HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 104 Annexation 210506 SEMINOLE COUNTY FLORIDA ORDINANCE NO. 104 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, TO EXTEND ITS TERRITORIAL AND MUNICIPAL LIMITS TO ANNEX THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LANDS SITUATE AND BEING IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO-WIT: Lot7, Block "B" JOHNSON'S POULTRY FARM SUB-DIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 8, of the. Public Records of Seminole County, Florida ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; SEVERABILITY; AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the property described above totals approx- imately five acres and is located adjacent to the City of Winter Springs; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Winter Springs Florida is desirous of annexing the subject property pursuant to the authority contained in the City Charter of the City of Winter Springs, Florida; and WHEREAS, A. RICHARD BOESCH, in his petition to the City Council of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, to annex the subject property, .also included a request for the zoning of the subject property to be classed C-l, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1: That the City of Winter Springs, Florida, does herewith and hereby annex those certain lands in Seminole County, Florida,and more particularly described, to-wit: Lot7, Block"B" JOHNSON'S POULTRY FARM SUB-DIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 6 , Page 8 , of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Winter Springs ,Florida, amend the Map of the municipal limits of the City of Winter Springs ,Florida, to include the subject property and that the subject property bezoned C-l. 240507 SEMINOLE COUNTY FLORIDA Section3 : If any section or portion of a section or subsection or part of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlaw- ful, or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force, or effect of any other section or portion of a section or subsection or part of this ordinance. Section 4 : Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. Sectien 5: Conflicts. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby appealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of July, A.D. FIRST READING: June 17, 1974 FINAL READING: July 1, 1974 Troy J. Piland MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ATTEST: Mary T. Norton CITY CLERK CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLA Jul 8 12 44 PM '74 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City Council of the City of WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, .thatsaid City Council will hold a public hearing at7 :30p. m., or asseonthereafter as pes sible, on Monday , .June l7, 1974, .to' consider the adoption of an erdinance by the City of WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, title of which is as fellows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, trO EXTEND ITS TERRITORIAL AND MUNICIPAL LIMITS TO ANNEX THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LANDS SITUATE AND BEING IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO-WIT: Lot 7 , . Block liB II JOHNSON'S POULTRY FARM SUB-DIVISION, as recorded in Plat Beek6,' 'Page 8 , of the Public Records of Seniinele Ceunty,Flerida, ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; SEVERABILITY; AND EFFECTIVE DATE . A copy of said ordinance shall be available at the office of the City Clerk ef the City of Winter Springs, Florida, for all persensdesiring to' examine same .' ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE INVITED to' attend and be heard. THIS NOTICE SHALL BE pested in the Orlando Sentinel Star, a newspaper ef general circulation in said City, onetime (1) at least 5 days prior to the time of the' '.public hearing. DATED: May. 22, ,1974. THOMAS G. FREEMAN, I P.O. Bex 548 II! Al tamonte Springs, Attorney for City II d i I I: II II II I' I ESQ. ,.~.. NORTON ,': CITY CLERK WINTER SPRINGS, FL F13270l ~ ern 01' WXftB:1t: SPftI.. I PtA2tOA m:rtICEOF JItm'IC iUUUttJIQ 'to _OM vr MAY ~..t NonCl! IS i't~.DY ~H by t.he Clt;y C&wlo11 .f . Cl~J of WIftBlt SPftttf., ~)U_, tth.~ $a1d City CO\lmoll will hold a ":bl1e ~a~1n'1 at '7 ~ 30 p. m.., or a. .oem t:be.nuaft:.er .a poa8lo1., on JtQAday.. .1_1.V, 1"4, eo ClOn.lder i;he .rdoptlon of an 0"1_.06 ).)y the Cit.y of '(fl!ft':Bk spar__, n.oaIM, title of. Whi. J.s as fol1otM:. Mf ODXlIAlIfCB OF' SB CI'!'!' OP M'ff'mll .1"l'tIlfCl, FLOUl>A, '1'0 BDBHn IUnMI!'GUU Atft) MnXCIl1AL LtMIft TO ~ TO N~C DBlC1UJmD LA1f1)SII.'ft1Aft Mt) _11116 IN $BM~ ~, J1'M)UDA, 70-."2 Lei: .." .l~ *'.~ JOlm,,'S POQL~U 'AM .n-t)IVXeION, U X'8Oor4ed. 1ft t1..... Book f, ..at. I, of t:be ~1J." _~4a .1 ~l. ~"Y' ,Plo~lda., .'fU.LXfiMDlG ftBIOlttn er.uSIn:Ot'X_; PltOUtlI_ VOlt !HU Nmt(11)MBft OF .. 0171CIU ~01tt_ MUl SWBbBtLIfi, Am) ~w DA'm. A copy of .ala orifi___ .hall be .."atl<<bl. at. the office of ,he C.11:.,. Clerk of.t.M ct_y of w.tat~tU' Sprift9., Flolri4a, tor all penoa$ _.lrl.nq to OttaaU.Il....... JU.Llma..UD PA~I. AU I!~V'r1'90 t.o attttltCl _4 .. beax'd.. "tfISNOrI5 aSALL .s ~t4d 11\ tM Orl~ a_tot..l Stu,a Dew.,aper .1 9__ral ..,!l"Cmlat.lon 1. add. CJ..~y# .. tia1e (1) at least 5 .,sprlor t.e the ~ of ~p_llo hearinq. nAftlh *1'22, 1914.. ftOas G.. ~, ESQ. P.O. _x S.. A1\......... Spr!ag.t 1'1 )2101 At_ney for ct.,y /..~ 'l'. 'ei(),rU)n iDYr1Ni!'&l;' ftW'CU. Ctft' OP tmrIBlt S>>U.., PI, _,...c:.-...:~~..~". ~ I I I I I I ,I d II II II Ii Ii II I, ! CITY OF WIftlUt. SPRIlflSS, PUllUJ)A H~ICE OJ!' PtJaL1C HBAMNO TO_OM It' MAY OONCD.N; II .10l'ICE IS HBMBY G:rvlIN by t.M City Council of t.be Ci~y I (')f WDI"nut. SPUNGI, mUnA, that ..14 City Courtcilwill hol" a public beariot' at: 7:)0 p. m. # or as. 800ft theN.ft..r a.. possible , 08 ~toJ1day t .1._ 17, 1t74, to consider t.he adopt.ion of U Ordl,UUUI78 by the Cit.y of Wnt~. SPRINGS, FLORIM, title of whioh 1s &8 fOllows. Alf 0.1"(2 OP THB eI,", or WI~a 3PRnlG.S, FLORIDA, TO D:'Imm IS nUlt'OlUAL ANn MVlaCI.PAL LINn'S .tfO. ~ .,.a :fOLLOWING DUeitt.... L1\BDlSrmAR .P4fC .BDe IN s.ntOI.l; ~ ,~QUPA, l'O-w.t"1 Lot "1 I Block ""ff .101mSOtf'S P<>tQ:.TBY PA.. SUB-DIVISIOS, .$ reoorded in tl.t. a_k: (; ,Pa,. I, of the ~li" Meo:td..f S~ol. CO_tl, Fl...i.4., ES'!'ABLISHDG HB IONINS CUSSIJ"rC!utOM; PJlOVI.DXlfG FOR lJ.'B AMm'fDBIft OP ftB OWXCIAL lOllING MAP; SBOIMILlft, MD U'l"~cnVE DAn.. AcoPY()f said oriUnan_ shall be available at. the office of the Cit.y Clerk ()f t.n. C.U:y of W1nur Spriaq8, Florida, fOl" all persons &lta1rl.1'lg' to examine _. Au. :t~USftt) PA..~:r:ES AU tN'Vrl"Bl) to at.una and be he an " ftXS NOTICE S5J'\.LI, Bit posted 1n 1:M Or1an4o Sent.lnel St:ar, a ~paper ef qen.ral elroulatl<m 1"..1d <:1 ty , one t1Jae (1) at. 1..s't5 <<aY$ priol" 'to 'the t.brle of ~he public hearin.9.. DAftDt May 22, 1914. THOD. G. FDEMAN, 'ESQ. P.. o. !lox 541 Altemoate Sprb.q.,Jrl 32701 .It._hey for C1 ty ~'y: ,,t. , eLKU ctft OF wtN'ftl SP1\I1!iGI, n, LAW OFFICES OF THOMAS G. FREEMAN THOMAS G. FREEMAN EDMUND T. WOOLFOLK POST OFFICE BOX 54a 1007 HIGHWAY 436 May 22, 1974 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32701 TELEPHONE (305) 831-1896 Mrs. Mary T. Norten City Clerk City of Winter Springs Winter Springs, Fl 32707 Re: Public Hearing (June 17 - Boesch HSI) Dear Mary: Enclosed is the original Notice of Public Hearing and several cepies of same. I have enclosed a copy of the Ordinance and will keep the original in my file until same is read. Notice has been forwarded to the OrlandO' Sentinel for publicatien on Thursday, May 30, in the Legal Review Section. Sincerely yours, LAW OFFICES OF THOMAS G. FREEMAN ~~V~ Thomas G. Freeman m~~ TGF:mlm Enclosures ADVERTISING CHARGE $10.93 ~~au of J1ilori~a} SS, COUNTY OF ORANGE , who on oath says that Before the undersigned authority personally appearen M.J. Austin he i~ Advertising Director of the Sent i ne 1 star a Daily newspaper published at Orlando, in Orange County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a __NntiC'e in the matter of Public Hearing June 17th re: To Consider the Adoption of An Ordinance to Annex property into c~tv Limits of winter Springs III tne Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of May 30, 1974 "and also circulated in seminole County" Affiant further says that the sain Sentinel Star is a newspaper published at Orlando, in said Orange County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Orange County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Orlando, in said Orange County, Florida, for a period of one year next pre- ceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement, or is a direct successor of a newspaper which together have been so published; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in tho ~id n.w.,a!>,'. /}11~ Sworn to and subscribed before me thi~ 30th day of May 74 , A. D. 19_. . m~ )Jl. mkr1~ Notary Pubnc, Stote of ~Wl.ryaf$!ii' My C~mlssio" bpi'.. Me, 14, ,,,, h~ It, Amer;"," Fire 10 '''lICIlty Ql, FORM 291 A ~v ~ LAW OFFICES OF THOMAS G. FREEMAN THOMAS G. FREEMAN EDMUND T. WOOLFOLK June 7, 1974 POST OFFICE BOX 54-a 1007 HIGHWAY 436 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32701 TELEPHONE {30Sl 831-1896 Mrs. Mary T. Norten City Clerk Winter Springs City Winter Springs, Fl Hall 32707 Re: Public Hearing (Annexation) Dear Mary: Enclesed is a Notice ef Public Hearing Proof of Publication and a bill from the Sentinel Star. Pay the bill and file the proof in the ap- propriate file. Thanks. Sincerely yours, LAW OFFICES OF THOMAS G. FREEMAN ~ ~. "'( l~ --., ___h.---~ C... ~,~ '""-. '\ \. ~." '\. Thomas G. Freeman TGF:mlm Enclosures