue1 T. Stripling
shall be and is hereby appointed Councilman of said Village, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said Ruel T. stripling shall
hold this otfice until the first election to be held under the Village
Charter in March, 1963.
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WHEREAS the Village Comeil ot the Village ot Nortk Orlando is
require. under its Corporate Charter as autllorized. by tile TAgislature
of the State of Florida to appoint a Village Clerk ot said Munieipalit,..,
WHEREAS this appointmeBt shall be by Resolution of tlle Village
Council, and
WHEREAS Lois C. Strickland is familiar with tlle JD8111' responsi-
bilities of this Office, aad
WHEREAS Lois C. Strickland is eligible and able to accept these
responsibilities, and
WHEREAS Lois C. strickland has expressed her willingness to faith-
fully perform and enter upon all of the duties of saii Office,
NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Village Council of the
Village of North Orlando, Florida, that the said Lois C. Strickland
shall be and is hereby appointed Village Clerk of said Village, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said Lois C. Strickland shall
holA this Office until removed. by a majority TOte of the Village
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WHEREAS tu VUlage Council of the Village ot North Orlando is
require. under its Corporate Charter as autAorized by the Isgislature
of the State of Florida to appoint a Village Treasurer, a Village Tax
Assessor, and a Village Tax Collector of said MunicipalitY', ad
WHEREAS these appointlllents shall be bY' Resolution of the Village
COW'lcil, 8.lld
"WHEREAS Jo.,.a A. Jackson is f81liliar with the man,. respoJlsibilities
or these Offices, and
WHEREAS Joseph A. Jackson is eligible ud able to accept these
responsibilities, and
WHEREAS Joseph A. Jackson has expressed his williBgDess to fait.-
tully perf'orm and enter upon all of the duties ot said Oftices,
NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resol'fttd by tlle Village CODCU of' the
Village or North Orlando, Florida, that the said. Josepj A. Jackson shall
be ani is hereby' appointed Village Treasurer, Village Tax Assessor, and
Village Tax Collector, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said Joseph A. Jackson shallllold.
these Offices until removal by a majority yote or the Village Council.
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WHEREAS tae Village COlDlCU of the Village of Nortl1 OrlaJado is
required under its Corporate Charter as authorized by the Legislature
of the state of Florida to appoint a Village Engineer, aad
WHEREAS this appointment al1all be by resolution of tlle Village
CO\1l1cU, and
WEEREAS E. Gex Wi J 1 i ams is familiar wi. t.l1 the many responsibilities
of tJ:rl.s Office, ani
WHEREAS E.Gex Williams is eligible and able to accept t)aese
respOJlsibUities, ad
WHEREAS E. Gex Wi1Hams has expresse. his w:l.l.l.ingness to faith-
fully perf01"1ll and enter upon all of the duties of said Office,
NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the VUlage COlD1cU of the
Village of North Orlando, norida, that the said E. Gex WiUia1lls shall
be and is hereby appointed Village Engineer, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that tlle said E. Gex Williams shall hola
this Office lD1til re1llO't'ed. by a majority vote of the Village CoUllcil.
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WHEREAS tIle Village Council ot the Village ot North OrlaDcio
is required under its Corporate Charter as authorized by the Legislature
of the state of Florida to appoint a Zoning Board. Chairman ot sai. Munici-
pality, and
WHEREAS tAis appointment shall be by resolu.tion ot the Village
Council, and
WHEREAS Robert Hammond is familiar with the maDY responsibilltie8
of this Otfice, Dd
WHEREAS Robert Hammond is eligible Dei able to accept tlllese
re8poJlSibil1ties, and
WHEREAS Robert Hammond has expres8ed his v.Ulingness to taitllf'ully
perform and enter upon allot the duties ot said Office,
NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resol.,.. by t1le Village Council ot tile
Village of Horta Orlando, Florida, that the said. Robert Hammoad. slIal.l
be and is laereby' appoiBted. ZODimg Board Cltairmaa ot said Village, ad
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tllat the said Robert HamIIlODd 8hall ho1.
this Office until remoTed by a majority vote of the Village Council.
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WHEREAS the Village Council of the Village at North Orlando is
required under its Corporate Clilarter as autkoriseci by the Legislature
of the State at Florida to appoint a Chiet at Pollee at saii Muaicipalit,..,
WHEREAS this appointmeDt sltall be by resolution ot the Village
CO\m.cil, and
WHEREAS Frank L. Fasula is familiar with the ma.ny responsibilities
ot this Otfice, aDd
WHEREAS FraJIk L. Fasula is eligible and able to accept these
responsibilities, ami
WHEREAS Fr8.Dk L. Fasula has expressed his willingness to faith-
fully pertom and enter upon all of the duties ot said. Office,
NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolftd by the Village Ooaei1 of the
Village of North Orlando, norida, that the said Frank L. Fasula s1tall
be and is lIereby appoiDtecl Chief of Poliee of said Village, od
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said FrarJk L. Fasula shall hold
this Office until remo'V'ed by a majority TOte of the Village COUDCU.
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