HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 31 (new) Building Code .' '\~1. ORDINANCE NO. 31 " o " o .J .. Q '" o .. z " " 01 " '" I- :; " '" Z " III '" I- " I- " " C " o .J .. ;i " ~ altered, repaired or removed, nor shall the equipment of a build- " " ~ in& structure or premises be constructed, installed, altered, re- '" o S paired or removed except in conformity with the provisions of AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGU- LATIONS FOR THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR AND DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO, FLORIDA: PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF THAT CERTAIN BUILD- ING CODE KNOWN AS SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 1956-1957 EDITION, PROMUL- GATED ~Y THE SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CON- GRESS: PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS THERETO: CREATING THE OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND ESTABLIS'ING DUTIES OF THE OFFICE: ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF BUILDING PER- MITS AND MEANS OF ISSUANCE: PROVIDING FOR THE DECLARATION AND REMOVAL OF UNSAFE BUILDINGS: ESTABLISHING MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING PROVISIONS: PROVIDING AN EFFECT- IVE DATE AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID CODE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO, FLORIDA: ARTICLE I - GENERAL SECTION 1. Alteration, etc., to Conform to Chapter No building or structure shall hereafter be constructed, i ~ this Chapter. z u :Ii '" No building or structure shall be altered in any manner " ~ that would be in violation of the provisions of this Chapter or o i ~ any authorized rule or approval of the Building Inspector made " z ~ and issued thereunder. SECTION 2. Use of Building Erected or Altered in Violation of this Chapter. It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain, occupy or use a building or structure or part thereof, that has been erected or altered in violation of the provisions of this Chapter. SECTION 3. Authority of Building Inspector to Stop Work if Contrary to Public Welfare. Whatever in the opinion of the Building Inspector by reason of defective or illegal work in violation of a provision or requirements of this Chapter, the continuance of a building operation is contrary to public welfare, he may order, in writing, all further work to be stopped and maybe require suspension of " c ~ work until the condition in violation has been remedied. .J .. Q '" o .. z " " oi " SECTION 4. Adoption of Southern Standard Building Code. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide certain mini- ~ ~ mum standards and requirements in all matters relating to building '" z ~ and structures and the uses thereof. In every case where no '" t- ~ standards or requirements are prescribed by this Chapter enacted " c ~ by the Village, compliance with the standards and requirements of ... .. ~ the Southern Standard Building Code; complied and promulgated by ... t- " " >- '" z '" o t- ~ the Southern Standard Building Code Congress, 1953, revision, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Manager and i Clerk of the Village, shall be considered as prima facie evidence " o t- Z U :Ii '" " ;: " o i o "'. t- " Z '" t- " of meeting such minimum standards and requirements; provided, however, no building may be roofed with wooden shingles. SECTION 5. Awnings and Signs Over Sidewalks - Permit Required; Application It shall be unlawful for any person to place, direct, or maintain over the sidewalks of the Village any awnings, shed, shelter, sign, or other structure hanging or projecting over the sidewalks of the Village without first obtaining from the Village Building Inspector a permit therefor. The application for such -2- permit shall state the kind of awning, shed, shelter, sign or other structure, the weight thereof and the method of attaching or affixing to the building. If the same shall meet with the approval of the Building Inspector, he shall, upon payment of the required fee, issue a permit for the same. SECTION 6. Awnings, and Signs Over Sidewalks - Permit Fees " Q it o .J .. No permit as provided for in the preceding section shall <i ~ be issued until after the following inspection fees shall have be .. z " ~ paid to the Village Treasurer and Collector: oi '" .. I- :; ~ a) For any awning, shed, shelter or other structure, ~ not a sign, the same fees as are required for the issuance of per- " II ~ mits for the construction, alteration, and repair of buildings I- ~ ~ based upon the cost of such construction, alteration, extension it o .J .. or repair. ~ " .J I- " .. >- .. Z It Q l- I- " i ~ o I- Z U :Ii <II b) One Dollar ($l.OO) for each permit issued for the construction, alteration, extension or repair of such sign. SECTION 7. Awnings and Signs Over Sidewalks - Con- demnation of Unsafe Awnings and Signs The Building Inspector shall inspect all awnings, sheds, ~ shelters, signs and other structures hanging or projecting over " Q :i the sidewalks of the Village and shall be authorized to condemn o It I- ~ Z ~ ~ all such awnings, sheds, shelters, signs and other structures hanging or projecting over such sidewalk as unsafe and dangerous and to cause a notice to be served on the owner of the building to which such structure may be attached, his agents in charge, or the tenants thereof, and such owner, agent or tenant shall within three (3) days from receipt of such condemnation notice, or within - 3 - such shorter time as the emergency in the judgment of the City Manager may require, after the service of such notice, remove such structure. SECTION 8. Penalty. A person who shall violate a provision of this Chapter or fail to comply therewith or with any of the requirements there- " ~ of, or who shall erect, construct, alter, or repair or has erected, o ..I ... ci constructed, altered or repaired a building or structure in vio- 0: o ... z " "' lation of a detailed statement or plan submitted and approved N '" thereunder, or of a permit or certificate issued thereunder, shall ~ :; "' be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not "- z ~ exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment at hard bI I- " ~ labor for a term, not exceeding sixty (60) days, or both, such " Q ~ fine and imprisonment. Each day any violation of any provision ..I ... ~ of this Chapter shall continue, shall constitute a separate offens ..I I- " "' >- bI Z 0: o l- I- " :i. "' o I- Z U :Ii oil ~ Building Inspector shall be appointed by and under the general " o ARTICLE II - BUILDING INSPECTOR SECTION 9. Office Created; Appointment, Term; Appointment of Substitute During Absence The office of Building Inspector is hereby created. The i control of the City Manager. His appointment shall continue dur- o 0: I- ~ ing good behavior and satisfactory service. During temporary I- "' absence or disability of the Building Inspector, the City Manager shall designate a substitute to act in matters that require prompt attention. SECTION 10. Qualifications. To be eligible to appointment, the Building Inspector should have had at least five (5) years experience as an architec~ - 4 - civil engineer, or superintendent of construction. He shall be generally informed on the quality and strength of building materi- als, on the prevailing methods of building construction, on good practice in fire prevention, on the accepted requirements of safe facilities, and on the proper installation of plumbing, electric wiring, elevators and other installations for the safety, comfort '" ~ and convenience of occupants. o -' .. He shall be in good health, phys- ci ically capable of making the necessary examinations and inspections " o .. z '" ~ of buildings in course of construction. He shall not have any ~ interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in the sale or manu- '" I- :; en in, or in connection with building construction. SECTION 11. Duties - Generally. The Building Inspector shall receive applications re- ~ quired in this Chapter, issue permits and furnish the prescribed -' I- '" ~ >- '" z " o l- I- '" certificates. He shall examine premises for which permits have been issued and shall make necessary inspections to see that the ~ provisions of law are complied with and that construction is pro- o I- ~ secuted safely. He shall enforce all laws relating to the con- ::E " ~ struction, alteration, repair, removal, demolition, equipment, '" c i use and occupancy, location, and maintenance of buildings and o " I- ~ structures, except as may be otherwise provided for. He shall, '" I- en when directed by the City Manager, of when the interest of the Village so require, make investigations in connection with matters referred to in this Chapter and render written reports on the sam~ For the purpose of enforcing compliance with law, to remove ille- gal or unsafe conditions, to secure the necessary safeguards dur- - 5 - ing construction, or to require exit facilities in existing build- ings and structures, he shall issue such notice or orders as may be necessary. SECTION 12. Authority to Adopt Rules and Regulations; Investigations; Publication; Hearings; To Have Effect of Chapter, Amending and Repealing. ~ D ii: g ing Inspector shall adopt rules as prescribed in this Chapter and ~ Q ~ consistent therewith, it being the intent of this requirement ~ z ~ that the standards of federal or state bureaus, national technical a) For carrying into effect its provisions, the Build- N N ~ organizations or fire underwriters, as the same may be amended fro 5 ~ ~ time to time, shall serve as a guide in fixing the minimum rules ~ " ~ ~ ;: ~ ~ D ii: o ~ fits of new developments in the building industry and yet insuring ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ o ~ ~ ~ or practice under this Chapter. b) For the purpose of securing for the public the bene- public safety, he shall make or cause to be made investigations, or may accept duly authenticated reports from reliable sources, of new materials or modes of construction of buildings or struc- i e tures, in the municipality which are not provided for in this z u ~ ~ ~ ;; ~ D Chapter, and shall promulgate rules setting forth the conditions under which such materials or modes of construction may be used; i ~ provided, however, that no rules shall be promulgated by the Build .. z ~ ing Inspector unless and until such rules have been approved by the City Manager or the City Commission. SECTION 13. Records. a) The Building Inspector shall keep careful and com- prehensive records of applications; of permits issued, or certifi- - 6 - cates issued; or inspection made, of reports rendered and of no- tices or orders issued. He shall retain on file copies of all papers in connection with building work for a period of two (2) years. b) All such records shall be open to public inspection at reasonable hours but shall not be removed from the office of ~ the Building Inspector. ii: o -' ... ci " o ... z <( 01 SECTION 14. Monthly Report to City Manager. The Building Inspector shall make a report to the City ~Manager once each month, or oftener if requested, including state- '" o. ~ments of permits and certificates issued, and orders promulgated. ~ z <( " ~ f! 01 <( Q ~ shall have authority to enter any building, structure or premises -' ... SECTION 15. Right of Entry; Badge of Office. The Building Inspector, in the discharge of his duties, ~ at any reasonable hour. -' o. " 01 .. '" ~ of office, which he shall display on demand; provided that in any o. o. <( i emergency, any other method of identification shall be sufficient. 01 o o. z U :E dl 01 ;; " Q For the purpose of identification, he may adopt a badge ARTICLE III - BUILDING PERMITS SECTION 16. Required. i ~ a) It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, o. 01 Z ~ alter, repair, remove or demolish or to commence the construction, alteration repair, removal or demolition of a building or structure in the Village without first obtaining a formal permit from the Building Inspector. b) No permit shall be required for alterations, repairs, by or for any local industry or industrial manufacturing plant, as - 7 - a part of their general maintenance program. Provided, however, local industry or industrial manufacturing plants shall secure a permit for all new construction of structures of a permanent natura SECTION 17. Required - Form. a) Application for a permit shall be made in writing and filed with the Building Inspector and shall be submitted in 9 such form as the Building Inspector may prescribe. ~ o ~ ~ ri ~ o ~or agent of either, or the architect, engineer, or builder employed ~ ~ b) Such application shall be made by the owner or lessee ~in connection with the proposed work. If such application is made ~ ~ ~by a person other than the owner, it shall be accompanied by a ~ z ~duly certified affidavit of the owner or the person making the ~ ~application, that the proposed work is authorized by the owner, and ~ o ~that the person making the application is authorized to make such ~ ~ ~application. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~addresses of the applicant and the owner, and if the owner is a ~ ~ ~ icorporate body, of its responsible officers. ~ o ~ z U ~ :work and shall give such additional information as may be required > ~ :by the Building Inspector for an intelligent understanding of the o ~ ~proposed work. ~ ~ ~ c) Such application shall contain the full names and ~ Such application shall describe briefly the proposed SECTION 18. Required - Amendments. Nothing in this article shall prohibit the filing of amendments to an application or to a plan or other record accom- panying same, at any time before the completion of the work for which the permit was sought. Such amendment, after approval, shall be filed with and deemed a part of the original application. - 8 - SECTION 19. Required - Plans to Accompany Application. Applications for permits shall be accompanied by such drawings of the proposed work, drawn to scale, including floor plans, sections, elevations and structural details as the Build- ing Inspector may require. SECTION 20. Plot Diagram to Accompany Application. < ~ There shall also be filed a plot diagram in a form and o ~ ~ cisize suitable for filing permanently with the permit record, drawn ~ o ~ ~to scale, with all dimensions figured, showing accurately the size 00 ~and exact location of all proposed new construction, or, in the ~ ~ 5 ~case of demolition, of such construction as is to be demolished, ~ z ~and of all existing buildings and structures that are to remain. ~ < ~ 00 < o ~ o ~ ~ SECTION 21. Approval of Application and Issuance of Re;ection. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to exam- ~ < ~ine applications for permits, within forty eight (48) hours after 00 ~filing. If, after examination, he finds no objection to the same, ~ o ~ ~and it appears that the proposed work will be in compliance with i 00 ~the laws and ordinances applicable thereto, and the proposed work !will be safe, he shall approve such application and issue a permit 00 > ~for the proposed work as soon as practicable. If his examination i ~reveals otherwise, he will reject such application, noting his 00 z ~findings in a report to be attached to the application, and deliv- ering a copy to the applicant. SECTION 22. Building Inspector to Sign Permit. Every permit issued by the Building Inspector under the provisions of this Chapter shall have his signature affixed thereto, - 9 - but this shall not prevent him from authorizing a subordinate to affix such signature. SECTION 23. Expiration of Permits. A permit under which no work is commenced within sixty (60) days after issuance shall expire by limitation - and shall expire irregardless after the expiration of one (1) year from date ~ of issuance. ~ o ~ ~ Provided, however, permits may be renewed for a longer period of time at the discretion of the Building Inspector. ci ~ o ~ z '" ID .; N ~ ~ ~ issued under the provisions of this Chapter in case there has " ~ been any false statement or misrepresentation as to a material ~ ~ fact in the application or plans on which the permit or approval ~ o ~ was based. ~ ~ SECTION 24. Revocation. The Building Inspector may revoke a permit or approval ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ID >- ~ ~ a building permit, fee shall be paid in accordance with the fol- o ~ ~ ~ SECTION 25. Inspection and Permit Fees. On all buildings, structures or alterations requiring i lowing schedule: ID o ~ z U ~ .. ID > ~ ~ fee shall be required, unless an inspection is necessary, in which o 0: ~ ID Z ~ ID a) Permit Fees. 1) Where the valuation does not exceed $150.00, no case there shall be a $1.50 fee. 2) Building permit fees for alterations or repairs where there is a valuation of over $150.00 shall be $2.00 per thousand or fraction thereof. 3) Building permit fees for new structures shall be based upon the number of square feet in a structure and shall be at the rate of one and one-half (1~) cents per square foot for - 10 - all enclosed work and one (1) cent per square foot for porches, breezeways, and garages. b) Moving of building or structures. 1) For the moving of any building or structure, the fee shall be $10.00 - mover must post bonds in amounts required by City Manager and Village Building Inspector. '" o ii: o oJ .. ci '" ~ the fee shall be $4.00. '" .. .; N .. t J .. " z '" m .. I- '" I- .. ~ time hereafter become dangerous or unsafe, shall unless made safe ii: o oJ .. c) Demolition of buildings or structures. 1) For the demolition of any building or structure, ARTICLE IV - UNSAFE BUILDINGS SECTION 26. Removal or Repair. a) A building or structure that may be or shall at any and secure, be taken down and removed. ?i '" oJ I- '" t by duly constituted authority may be restored to safe condition; z '" o I- ~ i .. ~ z U ~ .. b) A building or structure declared structurally unsafe provided that if the damage or cost of reconstruction or restora- tion is in excess of fifty percent (50%) of the value of the build ing or structure; if reconstructed or restored shall be made to .. ~ conform with requirements for buildings and structures hereafter o i ~ erected; but no change of use of occupancy shall be compelled by I- .. ~ reason of such reconstruction or restoration. .. SECTION 27. Notice of Unsafe Buildings. a) Upon receipt of information that a building or struc- ture is unsafe, the Building Inspector shall make or cause to be made an inspection and if it is found that an unsafe condition exists, he shall serve or cause to be served on the owner or some- - 11 - one of the owners, executors, administrators, agents, lessees or other persons who may have a vested or contingent interest in the same, a written notice containing a description of the building or structure deemed unsafe, a statement of the particulars in which the building or structure is unsafe, and an order requiring the same to be made safe and secure or removed, as may be deemed ~ necessary by him. ~ o ~ b) If the person to whom such notice and order is ci ~ ~ addressed cannot be found within the Village after diligent search, < 00 ~then such notice and order shall be sent registered mail to the ~ ~ ~ last known address of such person; and a copy of such notice shall ~ ~be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises to which it re- ~ ~ ~ lates. Such mailing and posting shall be deemed adequate service. < Q ~ o J ~ SECTION 28. Court Action to Compel Compliance Upon Disregard to Notice. ~ ~ If a person served with a notice or order to remove or ~ < erepair an unsafe building or structure shall fail, within sixty z ~ ~ (60) days to comply with the requirements thereof, the Village < i ~Attorney may institute an appropriate action in the courts to com- ~ z ~pel a compliance or the person shall be tried in the Municipal ~ In ~Court and if found guilty shall be punished in accordance with Q gSection 8 of this Chapter. ~ ~ In ~ SECTION 29. Vacating Buildin~s and Closin~ Streets. 00 When a building or structure is in an unsafe condition, so that life is endangered thereby, the Building Inspector may order and require the inmates and occupants to vacate the same forthwith. He may, when necessary for the public safety, tempor- arily close sidewalks, streets, buildings, structures and places - 12 - adjacent to such building or structure and prohibit the same from being used. ARTICLE V - BUILDING PROVISIONS SECTION 30. Roof Coverings for All Buildings, with Exceptions. All buildings except those specifically mentioned in ~ Section 31 of this Chapter shall have roof coverings of standard ii: o ..J .. quality such as: ci It o .. z .. <Jl N N '" I- 5 <Jl ,;. Z .. m '" I- ~ <Jl .. C ~ gravel or slag surface. ..J .. a) Brick or concrete surface. b) Clay or Portland Cement Tile. c) Tin or Slate. d) Asbestos Shingle 1/8 inch thick or thicker. e) Pitch or Felt, built-up type, four or five plies, f) Asbestos - Asphalt, built-up type, four or five :i .. ..J I- : plies, smooth or grit surface. ~ '" Z It o l- I- .. i <Jl o ~ with covering set forth in the above Section 30 of this Chapter, ~ 011 <Jl > .. c SECTION 31. Roof Coverings for excepted Buildings. All of the following classes of buildings may be covered or with standard asphalt-rag-fe1t prepared roofing, or aspha1t- i rag-felt shingles, or by other types of covering having equiva- o It I- <Jl Z '" I- <Jl lent fire resisting properties when approved and labeled by the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, Illinois: a) Dwellings. b) Frame Buildings. c) Buildings not exceeding two stories or 30 feet in height and 25,000 square feet in area, not used for factories, warehouses or mercantile purposes. - 13 - SECTION 32. Dormer Windows. The top and sides of Dormer Windows shall be covered same as the roof, or with other materials having equivalent fire- resistive properties. SECTION 33. Damaged or Repairing Wood Shingles Roof. If a wood shingle roof is damaged by a fire more than < ~ 20 percent, the entire roof shall be replaced with materials speci o ~ ~ ci fied in Section 30 and 31 of this Chapter. ~ o ~ z < ~ If a wood shingle roof is to be repaired more than 10 N N percent in anyone year, the same shall be entirely replaced with 1:! 5 ~ materials specified in Section 30 and 31 of this Chapter except as ~ z ~ specified in Paragraph I of this section. 1:! < ~ ~ < Q ~ o ~ ~ SECTION 34. Building Inspector to Condemn Wood Shingle Roof. The Building Inspector shall have the power to condemn ~ < ~ and have removed any wood shingle roof that in his opinion is in < ~ ~ .. z ~ o ~ ~ < i ~ o ~ z U :IE ~ ~ shall be followed in this Village but shall be amended by adding > < o i o ~ ~ ~ z .. ~ ~ such a deteriorated condition as to be excessively inflammable. SECTION 35. Amending Southern Standard Building Code as to Masonry Building. Section 1602.7 of the Southern Standard Building Code the fo llowing: "Provided however, that in all masonry buildings there shall be a minimum of either two (2) one half inch or three (3) three-eighth inch steel rods in the foundation of same." - 14 - -. . ARTICLE VI - EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption by the Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida. Passed First reading this 30th day of October, 1963. Passed Second reading this 30th day of October, 1963. Passed Third reading this 30th day of October, 1963. /s/ W. W. Anderson W. W. ANDERSON, MAYOR 1:! :; III .;: Z .. " .. .. .. .. III .. a ii1 o ~ .. ~ .. ~ .. .. III .. .. z .. ~ ATTEST: .. i III o .. z ~ /s/ Barbara L. Peters : VILLAGE CLERK :> .. a :li o '" .. III Z .. .. III /s/ Arthur Ferrin ARTHUR FERRIN, VICE-MAYOR /s/ Robert Stephenson ROBERT STEPHENSON, COUNCILMAN ARTHUR D. RHODES, COUNCILMAN /s/ Irene E. Van Eepoe1 IRENE E. VAN EEPOEL, COUNCIL- WOMAN - 15 -