HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 0 Opening of City e e RESOLUTIOO I WHEREAS 1ike Village Council ot the Village ot North Orlando is require. UIlder its Corporate Charter as autllonced by the Isg- islature ot tile state ot Florida to appoint one ot its members as, and to be, Mayor ot said Municipality, ani WHEREAS this appointment sllall be by Resolution of the Village CouncU, and WHEREAS Roy H. Lidticott is t=qni liar with the JII&lV' respoJlsibill- ties ot this office, and I WHEREAS Roy H. Lid.dicott ie eligible sad. able to accept tllese responsibili tie., anci WHEREAS Roy H. Liddicott bas expressed. his willingness to taitll- tul.17 perform and enter llpOn all ot the duties ot said office, NOW, THEREFCRE, Be It Resolved by' the Village Council ot tlae Village ot Nort. Orlando, Florida, that the said Roy H. Liddicott shall be and is hereby' appointed Mayor ot said. Village, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said Roy H. Liddicott shall hold this I office until the first electioa to be heli uncler the Village Charter in 1larc1o.1962. r. /"~~. l::: ~~~ >/ ~ '~- ~~ \ a-- ?9 17~~~ a..-.t...k ~ ''1 "1 r ........, /....., I._I-:' e e RESOLUTION I RESOLUTION SE'rrING DATE, 'lIME, AlID PUCE OF REGUlAR MONTHLY MEETINGS. BE IT RESOLVED by tlte VUlaga COUDeil of tJae Village of North OrlaHo tltat regular meetings of said COUDell shall be held aoathly, anei BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the next regular monthly meeting of said. Council be held the first TuesdaY' after the first MondaY'in July, 1959, and tlaat, unless otherwise changed by a majority vote of t1aid Council, that meetings be held on the first TuesdaY' after the first Moncia,. of eaell succeeding .cbntft therearter. '\ I ) i-;' ! o( .t=~~0{ r~ ;f fJec ~~ j~' .' _ /1 ../ "nx.v.1,~"" CA.- ..~..Jt- I --,0 /\1-~-" .., /., /.r0 I :' e e RESOLUTION I RESOLUTION ADOPTING MINIMUM BUIIDING REQUIREMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR BUILDING PERMITS AND FEES FOR RESIDENTIAL BUIIDING. WHEREAS certain resiciential buildings in the Village ot Nortll Orlando are :now ader construction, and WHEREAS additional residential constructioa is contemplatecl sad. 1.mmiDent, and I WHEREAS at the present time no builciing coQes haTe been aelopt.eci by ordinance ot the Village Council, aftd WHEREAS most it not all ot tlle residential construction presently' muter waY' and contemplateci will be constructed. in accorciaftce with the building requirements of tile Federal Loan Guaranteeing Agencies, HOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resol"leci tllat until a Building aad CoastructioB Code has been adopted by this Council, tlJat the minimum requiremellts ot tile Feural Housing AdministratioB sllall be and are laereby adopted as tAe temporary bllild.iDg code ot this Village, ai BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tbat a construction permit fee of Fitte_ Do1la1"s (IJS.OO) for each single family'residential unit be aiiopted b;y this Councu, aDd BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all monies acaruiBg from said fee be placed in the Village TreasU1"y' as prescribed by law. 7-?; (~{ ~ :f~ ;I, 'faJk- ~Q'~ ~ ~~:~Y4 ~ - - ~/ . " ~ );_ 1/- <~ -- -~rt::T I