HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 219 Expense Reimbursement ORDINANCE NO. 219 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 44.08 OF THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANCES, ENTITLED"COMPENSATION; ALLOWANCES FOR EXPENSES INCURRED IN PERFORMANCE DUTIES", AND PRO- VIDING FOR A NEW SECTION 44.23 OF THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANCES, ENT ITLED "COMPENSATION; ALLOWANCES FOR EXPENSES INCURRED IN PERFORMANCE DUTIES", PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENTS FOR THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, BY RESOLUTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, has determined it to be in the best interest of the City of Winter Springs to provide for the establishment of expenses reimbursements for the Planning and Zoning Board and Board of Adjustment of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, for those expenditures naturally and necessarily incurred by them by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION I. That Section 44.08 of the Code of Ordinances, of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 44.08. Compensation; allowances for expenses incurred in performance duties. (a) Members of the planning and zoning board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall be reimbursed from the City Treasury to cover the expenditures naturally and necessarily incurred by them and that said reimbursement for expenses shall be established by resolution." SECTION II - That Section 44.23 of the Code of Ordinances, of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall be created to read as follows: Section 44.23. Compensation; allowances for expenses incurred in performance duties. (a) Members of the Board of Adjustment of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall be reimbursed from the City Treasury to cover the expenditures naturally and necessarily incurred by them and that said reimbursement for expenses shall be established by resolution." SECTION III - SEVERABILITY. If any section or portion of a section or subsection of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, or portion of a section or subsection or part of this Ordinance. SECTION IV - OONFLICTS. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION V - EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon final passage and adoption. PASSED and ADOPtED this 8th day of July, 1980. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA By: TROY J. PILAND, MAYOR ATTEST: Mary T. Norton CITY CLERK FIRST READING June 24, 1980 SECOND READING July 8, 1980 THIS ORDINANCE WAS POSTED 27 DAY OF June 1980 Mary T. Norton Signed City Clerk June 13, 1980 The !venins HeTa1d P. O. Box 1657 Sanford, '1. 32771 near Sirs I '" Enclosed please find two Notices of Public Hearing for the C.:tty of Winter Springs, Florida, to be published Ofte time as ttoon as poss:lb 1e. Please send iRYoice and proof of publication to this offt4e. Thank you. Yours very truly, CITY OF WINtER SPRlNGS Mary T. Norton, City Clerk ene. 2 June 13, 1980 Sentinel Star Legal Advertisements P. O. Box 2833 Orlando, Fl. 32802 Dear Sirsl Enclosed please finel two legal 84s, (MoUe.. of Public Heaxing) for the City of Winter SprtQ&8, Florida, to be published one t~ as soon as possible. Please send invoice and proof of pubUc.ation to thb office. Thank you. Yours very truly, CITY OF WlNTER SPRINGS Mary T. Norton, City Clerk enc. 2 [, ;.1' ~' ii iii I: I 'I, II Ii - - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said City Council will hold a public hearing at the City Hall, 400 N. Edgemon Ave., Winter Springs, Fl. on Tueday, July 8, 1980, at 7:30 p. m. or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider an Ordinance entitled as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 44.08 OF THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANCES, ENT ITLED "COMPENSATION; ALLOWANCES FOR EXPENSES INCURRED IN PERFORMANCE DUTIES", AND PRO- VIDING FOR A NEW SECTION 44.23 OF THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANCES, ENTITLED "COMPENSATION; ALLOWANCES FOR EXPENSES INCURRED IN PERFORMANCE DUTIES", PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENTS FOR THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, BY RESOLUTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR OONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy of said Ordinance shall be available at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Winter Springs, Fl., for all persons desiring to examine same. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard. THIS NOTICE is to be published in the Sentinel Star, a newspaper of general circulation of the City, one (1) time at least fifteen (15) days prior to the ttme of the public hearing. DATED THIS 13th day of June, 1980. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ~r:~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk - - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said City Council will hold a public hearing at the City Hall, 400 N. Edgemon Ave., Winter Springs, Fl. on Tuesday, July 8, 1980, at 7:30 p. m. or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider an Ordinance entitled as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLOR IDA, AMENDING SECTION 44.08 OF THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANCES, ENTITLED "COMPENSATION; ALLOWANCES FOR EXPENSES INCURRED IN PERFORMANCE DUTIES", AND PRO- VIDING FOR A NEW SECTION 44.23 OF THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANCES, ENT ITLED "COMPENSATION; ALLOWANCES FOR EXPENSES INCURRED IN PERFORMANCE DUTIES", PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENTS FOR THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, BY RESOLUTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECT IVE DATE. A copy of said Ordinance shall be available at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Winter Springs, Fl., for all persons desiring to examine same. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard. THIS NOTICE is to be published in the Evening Herald, a newspaper of general circulation of the City, one (1) time at least fifteen (15) days prior to the time of the public hearing. DATED THIS 13th day of June, 1980. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA By ~r~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk SENTINEL STAR Puhlished Daily Alt~monte Springs, Seminole County, Florida ~htte of ~Iori{ta: t COUNTY OF ORANGE \ SS ADVERTISING CHARGE $1 r; (,0 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Naomi C. Parks , who on oath says that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Sentinel Star, a daily newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, F'Hrida; tqat the attached copy of advertisement, being a Not ice 0 f Pub 1 ice aiE ThIJ %atter of Ordinance entitled "Compensation" Allowances for Expenses incurred in pe1itl?ermance Dutip~q t .-cnur I was published in said newspaper in the issues of June 22, 1980 Affiant further says that the said Sentinel Star is a newspaper published at Alta- monte Springs, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has hereto- fore been continuously published daily in said Seminole County, Florida, and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Sem- inole County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, permission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of July 80 ,A,D.19 ~v ~ ~~..~.~~ ~ r-tytary Publi Notary Public, State of Florida at [arge- My Commission Expires Jan. 21, 1984 . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA NOTICE OF pGBLlC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City Council of the City of Winter Springs. Florida, that said City Council . will hold a public hearing at the City Hall. 400 N. Edgemon Ave., Winter Springs. FI on Tuesday, July 8. 1980. at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as posSi- ble, to consider an Ordinance entitled as follows: An Ordinance of the City of WlnJer Springs, Florida, Amending Section 44.08 of the Winter Springs COde of Ordinances, entitled "Compensa- toon; Allowances For Expenses In- curred In Performance Outies". and prOViding for a new Section 44.23 of the Winter Springs Code of Ordi- nances. entitled "Compensation; Allowances For Expenses Incurred In Performance Duties", providing for the establishment ot axpenses reimbursements tor the Planning and Zoning Board And Board Of Adjustment Of The CIty of Winter Springs, Florida. by reSOlution; pr0.- viding for severability; providing for connicts; and providing an effective' date. A copy of said Ordinance shall be available at the office Of the City Clerk of the Coty ot Winter Springs, FI., for ell persons desiring to examine same. AU interested persons are invited to 81- lend and be h_d. ' . THIS NOTICE is to be published in the Sentinel Slar, a newspaper of generel circulation of the City, one (1) time at least fifteen (15) days prior to the time of lhe public hearing. DATED THIS 13th day 01 June. 1980. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 'Is/ Mary T. Norton Mary T. Norton, City Clerk L5-794(6S) June22,1980 FORM 291 C "" Evening Hetald An Independent Newspaper SANFORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared........................... . . . Rutb. F... . ~.OI;J.l B.y . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .....~.. . who. on oath says that he is ... Qf.n.c;e. .r~;':Ii)p'gP-.r............... .of the EVENING HERALD, a Newspaper Pub- lished at Sanford, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertise- ment, being a......... .LaQal. .i\luti.cS.......~..................... .in the matter of Publ ie. .He.ar.i ng . .re.:. .10. .CCi.l'JS.IO'c:;i. .iJH[jJIUhr~CL .:':'l'J.T l.T.!_LU. . t! CLflr:.:..I~;';J\ Tl ul.j ALLOI.l:1Nr""~c FD"P E'vDrr'C'j:"(' '"'e.c! IPr--(' 1'.1 . f'~ l'cui t WM '-'1::...:... . .\. 1.\1.... 1I...;....;::)..u I.;. \~lJ. l....... ..in the... .~+.......... . Court, ~f~'1~S@~Vl~'f~ &Ylbewspaper in the issues of..................................... ..",................. JI..lne. .],,9.,.. .19.80..........,................................., Affiant further says that the said EVENING HERALD is a newspaper published by The Sanford Herald, Inc., at Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Seminole Count~ ~lori9a, and. has been entered ?-s second cla~ mail matter at the post office in Sanford, m sald Semmole County, Flonda, for a penod of one year next preceding the first public3;tion of .the attache9 copy of advertisement; and a~ant further says that he has nelther pald nor promlSed any person, firm or corporatlOn any discount rebate commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publi~ation ni the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th ' . . . ;-~-=..:.):.:..' . . .. . .. . .. .. >.. .. . .. . .. day of -,'C':'. .,.... ...... ,,;.. ..J'.l..J:D.El .. . A. D. 19.E?P. / ~..~.. ,." "~r-;?"". /' , "J'; J{ /' I ",i/" /./ /' 7,./-'j,/.J ,.1.;::.1- .,:.tf!:;< :L.:..J!i.. ./X:, (. Rl't.~. ........ ....?f\.lo li'&J"J)/. S 0 ry u he , ,..~ IC, t.1te of Florid.. t: rfle My commission expires June 12 1983 Bonded with lawyers Surety Corp. R~~.z.. ./:?rCk?..... . WINTER S"~JN,GS, FL()RIDA Notice o'I~"1I ""9 TO WHOM 1'l'MAY CERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the CIty Cooncil of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said City Cooncil will hold a pUblic hearing !It the City Hall, 400 N. Edgemon Ave., Wi"teIIi,;,"'lngs, FI. on Tuesday, July8,1~0, at 7:30 p. m. or as' soon thereafter as possible, to consider all Ordinance entitled as follows: '1,:/ AN ORDJ,M.,~ ,.JlI~,.~_,T. 'H. .,.E CITY OF wt;lfuatl'SPRI NGS, FLOR I DAJi~NDINGs.J~rION 44.08 OF~~E WI NTER ~'INGS CODE OF ORDINANC~S, EN- TITLED "COMPENSATION; ALLOWANCES FOPENSES INCURREDII\J; P 'ANCE DUTlES,,(t,.t ING FOR A NEW~ " 3 OF THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINAN, I'TLED "COMPENSA'" . ALLOWAN. '.. ES INCURRED F" CE DUTlES;{,1IIl"ROV'IDING' ..~ THE ~T~BLlSHMENT _,. F EXPEN$.EIMBURSEMENT FOR Tt=I~LANNING AND ZONING BOARD AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMIi~fjTHE CITY OF WINTERIJ:. 'SPRINGS, F=LORIDA, BY RESOLUTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABI. L1TY; PROVIDING FOR CON. FLlCTS; A\J'" !.IDING AN EFFECTlV . .., , A COPY:;'f a Or ncinc~ shall be alla'HiMJt~ at the offi~..61 the City Clerk of the City .1It Winter Springs, Fl., for a"(~ersons desiring to examine same. All interested persons are in- vited to atteDQ and be heard. THIS NOTICE is to be published in the Evening Herald, a newspaper QfJit)Vt'i, 'tirculatlon pf the .~i qiie-nnimJ!. it least flfte~days prio". time of the-public hearing. . 19~~'D THIS 13th da~t June, ~I~"~. inter Sprints, .. By: .', T. Norton City C el'k Publish June 19, 1980 DEX.69 .,.