HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrubbs Emergency Services Contract ) ! . . .~.. .... ~ . , " REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - RFP-4127-01/BJC EmerQencv Debris ManaQement Pre-Event Contract PROJECT OVERVIEW Seminole County is requesting proposals from qualified firms to enter' into a pre-event contract at no immediate cost to the County, to ensure post-disaster economic recovery of the community. The services necessary shall provide for the collection, clean-up, demolition, removal, processing and disposal of debris as directed by the County or its designee in order to eliminate immediate threats to life, public health and safety. . The services are re,quired to reduce threats of significant damage to improved public or private property. Disaster Recovery Technical Program Management Assistance is an essential element of the services to ensure the economic recovery of Seminole County. Multiple Proposers may be selected to provide differing elements or levels of scope of work in accordance with the ?~p~bilities ~nd extent of involvement each respondent proposes. _. Disaster Recovery Contractor Services may include: collecting and removing debris including the clearing of roads; screening, sorting, grinding, mulching; burning and disposing of debris at designated sites within Seminole County; establishing and operating temporary debris staging and processing sites; providing project management services including emergency communications; and assisting the County's FEMA reporting and reimbursement efforts. In addition, selected Contractors may be required to provide community relations support during all phases of the disaster recovery work which may include preparing audio/visuals and fact sheets, and participating in public meetings. - SCOPE OF SERVICES The work to be undertaken includes, but is not limited to, the following: . Emergency Road Clearance - Removal of debris from the primary transportation routes as identifiea and directed by the County or its designee. The Contractor shall trim, cut and/or fell all leaning trees or hanging limbs which block transportation routes. . . . . Debris Removal from Public Right, of Way - Removal of debris from public rights-of-way. Removal of debris beyond public rights-of-way as necessary to abate imminent anclJor significant threats to the public health and safety of the community. The. Contractor shall segregate the debris to the extent practical. Clean, woody debris and other natural material~ that can be chipped, mulched, burned or volume reduced in some other manner shall be handled separately from other debris. . '- . . The Contractor shall remove all stumps that are determined to be hazardous to public access and as directed by the County or its designee. Stumps shall be hauled to Temporary Debris Staging and Processing Facilities (TDSPF) where t~ey shall be inspected and categorized by size. The Contractor shall place compacted fill dirt in ruts created by equipment, holes created by removal of hazardous stumps and other areas that pose a hazard to public access upon direction of the County or its designee. 13 . " ') \ " , . Demolition and Debris Removal from Public (other than ROWs)- or Private Property. Should an imminent threat to, life, safety, and health to the general public be pres~l!t on public or private property, the Contractor, as directed by the County or its designee, will accomplish the removal of debris from public or private property. All access to private property shall follow FEMA guidelines. . Temporary Debris Staging an9 Processing Facilities (TDSPF) . The Contractor and the County or its designee will jointly review and agree upon alternative sites for debris management. The Contractor will thoroughly videotape and~p,hotograph each site prior to any usage. The Contractor will' operate and maintain a sufficient number of TDSPF to accept and process all eligible storm debris. Preparation and maintenance of facilities shall include, but is not limited to maintenc;lnce and stabilization of the TDSPF approach and interior road(s) roads necessary for ingress and egress for the entire period of debris hauling. The Contractor shall provide fencing to control wind blown debris, silt fencing and water retention berms. Each facility shall include a roofed. inspection tower sufficient for a minimum of three (3) inspectors for the inspection of all incoming- and outgoing loads. The Contractor shall construct an area for temporary offices and other items necessary' to perform' operations and management. . 1.\11 debris shall be subject to inspection by the County or its designee. Inspections will be to ensure compliance with the contract and applicable local, state and federal laws. rhe Contractor will, at all times, provide the County or its designee access to all work sites and processing and disposal areas. . The Contractor and the County will have in place at the TDSPF personnel to verify and maintain records regarding the contents, volume and/or weight of the vehicles entering and leaving the TDSPF. The Contractor shall process all debris entering the TDSPF. Processing includes, but is not limited to, tub grinding, incineration where approved, or other alternate methods of reduction. Prior to processing, all d~bris will be segregated among vegetative debris, construction and demolition (C&D) debris, recyclable debris, white goods and hazardous wastes. The Contractor shall be responsible for~ the transporting and removing of. all materials not tequir\ng landfilling. All ,debris to be landfilled shall b~ delivered by the Contractor to the Seminole County Landfill located at 1930 Osceola Road in Geneva. The Contractor shall not transport hazardous materials to the TDSPF or other sites that are not specifipally authorized to accept such materials. The County shall indepe~dently contract for the hazardous waste disposal. The Contractor shall be responsible for,proper handling and storage of any hazardous materials brought to the TDSPF. . The Contractor shall furnish 'an area at each TDSPF to accommodate any hazardous materials inadvertently brought to the facility. The area sh.all be lined with impervious material surrounded with berms.or other containment structures to.contain any potential leakage. . . All processing shall be performed in accordance with all local, state and federal' regulations. The Contractor shall: be responsible.. for obtaining and paying for all permits required to construct, operate, maintain, close and reclaim the TDSPF. The Contractor shall maintain the TDSPF in accordance with all' local, state and federal regulations, including at a. minimum stormwater management, erosion, rodent, insect, odor and fire control. . The Contractor shall ensure that site reclamation be accomplished in accordance with all local, state and . federal regulations. The Contractor will remove all equipment and debris, grade, sod, seed and mulch in order to return the site to pre-event status. . Disaster Recovery Technical Program Management Assistance - The Contractor will assist the County or its designee in preparation of Federal (FEMA) and State reports for any potential reimbursement 14 .) .~ through the training of County employees and the review of documentation prior to submittal. The 'Contractor will work closely with the Florida Division of Emergency Management" FEMA and other applicable State and Federal AgenCies to ensure that eligible items and data documentation appropriately address concerns of the likely reimbursement agencies. At a minimum, the Contractor will provide the following technical program manag~ment assistance for recovery: . Identify the expenditures eligible for reimbursement . Submit official"Requee,t. for Project Worksheets (PW) " . Train and assist CountY staff to identify eligible items for reimbursement and review PW for accurate scope of work and unit costs. . Assist County staff to create and maintain the recovery process documentation plan. . Provide recommendations to the County on need. to contract for labor or project management for projects requiring intense oversight. . Track PW through State and Federal process . Provide written and oral status reports as requested to the County. . Review documentation for applicability to State and Federal requirements - -. - . . Provide orientation and training to County staff on accuracy, quantity and quality of required documentation. .-. Review documentation for accuracy, quantity and quality. Assist in preparation of claim documentation. , . . Provide recommendations to County on plans of action . Provide guidance to County on issues involving State and Federal reimbursement. . Assist County in negotiations with State and Federal agencies. The Contractor shall accompany and assist the County or its designee in assessing and preparing PW for submittal to State and Federal agl3ncies - The Contractor shall provide all records, disposal tickets, field inspection reports and other data sufficient to provide substantiation for State and Federal reimbursement applications. The Contractor' shall review all reimbursement applications prepared by the County or its designee. prior to submittal for sufficiency in meeting the reimbursement requirements of these agencies and notify the County of any recommended changes, corrections, alterations ordeletioris. ". ',. u ..' The Contractor shall assist the County or its designee in responding to State and Federal agency requests for additional information. . , - - 15 \ " " EVENT SCENARIOS Contractor Responsibilities 1. SPOT JOBS -LOCALIZED - In this event, the Contractor may be called upon only to provide retrieval. hauling and/or reduction of localized woody debris. The work will more likely be assisting government resources. ~ . 2. SMALL EVENT - WIDESPREAD OR COUNTYWIDE - In this event, the Contractor may provide all necessary' supervision, labor, and all equipment' to remove, haul, process, and/or dispose of all types of debris with its own resources, except that government land may be provided for temporary storage. 3. SIGNIFICANT EVENT - REMOVAL, REDUCTION, HAULING - WOODY DEBRIS ONL Y - WIDESPREAD OR COUNTYWIDE - In this event, tl:1e. Contractor may provide all necessary. supervision, labor, and all equipment to remove, process and haul woody debris to a disposal site designated, managed, and operated by a government agency or contractor. .. . . 4. SIGNIFICANT-EVENT. - REMOVAL, REDUCTION, HAULING, AND SEPARATING MIXED DEBRIS ~.. WIDESPREAD OR COUNTYWIDE - In this event, the Contractor may provide all necessary supervision, labor, and all equipment to remove, process and haul woody debris to a disposal site designated, managed, and operated by a government agency or contractor. 5. CATASTROPHIC EVENT -REMOVAL,HEDUCTION, HAULING, AND SEPARATING MIXED DEBRIS- , COUNTYWIDE - In this event, the Contractor may provide all necessary supervision, labor, and .all equipment to remove, process and haul mixed debris to multiple disposal sites designated, managed and operated by government agencies or contractor. 6. CATASTROPHIC EVENT - SITE MANAGEMENT - COUNTYWIDE - In this event, the Contractor will be taske,d to plan, setup, mobilize equipment, manage, operate and close one or more debris management sites county-wide. The Contractor will be responsible for all necessary traffic control, weighing, measuring, reduction, recycling, and all other necessary operations for the operation of the site(s) through close out. Proposers shall prove experience with site management and FEMA requirements, rules and regulations to qualify for this scenario. 7. . CATASTROPHIC EVENT - TOTAL MANAGEMENT - COUNTYWIDE - In this event, the Contractor will be tasked to combine site management and field operations listed above for the removal through disposal of mixed debris at multiple and different type sites countywide. Proposers shall prove experience with overall management and FEMA requirements, rules and regulations to qualify for this scenario. . The proposer sh~1I provide price proposals. for three categories of work on the price proposal sheet for the scenarios indicated above. . . - D. Debris Removal and transportation to TDSPF or Osceola Rd Landfill: means all work collecting and transporting debris to the TDSPF or Osceola Road Limdfill. This work does not include operation of the TDSPF (Le., the price for this work includes collection and transportation of debris only. If Item C. work is conducted, no.charges for item A. are alfowed). . E. TDSPF Operation: means all work relat'edto the set-up, operation, clean-up, and restoration of the Temporary Debris Staging and Processing Facilities' including debris processing and removal of debris (the price for this work does not include any collection or transportation costs). The County will pay for this work only if a TSPF is set up .and operated by the contractor. F. Structure Demolitionandl transportation of Structure Debris to TDSPF or Osceola Road Landfill: means all work related to the dem.Olitiqn of a structure, on-site segregation of materials if necessary, 16 , . .'') ) . . and transportation of the debris to the TDSPF or Osceola Road Landfill. This work d.oes not include operation of the TDSPF (also, if item C. work is conducted no charges for Item A. are allowed). CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall furnish all necessary personnel, materials, equipment, labor, supervision, facilities and shall otherwise provide all services necessary for, or incidental to the performance of all work as defined In the scope of services. . '. ''t The Contractor shall ensure that any subcontractor utilized to assist in the execution of the scope of services shall meet or exceed the same requirements of the Contractor. The Contractor shall secure and pay for all temporary permits and licenses necessary for the execution of services. Upon declaration of an emergency or disaster, the Contractor shall not be held responsible .to secure permits and licenses should requirements be waived by local or state regulatory agencies. - ...., .-. Onder general oversight of the County or its designee, the Contractor shall supervise and direct all work, labor and equipment. The Contractor'is solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, safety program and procedures utilized. The Contractor shall employ and maintain on the work site(s) qualified and accessible supervisor(s) or provide the County a liaison. as directed. At least one accessible and designated supervisor , or liaison in the area of operation shall be available and have authority to act on behalf of the Contractor.. All communications given to the liaison in writing by the County shall be as binding as if given to.the Contractor. The name(s) and telephone number(s) of the supervisor(s)/Iiaison(s) shall be supplied to the County or its designee for each issuance of a Notice to Proceed. The Contractor shall have the ability to guarantee operations, and P8:Y subcontractors for 60 day(s) prior to receiving payments from the County; The Contractor shall provide up to forty (40) hours annually of on-site pre-event planning and coordination' services as directed by the County. . - The Contractor shall, to the extent practical, give priority to utilizing resources in Seminole County 'and the surrounding area, including, but not limited to procuring supplies and equipment, awarding subcontracts and employing labor. The Contractor shall make daily report to the County or its designee to detail the progress of services. Such reports shall include a description of all areas where work was done, detailing the street names, and address blocks where debris removal was completed. The reports must also include the types and volumes of debris removed, transported, processed and dispose~. 17 ..... . . '\ " I I ) Price Proposal . . Price will be based on per ton scale weights recorded at the Osceola Roa~. Lancffl.//.. Upon written notlfieatlon by the project manager, per cubic }t;Jrd rates will be used. . The Coun!y will determine the cubic yard rate based on a $00 pound per cubIc yard conversation factor. . . , . Group I. '-. ": . Scenario I. SPOT lOBS . Scenario 2. SMALL EVENT Per Ton Price Per Cubic Yard Price A. Debris Removal and Transportation to TDSPF or Osceola Ro.ad landfill: $ 60.00 . $ 15.00 B. . TDSPF OperatIon: . . . " ~ -r . (Includes D~bris ProcessIng & DIsposal) $ .. 40.00 -. $ 10.00 . C. Structure DemolItIon and . Transportation of Structure Debris to TDSPF or Osceola Road landfill: $ 54.00 $ 13.50 Group 2. . Scenario 3. SIGNIFICANT EVENT - REMOVAL. REDUCTION. HAULING - WOODY DEBRIS ONLY . Scenario 4. SIGNIFICANT EVENT - REMOVAL. REDUCTION. HAULIN'G & SEPARATING MIXED DEBRIS Per Ton Price Per Cubic Yard Price A, Debris Removal and Transportation to TDSPF or Osceola Road landfill: $ 60.00 $ 15.00 B. TDSPF Opera/ion: (Includes Debris Processing & Disposal) $ 40.00 $ 10.00 C. Structure Demolilion and Transportal/on of Structure Debris to TDSPF or Osceola Road landfill: $ . 54.00 $ 13.50 Group 3. '0- . Sce'harlo 5. CATASTROPHIC EVENT - REMOVAL. REDUCTION. HAULING & SEPARATING MIXED DEBRIS . Scenario 6. CATASTROPHIC EVENT - SITE MANAGEMENT . S~enarlo 7~ CATASTROPHIC EVENT - TOTAL tvtANAGEMENT . Pcr Ton Price Pcr Cubic Yard PrIce A. Debris Removal and TransportatIon to TDSPF or Osceola Road landfill: . $ 60.00 $ 15.00 B. TDSPF Operation: (Includes Debris Processing & DIsposal) $ 40.00 $ 10.00 C. . Structure Demolilfon and Transportation of Structure Debris to TDSPF or Osceola Road landfill: $ 54.00 $ 13.50 OTHER: 40 Hour Annual Planning & Coordination $ 0.00 :,e PrilledClll Recycled Paper 01019.93.07 -------..--- - - - -