HomeMy WebLinkAboutGovernment Services Group TLBD 2004-2005
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GSG Government Services Group, Inc.
Dedicated to solving funding and service delivery issues in the public sector
c"ril\'..~rf~~nl;nt ~(:~.l.~ier.:o; n.;()uJl~ Jnt~. 1500 Mahan Drive, Suite 250 . Tallahassee, Fl 32308. Phone 1850) 681.3717 . Fax (850) 224.7206 . E.mail:
October 21, 2003'
Louise Franghoul
Director of Finance
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Re: Winter Springs Tuscawilla Lightning and Beautification District
Neighborhood Improvements Assessment Program Continuing
Services for Fiscal Year 2004-05
Ms. Franghoul:
Winter Springs has completed its fourth year of the ~nnual assessment program
for lighting and beautification improvements initiated in Fiscal Y~ar 1999-2000.
Government Servicl3s Group, Inc. ("GSG") and Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, P.A.
("NG&N") are pleased to have assisted Winter Springs in undertaking and
successfully implementing this rec'urring revenue source.
In order .to continue this relationship and the achievements realized thus far, I
have enclosed the following: (1) s'cope of services, (2) listing of hourly rates, (3)
fees and costs, and (4) _cr!tical events schedule synopsis to assist the City in the
preparation of the November, 2004--tax rolls for the Tuscawilla Lighting' and
Beautification District Neighborhood improvements Municipai Service Benefit
Unit (MSBU) assessme-nt program:
Please review the attached \york. order and scope of services. We are currently
preparing our schE~dule for the upcoming assessment season, and would
appreciate your prompt reply. This will help us to accommodate your requests
and provide you with thoughtful and deliberate attention to ensure the
. -
continuation of this successful.. recurring revenue source. The execution of this
letter agreement indicates acceptance of this proposal and Notice to Proceed.
Upon execution of this agreement, please provide us with one signed copy for
our files.
, .
Ms. Louise Franghoul
October 21,2003
Page Two
We look forward to working with the City of Winter Springs on this important
project. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to
call me.
Cc: Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, P.A.
By: Ji~v
Winter Springs
Title: ~ e~d~
Date: /P-dt- " I {- D~ -0"5
, .
Ms. Louise Franghoul
October 21,2003
Page Three
Task 1: Assistance to Finalize Project Costs & Finance Terms
GSG will obtain from City staff or other designated City representatives (1) final
projects costs, (2) final financing terms as arranged by City management, and (3)
refunding calculations (if necessary). GSG will then make any required
adjustments to the project databases in preparation for remaining annual
,assessment services.
Task 2: AnnUiil Maintenance of the Assessment Roll
Provide periodic updates and reconciliations of the certified special assessment
roll. Coordinate and reconcile prepayment amounts with Winter Springs.
Task 3: Prepare Annual Assessment Roll
Develop and update the assessment roll for Fiscal Year 2004-05 for use in the
recurring annual assessment program by obtaining new download of ad valorem
tax roll information from the Seminole County Property Appraiser's Office and
identifying changes to parcels (Le., splits, combinations and subdivisions). GSG
will work with City staff as necessary to process database revisions generated.
Task 4:' Determine Revenue Requirements
Advise the City of V\/inter Springs in determining the annual assessment revenue
requirements for the assessment program(s) for Fiscal Year 2004-05 based on
information from the City's financial advisor or other appropriate management
Task 5: Calculate Annual Assessment Amounts
Calculate/confirm the annual-assessment amounts based on the apportionment
methodology and revenue requirements for the assessment programs for Fiscal
Year 2004-05.
, .
Ms. Louise Franghoul
October 21, 2003
Page Four
Task 6: Certiify the Annual Assessment Roll
If required, advise and assist with the legal requirements for the adoption of the
final assessment rate resolution in accordance with Section 197.3632, Florida
Statutes including the certification of the assessment roll to the Seminole County
Tax Collector.
Task 7: Compute Prepayment Amounts
Compute the prepayment amounts upon issuance of the ad valorem tax bill
Fiscal Year 2004-05 and prepare a prepayment roll.
Task 8: Assistance with Periodic Reconciliation of Assessment Proceeds
Received by the County Tax Collector's Office
City staff will provide GSG with detailed information regarding collection activity
from the County Tax Collector so that GSG can perform a verification of the
collection activity. Collections from payments on ad valorem tax bills and tax
certificates will be analyzed in October.
, . . -.'
. .
. ,
Ms. Louise Franghoul
October 21, 2003
Page Five
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For services provided by GSG the lump sum fee for professional services for the
proposed scope of services will be $12,400.
The 'lump sum fee for professional services includes one on-site visit with
representatives of GSG a'nd NG&N. Additional on-site meetings may be
arranged at our standard hourly rates. Project status meetings may be arranged
through scheduled telephone conferences in lieu of additional on-site visits.
The lump sum fee does not include the costs of producing and mailing the
statutorily required first class notices for Fiscal Year 2004-05, if required. These
costs depend on the number of assessable parcels of property within the project
areas. However, mailing and production costs are $1.25 per parcel, due and
payable,one week prior to mailing date according to the critical events schedule.
The lump sum fee will be due and payable on a quarterly basis (assuming notice
to proceed occurs by November 1, 2003) as follows:
Payment Schedule
25 % of lump sum fee ($3,100) December 2003
25 % of lump sum fee ($3,100) March 2004
25 % of lump sum fee ($3,100) June 2004
25 % of lump sum fee ($3,100) September 2004
. \ ; I \ ~ ~.
. .... \ . .
Ms. Louise Franghoul
October 21, 2003
Page Six
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GSG Government Se'rvices Group, Inc.
Oedicatedto solving funding and service delivery issues in the public sector
C-;'Oi"I"rl~ml~"t RIl~~'\'i~r.;o; n"'Ol.JJ1~ Jnl~.1 HiOO Mahan Drive, Suite 250 . Tallahassee, Fl 32308. Phone 1850) 681-3717 . Fax (850) 224.7206 . E.mail:
October 21, 2003
Louise Franghoul
Director of Finance
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Re: Oak Forest- Wall Neighborhood Improvements Assessment
Program Continuing Services for Fiscal Year 2004-05
Ms. Franghoul:
Winter Springs has completed its fourth year of the annual assessment program
for the Oak Forest 'Nail initiated in Fiscal Year 1999-2000. Government Services
Group, Inc. ("GSG") and Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, P.A. ("NG&N") are pleased
to have assisted Winter Springs in undertaking and successfully implementing
. this recurring revenue source. ",
In order to continuE~ this relationship and the achievements realized thus far, I
have enclosed the following: (1) ,scope of services, (2) listing of hourly rates, (3)
fees and costs, and (4) critical events schedule synopsis to assist the City in the
preparation of the November 2004 fax rolls for the Oak Forest Wall Municipal
Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) assessment program.
Please review the attached work order and scope of services. We are currently
'preparing our schedule' for' the upcoming assessment season, and would
appreciate your prompt reply. Thi~ will" help us to accommodate your requests
and provide you with thoughtful' and deliberate attention to ensure the
continuation of this successful recurring revenue source. The'execution of this
letter agreement indicates acceptance of this proposal and Notice to Proceed.
Upon execution of this agreement, please provide us with one signed copy for
our files.
Ms. Louise Franghoul
October 21, 2003
Page Two
We look forward to working with the City of Winter Springs on this important
project. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to
call me.
Cc: Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, P.A.
By: ~
Winter Springs
Title: ~dM~
Date: tJ.~V;..o If - If-() 3
Ms. Louise Franghoul
October 21,2003
Page Three
Task 1: Assistance to Finalize Project Costs & Finance Terms
GSG will obtain from City staff or other designated City representatives (1) final
projects costs, (2) final financing terms as arranged by City management, and (3)
refunding calculations (if necessary). GSG will then make any required
adjustments to the project databases in preparation for remaining annual
assessment services.
Task 2: Annual Maintenance of the Assessment Roll
Provide periodic updates and reconciliations of the certified special assessment
roll. Coordinate and reconcile prepayment amounts with Winter Springs.
Task 3: Prepare Annual Assessment Roll
Develop and update the assessment roll for Fiscal Year 2004-05 for use in the
recurring annual assessment program by obtaining new download of ad valorem
tax roll information from the Seminole County Property Appraiser's Office and
identifying changes to parcels (Le., splits, combinations and subdivisions). GSG
will work with City staff as necessary to process database revisions generated.
Task 4: Determine Revenue Requirements
Advise the City of Winter Springs in determining the annual assessment revenue
requirements for the assessment program(s) for Fiscal Year 2004-05 based on
information from the 'City's' financial advisor or other appropriate management
Task 5: Calculate Annual Assessment Amounts
Calculate/confirm the annual assessment amounts based on the apportionment
methodology and revenue requirements for the assessment. programs for Fiscal
Year 2004-05.
Ms. Louise Franghoul
October 21, 2003
Page Four
Task 6: Certify the Annual Assessment Roll
If required, advise and assist with the legal requirements for the adoption of the
final assessment rate resolution in accordance with Section 197.3632, Florida
Statutes including the certification of the assessment roll to the Seminole County
Tax Collector.
Task 7: Compute Prepayment Amounts
Compute the, prepayment amounts upon issuance of the ad valorem tax bill
Fiscal Year 2004-05 and prepare a prepayment roll.
Task 8: Assistance with Periodic Reconciliation of Assessment Proceeds
Received by the County Tax Collector's Office
City staff will provide GSG with detailed information regarding collection activity
from the County Tax Collector so that GSG can perform a verification of the
collection activity. Collections from payments on ad valorem tax bills and tax
certificates will be analyzed in October.
\' -,
, .
Ms. Louise Franghoul
October 21,2003
Page Five
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For services provided by GSG the lump sum fee for professional services for the
proposed scope of services will be $12,400.
The lump sum fee for professional services includes' one on-site visit with
representatives of GSG and NG&N. Additional on-s'ite meetings may be
arranged at our standard hourly rates. Project status meetings may be arranged
through scheduled telephone conferences in lieu of additional on-site visits.
The lump sum fee does, not include the costs of producing and mailing the
statutorily required first class notices for Fiscal Year 2004-05, if required. These
costs depend on the number of assessable parcels of property within the project
areas. However, mailing and production costs are $1.25 per parcel, due and
payable one week prior to mailing date according to the critical events schedule.
The lump sum fee will be due and payable on a quarterly basis (assuming notice
to proceed occurs by November 1, 2003) as follows:
Payment Schedule
25 % of lump sum fee ($3,100) December 2003
25 % of lump sum fee ($3,100) March 2004
25 % of lump sum fee ($3,100) June 2004
25 % of lump sum fee ($3,100) September 2004
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. ' . ,
Ms. Louise Franghoul
October 21,2003
Page Six
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