HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 276 1983-1984 Budget ORDINANCE NO. 276 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE MUNICIPAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1983-1984; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH: SEVERABILITY; AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 7.04 of the Charter of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and Section 2-16.1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, require that the annual budget be adopted by ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida must establish the budget for the City of Winter Springs, Florida, for the forthcoming fiscal year beginning on the first (1st) day of October, 1983, through the thirtieth (30) day of September, 1984; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, has made a determination of the anticipated amounts of revenues available and the corresponding appropriations and expenditures. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION I - That the proposed budget for fiscal year beginning October 1, 1983, through September 30, 1984, as attached hereto as Appendix "A", is declared to be adopted as the Annual Budget for the City of Winter Springs, Florida, for the fiscal year 1983-1984. SECTION II - That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith shall be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION III - If any section or portion of a section or subsection of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or portion of a section or subsection or part of this Ordinance. SECTION IV - This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this 27th day of September, 1983. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA JOHN V. TORCASO, MAYOR ATTEST: Mary T. Norton CITY CLERK October 1, 1983 FISCAL YEAR 1983/1984 PERSONNEL/SALARY PACKAGE 1. Personnel a. Delete (1) City Engineer (added to Director of Public Works duties) b. Additions (1) Planning/Drafting Technician-Salary $14,000.00-$17,500.00 (2) Director of Administrative Services 2. Salary 8.. Non-allocated salary increases: Police Chief Fire Chief Building Official Public Works Director/Engineer City Clerk $25,500.00 25,500.00 23,500.00 23,900.00 17,200.00 b. All other Non-allocated Employees: 7% c. Allocated Employees Cost of Living 5% Longevity 2% Total ~ All pay increases will become effective the first day of the first pay period in October. C I T Y 0 F WIN T E R S P R I N G S F I seA LYE A R 198 3 - 1 9 8 4 PAY seA L E S OCT 0 B E R 1, 1 9 8 3 City of Winter Springs, Florida Fiscal Year 1983 - 1984 Payscales - October 1, 1983 Public Services Clerical.-. . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... page 1 Labor and Trades ........................................................................................................ page, 2 Public Safety Police Officers....................................................... page 3 Dispatcher.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... page 4 Fire Fighters.................................................................................................................. page 5 I , ! 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".1 .--.:.-~ ~I~,j rc::q ~.~~ '" d "".".....~l~" '.. :/ ."!d "C: ,;.;'-,....<;-"I~ l:.'>I 1{ t) i 'i <, 't~ 'f .' " \ . <fl . ~ ~ 'h< t \.\. ~ *} ,.'..... ('11><:-;/ . \ ,~>~;.:'~~'::..;~? CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRi~~GS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 MEI10 TO: Mayor/Commission SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 1983/1984 Budget, dated October 1, 1983 Final Approval DATE: September 2T, 1983 1. Attached for final consideration please find the FY 83/84 Budget dated 1 October 1983. This budget reflects all changes up to and including those made at the September 20, 1983 Workshop. A summary of the changes made since the September 6, 1983 revision are as follows: Page Line Code From To page 1 Fund Balance Total General Fund 536,628.00 2,336,690.00 579,228.00 2,379,290.00 page 3 Total Budget 83-84 2,774,086.00 2,816,686.00 page 4 26-46.3 R & M Equipment 26-64.1 Equipment Total Police 500.00 17,380.00 597,589.00 2,800.00 19,380.00 601,889.00 2,450.00 6,000.00 131,358.00 page 10 16-46.3 R & M Equipment 16-64.1 Equipment Total Finance 150.00 5,000.00 128,058.00 page 12 36-63.1 Capital Improvements Total Recreation o 12,630.00 15,000.00 27,630.00 page 13 24-31.3 Consultant Services Total General Fund Total General Government Total Budget 83-84 o 336,782.00 599,421.00 2,744,086.00 20,000.00 356,782.00 619,421.00 2,816,686.00 2. Included as a part of the FY 83/84 Budget are the following documents: (a) (b) (c) ( d) FY 83/84 PI 83/81~ FY 83/84 FY 83/81~ Federal Revenue Sharing Expenditures General Fund Equipment/Vehicle Expenditures Capital Improvement Projects Salary/Personnel Package I believe all federal and state mandates have been met made at the final public hearing, I recommend W~dOPt th October 1, 1983. J"'J Ri~d loza City Manager Pending any changes 83/81+ budget dated RK/pkl Enclosure: Budget CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS BUDGET October 1, 1983 FISCAL YEAR 1983/1984 """~,",,,,,",""-,-",~.~,~,,-"'~~'.--- INDEX Building Office....... .Page 9 City Clerk's Office............................................. .Page 11 City Commission........................... City Manager's Office. . .Page 12 . .Page 13 Planning/Engineering. ...... . .Page 8 Finance and Administration. .. .. .. ... ... . ... .. .. . ... . ... .. ... ... . .Page 10 Fire Department................... .Page 5 Fire Department Paramedic Program. .Page 5A General Government.............................................. .Page 13 Police Department. .Page 4 Publi c Works.................... Revenues and Fund Balances..... . .Page 6 .Page 1 & 2 & 3 Sinking Fund..................................................... Page 3 ctty of Winter Springs, FL ~':: 19,83/134 Budget Revenues and Fund Balances Description of Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes Deliquent Taxes Homestead Trust Fund Franchise-N.O.W.S.C. -Gas -Seminole Utilities -Cable TV Occupational Licenses Permits-Building -Electrical -Plumbing -Mechanical Cigarette Tax State Revenue Sharing Mobile Home Tax (March) State Sales Tax Alcoholic Beverage Road and Bridge (April) Zoning and Annexations Recording and Copy Fees Fines and Forfeitures Interest Earned Miscellaneous Revenues Candidate Fees Fixed Pole Fees Gas Refund Sale of Capital Equipment Transfer from P.S.T.F. Transfer from Sinking Res. Transfer from Elec. Fran. Fund Balance 82/83 Budget 258,879.00 20.00 1,100.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 14,000.00 17,000.00 23,000.00 80,000.00 17,000.00 12,000.00 6,000.00 55,000.00 330,413.00 16,500.00 315,000.00 1,500.00 6,100.00 6,000.00 800.00 24,000.00 50,000.00 3,500.00 100.00 6,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 205,500.00 4,000.00 L 294,650.00 ',579.228.00 Month Total General Fund Balance 2,379,290.00 Public Service Tax Fund: Electric Utility Taxes Telephone Utility Taxes Water Utility Taxes Gas Utility Taxes Propane Gas Utility Taxes Interest Earned Interest Tran. to Sink. Fd. Trans. to General Fund Sinking Fund Contrib. Fund Balance 135,000.00 40,000.00 25,000.00 10,000.00 500.00 300.00 300.00 DR 205,500.00 DR 10,000.00 DR 5,000.00 Total P.S.T.F. Balance -0- --_.....""._".._.""""-""~..<_.. "-.- October 1, 1983 Year I7f /0 Page 1 ,_.,.......'"~-"'=-~'"'_...-~._"".............,...''''""'<....'''''~ City of Winter Springs, FL FY 1983/84 Budget Excise Tax Fund Florida Power Franchise Fee Trans. to Elec. Fr. Fund Budget 352,000.00 352,000.00 DR Month Total Excise Tax Fund -0- Electric Fran. Fee Fund Trans. From Excise Fund Sinking Fund Contrib. Trans. to General Fund 352,000.00 57,350.00 DR 294,650.00 DR Total Elec. Fr. Fund -0- Capital Improvements Fund 1979 Road Impv. Assessments Interest Earned Fund Balance 82/83 45,000.00 5,000.00 57,489.00 Total Capital Impv. Fund 107,489.00 Federal Revenue Sharing Federal Revenue Sharing Interest Earned Fund Balance 82/83 39,750.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total Federal Revenue Sharing 41,750.00 Police Education Fund Police Education Revenues Interest Earned Fund Balance 82/83 3,000.00 126.00 2,974.00 Total Police Education Fund 6,100.00 Rescue Fund Donations to Rescue Fund Interest Earned Fund Balance 82/83 200.00 34.00 726.00 Total Rescue Fund 960.00 October 1, 1983 Page 2 Year % City o~ Winter Springs, FL FY 19B3/84 Budget Winter Springs Employee Fund Interest Earned Fund Balance 82/83 Budget 2,500.00 35,000.00 Month Total W. S. Employee Pension Fd. 37,500.00 Special Law Enforcement Fund Revenues 362.00 Total Fund 362.00 Sinking Fund Interest Earned P.S.T.F. Interest Trans. P.S.T.F. Contrib. Elec. Fr. Fd. Contrib. Fund Balance 82/83 2,200.00 300.00 10,000.00 57,350.00 33,000.00 Total Sinking Fund 102,850.00 Sinking Fund Reserve Interest Earned Transfer to Gen. Fund Fund Balance 82/83 4,000.00 4,000.00 DR L "52,300.00 Total Sinking Fund Reserve 52,300.00 Transportation Improvement Fund Local Option Gas Tax 88,085.00 TOTAL BUDGET FY 1983-1984 2,816,686.00 October 1, 1983 Year % Page 3 city of Winter Springs, FL FY 1983/84 Budget Police Department - 26 EX1Jenditures 12.1 Salaries 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 31.4 Physical Exams 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone 42.1 Postage 43.1 Utilities 45.1 Insurance and Bonds 46.3 R & M Equipment 46.4 R & M Communications 46.5 R & M Vehicles 46.6 R & M Building 47.2 Copy Machine Supplies 47.3 Printing Expense 48.0 Promotional Activities 51.1 Office Supplies 52.1 Gas and Oils 52.2 Tires and Filters 52.3 Operating Supplies 52.4 Uniforms 52.6 Janitorial Supplies 52.9 Protective Clothing 54.1 Dues and Subscriptions 54.2 Operational Book 54.3 Employee Development 64.1 Equipment Total General Fund Police Education Fund 54.3 Employee Development Federal Revenue Sharing 64.0 Vehicles ~teCial Law Enforcement Fund 6 .4 Special Law Enforcement Fund Total Police Department Budget Budget 421,500.00 28,325.00 21,430.00 1,950.00 500.00 3,600.00 440.00 6,250.00 280.00 2,800.00 3,580.00 12,000.00 250.00 900.00 2,000.00 300.00 1,000.00 34,600.00 4,000.00 4,450.00 5,512.00 400.00 1,180.00 220.00 230.00 350.00 19,380.00 Month 577,427.00 6,100.00 18,000.00 362.00 601,889.00 October 1, 1983 Page 4 Year % City of Winter Springs, FL FY 1983/84 Budget Fire Department - 28 October 1, 1983 Expenditures 12.1 Salaries 13.1 Vol. Fire Expense 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 31.4 Physical Exams 31.5 Criminal Histories Services 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone 42.1 Postage 43.1 Utilities Expense 46.3 R & M Equipment 46.4 R & M Communications 46.5 R & M Vehicles 46.6 R & M Building 47.3 Printing Expense 48.0 Promotional Activities 51.1 Office Supplies 52.1 Gas and Oils 52.2 Tires and Filters 52.3 Operating Supplies 52.4 Uniforms 52.6 Janitorial Supplies 52.7 Small Tools 52.9 Protective Clothing 54.1 Subscriptions and Dues 54.2 Operational Books 54.3 Employee Development 63.1 Capital Improvements 71.2 Revenue Note Principal 72.2 Revenue Note Interest Budget 308,300.00 6,900.00 20,725.00 13,780.00 2,225.00 75.00 1,500.00 3,600.00 165.00 12,000.00 3,600.00 3,200.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 500.00 8,500.00 1,400.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 500.00 500.00 2,100.00 350.00 500.00 2,300.00 6,000.00 26,509.00 "14,580.00 Month Year % Total General Fund 460,809.00 Rescue Fund 52.3 Rescue Supplies 960.00 Federal Revenue Sharing 64.1 Equipment 9,300.00 Total Fire Department Budget 471,069.00 Page 5 City of Winter Sp~ings, FL FY 1983/84 Budget Fire Department Paramedic Program - 28 PM Expenditures 12.1 Salaries 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 31.4 Physical Exams 31.5 Criminal Histories Services 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 46.3 R & M Equipment 46.4 R & M Communications 52.3 Operating Supplies 52.4 Uniforms 52.9 Protective Clothing 54.1 Subscriptions and Dues 54.3 Employee Development Total General Fund Federal Revenue Sharing 64.1 Equipment Total Budget Paramedic Pro Budget 105,500.00 1,000.00 5,358.00 850.00 60.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 900.00 150.00 2,000.00 Month 128,318.00 5,220.00 133,538.00 October 1, 1983 Year % Page 5A city df Winter Springs, FL FY 1~83/84 Budget Public Works Department October 1, 1983 Expenditures 12.1 Salaries 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 31.4 Physical Exams 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone 42.1 Postage 43.1 Utilities 44.1 Equipment Rentals 46.3 R & M Equipment 46.5 R & M Vehicles 46.6 R & M Building 46.7 R & M Hydrants 51.1 Office Supplies 52.1 Gas and Oils 52.2 Tires and Filters 52.3 Operating Supplies 52.4 Uniforms 52.6 Janitorial Supplies 52.7 Small Tools 52.8 Mosquito Control Chern. 52.10 Road Signs 53.1 Road Repairs 54.1 Dues and Subscriptions 54.2 Operational Books 63.1 Capital Improvements 64.0 Vehicles 64.1 Equipment 71.3 Revenue Note Principal 72.3 Revenue Note Interest Budget 182,000.00 11,600.00 9,950.00 600.00 500.00 1,100.00 100.00 88,860.00 8,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 100.00 3,500.00 500.00 11,000.00 3,000.00 9,000.00 2,200.00 2,100.00 3,100.00 4,000.00 8,400.00 14,000.00 600.00 100.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 20,250.00 17,612.00 3,171.00 Month Year % Total Public Works Budget 441,343.00 Page 6 City .of Winter Springs, FL FY 1983/84 Budget City Manager's Office - 13 Expenditures 11.1 Salary 12.1 Salary 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone Expense 42.1 Postage Expense 43.1 Utilities Expense 46.3 R & M Equipment 46.5 R & M Vehicle 47.3 Printing Expense 48.0 Promotional Activities 51.1 Office Supplies 52.1 Gas and Oils 52.2 Tires and Filters 52.3 Operating Supplies 54.1 Dues and Subscriptions 69.1 Contingency Budget 30,000.00 11,800.00 2,800.00 1,530.00 1,500.00 900.00 100.00 1,300.00 125.00 150.00 300.00 250.00 525.00 900.00 225.00 150.00 650.00 7,000.00 Month Total Budget City Manager 60,205.00 October 1, 1983 Page 7 Year % City of Winter Springs, FL FY 1984/84 Budget Planning/Engineering - 22 Expenditures 12.1 Salary 13.3 Planning and Zoning 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone Expense 42.1 Postage Expense 43.1 Utility Expense 47.3 Printing Expense 51.1 Office Supplies 54.1 Dues and Subscriptions 54.2 Operational Books Budget 17,500.00 6,758.00 1,175.00 770.00 400.00 900.00 120.00 1,300.00 500.00 300.00 200.00 150.00 Month Total Planning/Engineering Budget 30 ,073 . 00 October 1, 1983 Year % Page 8 City ~f Winter Springs, FL FY 1983/84 Budget Building Office - 30 Expenditures 12.1 Salaries 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone Expenses 42.1 Postage Expense 43.1 Utilities Expense 44.1 Equipment Rentals 46.3 R & M Equipment 46.5 R & M Vehicles 47.3 Printing Expense 51.1 Office Supplies 52.1 Gas and Oils 52.2 Tires and Filters 52.3 Operating Supplies 54.1 Dues and Subscriptions 64.1 Office Equipment Budget 55,130.00 3,700.00 2,300.00 1,600.00 900.00 450.00 1,300.00 2,500.00 120.00 900.00 1,600.00 400.00 1,500.00 600.00 250.00 450.00 1,500.00 Month Total Building Office Budget 75,200.00 October 1, 1983 Page 9 Year % City of Winter Springs, FL FY 1983/84 Budget Finance and Administration - 16 Expenditures 12.1 Salary - Finance 12.2 Salary - Administration/Personnel 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 31.3 Consulting Engineer 32.1 Accounting Services 32.2 Payroll Services 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone Expense 42.1 Postage Expense 43.1 Utilities Expense 45.1 City Insurance Liab. Insurance 19,500.00 Workmen's Compo 38,500.00 R & M Equipment City Hall Maintenance Copy Machine Supplies Printing Expense Office Supplies Operating Supplies Dues and Subscriptions Equipment 46.3 46.6 47.2 47.3 51.1 52.3 54.1 64.1 Total Finance and Engineering Budget 16,601. 00 18,320.00 2,397.00 1,540.00 10,000.00 6,500.00 2,000.00 750.00 900.00 500.00 1,300.00 Month 58,000.00 2,450.00 350.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 300.00 350.00 600.00 6,000.00 131,358.00 October 1, 1983 Page 10 Year % city vf Winter Springs, FL FY 1983/84 Budget City Clerk's Office - 12 Expenditures 11.12 Executive Salary 21.1 FICA Taxes 23.1 Health Insurance 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 41.1 Telephone Expense 42.1 Postage Expense 43.1 Utilities Expense 46.3 R & M Equipment 47.3 Printing Expense 49.2 Legal Advertisements 49.5 Recording Fees 51.1 Office Supplies 52.3 Operating Supplies 54.1 Dues and Subscriptions 64.1 Equipment Budget 17,200.00 1,155.00 770.00 250.00 900.00 1,500.00 1,300.00 150.00 500.00 4,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 900.00 3,750.00 2,500.00 Month Total Budget City Clerk 36,875.00 October 1, 1983 Year % Page 11 . City bf Winter Springs, FL FY 1983/84 Budget City Commission -10 Expenditures 11.1 Mayor's Expense 11.12 Commission Expense 40.1 Travel and Per Diem 48.0 Promotional Activities 52.3 Operating Supplies 54.1 Registrations 69.1 Contingency Budget 3,000.00 9,600.00 4,000.00 3,700.00 200.00 500.00 10,000.00 Month Total City Co~~ission 31,000.00 Legal 31.1 31.11 31.2 40.1 54.1 Counsel - 20 Monthly Retainer Other Legal Services Codification Travel and Per Diem Registrations 4,200.00 25,000.00 2,000.00 200.00 100.00 Total Legal Counsel 31,500.00 Recreation Department - 36 43.1 Utilities 46.3 R & M Equipment 46.4 R & M Building 52.3 Operating Supplies 63.1 Capital Improvements 400.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 15.000.00 Total General Fund 18,400.00 Federal Revenue Sharing 63.1 Capital Improvements 9,230.00 Total Recreation Dept. Budget 27,630.00 October 1, 1983 Page 12 Year % City of Winter Springs, FL FY 1983/84 Budget General Government - 24 Expenditures 13.4 Election Officials 25.1 Unemployment Compo 31.3 Consultant Services 45.0 Insurance/Pension Rsv. 47.1 Election Printing 49.2 Legal Advertising 69.2 Fuel Reserves 69.3 Year End Reserves 69.1 Contingency Total General Fund Capital Improvements Fund 63.1 Capital Improvements 69.3 Capital Reserves Total Capital Improvements FQDd Sinking Fund 71.1 Bond Principal 72.1 Bond Interest 69.1 Dept. Service Res. Total Sinking Fund Sinking Fund Reserve 69.2 Reserve Total General Government Budget Winter Springs Employee Pension Plan Trust Fund Transportation Improvement Fund 63.0 Transportation Improvements Total Budget All Departments Budget 700.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 35,000.00 1,400.00 300.00 11,100.00 175,000.00 103,282.00 Month 356,782.00 50,000.00 57,489.00 107,489.00 10,000.00 41,540.00 51,310.00 ~ 102,850.00 52,300.00 619,421.00 37,500.00 88,085.00 2,816,686.00 October 1, 1983 Year % Page 13 FISCAL YEAR 1983/1984 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING 1. Revenues Federal Revenue Sharing Interest Fund Ba1ance/82/83 $39,750.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 $41,750.00 2. Expenditures a. Police Department (l) Patrol Cars 2 ea. b. Fire Department (l) Equipment: Receivers portable 7 ea. Portable radios Headsets (engineers) 4 ea. Portable Power Unit Hydrant floor test kits Extrication equipment Assorted equipment Hose Coupler Portables 2 ea. (600) 2,050.00 1,200.00 600.00 800.00 450.00 600.00 400.00 2,000.00 l,200.00 c. Fire Department (PM) (1) Equipment: Pediatric Mast Units (2) (2) Intubations Manikin (3) IV Therapy Arm (Manikin) (4) Nitrous Oxide Unit (2 ea.) (5) CPR Manikin 750.00 600.00 300.00 3,000.00 600.00 d. Recreation (l) Capital Improvements October 1, 1983 l8,000.00 9,300.00 5,250.00 9,230.00 October 1, 1983 FISCAL YEAR 1983/1984 GENERAL FUND EQUIPMENT/VEHICLES A. PUBLIC WORKS (1) Equipment Tractor (6'/5' Cut) Fogger Spray Rig (Weed Control) $12,500.00 4,500.00 3,250.00 $20,250.00 (2) Vehicles 5 Ton Dump Truck (used) 15,000.00 B. POLICE DEPARTt1ENT (1) Equipment 4 ea. Pagers @320.00 3 ea. Portables @1200.00 1 ea. Battery Charger @200.00 2 ea. Mobile radios @2200.00 2 ea. File Cabinets @150.00 4 ea. Revolvers @235.00 2 ea. Electric Siren/Amp. @400.00 2 ea. Light Bar @525.00 2 ea. Shotguns @200.00 2 ea. Shotgun lock @100.00 2 ea. Bodyguard/Roll bar @300.00 1 ea. Bite sleeve 2 ea. Aggitation Muzzle @130.00 2 ea. Portable Cage @100.00 1,280.00 3,600.00 200.00 4,400.00 300.00 940.00 800.00 1,050.00 400.00 200.00 600.00 150.00 260.00 200.00 $14,380.00 FISCAL YEAR 1983/1984 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS A. GENERAL 1. Moss Road (FY 82-83 - FY 83-84) (A) S. R. 434 - Third Street (B) Third Street - S. R. 419 2. Wade Street Construction 3. Lift Station Sheoah Circle (Continue Program for 82/83) 4. Street Resurfacing 1. Sheoah Circle David Street Albert Street Bennett Street Charles Street Ed,.;rin Street Frank Street Lido from Alton (north to dead end) Holiday Lane (Ranches 10 to Alton) Shore Road Alton to Sailfish 5. Drainage Improvements Underdrain/Swale Work 1. Public Works Storage/Personnel/Maintenance Shelter 2. Fire Department 1. Generator Building/Installation Generator B. Additional Supplemental Projects 1. Old Sanford Oviedo Road 2. Re-surfacing a. Flamingo from Alderwood to Lombardy b. Birch from Aldenvood to Murphy c. Fairfax from S. R. 434 to Third Street d. Fortrose Drive from Sheoah to cul-de-sac e. Wishaw Drive from Sheoah to cul-de-sac f. Aberdeen Court from Aberdeen Lane to cul-de-sac g. Aberdeen Lane from Aberdeen Lane to cul-de-sac h. Buckie Drive from Sheoah Circle to cul-de-sac i. Gatehouse Drive from Sheoah Circle to cul-de-sac j. Dundee from Sheoah Circle to cul-de-sac k. Dunbar Drive from Sheoah Circle to cul-de-sac 1. Dunbar Terrace from Dunbar Drive to cul-de-sac 3. Sidewalks Improvement Project October 1, 1983 COST $147,988.00 90,390.00 $238,378.00 80,000.00 30,000.00 17,050.00 16,225.00 6,050.00 5,500.00 4,675.00 2,080.00 1,100.00 4,550.00 3,800.00 11,500.00 72,530.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 4,400.00 5,225.00 8,800.00 1,815.00 1,760.00 3,466.00 1,540.00 1,375.00 1,210.00 935.00 2,585.00 2,915.00 $36;026.00 co 0\ >-+ (tJ rl 80:: ,,"1'11 ~~(Yj moco H 0\ U~rl H ....:11'11 >Q 0:: ~H"" p..~~ o ~r C\ m t- \0 '^ -= fV1 C\J rl ..J ~ ~ C': CC'1 C <: ~ '^ rl m o '^ '^ rl t- O o CJ '^ rl '^ 0\ '^ o C\ -'T rl o t- fV1 rl \0 -= rl \0 rl t- C\J (Y) ~ i; \0 o -= rl C\J CO o t- t- (Y) C\J m o o '^ fV1 rl CO o \0 C\J (Y) (Y) rl '^ '^ ~ C\ 0J rl rl rl C\J f}- C\J rl r-: ~ m '^ (Y) CD C\J \0 rl C\ C\J -'T \0 0\ '^ rl \0 C\J rl '^ \0 '^ rl o -'T -"" r;:, '^ rl (Y) '^ M "0 L^\ rl \0 '^ -= m t- -"" rl t- (Y) 0-. '^ -"" rl '^ CO L^\ t- rl -"" rl C\ CO ~ m (Y) rl C) fV1 '^ C,j \0 (Y) rl C\J C\J CD '^ fV1 (0 rl CJ r g: "" t- C\ o t- o C\J '^ \0 0J \0 t- \0 rl C\J CO (Y) (Y) -=r \0 rl C\ '^ rl rl rl \0 ,..; C) \0 L^\ 0\ t- '^ rl t- 0\ L^\ CO '^ rl C\J (Y) C\J C) rl '^ rl (Y) \0 CO C) . rl t- t- C\J C\ '^ rl G \0 o (Y) -=r rl C\J \0 8 -= (Y) .~ (Y) \0 C'J Lf' 0\ t- rl o o \0 t- rl rl '^ '^ '^ C\J t- rl C\J rl t- rl C\ \0 rl C\J '^ C) '^ \0 rl C'J C\J o \0 C\J \0 rl o rl 0\ '^ rl (Y) C) C) C\J \0 '^ rl 0\ (Y) C\J C\J (Y) '^ rl \0 C\ N o L^\ rl C'J rl r ~ \0 C\J o L^\ C) CD .~ '^ '-D o CD -= C) rl CO C\J 00 rl rl CO rl o (Y) '-D t- t- rl t! -=r rl -= t- rl C) C\J (', t- o t- rl rl '^ CO (', t- '-D rl o fV1 C rl -=r \0 rl (Y) L^\ C) C) o '-D rl t- o (Y) t- o- '^ rl C\ t- \"Y) \0 L^\ rl L"" ~ fV1 o (Y) C\ 0- 0\ rJ M Lr\ 0\ 0\ C) '^ -= o C\ rl -= -"" -'T C\i o 0\ rl C\i rl rl '^ \0 m rl C\J '^ co C\J m rl 0\ CO \D C\J 0\ 0- rl C\ (Y) '^ 0- L^\ 0- rl C) t- o (Y) C\J ~ (Y) C\ C\J C\ C) \0 rl g rl '^ \0 \0 rl t- o" '0 (Y) C\J ~ \0 I U} "- L^\ '0 (0 -'T ('J rl C) C\i t- m o rl C\J C\J -'T t- (Y) o C\i -= fV1 '^ t- 0\ 0\ rl 0\ \0 (Y) C) '^ 0\ rl o 0- 0\ 0\ rl 0\ rl N fV1 C\J C) C) rl \0 rl -"" '^ -= C) rl C\J fV1 m (Y) 0\ t- C\J \0 \D 0\ 0\ -"" 00\0\ C) CD 0\ rl rl rl t- '^ t- '^ -= \0 t- -'T '^ ('l'l ('J Lr\ t- \0 '^ t- C) 0\ r-l r-l r-l CO t- C\ <X) fV1 t- rl ,~ CO ~ o t- rl t- J C) "- (Y) 0\ fV1 rl C\J rl rl ,:: 0\ o ('J \D CO C\J \0 '^ o C\J t- \0 C\ '^ rl o C\J C\ (Y) \0 0- 0\ rl \D m \0 0- (Y) 0\ rl t- C\J C\ '^ C\i ee rl '^ C,j rl o C\ t- rl CD .~ t;; (', '^ CJ rl C\ C\J C'J t- fV1 ('J -=: fV1 \D C\i ('J C\J C) C\i C\J o C\J C\i o o M 0\ L"" rl C\J '^ \0 0- \0 rl M C\J rl \0 C\J '^ 0- o C',j o c '^ -"" (Y) o C\J (Y) C\J C\J t- rl 0\ rl M '-D C\ t- ee 0- r '(2 '-D rl co L"" o s- rl '-D C\J C\J LA ('J '^ 0- \0 m LA (Y) C\J '^ \0 t- N \0 0\ fV1 ('J M (Y) C\J \0 M o co ('J N '^ '^ co o o 0" C\J (\J o co fV1 ('J (Y) o \0 C\J C\i C\J ('J ('1 fV1 t-- fV1 fV1 fV1 C'J N o 0\ 0- M C\J '^ t-- 2: Co C'J ('J '^ ('J ('J \0 (Y) rl C\i \0 (Y) o fV1 ('J C\i C\i rl fV1 fV1 M C\ 0\ M C\i -"" a- o C\i '^ -"" fV1 fV1 '^ o C'J ('J rl o \0 LA rl C\J co o en rl o C\J co en h rl rl C'J en rl \0 V\ t- C\ rl -=r C\ ~ o CJ o ~ rl I t2 '^ III "" ce p.. >> rl s:: o >> rl s:: o +' l:: (!J Ei +' r... cJ p. (!J o +' s:: III E; +' r... cJ p. (!J o OJ ~ 'r< ~ .c: +' c: ~ r... (!J p. rl cJ c: o rl +' rl '0 ~ o o o ~ ~ rl .... '0 o rl r... III p. ~ r... III p. rl ell c: o rl +' 'r< '0 '0 <: o o o o rl - U H o <'l ~ <: p.. o "" H .... H 8 c:; "" U 8 ::;: ~ A ~ .... H 8 :or:; ~ CJ The Orlando Sentinel Publiabecl Daily AItamoDb> Sprinp, Seminole County, Florida ~tate of 1lorihn} SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Betty Ponder I who on oath says that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in"Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad- vertisement, being ~ 0 tic e 0 f Pub 1 i c He a r in g in the matter of Arlnp~inE ~hp Budget for Fiscal Year 1983-84 in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of Spp~. 4, lQ8':\ Mfiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin- uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. ~p~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th of s p p ~ pm h P. r A.D., 19 8 ':\ 1J~~Ph. ~ IN, Public otary Pub';c, Shtc of Florid;) 8t r<<r?1" My Commi, ",',.: u" . ,. july 13, 1'J.;':, 'Joflded by i1iLG.ll&>l_JIlP. & r.Cl~",dtv CQ ~ d7f ADVERTISING CHARGE $ 7 2 . 5 0 ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY given by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said City Commiasion will hold a public hearing on Tues- day, September 27, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible at the Winter Springa City Hall. 400 N. Edgamon Ave., Winter Springs, F1.3270l\, to con- sider thtt edoption of the following ordinance by the City of Winter Sprinlls. Fl.. Title of which ia as follows: . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE MUNICIPAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1983-1984; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN. CONFLICT HEREWITH; SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy of said Ordinance and the propaaed usa and budget for Federal Re- venue Sharing Funds ahall be available at thtt ,office ot the City Clerk of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, for all peraona desiring to examine the same prior to. the hearing.' .' An abbreviated form of the proposed budget for the Ci~ of Wintar Springs. Florida, ia sat forth balow: ~ PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FY 1983-83 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA nay Revanues: General Revenues Capltallmprovernants Fund Federal Revenue Sharing Police Education Fund Rescue Fund Sinking Fund (1&79 Bond Issue) Sinking fund Reserve Winter Springa EmplOYee Pension Plan Trust Fund Special 'law Enforcement Truat Fund . Total Revenues 1983-1984 Budgat Expenditures: - Police Dapa_ - General Police Education Fund Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund Flideral Revenue Sharing (Vehicles) Total Police Oapt.Budget FJr. Dapa_ . General Rescue Fund Federal Revenua Sharing T otalFir. Oapt.Budget FJr. Dapl."--'Ilc - General Federal Revenue Sharing-Equip. Total Fire Dept. Paramedic Budget PublIc W-.Gsneral C'IJ MIIII8lI8l". OlIIca - General City P........ 0flIca - General eurld.... Otlloa - General I'lnalIce _ EIlII-"'fl - Genaral CItr CIatt<'. 0flIca - G_al MayOr _ City CommlNIon - General !:.apt Cou- - General 2,307,529 107,489 41,750 6,100 960 102.850 52,300 37,500 362 2,656,840 572,822 6,100 .362 18,000 597,284 457,474 960 9,300 487,734 128,318 5,220 133,538 439,643 60,205 31,003 71.811 107,683 35,888 ~1 nnn FORM NO. AD-264