HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 235 Chapter 14 ORDINANCE NO. 2;1lS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINIER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, REPEALING CHAPl'ER 14 OF THE OOIE OF ORDINANCES ENTITIED SUBDIVISIONS; TO PROVIIE FDR THE ADOPl'ION OF A CURRENI' AND IDRE EFFEGrIVE CHAPl'ER 14 ENTITIED "LAND IEVELOPMENI''' AND IEFINING SUBDIVISIONS AND OI'HER PERl'INENI' TER\1S: REQUIRING AND REGULATING THE PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF PmLIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS FDR SUBDIVIDING AND RESUBDIVIDING LANrS AND SUBMI'ITAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FDR APproVAL PRIOR TO REOORDING; REQUIRING ADDITIONAL NEEIED INFDR- MATION AT TIME OF FILING; REQUIRING MINIMUM IMPIDVEMENI'S IN SUBDIVISIONS; SPECIFYING MINIMUM IESIGN STANDJ\RIB AND STANDJ\RIB FDR IMPIDVEMENI'S IN SUBDIVISIOOS, INCLUDING OONl'ROL OF OON- STRUCTION BY INSPEGrION AND TESTS; REQUIRING ASSURANCE OF SATISFAarORY COMPIEI'IOO AND MAlNI'ENANCE OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVE- !IENl'S BY BONDS, ESCROW OF FUNDS OR OI'HER mrnODS; RESTRIGrION OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING AND EIEarRICAL PERMITS AS TO AFFECI'ED LarS; AUl'HORIZING VARIANCES AND EXCEPI'IONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL IN CASES OF HARDSHIP OR INJU3TICE; CONI'ROL OF THE SAIE OF NON-PLA'ITED r.ars; PROVIDING FDR SEVERABILITY, CONFLIGrS AND EFFEarIVE DA'IE. WHEREAS CHAPl'ER 14 of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances has becore outdated and; WHEREAS THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, has detennined it to be in the best interests of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, to repeal Chapter 14 of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances to allow for the adoption of a current and Irore effective Chapter 14 of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WIN'lER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION I - That Chapter 14 of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances is hereby repealed. SECTIOOII - That a new Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances of Winter Springs, Florida, is hereby created to read as follows: CHAPI'ER 14 LAND IEVELOPMENr ARI'ICIE I. IN GENERAL Sec. 14-1. Definitions. a. "Alley" reans a right-of-way providing a secondary reans of access and service to abutting property. b. "Block" includes tier or group and reans a group of lots existing within well-def'.1ned and fixed boundaries, usually being an area surrourded by streets or other physical features and having an assigned number, letter or other naIre through which it may be identified. c. "Building" shall rean any structure designed or built for the support, enclosure, shelter or protection of persons, aninals or chattels of any kind. d.. ,"Ditch": An open cU'C with a slope deeper than 3:1. ; · e. j "Easement" means any strip of land created by a subdivider for public or private utilities, drainage, sanitation, or other specified uses having lirnitations, the title to which shall rerrain in the name of the property owner, SUbject to the right of use designated in the reservation of the servitude. f. "Plat, Final" means the final plat and supporting data representing a land survey of lots, blocks and streets, and the engineering plans and specifi- cations for streets, utilities and other :inprovements. g. "Plan, Prel.irninary" means a prel.irninary plan with supporting data for a proposed development of streets, lots, block and utilities. h. "Public utility" includes any public or private utility, such as, but not lirnited to, stonn drainage, sanitary sewers, eletric power, water service, gas service, telephone line, or cablevision whether underground or overhead. 1. "Inprovenents" may include, but are not l1mited to, street pavenents, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, alley pavements, walkway pavenents, water rrains, sanitary sewers, stonn sewers or drains, street names, signs, landscaping, permanent reference IIOnumentS (P.R.M.'S), permanent control points (P.G.P.'S), or any other :1nprovement required by a governing body. j. "Lot," tract or parcel means the least fractional part of subdivided lands having l1mited fixed boundaries, and an assigned number, letter or other name through which it may be identified. k. "Plat"!reans a map or delineated representation of the subdivision of lands, being a corrplete exact representation of the subdivision and other information in corrpliance with the requirement of all applicable sections of this chapter and of any local ordinances, and rnay include the terms "replat," "amended plat" or "revised plat." 1. "Right-of-way" means land dedicated, deeded, used or to be used, for a street, alley, waJkway, boulevard, drainage facility, access for ingress and . egress, or other purpose by the public, or certain designated individuals or governing bodies. m. "Street" includes any access way such as a street, road, lane, highway, avenue, boulevard, alley, parkway, viaduct, circle, court, terrace, place or cul-de-sac and also includes all of the land lying between the right-of-way lines as delineated on a plat showing such street. whether :inproved or uninproved, but shall not include those access ways such as easenents and rights-of-way intended sole~ for lirnited utility purposes, such as for 2 electr?-9 power lines, gas m1es, telephone lines, water line". drainage and 'sliliit8.l~y sewers and easements of ingress and egress. Streets shall be classified as follows: 1. Arterial. 2. Collector. 3. Minor, as set out in Section 14.83 herein. n. "Subdivision" means the platting of real property into three or llK)re lots, parcels, tracts, tiers, blocks, sites, units or any other division of land, and includes establistmmt of rew streets and alleys, additions and resubdi visions, and when appropriate to the context, relates to the process of subdividing or to the lands or area subdivided; and further means the division of a lot, parcel or tract of land, whether inproved or uninproved, into three (3) or llK)re contiguous lots or parcels of lands, designated by reference to the number or symbol of the lot or parcel contained in the plat of such subdivision, for the purpose, whether inmediate or future, of transfer of ownership,Cll:' if the establishIrent of a new street is involved, any division of such parcel. The term includes a resubdivision and, when appropriate to the context, relates to the process of subdividing or to the land subdivided. (Ord. No. 166, S 1, 3-6-78). o. "Swale": An open cut with a slope ratio of the frontface, or road- side face, which is shallower than 3:1. Sec. 14-2. Reserved. Sec. 14-3. Sale of mrplatted property. No owner of real property being a subdivision as defined in this chapter, shall sell lots from such tract without first having, in accordance with the requirements hereof, such tract surveyed and a plat of the lots proposed to be sold prepared by a registered surveyor except as provided in Section 14-3.1. Before such plat shall be recorded, it shall be approved in accordance with the specific provisions of this chapter and Chapter 177, Florida Statutes. No permit shall be issued for the construction of any building or for an electrical hookup on any lot sold in violation of this section. (Ord. No. 166, S 1, 3-6-78). Sec. 14-3.1. Dividing platted property. An owner of a single lot of sufficient size, except in a platted area of a Planned Unit Development, may, with prior approval of the City Council, divide an originally platted single lot once into m llK)re than two parcels 3 \ , or lots. provided that each parcel or lot shall in every resped; meet the ..; chteria established elsewhere in this code for the category of zoning and \,. other relevant codes under which the property is zoned and each parcel or lot shall meet the engineering requirements set out elsewhere in this ordinance. In such instance, and onlY within the strict application of this section, m:lY the full provisions of this chapter be waived and variances granted thereto. No building pemit shall be issued for the erection of any building on a previously platted lot which is divided contrary to this section. Sec. 14-3.2. Waiver to subdivision requirements. For subdivisions where no new streets, water, sewer, or drainage structures are involved, application for approval of prel1minary or final subdivision plans m:lY be waived provided, however, that a plat that can be recorded of the proposed subdivision shall be submitted for review by the City staff. The recollllrendation of the City Staff shall be subject to approval by the City Council. The pUItJOse of this approval is to insure that the proposed subdivision confonns to applicable requirements of the Subdivision regulations. Sec. 14-4. Variances. a. The Board of Adjustment m:lY grant a variance from the tenns of this chapter when such variance will not be contrary to the public interest, and where owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this chapter would result in unnecessary hardships. Such variance shall not be granted if it has the effect of nullify:l.ng the intent and pUItJOse of this chapter. A written application for such variance llU.lSt be submitted deroonstrat:l.ng that special conditions exist which are peculiar to the lands, structures or required subdivision inprovements involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or required subdivision inprove- ments. Application shall be acconpanied by the fee for a variance as specified in the fee schedule currently in effect. b. Before any variance shall be granted, a public hear:l.ng on the proposed variance shall be held by the Board of AdjustJrent. Notice of said public hear:l.ng shall be published 15 days prior to the hear:l.ng in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. Said notice shall also be posted 15 days prior to the hear:l.ng in three separate places in the City, and be nailed to all persons who are record owners of property within 150 feet of the subject property. 4 " c. "The Board ot: Adjustment shall make findings that the requirements of .... each portion of this section have been met. The Board of Adjustment shaJ.l further make a finding that the reasons set forth in the application justify granting of the variance and that the variance is the min:1murn variance that would Ill9ke possible the reasonable use of the lands, buildings or other :1nprovements . d. The Board of Adjustment shall Ill9ke a further finding that the granting of the variance would be in hanrony with the general purpose and intent of this chapter and will mt be injurious to the surrounding terri- tory or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. e. In granting any variance, the Board of Adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards, to said variance, and when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted a violation of any term or condition shaJ.l be deemed a violation of this chapter and shall be puniShable as such. (Ord. No. 50, S VI, 1-5-70). Sec. 14-5. Appeals from granting of variances. a. Any person, board, taxpayer, department or bureau of the City, aggrieved by the granting of any variance, or the failure of granting of any variance, or by the interpretation by the Board of Adjustrrent of this chapter may appeal the decision of the Board of Adjustment to the City Council. b. Upon the rendering of an unfavorable decision upon appeal by the City Council, any person, board, taxpayer, departrrent or bureau of the City, aggrieved by the granting of any variance or by the interpretation by City officials of this chapter may seek review througtJ. a court of record of such finding or interpretation in the nmmer provided by the laws of the state. (Ord. No. 50, S VI, 1-5-70). Sec. 14-6. Enforcement and penalties. a. The City Council or any aggrieved person may have recourse to such rerredies in law and equity as may be necessary to ensure conpl1ance with the provisions of this chapter, including injunctive relief, to enjoin and restra1n any person from violating the provisions of this chapter and any rules and regulations adopted under this chapter, and the court may, upon proof of the violation of this chapter, issue such tenporary and pe:nna:nent injunctions as are necessary to prevent the violations of this chapter. 5 C b'. ' , Ar4i person or persons, firin or corporation violating or failing to , ~ COTIply with the terms and provisions specified herein, shall be, upon conviction and at the discretion of the court, fined a sum not to exceed f'ive-hundred dollars ($500.00) or by inprisonment not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both fine and inprisonment. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Sec. 14-7 - 14-22. Reserved. ARI'ICLE II. PROCEDURE FOR SECURING APproVAL OF PLANS AND PLATS. Division 1. Generally Sec. 14-23. Maps, engineering and plats to be submitted in prel:lm:ina.ry and f'1nal form. Three (3) copies of all maps, engineering plans or plats of subdivisions of any land within the City or other projects (condominiums, robile hore parks, etc.) Subject to the provisions of this chapter, shall be submitted originally in prel:lm:ina.ry form for prel:lm:ina.ry approval. Subsequently plans shall be submitted to the City Council in final form for f'1nal review and approval prior to the approval to record said plat, or prosecute said plan. Final submittal to the City Council shall be preceded by the approval of the appropriate City agencies, as indicated in this chapter, who shall determine whether all appliCable requirements have been complied with by the applicant. Sec. 14-24 - 14-29. Reserved. Division 2. Prel:lm:ina.ry Plan Sec. 14-30. Filing and contents of prel:lm:ina.ry map and plan: a. Approval procedure: 1. Pre-application procedure. It is reconmended that any developer cont~lating subdividing land in the City consult with City Planning, Building and Engineering Officials before l~ing out any such plan. The above-referenced off'icials shall advise such person in the preparation of any such plan particularly as regards the requirerrents of these regulations. 2. Prel:lm:ina.ry plan. (a.) The applicant shall prepare and submit a prel:lm:ina.ry subdivision map and/or plan together with other supplerrentary material speCified below, accompanied by the appropriate form am fee to the City Planner wh:> shall process the application in accordance with provisions 6 of this' C'Dde. Processing shall be as follows: (1) City Planner. ( 2) City Engineer. (3) Staff Review. ( 4 ) Planning and Zoning Board. (5) City C'Duncil. (b. ) Prel:lminary plan supporting data. The Prel:lminary Plan shall be drawn on standard 24" X 36" paper for convenient filing at a reasonable scale (nornally 1" = 100') and shall include the following: (1) Name of developmmt, date of prel:lminary plan or revision, scale of plan, north arrow, approximate acreage in the tract being subdivided, total number of lots, name, address and telephone number of developer, surveyor and engineer. (2) Location map showing relationship between area proposed for development and surrounding area. (3) regal description of tract to be subdivided. ( 4) Boundaries of tract shown by a heavy line. (5) Existing Streets. The name, location and right-of-way width of all existing 1nproved streets , rights-of-way, and platted streets within 200 feet of the proposed subdivision; surface elevation, including ~ legally established centerline elevations; walks, curbs, gutters, culverts, etc. (6) Proposed Streets. The name of ten:porary desig- nation (Street A, B, C, etc.), right-of-wCW, and type and width of pavenent. Include ~ streets shown on the adopted Coolprehensive Plan. (7) Proposed easements or rights-of-wCW other than for streets (e.g., for dra.:inage, pedestrian ways, bridle paths, or bicycle paths): location, width and purpose. (8) Lots. Lot lines and scaled dimension, lot numbers, and/or block numbers, and building setback lines for irregularly shaped lots. '!he building setback distance is the distance required to rreet the minimum lot width of the zoning district. (9) Sites, if ~, for multifamily dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry, parks, playgrounds, and other public and non-public uses exclusive of single family dwellings. (10) Names of abutting subdivisions; recordation date and number. 7 (11) Exist.illg utilities on and abutting the tract; location, size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm, and combined sewers; location and size of water nains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles, and street lights. If water mains and sewers are not on or abutting the tract, indicate the direction and distance to, and size of nearest ones, showing invert elevation of sewers. (12) Proposed utilities. A statement on the proposed n:ethod of water supply and sewage disposal. (13) other ex:1sting inl>roven:ents, including buildings, on the tract. (14) Natural features, including lakes; msrshes or swanps; water courses, and other pertinent features; wooded areas. A general description of soils and existing vegetation on the tract shall also be provided (Seminole County Soils Survey). (15) Existing contours at one foot intervals based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum for the tract to be subdivided and, where practicable, extending twenty-five (25) feet beyond the tract boundary. (16) Proposed surface drainage with direction of now and n:ethod of disposition to the natural drainage area indicated or other acceptable stonnwater systems. (17) Subsurface conditions on the tract, to a m:in:innJn depth requested by the City Engineer: Location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions; depth to ground- water; location and results of soil percolation tests; location and extent of muck pockets. Tests shall indicate weight-bearing capability of the soil after stripping and ccmpacting. (18) Zoning on and abutting the tract. (19) Proposed public inl>rovernents: Highways or other major inl>rovernents planned by public authorities for future consideration on or near the tract. (20) Draft of restrictive covenants, if any. If the developnent is a P.U.D. or private developnent of any nature, restrictive covenants will be required, if available at the tine of submission. 8 (21) other 'J:'reliminary Plans: When requested by the , dity, typical cross-sections of the proposed grading, roadway and sidewalk, preliminary plans of proposed potable water and fire-fighting systems, sanitary sewage system, stormwater management systems. All elevations shall be based on U. S. Coast and Geodetic I:atum. Sec. 14-31. Action on preliminary plan by City Council. Within forty-five (45) days after receipt by the City of the complete prel:indnary plan, the City Council shall take action at any regular or special neeting and report to the applicant its approval, conditional approval, disapproval or request additional information from the applicant. Sec. 14-32. Council shall indicate reasons when preliminary plan is disapproved; conditional approval. Upon disapproval of any plan, the City Council shall indicate those sections of this chapter with which the plan does not comply. Conditional approval may be granted specifying conditions which Il1USt be complied with, and such conditions shall be considered thereafter as part of the preliminary plan. Sec. 14-33. Approval of preliminary plan to be construed only as authority to submit final plan. Approval of the preliminary plan shall be construed as authority for submitting a final plan in accordance with this chapter. Approval of the preliminary plan by the City Council shall rot be construed as authority for the sale of lots in reference to the preliminary plan, nor as authority for obtaining building permits, nor for the recording of a plat, nor for the installation of required improvements. Sec. 14-34 - 14-38. Reserved. Division 3. Final development plan, final plat. Sec. 14-39. When final development plan is to be filed; extension. 'lhe final developIrent plan including engineering and plat for all or a portion of the area covered by the preliminary plan shall be submitted within one (1) year of the date of approval of the preliminary plan; otherwise, such preliminary approval will automatically becone null and void unless the City Council grants a specific extension of tine. Application for approval of the final development plan/plat, engineering and supplementary data shall be submitted to the City Planner accompanied 9 , ) 'by a cheek in an anount detemined oy the fee schedule in force at the time , of' application, payable to the City to cover the cost of handling, review and engineering inspections during the processing of the plans. Sec. 1~-40. Reserved. Sec. 14-41. Processing of Final Plans. Processing of final plans shall be as follows: (1) City Planner. (2) City Engineer. (3) Staff Review. (4) Only if significant chmges, alterations or rrodifications have been made to the final plans which would cause to be construed at the time of staff review that a substantial difference between the final and the pre- liminary plans now exists, plans Im.lSt then be sent to Planning and Zoning for further review. If ro substantial difference between the prelimim.ry and final plans exists, this step in the process will rot be required. (5) City Council. Sec. 14-42. Fbrm and contents of final development plan. a. The final development plan and plat shall conform substantially to the approved preliminary plan as approved and shall include all conditional requirements specified by the City Council on any conditional approval of the preliminary plan. The subdivider may propose only a portion of the area of an approved preliminary plan for final development should that be desired. Whenever developing only a portion of an approved preliminary plan, that portion being developed Im.lSt be engineered so th3.t section is not dependent upon further development to ensure adequate drainage, sewerage, water and other inprovements. b. Additional engineer:l.ng/plans to accorrpany the final development plan/plat. 1. Potable water including fire protection systems. 2. Sanitary sewer. 3. Drainage and stornMater management facilities including under- drains . 4. Bulkheads. 5. Excavation and fill. 6. Sidewalks, bicycle paths, and bridle paths. 10 7. Streets. and curbs. street grades and elevation shall be , established to minimize the need for underdrains. In soils where high groundwater is found or suspected, cuts shall be minimized in order to reduce the need for underdrains. Wherever along the proposed roadways projected groundwater eleva- tion is less than one foot six inches below the bottom of swale (or bottom of road base where curb and gutter is used), underdrains shall be required. 8. Soils explorations. The results of co~rehensive soils explorations, evaluation of results and recommendations by a City-approved soils engineering and testing firm. The soils explorations work shall include as a minimum: (a) Results of borings located by survey at suitable intervals along the proposed roadways; classification and properties of soils encountered; and groundwater elevation to U.S.G.S. datum found subsequent to making the borings. The evaluation of the results and recorrmandations by the soils firm shall include as a minimum: Reconmendations on the type of base construction; projected high water elevation to U.S.G.S. datum along the proposed roadways, need, design, size, location, depth and details of under- drains; and a recorrmandation on the elevation of street grades including depth of cut. The results of the soils work, evaluation of results, and recorrmandations shall be incorporated into the plans and specifications submitted for review. (b) If during construction of ~rovenEnts, the City determines in the field that soils and/or groundwater conditions are found to be different than shown in the data submitted with final developnent and engineering plans, or there is question about adequacy of the approved plans caused by conditions found in the field, the City shall have the right to require the performance and submission of additional soils wone and/or to require oodification of the previously approved design plans including, but rot limited to oodification of street grades and/or installation of additional underdrains, use of soil cenent base course, or other m::>difications. 9. lilt grading. At the tine final engineering plans are submitted, lot grading and drainage plans shall be submitted for review and approval. The plans shall show minimum fioor elevations for all hones, existing topography, grading of all lots, and arw dra.:l.nage :1nprovements proposed or required on the lots. The lot grading and drainage plans shall show the lot II J.?ries, 'existing topography (one foot contour interval), and proposed lot filling, grading and drainage at a scale of one-inch equal to one-hundred feet (or larger) in general accordance with F.H.A. Standards for lot grading. Substantiating soil borings, evaluations and studies shall also be submitted to docUJrent soil conditions, projected high water groundwater elevation on the lots, and adequacy of the lot grading and drainage plans. 10. Street lighting plan, deIwnstrating power company participation. 11. landscaping plans. Where site is corrrnercial, industrial, or llD.lltifamily in nature, landscaping plans shall be presented along with the final developnent plans, unless specifically waived by the staff at the tine of processing the prel:l.minary plan. Sec. 14-43. Action on final developrent plan by City ();)uncil; Expiration of approval. a. If the developer elects to request approval of a final development plan separately and prior to approval to record the plat of that developnent, the City ();)uncil may approve such final devel~nt plan if the plan is in substantial conformity with the approved preliminary plan or a subsequently approved IWdification to the preliminary plan. The final developrent plan may be approved if it complies with all relevant regulations included in this chapter. Approval of the plan shall be subj ect to fulfillIrent of all conditions specified by the City Staff and sanctioned by the City ();)uncil. Action to approve a final develC>pIrent plan shall be taken by the City ();)uncil within thirty (30) days after receipt by the City of the complete plan with all supporting data required by this chapter. b. If within two (2) years after approval of a final development plan of a developnent not part of a PUD and for which the plat has not yet been recorded, the developnent encompassed by the plan has not been completed and inspected by the City, the final development plan shall be resubmitted for reapproval of all streets and areas within the scope of the plan that remain incomplete and/or unable to function ~endently of completion of remaining unieveloped portions of the developrent covered by the previously approved plan. Procedures for reapproval of such expired final developrent plans shall be the sane as for the original approval. Sec. 14-44. Final plat, contents and recording procedures. a. The final plat shall confonn substantially to the approved preliminary plan, and shall be subml.tted to the City Planner as follows: 1. The final plat shall include one linen original. If IlDre than one sheet is required, a suitable index map showing the entire developrent with index for the various sheets shown on the first sheet. 12 2. The final plat shall show streets, lots, blocks and easerrents indicating the centerline, width and sidelines of all easerrents. 3. Surveys and surveying data on the final plat shall be in accordance with acceptable professional practices and principles for land surveying and preparation of plats. Special consideration shall be given to the relationship of the proposed plat to existing abutting plats to prevent unintended overlap or omission of lands. 4. :/Ibrtg1:jge'holders shall execute before two (2) witnesses and a notary public the following certification on plats: "The IIDrtgagee(s) consents and agrees to the platting of lands en:braoed in this, plat and to the dedication(s) shown herein; and further, should it becorre necessary to foreclose the IIDrtgage covering the property, that all pieces and parcels dedicated to the public will be excluded from the said suit and the dedication shall remain in full force and effect." 5 . A dedication to the public by the owners of all roads, streets, alleys, easerrents and other rights-of-way, however designated, shown on the plan for perpetual use for all public purposes. b. Three (3) copies of all protective or restrictive covenants to be recorded shall be submitted with the final plat. c. A letter from an acceptable abstractor shall certify the following: 1. That the parties executing the plats are owners of the land included therein. 2. All recorded IIDrtg,3.ges, liens or other encumbrances. 3. That taxes and assessrrents have been paid to date. 4. That the description shown on the plat is correct. d. An appropriate bond submitted in accordance with bonding procedures set forth in this code shall be required for all developrrents within which inproverrents are to be dedicated to the public. Sec. 14-45. Bonding procedures. a. Surety-performance bond. When inproverrents have not been installed, or have been partially installed. When requesting to record a plat for property with streets to be dedicated to the public in which all inproverrents have rot been installed or have been only partially installed, the developer shall provide a corporate or surety COJIllletion bond including a payment of vendors t clause executed by a cOlJllB1lY authorized to do business in the State and acceptable to the City, payable to 13 the City in the penal sum of the arrount of the engineer's estimate or 81 ternati ve bid estimates for the incorrpleted portions of the work to be done to provide the streets, drainage facilities, street signs, water and sewer facilities, sidewalks and other irrprovements as shown on the final developnent plan. As an alternative to the provision of a corporate or surety bond, the subdivider may provide the deposit of equivalent cash in an escrow account with the City, or a letter of credit drawn on an approved institution, drawn in a form approved by the City Attorney. b. Miintenance bonds. 1. When requesting to record a plat for which the irrprovements have been installed, inspected and approved by the City Engineer and when the City is being asked to accept such irrprovements, the subdivider shall provide a maintenance bond payable to the City guaranteeing the performmce of required and installed irrprovements for two (2) years after the date of corrpletion and acceptance by the City, executed and enforceable in the sane manner as the corporate or surety corrpletion bond. The bond shall be in the aIrount of ten percent (10%) of the estimated construction cost of all irrprovements to be owned and maintained by the City. As an alternative to the provision of a corporate or surety bond, the subdivider may provide the deposit of equivalent cash in an escrow account with the City, or a letter of credit drawn on an approved institution, drawn in a form approved by the City Attorney. Sec. 14-46. Approval of final plat. The City Council nay approve the final plat, considering any applicable agency reports, if the plan is in substantial conformity with the approved preliminary plans and if it corrplies with regulations established by this chapter. Action by the City Council nay be taken exped1 tiously, but not to exceed thirty (30) days after receipt of the final plat and supporting data by the City unless delay is requested by or caused by the applicant. If the Council certifies that the development has net all requirements hereof, the plat shall be erdorsed as finally approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk in order that the same may be recorded aIrong the public records of the Cbunty. Sec. 14-47. Recording/distribution of the final plat. Upon conpletion of all approval action, the City Planner shall be responsible for ensuring that the original linen is signed and sealed, and the plat and deed restrictions, if any, are delivered to the appropriate authority for recording. The developer shall submit to the City the recording fee as specified in the current fee schedule. 14 Sec. 14-48. - 14-59. Reserved. .ARI'ICIE III. DESIGN STANDARDS Division 1. General Sec. 14-60. General a. Suitability of land. All lands included within a developrrent shall be of such nature that the lands can be developed to the rn:I..niImml standards of this City for the various purposes proposed in the request for development approval. Further, w developrrent plans shall be approved unless the Council finds after full con- sideration of all pertinent data that the developrrent can be served adequately and economically with such normal public facilities and services as are suitable in the circlUJlStances of the particular case. 1. Land which is subj ect to periodic fiooding as evidenced by being within the lOa-year fiood boumary in the U.S. Arnw Corps of Engineers study, as depicted on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map of the City of Winter Springs prepared by the Federal Eirergency Mana.gerrent Agency, or classified as occasionally flood prone or fiood prone, or simUar words on the U.S.G.S. Flood Prone Maps, or having extreme soil or surface water and/or groundwater hazards as evidenced by having a fiooding hazard every year, or depth to seasonally high water table of 0 to 15 inches at any t:l1ne during the year as shown in Table 4 - Soil Survey Seminole County, Florida by U.S.D.A., Soil Conservation Service, shall not be developed, unless developer shall submit documentation evidencing conclusively that these hazards can and will be el1minated in relation to the purpose for which the land is to be developed. This documentation in the form of soils and other studies, engl.neering, and other suitable evidence and guarantees, shall be submitted prior to or along with the prel1minary plan submitted. 2. The City Council after considering all information submitted, including staff reviews, shall be required to make finding by JJK)tion duly passed whether the land is suitable for develapment as proposed, and if so the plan shall be approved for further processing. b. Conformity with comprehensive plans. The subdividing and developrrent of any area subject to this chapter shall be in.eonformity with the general goals ani objectives of the City with respect 15 . to any' presently officially adop"L& co~rehensive development P.Latl, existing zoning pl'an and requirements including all amendments thereto, policies and plans present and future established by the City Council with respect to lake levels, navigational requirements and policies, water supply, waste disposal and other essential utilities, and overall drainage plan and policies for development in any special ~rovement district. c. Use of natural features. The ~nt of lots and blocks and street system should make the mst advantageous use of topography and preserve mature trees and other natural physical features wherever possible. Sec. 14-61. Entire tract to be used; landlocked areas prohibited. The entire tract being subdivided or developed shall be placed in lots, streets and other usable tracts so that remnants and other landlocked areas shall not be created. Sec. 14-62. Public sites and open spaces, exception. a. The developer of all residential subdivisions which are to be platted, but excluding those located in an approved P. U.D., shall confer with the Planning and Zoning Board in regard to sites for schools, parks, playgrounds and other COIJm:)n areas for public use, at the time of presentation of prel1m1nary plan. An area equal to five (5) percent of the gross area shall be dedicated by the owner to the City for park and recreational purposes. b. When the land to be developed is less than 20 acres in size, the City Staff may reconmend that the City Council waive the aforesaid requirenEnt in conjunction with approval of the prel1m1nary plan. Sec. 14-63. utilities services to be underground: exceptions. a. Except as provided herein, all utility services shall be installed underground, including electric power, telephone, cable television and other service of like nature. b . Individual service connection lines to buildings shall be installed underground unless evidence is submitted to the City Staff that sooe conpeU1ng factor precludes such underground installation. c. In areas where lots are one acre or greater in size, the City Staff may waive requirenEnts for underground installation of utility services. d. Main distribution lines bringing service to the development, and being installed on the perimeter of the developnent or segnent of the development, nay be installed above ground upon approval of the City Staff. 16 , " : Sec. 14-64. Open drainage ditches; stonn sewers. No new open drainage ditches shall be allowed within any subdivision boundaries, except as authorized by specific action of the City Council. Stonn sewers shall be covered and open ditches shall be pennitted across undeveloped land only as an outlet into an established watercourse. Whenever any outlet ditch passes within one-hundred (100) feet of any home, the area of the ditch shall be fenced. This section does not apply to existing natural streams, swales, rivers, or ditches. Sec. 14-65. When drainage ditch fence is required. Whenever a building pennit is issued for a lot which borders on a drainage ditch, the builder shall be required to place a fo~foot high chain link fence along the lot line bordering the drainage ditch. Sec. 14-66. Septic tanks. A development within the City may utilize septic tanks after approval by an appropriate resolution by the City Council, Subject to the following tenns and conditions: a. A written request for such pennission shall be submitted to the City Council at the same time that the preliminary plan for the development is forwarded to the City for approval. b. A written statement shall be submitted at the time of the request from the State Board of Health, or appropriate officer thereof, approving the use of septic tanks in the proposed development. c. A plat or site plan shall comply with current State law before the City Council may authorize the use of septic tanks. d. A septic tank pennit issued by the appropriate authority shall have been issued prior to the issuance of each building pennit. Sec. 14-67 - 14-73. Reserved. D1 vision 2. lDts and blocks. Sec. 14-74. General requirenents. a. lDts and blocks shall be designed: 1. According to acceptable practice for the type of development and use cont~lated so as to be aesthetically acceptable. 2. In keeping with the topography and other site conditions and to provide adequate traffic and utility access and circulation. 3. To provide for acceptable use of space. 4. To provide privacy. 5. To provide adequate drainage and protection of property. 17 b '. The esta,bllshment of special requirements by the City to aC(;vlIllllsh ,these' general purposes may be necessary in some cases. (oro. No. 50, SIll, 1-5-70) . Sec. 14-75. Lot dimensions; m:inimum street frontage. a. Lot size. The lot size, width, depth, shape, and orientation, and the minimum building setback lines shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision and for the type of developnent and use conten:plated. Lot dimensions shall not be less than the minirrnlm standards established in the City zoning ordinance. Lots in residential districts which abut arterial streets shall have a minimum depth of 125 feet. Width ani area of lots laid out for industrial and COIJm:!rcial purposes shall be adequate for the type of development conten:plated and adequate to provide off-street parking, loading, and service facilities. b. Manner of measuring m:inimum lot widths. All measurements of minimum lot widths which are provided in zoning, subdivision, and planned unit develop- ment ordinances of the City are to be measured at the building line within the individual lots. c. Corner lots. Corner lots shall be at least fifteen (15) percent greater in width than the m:inimum established in the zoning ordinance, except where the m:inimum lot is one acre in size, no additional width shall be required. d. Access. Each lot, for a miniJrnm distance of twenty-five (25) feet, shall abut on a publiC street or private right-of-way. '!his requirement shall not be construed to prohibit private streets within developments where the land renains un:ier one or comm:>n ownership. The subdivision shall be so designed that remnants and land-locked areas shall IlQt be created. e. Lot lines. Side lot lines shall be, as nearly as practical, at right angles to straight street lines and radial to curved street lines. f. D:mble frontage lots. J).:)uble frontage and reverse frontage lots shall be avoided except where essential to provide separation of residential development from arterial and/or collector streets or to over- come specific disadvantages of' topography and orientation. A planting screen easement of at least ten (10) feet depth, across which there shall be no right of vehicular access, shall be provided along the line of lots abutting such traffic artery or other disadvantageous use. 18 -- 'Sec. '14-76. Lots not to be dividect by rmmicipal boundaries. No lot in any , subdivision shall be divided by a rmmicipal boundary. Sec. 14-77. Clearing of rights-of-way. Rights-of-way IlU1st be completely cleared of all trees, the only exception being permitting specific trees to remain which have been approved therefor by the City. Rights-of-way IlU1St be cut to grade to the full width and conform to the applicable exhibits of this ordinance. Sec. 14-78 - 14-82. Reserved. Division 3. Streets and alleys Sec. 14-83. Classification Streets shall be classified according to the following: a. Arterial streets include designated state roads and other tlPrough- fares which are designed, constructed and maintained for large traffic volu:rres. b. Collector streets are those designed, constructed and maintained for IIPderate traffic volu:rres and to serve as connectors between arterial streets and m1nor streets. c. M:I.nor streets are those designed, constructed and maintained pr1marily to provide access to abutting property owners. (Ord. No. 50, S III, 1-5-70). Sec. 14-84. M1nimum rights-of-way and paving widths. a. The m1nirnum rights-of-way and paving widths (in feet) are as follows: Street Classification row With Curb~ 'WIG Curbs PAVING, With Curbs /' WIG Curbs Collector 80 60 50 80 70 60 28 28 24 24 24 Arterial M:I.nor 20 See Standard Road cross Section, Apperil1x A-l - A-4 , for additional requ1rements. b. In determining the width of a street with curbs, the width shall be neasured from the outside to the outside of the curbs, including Mtam1 type valley gutters. c. Traffic studies may be required if requested by the City to establish proper design. 19 (1) A developer sl-all prepare. or have prepared. and provide the City with a Traf.fic Impact Analysis when deterndned to be necessary by the City Sta.f.f. provided: (a.) The development is nonresidential or multi.family and accessing on a roadway that is functionally classified as a collector or above. (b. ) There are twenty (20) single .family residential units or more. or the developrrent is ten (10) acres or larger in size and has access on a collector or greater road. ( c . ) A special tra.f.fic hazard is deened to exist by the City Planner. (d.) This requirenent IIRY be waived by the City Planner, by rreans o.f positive recanmendation, when the anticipated requirerrents are provided .for in the prel1minary plan o.f the development. (2) The Traff'ic Impact Analysis shall be subrrrl.tted with the .final development plan. (3) The analysis o.f tra.ffic inpact will provide: (a.) Total projected Average r.aily Trips .for the site in question. (b.) Design capacity o.f the accessed road(s). (c.) Average projected peak-hour trip projections .for the site in question. (d.) Analysis o.f projected on-and o.f.f-site traffic patterns, 1. e.. turning mvenents. (e. ) Projected percentage o.f truck traffic. (.f.) Recommended inprovements !lBde necessary by the development. (g.) other related in.formation as required by the City Planner. ( 4 ) The Traffic Impact Analysis shall be prepared by a qualified tra.f.fic engineer. Sec. 14-85. Street grades, generally. a. Street grades. wherever .feasible. shall not exceed the .following, with due allowance .for reasonable vertical curves: 20 Street Types ~nt Grade Regional Thoroughfares 6 Arterial Local Tmroughfares 7 Collector Collector Streets 8 Minor Streets 10 Minor Marginal Access Streets 10 b. No street grade shall be less than twenty-four hun:lredths of one percent (0.24%) on streets with curbs and gutters. On swale roadway sections, flatter grades maybe utilized with the swale grade centerline, based upon results of hydraulic analysis, but not less than one-tenth of one percent (0.1%). c. The above requiranents are for residential developments. Conmercial or industrial subdivisions may require individual consideration as to the extent of grade which will be permitted. Sec. 14-86. Reserved. Sec. 14-87. streets to be paved. At least one street leading to a developnent and all streets within a development shall be paved. Urpaved private streets in a development with lots of five (5) acres or lOOre may be recomnemed for approval by the City Engineer after the applicant submits engineer1ng relating to soils, intemed stabiliza- tion, base materials, an:i other pertinent data to the City Engineer for his review and reconmen:iation to City Council. Sec. 14-88. Paving of access streets. a. Where existing off-site access streets which connect to a new development are not adequately paved an:i .drained to handle the anticipated traffic, provisions for inproving such access streets shall be included with the prellrninary and final developrnent engineering submitted to the City for consideration and approval. Access streets shall be paved prior to the issuance of a building permit in aforesaid developrnent. All costs shall be borne by the developers. b. When a new development places a burden on the design capacity of a presently paved street illIned1ately ad;} acent to the development, the developer shall, if deEm3d necessary by the City and at his expense, upgrade the :improveJOOnts of the street in question beyond that which the City would mnmlly perform. 2l Se6.14-89. Paving costs. lW part of the cost of paving new streets in any undeveloped subdivision shall be paid by the City. All paving installed in such subdivisions shall be at the entire cost of the owner or developer and shall be pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Sec. 14-90. CUl-de-sac; dead-ends. a. CUl-de-sac rights-of-way shall be provided with a terminal radius of at least fifty (50) feet, and the paving shall be eighty (80) feet in diameter. A street ending in a cul-de-sac shall have a max:imum length of eight-hundred (800) feet, including the cul-de-sac. b. Dead-end streets pemanently designed as such shall be provided with a cul-de-sac. Sec. 14-91. General layout; connections with existing streets. a. The proposed street layout shall be coordinated with the street system of the surrounding area. The arrangement and location of all streets shall be considered in relation to topographical conditions, to public convenience and safety and in appropriate relation to all proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. Streets in a planned unit developnent intended and designed to receive and collect the now of traffic f'rom minor interior streets within the planned unit developnent, and now said traffic out of the development, shall not be interconnected so as to allow direct transport of traffic from any outside source to an arterial, thereby utilizing the internal collector street as an arterial. b. Streets in a proposed subdivision shall be connected to platted streets in the abutting areas where appropriate. The width of such streets in new subdivisions shall be in accordance with this ordinance. A suitable transition length where the streets are rot of the same width shall be provided by the developer. Sec. 14-92. Half streets. Half streets shall not be platted except to conplete an existing half street. Sec. 14-93. Intersections. Streets shall be laid out to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. No street right-of-way shall intersect another at an angle less than seventy (70) degrees unless special provision is made in the design of the intersection. Wherever possible, intersections of paving shall be at ninety (90) degrees and the right-of-way increased accordingly. 22 MlltiPle intersections involving tne juncture of IOOre than two lJ.) stre""s shlUl be prohibited. Intersections with major streets should be located not less than eight-huM.red (800) feet apart , centerline :rreasure:rrent. Street jogs at intersections with centerline offsets of less than one-hundred fifty (150) feet are prohibited. See Standard Intersection, Appendix~ for additional requirements. Intersection engineering shall include signing and/or signalization. Sec. 14-94. Street naJ1ES. New street naJ1ES shall not duplicate the names of existing streets, except that new streets that are an extension or in alignment with existing streets shall bear the sane naJ1E as that borne by such existing streets. Names likely to be confused with naJ1ES of existing streets shall be avoided. Street naJ1ES shall be subject to the approval of the City. Street numbers shall be designated by the City Staff. See Exhibit C. Sec. 14-95. Private streets. A private street as a principal means of access to individually owned lots shall be prohibited unless appropriate deed restrictions are recorded and legally binding, pe:rmment maintenance associations are fonred. This requirement may not apply to the provision of roadways within shopping centers, industrial or wholly cOJllrercial districts, apartment proj ects or townhouse projects and other developments un:ler single ownership or coJllrercial ownership. In such cases, the owner shall be responsible for the construction, maintenance and control of such private streets. Private streets shall :rreet design! construction and inspection standards established for public streets unless waived by specific Council action. Sec. 14-96. Alleys. Alleys may be required in cOJllrercial and industrial districts but shall be discouraged in single-family, residential areas. When provided, alleys shall have a m:l.n:imum right-of-way width of twenty (20) feet. Sec. 14-97. Easements. Dre:inage ease:rrents and utility easements, including water, sewer, electric, telephone, gas and cable television, shall be provided as follows: a. D'lvelopers shall install water and sanitary sewers in public rights-of-way. Easements for utilities along rear lot lines shall be a 23 ~' of fifteen (15) feet total' width and shall include el":JtI'lc, telephone, gp.s and cable television easements. Where deemed necessary along side lot lines, a m:in:l.mum width of fifteen (15) feet total width shall be provided as required for proposed utility installations or maintenance. Easerrents of greater width may be required along or across lots where necessary for the extension of main sewers or other utili ties, or where l11lll tiple utili ties and water and sewer lines are located within the same easement. Side lot easements may be decreased to ten (10) feet (5' each lot) when serving a single electric or telephone utility. b. A drainage easement shall be provided when necessary. Such easement shall be of sufficient width to provide adequately for watercourses, drainageways, channels, pipes, culverts or streams, and access to pennit Ill9intenance of the same. M1ni1llum width for piped drainage easerrents shall be 15 feet. On or in a drainage easement, no stonn sewer inlets shall be con- structed or placed that would restrict the prirna.ry function or maintenance of the easement. c. Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainsgeway, canal or stream, there shall be provided a stonn drainage easerrent or right-of-way confonning substantially with the lines of such watercourse, and such further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purpose. Parallel streets or parkways may be required in connection therewith. Sec. 14-98. Grassing, l11lllching, sodding. a. All road rights-of-way, easements, drainage areas, swales, nedian percolation areas, benna, and other dedicated public areas shall be grassed, sodded or l11lllched to a standard satisfactory to the City prior to acceptance by the City. In certain areas, sodding and other erosion protection neasures nay be required by the City. b. Where ongoing housebuilding will continue for reasonably short a period of t1rne after final acceptance of :tnprovements, the City may waive the requirenent for :1ntred1ate installation of sod. When the City grants such waiver, the axrount of the maintenance bond as required in this o:rd:l.nance will be increased to provide surety for this installation at a subsequent t1rne, but prior to the expiration of said bond. Sees. 14-99 - 14-108. Reserved. 24 Affi\ICIE IV. ffiQUIRED IMPROVEMENI'S 'Sec. 14-109. Responsibility for design and certification of inprovenents. General. A Florida registered professional engineer shall be employed to design required inprovements, including streets, drainage structures, bridges, bulkheads and water and sewer facilities. All plans for such inprove- !rent shall be prepared by such engineer and subrrdtted to the City, along with plats and bonds when appropriate, to allow joint review and approval prior to the comnencenent of construction. After required inprovements have been in- stalled, the engineer shall subrrdt certification that the 1rrprovements have been substantially constructed according to the approved plans and specifications and shall subrrdt as-built plans, including elevations, as required. Sec. 14-110. Certain data to be subrrdtted prior to installation of 1rrprovenents. a. Prior to the installation of any required 1rrprovements of the develop- !rent, the following supplenentary data shall be in the files or shall be submitted to the City Planner: 1. Construction plans, specifications and engineering estimates of costs for all required inproVeIrents in the subdivision, including streets, sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, water supply and distribution facilities, sewerage collection and treatrrent facilities and plans for excavating, filling and grading lands, all as prepared by a Florida registered engineer and bearing his professional seal thereon. If the water distribution or sewerage collection system is to be an extension of existing systems, the subrrdttal need not include complete plans and specifications for the total basic existing system, but shall include certification with supporting data by the developer's engineer derronstrating that adequate plant and other system capacity is available to serve existing connections plus trose proposed in general accordance with the design standards listed herein. Additionally, the plans will srow the connection of proposed facilities to existing systems and all proposed facilities within the proposed developlrent. As an alternative to submittal of an engineer's estimate of costs, bids for the work from two (2) reputable contractors or a copy of an executed construction contract for the work will be acceptable. All water and sewer inprovements to be owned, operated and maintained by the City shall be dedicated to the City unless otherwise indicated by the City. 25 "2. Ace;M;i;L'icate that'the design and plans of water and sewer and drainage systems to be installed have been approved by the IER will be furnished to the City before construction is initiated. 3. Ibcumentation that the lot or parcel abuts or is connected to a public street which has been dedicated to and accepted by the City or which street is shown on a legally recorded subdivision. 4. Ibcumentation of ~ variance which has been granted pursuant to this chapter. b. A mtice to corrmence construction will be issued by the City to the developer when all requirenrimts are deemed to have been satisfactorily rret by the developer. Sec. 14-111. Required :in:provements to be completed prior to building on lots; exceptions. a. No building shall be erected on a lot or parcel of land SUbject to this chapter mr shall any building permit be issued therefore unless the lot or parcel is within a subdivision for which a final plat has been approved by the City Council and the required inprovements have been installed and fourd acceptable by the City Engineer, or concurrently with the construction of the required inprovements of the subdivision, the builder or owner signs a written agreem:mt at the t1rre of issuance of such pennit that he will not request a final inspection or electrical hookup until all :in:provements affecting the lot have been corrpleted and approved. b. When a bond or letter of credit, to assure the City that the proposed inprovements will be installed, has been posted with the City, at the discretion of the Building Official, house construction will bepennitted. c. Where the Building Official has an authoritative rrethod of assurance that the irrproveroonts will be completed in accordance with approved plans, in such as withholding occupancy, the Building Official nay issue building permits upon advising the developer that all or partial occupancy will be restricted until satisfactory completion of the irrproVetrents has been accorrplished. This condition applies to all zoning categories other than single family residences. Sec. 14-112. Inspections and tests. a. General. The designated City Official shall inspect all inprovements at the specific stages of construction mted below. The City shall not accept :in:provetrents in any subdivision or planned unit developtrent which has mt been inspected and approved in strict accordance with the following procedures. 26 'b'. Responsibility. The City' will accept no responsibihvy, or liability for the work, or for arw contractual conditions invol v:l.ng acceptance, payment, or guarantee between the utility companies, various contractors, owners, and developers, by virtue of these stage inspections. The City assumes no re- sponsibility or comnitment guaranteeing acceptance of the work, or for subsequent failures, by virtue of these stage inspections. However, if arw aspect of the work being performed does not comply with acceptable standards, corrections will be required by the inspector as a condition for City acceptance. All required irnproveIrents shall be installed, and have the approval of the City Engineer and/or other City department(s), prior to submission to and acceptance by the City Council. c. Inspections. Inspections shall be conducted at the end of each significant phase and before the next construction phase is begun. Additional phase inspections may be required and made at the discretion of the City. 1. Notification. For all phase inspections the City shall require twenty-four (24) hours notice. Such notice shall be in writing for the "Flllal Inspection." 2. Failure to inspect. Where the City fails to make phase inspections within 24 hours after mtice is given by the developer, the said inter:im phase will be deeIred as inspected and approved and the developer may proceed to the next phase of work. This provision does not negate the obligation of the developer to supply the City with the results of the required tests for arw phase of the development. d. Tests. The developer shall ensure that all appropriate test results are furnished the City so it may have sufficient review time before a request for inspection and approval of each phase. 1. Flllal inspection. The City shall notify the developer the results of the final inspection within one (1) week of the inspection. However, a final inspection will not be made until all phase inspections are made and work approved. 2. Schedule of inspection to be made by the City. (a.) Preconstruction - Prior to initiation of the work to go over the job and procedures. (b.) At the end of site clearing and gr'Ubbing. Furnish soils data. (c. ) At the start and end of roadway excavation and fill work. 27 (d.) At the end aI' the sanitary sewer instal.l.l:l.tion before the 'next phase of work for testing. Provide backfill compaction tests under pavement areas. (e.) At the end of storm drainage installation before the next phase of work. Provide back. fill compaction tests under pavement areas. (f. ) At the end of water main construction before next phase of the work for pressure and leak testing. Provide backfill compaction tests. (g.) At the start and end of sub-base installation. (h. ) At the start and end of underdrain installation. (Filter lIRterial to be approved by soils consultant). (1. ) At the start and end of curb and gutter installation. (j . ) Base course, during construction or mixing. (Soils testing services and tests required). (k. ) At the end of base course work prior to installing the wearing course. (1.) When inverts, box culverts and all other concrete structures including inlet tops have their forming corrplete, and the steel is in place prior to pouring. Test cylinders shall be required on certain types of structures and/or each type of construction such as inlets and curbs. (m. ) At tiIre of installation of subbase course, base course and wearing course, and at the end of paving operations. (n.) Clean up and dressing of rights-of-way 11rn1ts. (0.) Sodding and/or seeding completion. (p. ) Street naIre signs and traffic control signs. (q.) Pavement marking. (r.) Final inspection when the total job is complete and docummtation of the various p;hases of work have been received. (s.) JIs-builts - Certified as-built plans reflecting actual intersection and grade control points of pavement, pipe inverts, grades, and service lateral locations shall be submitted to the City prior to final acceptance. SPECIAL Nom: City permits are required for utility use, road crossings, and drainage construction in public rights-of-way that have been previously accepted for maintenance by the City. Chapter 13 of the code. 28 Sec. 14'-113. M:Jnuments. a. Pe:mrment reference mom.unents. Pe:mrment reference monuments shall be placed as required by Chapter 177, Florida Statutes as amanded. lVbnuments shall be set in the ground so that the tip is flush or no mre than one (1) foot below the finish grade. b. Pe:mrment control points. Pe:mrment control points shall be set along the street right-of-way or block lines at "PC'S" "PI"S," "PRC'S," "PCC'S," and other changes in direction, excluding those points located by "PRM'S" or other locations permitted by the laws of the State of Florida. Sec. 14-114. Standards for roadway base materials. The following are the m:inimum standards for roadway base course and sub-base course for hard-surfaced, paved streets: a. All streets in industrial or corrmercial subdivisions and all arterial streets shall have one (1) of the following: 1. Eight (8) inches of conpacted limerock. 2. Eight (8) inches of conpacted soil cemant. 3. Equivalent material approved by the City Engineer. b. All streets in residential subdivisions except arterial streets shall have one (1) of the follOwing: 1. Six (6) inches of conpacted limerock. 2. Six (6) inches of conpacted soil cerrent. 3. Equivalent ma.terials approved by the City Engineer. (Ord. No. 50, S IV, 1-5-70). c. Sub-base construction shall consist of the following: 1. On arterial or collector streets, a m:inimum ten (10) inches thick, 75 PSI Florida bearing value and 95 percent IlOdified max:l.nm1 density. 2. Minor streets shall have a six (6) inch thick, 75 PSI Florida bearing value and 95 percent IlOdified maximum density. 3. Under certain soils and groundwater conditiom, the City shall have the right to require a base of soil cement or other suitable base. Underdrains on one or both sides of a street may be required. Sec. 14-115. Standards for the surfacing of streets. The wearing surface of streets shall consist of one (1) of the following materials for hard-surfaced, paved streets: a. All streets in industrial or cOJJJrercial developrents and arterial streets shall have a m:inimum compacted thickness of one and one-half (l~) inches of Type I asphaltic concrete surface course. 29 b.;. All streets in residential developments except arter .uu streets shall have ~ mininn.m conpacted thickness of one (1) inch of Type I asphaltic concrete surface course or equivalent materials approved by the City Engineer. Sec. 14-116. Street markers. a. Street narre markers shall be installed at each intersection. Such markers shall be munted on galvanized pipe extending at least eighteen (18) inches into a concrete base below the surface gr>ade and nine (9) feet above the surface gmde, bearing aluminum plates with reflecting sheeting six (6) inches high to permit letters three and one-half (3~) inches in height, or shall be the equivalent or better with regard to legibility, durability, and appearance. Alternate street sign munting may be approved by the City Engineer. Reference for alternates is the MUI'CHA Standard (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Levices). other alternatives may be accepted. b. Street signs will be installed by the Public Works Lepartment at the developer's expense. c. '!he final plan for a development shall include a plan for the location and designation of street signs. Such plan will disclose the details, location and design of street signs, and will be approved by the head of the department of Public Works prior to staff review of the final plans. Sec. 14-117. Streetlights and Traffic Signs. a. '!he final plan of each proposed development shall include a plan for the location of appropriate streetlights. The plans will disclose the intensity of illumination which would be acconplished. '!he plan would be prepared by, or in conjunction with, the power conpany serving the area. 1. Approval by the City Engineer of the street light plan shall be made prior to staff review of the final plans. 2. "Pole Fee." The developer will be required to pay to the City a sum equal to all costs of operating the street light system for the first two years after installation, which fee will be established by resolution of the City Council. 3. All costs, pertaining to installation of the street light system will be borne by the developer, and the street lighting system will be installed by the power conpany serving the area. b. '!he final plan for a development shall include a plan for the location and designation of traffic signs. S),lCh plan will disclose the details, location and type of each traffic sign. Traffic signs will conply with the MUI'CHA (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Levices) Standards, and 30 ~ general be lIPunted on an approved support extending at least eighteen (18) 'inches into a concrete base below ground surface. Signs will be aluminum plate with reflective sheeting and will corrply with all other provisions of the MlJI'CHA Standards. 1. The traffic sign plan shall be approved by the Chief of Police prior to Staff Review of the final plans. 2. Traffic signs will be installed by the Public Works Department of the City at the developer's expense. 3. The City shall accept streetlights and traffic signs for maintenance at the same t:lJre that the streets and other irrprovements located within the developrrent are accepted for maintenance by the City. Sec. 14-118. Bridges. a. Bridges shall be designed in general accoitU with D.O.T. Standards. Bridges shall be constructed with curbs, the required paving width, and in addition, sidewalks at least three feet wide on both sides, except on dual bridges where sidewalks shall be required only on the outside of each bridge. Approach guardrails or fences shall be provided in accordance with D.O. T. Standards. Under special conditions, a single sidewalk, four feet wide will be accepted by the City. b. Bridges shall be inspected and approved by a certified inspector in accordance with state law prior to acceptance. If bridges are privately owned they shall be subject to the same inspection as those which are City owned. Sec. l4-ll9. Sidewalks. a. Sidewalks at least four (4) feet in width shall be placed on each side of all streets along and within the right-of-way, except within industrial or lIPbile hone districts. All fo~oot sidewalks shall not exceed twenty (20) feet per section. Sidewalks shall be constructed of a min1Imlm of 2500 lb. "C" concrete with a m:ln:1mum thickness of four (4) inches except at driveway approaches, where such sidewalks shall be at least six (6) inches thick. The requirerrent for sidewalks shall be the responsibility of the builder, and such sidewalks shall be installed prior to the final inspection of any building. b. Sidewalks shall be required in all developrrents unless specifically excepted by the City Council. 31 .Sec. 14-120. Drivew~s. All driveways shall conform to Federal Housing Authority specifically. See Appendix .!2. Sec. 14-121. Curbs, Gutters, EasellEnts. See Exhibit F. - Alternate curb sections. a. A properly prepared subgrade and approved road base and wearing surface with a rni.rdmum of Miami Type curbs and gutters shall be provided for all paved streets within any subdivision having lots less than one (1) acre in size. Where it is shown to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that percolation rates are adequate, the developer may install swales in lieu of curbs and gutters. b. A properly prepared subgrade and approved road base and wearing surface with grass swales not to exceed one and one-half (l~) feet in depth and a minimum of five (5) feet from the road edge may be provided for all streets in subdivisions with lot sizes one (1) acre or greater, subject to approval of the City Engineer, based on soil conditions and water table. c. Streets and drainage easellEnts are to be cleared as required and left in a neat and clean condition. Street rights-of-way and outfall ditches shall be sodded or sprigged with grass, or seeded and mulched, or shall be otherwise protected to prevent erosion in a manner approved by the City Engineer. The subgrade llB.lSt be of suitable material and llB.lSt be prepared in accordance with the stanclards prescribed by this chapter. (Ord. No. 50, S IV, 1-5-70). d. Legal drainage easellEnts, both on site and off site, will be required. ~ off-site easellEnts needed for legal reasons, construction, system perfoI'llmlce, or maintenance of the facility shall be included in the developrrent proposal aro. made criteria for developrrent approval. Such easellEnts shall be of sufficient width to provide adequately for water courses, drainage ways, channels, pipes, culverts, or streams and access to permit maintenance of sallE. Drainage easellEnts for pipes shall be a m1n1mum of 15 feet wide. Larger easellEnts will be required for large pipes or where construction or maintenance reqtlireIIJants dictate. Sec. 14-122. Stormwater IIIDl8.geII}ent. a. The design concept for drainage systems in proposed developrrents shall be approved by the City Engineer. All drainage systems shall have a positive outlet or overflow unless doc\.IIDSnted as being unnecessary by geohydrologic investigation based on a 25 year design ston,n. 32 b, Local developrrent urainage facilities shall be desJ.<j ""d for a rainfall of: a 10-year return period. Main tl'm:lugh drainage facilities or interceptors or outfall drainage facilities shall be designed for a rainfall of a 25 year return period. c. The drainage system for each subdivision shall include a sufficient facility to remJve stonnwater without flooding any lot in the proposed sub- division or in the surrounding territory. All house elevations shall be a minimum of one and one-half (l~) feet above the lOO-year flood stage. d. Retention, detention, percolation, and treatment of stormwater are encouraged by the City; and stormwater regulations, criteria and requirements of the State of Florida, St. Johns River District of the Lepartrrent of Envirormental Regulation, as they nay exist and be roodified from tiJre to tiJre, are to be the regulations, criteria, and requirements which the City of Winter Springs shall utilize for review of stormwater facilities, where receiving facility of the ult:1ma.te disposal is a running stream. Where said facility is a pipe network or lake, specific analysis of the storrrwater retention system will be required. e. Flow quantities off-site are rot to exceed that prior to developrrent without thorough analysis of downstream facilities and deroonstration of their capacity to adequately handle the design storm and all tributaries contributing to the facility. f. The City encourages the preservation of existing swanp areas, ponds (including intermittent ponds), wetlands and wet areas, and bayheads for water storage and conservation pllIiJOses. Existing flood storage quantities smuld rot be reduced by development f'rom that which existed on-site prior to developrrent. g. The development of each phase of a developrrent shall be capable of standing on its own if subsequent areas planned for development are rot developed. h. Inlet spacing. Inlets shall be spaced in such a manner as to accept one-h1l1'Xh'ed percent (100%) of runoff. Typically, the naximum allowable gutter run will be seven-hundred fifty feet (750') on streets with curbs, unless specifically excepted by the City Engineer. On streets other than streets with curbs, the actual required spacing will depend on the characteristics of each particular site. See Exhibit E. 33 Sec.' 14-123. ~ facilities. a. Roadside swales. Roadside swales within street rights-of-way shall side slope and back slope no steeper than 4 to 1. Normal swale sections shall be a minimum of six (6) inches deep with a maximum depth of twelve (12) inches below the outside edge of the street paveIrent. Rumff may be accumulated and carried in the swales in the rights-of-way up to but not above the point where floocling of the shoulders or roadside property would occur. Water in excess of this quantity shall be diverted from the roadside swales and carried away by storm sewers or other approved means. Where flow velocities in excess of two (2) feet per second are anticipated, curb and gutter shall be provided, unless excepted by the City Engineer. b. Open channels and outfall ditches where allowed shall be designed so as to provide an eighteen (18) inch clearance between the design water surface and bank top and shall be designed for flow velocities not to exceed two (2) feet per second. Where higher velocities are anticipated, other adequate permanent protection against scour shall be provided. c. Street subdrains or underdrains may be required where soil and water conditions warrant. d. Underground drainage systems shall include one (1) or oore of the following which shall meet the specifications of the City Engineer as to conposition and size: 1. Reinforced concrete pipe. 2. Asphalt-coated corrugated metal pipe. 3. Approved equal materials inclucling aluminum. 4. Reinforced concrete box culverts. 5. Drainage inlets, headwalls, manholes and appurtenant facilities. (Ord. No. 50, S IV, 1-5-70). Sec. 14-124. Requirements for water and sewer systems. a. Where the approved final engtneering for a subdivision, wherein the rights-of-way are dedicated to the public, requires the installation of a water ani or sewer trunk line system, the plat for said subdivision will not be recorded unless and except when the said trunk line systems are installed or the installation of said system is assured by means of a perfonnance bond. 34 b. In no event shall the City be required to pay the cObt of the installation of the water and sewer trunk line system. c. New water and sewer systems where required shall be designed and constructed for an economic life of not less than twenty (20) years and in accordance with the regulations of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, Ten States Standards, American Water Works Association, and in confonnance with good engineering practice. As a minimum standard, the water distribution system shall be capable of delivering, in addition to dorrestic requirements of residual pressures of not less than twenty (20) poun:ls per square inch, fire flows of at leal>t five-hundred (500) gallons per minute in Single-family residential subdivisions and one-thousand, two-hundred and fifty (1,250) gallons per minute in COIllllercial, institutional or industrial areal> at each user point of delivery adjacent to the distribution system. Criteria for fire flow requirements for multi-family projects will be deternrl.ned by the Fire Chief of the City. Fire hydrants shall be spaced no greater than seven-hundred and fifty. (750) feet apart in residential areal> and three-hundred and fifty (350) feet apart in COIllllercial or industrial areal>, and shall be cormected and approved to mains no less than six (6) inches in diameter. Plans for fire hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Chief of the City. The fire hydrants shall be installed by the developer at no cost to the City. Sufficient storage and/or emergency punping facilities shall be provided to such an extent that the minimum fire flows will be maintained for at leal>t four (4) hours. The requirement for fire hydrants may be waived tenporarily by City Council upon reconmendation of the Fire Chief in areas where adequate mains are not available, but in such case, the builder must place in escrow an anount equal to the cost of such hydrants plus an additional twenty-five (25) percent to provide for their cormection as soon as adequate mains becorre available, and such funds may be used for no other purpose. In any Cal3e, the distribution system shall comply with the above requirements. (Ord. No. 50, S IV, 1-5-70; Ord. No. 66, SS III, V, 3-6-72). d. Where lakes or ponds are considered an integral part of the fire- fighting system, access to such water bodies will be provided for firefi@:1ting equipment, ani said access is to be designated for this purpose. e. Entry gates or other restrictive entry devices to any area shall be designed in such a manner to break away upon inpact without damaging firefighting equiprent. 35 f;' The water system for any developlOOnt will be subj ect \:0 the review of the Fire Chief prior to staff review, and approval thereof is a requirement of approval of final plans. Sec. 14-125. Leveloper responsibility and control. The developer shall be required dluring the entire construction periOd to control, regulate and maintain the developlOOnt in such a manner as to prevent the accumulation of trash and debris, resulting from his construction activities, on both the site and adjacent public and private property, which would detract from the enjoYJOOnt and pleasure in the natural scenic beauty of the City, and in turn, injuriously affect the economic well-being of the citizenry. The use of residential lots in nearby developlOOnts, or substantially complete phases of the same developnent, under the ownership and control of said developer, for the bulk storage of construction materials substantially unrelated to the developlOOnt of those residential lots is prohibited. A developnent shall be deemed to be substantially completed when seventy percent (70%) of the planned units are completed and ready for occupancy, or are actually occupied. If this condition does not exist at the tine of expiration of the improvenent bonds, said bond must be extended until this condition is net. Failure to comply with the aforesaid provision shall be deened a violation of these subdivision regulations. Sec. 14-125. Appendix A-l through A-4 - Typical street Sections. B - Concrete Valley Gutter at Standard Intersection. C - Method for Naming Streets. D - Driveway Entrances for Standard Vertical Curb and Gutter. E - Standard Curb Inlet. F - Alternate Curb Sections. Sec. 14-126. Appendix. 36 SEdrION III - If any section or portion of this OrdinaclCb ~roves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or portion of a section or subsection or part of this ordinance. SECrION IV - CONFLIGrS. That all parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed. SECrION V - EFFEGrIVE DATE. That this oridnance shall take effect inmediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED. and ADOPTED this ,;} (, z< day of ~ , 1981 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS -)( ;:}i) . v . 'f---~-r-'C ;Y I p:r:r.;MID, MAYOR ATl'EST : ~ -d;"iT- ~.l:J CITY ClERK FIRST READING SECOND READING March 10,.1981 PM' .,14 /9t'/ 37 w z f.:. '" ... c " w~ 3: 'i '- '" '" :s .. 0 Z :n x >-' i-' C '" '- t""' " ... :s C) .... :;ro.c en 'i " '" '1 t"' >-' 0. ro x '" .... 0 >-' '1:l OJ en ro '" 0. >-' 0 '1:l f1) ---- >-' >-' >-'COi-' -...J >-' ~=~ ~ 0\ ~ tIl tIl i en '" 5> c l/l .s en '" tfm C l/l I tf f1) tfo' >-' I '" 0 tf () l/l C ~ 111 l!J 0 J f1) '1 l/l C 0\ l/l f1) '1 -<11 ?" OJ '"'l 111 '"'l ;;; 1I> w >-' 0 c ~ 111 0 Ul t"' .... '1 ~ t""' 0 .... '1 0. 00 .... w en ":l '" t>J 0. ~~ ::T C ~ 0\ () III ~ 0 0\ t"' tIl ~ >-3 c: t"' f1) H tIl .... III (1) 0 III (I) .... 0.. en '1 .... Z III f1) t>J .... H MI 0 '1 H () " 0 .... >-3 <<l ::1 H .... <<l 0 <: I " "- .... <: z III 01>- .... III >-' .... ~ ~ IV .... 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" PLAN R/W Line .-< Driveway 6" thick Sidewalk or - o I 10' Minimum Bicycle path '<;!' t:: ({j ..c:: .j.J~ ,; 3'-0" curb Transiti n Warp III (!)(!)O -.-I H I I-< 0- r.l:>;lO :>~ slopes 3'-0" curb Transiti Back of sidewalk PROFILE Gutte;--S: line of sidewalk pro- 3'-0" curb Transition I,. ~LA ~L6" 3'-0" curb Transition Driveway curb 4'-0" Varies (l>lore than Const. joint J~ 5'-0") d- _C' ~ 6" l:2st. ] joint DRIVEI.,rAY ENTRANCES FOR STANDARD VERTICAL CU.RB AND GUTTER EXHIBrr D 44 ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ fi1 ~ >-3 ~ i 3 JJ:8IHX3: Sf] .L3'1NI 8HOD ffiNCIN1fJB "v-v" NOIJDill) ffif'Is dOL .I1CYI:3:8: N\f'Id ;)() ,,<::1-f7# r-V'~lr~l~ '-;--------r - i I 0 0+ h '" ~. -1-- I ,'0 ; II" X1iW ,,9,-1<:: . TaMc:a tr#/M ad"j:d OAd 119 panM :If;rj:.r8:_ 118 snos: .1oqoU\f "f71t: Nlf'Id .u-m "O':;-S"'-+---.u-m "O-I~-'-----I---/ . De.r ge o.re .10 +4BPll+.s - q.mo qo+-ew . _ ~ ...---- ==1= ,.., , '-=+==; ~ -0 '0 :: I"~ I ='=-='__-I--rfl/ "~.."1'V1':::,. <"r~1'K ';t/:'~+y ) . UMDqS ,~ . - .- - l UlO++08: I " \ / ! " \<),(gr: I /' -: - ~ --.,. - ~/ .UlW-.trra IIlrlS / H3ACO ~ 3WVHd .r.o .t_ ~ ~ ~ i'3 fi1 ~ ...f-- L I ) q.mo JO aun MOD UMOqs ge . <is f7# -:: gd~ SNOI~Jas HllOJ a~VNlla~~V HllOJ NOHHIll HllOJ aN~SI a~HV~NOOW (";'/ II]-L t ..9t ..L ..6 -.J I--' ~'t" N it" ... ll" V /€ I--' "- ... llaxxo~ ~ HllOJ IWVIW I llttZ/t ..x-- = ..'t" ~ = -r lla~~o~ ~ HllO;J a~vaNV~S ..ve: ..ve: - I ..9t ..8 = ..It IOlt /' j 1 . ."~ ~ CITY OF H INTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBI.IC HEARING You are hereby informed that the Cicy Council of the City of Hinter Springs, Florida, will hold a public hearing On an ordinance entitled as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF \HNTEB. SPRINCS, FLORIDA, REPEALING CHAPTER 14 OF THE CODE OF ORDINMlCES ENTITLED SUBDIVISIONS; TO PROVIDE FOR THE AOOPTION OF A CURRENT AND MORE EFFECTIVE CHlli'TER 14 Eli'TITLED "LA1'1D DEVELOPHENT" AND DEFINING SUBDIVISIONS AND OTHER PERTINE~'T TERNS: REQUIRING AND REGUI.ATING THE PREPARATION AND PRESEt'i'TATlON OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS FOR SUBDIVIDING AND RESUBDIVIDUiG LANDS At'iD SUBmTTAL TO' THE CITY . COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO RECOR,DHlG; REQUIRING ADDITIONAL NEEDED INFOR- MATION AT TIME OF FILING; REQUIRING MINIMml IMPROVEMENTS IN SUBDIVISIONS; SPECIFYING MINIHUM DESIGN STANDARD? A.'iD STANDARDS FOR INPROYENENTS IN SUB- "DIVISIONS, INCLUDING CONTROL OF CONSTRUCTION BY INSPECTION AJID TESTS; REQUIRING ASSURAt'iCE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION AND ~1AINTENANGE OF SUBDIVISION IHPROVEHENTS BY BONDS, ESCROH OF FUNDS OR OTHER HETHODS; RESTRICTION OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING A.'iD ELECTRICAL P~llTS AS TO AFFECTED LOTS; AUTHORIZING VARIANCES At"lD EXCEPTIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL IN CASEs OF HARDSHIP OR INJUSTICE; CONTROL OF THE SALE OF NON -PLATTED LOTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. This Public Hearing will be held at 7:30 p.m.. or as soon thereafter as possible on Hay 26, 1981 in the Council Chamber" City Hall, 400 N. Edgemon Ave., Hinter Springs. -Copies of the proposed ordinance are available in the office of che City Clerk for inspection. Interested parties may appear at this hearing and be heard with respect to this proposed ordinance. Please be advised that, under State Law, if you decide to appeal a deciSion made wich respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made. Dated this 24th day of Aod1 _, 1981. CITY OF HI~7ER SPRINGS ~~/ ~~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk ^-_._._'-~.~---_._"~ SENTr:",TEL 3T AR Pul>ii.hed Dai'J' Orlanrl'J. Orangt" Count~.. Florida ~htfe of 11oril'ra ( COUNTY OF ORANGE \ 55. Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Betty M. Kinney , who on oath says that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Sentinel Star, a Daily newspaper published at Orlando, in Orange County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad- vertisement, being a Not ice 0 f Pub 1 i c He a r in g in the matter of Land Development Ordinance in the --'-_ Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of April 25, 1981 Affiant further says that the said Sentinel Star is a newspaper published at Or- lando, in said Orange County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Orange County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Orlando, in said Orange County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. n , ~ '\ ~ ~ ----. ~""', ", ._~''"-'\(....._~~ ~ ", '\ 28 th day Sworn to ann subscribed before me this of April 81 A..D., 19_ ~ pla~_ ,d)? Ih~~ Notary Public NotalY Public, State of Florida at large My Commission Expires May 14, 1981 8pnded By A"'e'l~n Fire & Caw.:llty CQrnpan~ Form No. AD-291A . $49.40 , ADVERTISING CHARGE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING You are hereby informed that the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, will hold a public hearing on an ordinanca entitled, as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, RE- PEALING CHAPTER 14 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES ENTI- TLED SUBDIVISIONS; TO PRO- VIDE FOR THE ADOPTION OF A CURRENT AND MORE EFFECTIVE CHAPTER 14 ENTITLED "LAND DEVELOPMENT" AND DEFINING SUBDIVISIONS AND OTHER PER- TINENT TERMS: REQUIRING AND REGULATING THE PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF PRE- LIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS FOR SUBDIVIDING AND RESUBOIVID- ING LANDS AND SUBMITTAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR AP- PROVAL PRIOR TO RECORDING; REQUIRING ADDITIONAL NEEDED INFORMATION AT TIME OF FIL- ING; REQUIRING MINIMUM IM- PROVEMENTS IN SUBDIVISIONS; SPECIFYING MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS AND STANDARDS FOR IMPROVEMI:NTS IN SUBDIVI- SIONS. INCLUDING CONTROL OF CONSTRUCTION BY INSPECTION AND TESTS; REQUIRING ASSUR- ANCE OF SATISFACTORY COM- PLETION AND MAINTENANCE OF SUBDIViSION IMPROVEMENTS BY BONDS, ESCROW OF FUNDS OR OTHER METHODS; RESTRICTION OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING AND ELECTRICAL PERMITS AS TO AF- FECTED LOTS; AUTHORIZING VARIANCES AND EXCEPTIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL IN CASES OF HARDSHIP OR INJUSTICE; CONTROL OF THE SALE OF NON- PLATTED LOTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. This Public Hearing wUl be hald at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible on May 26, 1981, in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 400 N. Edgemon Ave., Winter Springs. Copies of the proposed ordinance are available in the oHice of the City Clerk for inspection. Interested parties may appear at this hearing and be heard with raspecl to this proposed ordinance. Please be advised that, under State Law, if you decide to appeal a de- cision made with respect to this malter, you will need a record of the prOceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim. record is made. Dated thl~ 24th day of April, 1981. Is! Mary T. Norton Mary T. Norton, City Clark CL-loo Apr.25,1981 ... ~ --'"~'._-,~---..~~......-...........-.-.-..-,,-_.~-",-.-.~. ,.-