HomeMy WebLinkAboutArchitects Design Group Public Safety Facility - Outstanding Warranty Items ,l' L \{\c. ~?' .('\{\G ~eSlb :~eC~ ,,(C'rl C1 I"",p\ \q IJ'-C May 25, 1999 ( ( Mr. Kevin Brunelle Captain - Technical Services Bureau W1NTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT 300 N. Moss Road Winter Springs, Florida 32708 e\S o ?\00f'1 00 '~eC\S f'S c'(\\: r .p..\p... s'\!. \1.ee~e \~~~ e('\' ?les\O p.-\.f>-. 0\\900' 'p-.J\\\ \l. 'oe('\1 't-:~ 1'eS\ 'lice p. .,,0" 00'<" (\o.j\' 'oe0' ',6 preSI 'JiCe 'edS UOcO '0\ pIal \0 u . eel 0,019 0\ S9 . . , >C\Of s\. ejr0I('\' \)\\e 0el . C. \\0(\ p.. J. '00 (\sl(Vc Qe\el I Co \OrO' Oi(CC oOle~' '01\\09 f>-: f') '0 ".'2.1cfJ \'J' \1-' .AOJ '001- r\OI\V v 0, \?o(V.., ,,\021 '.'11" 002 esS'. f>. ~e" \ f>-oci vJ\es 1 'Oq S\lee. y..."'o. AO ::,'2. t:;!"OI\'(\ r\OIIV .)':J':; \?OIY-' ,~\I\\el (jJ , t/>1-\1 Aoll ~.;r<::>~?-~ ",02\ ,(\e\ co(\' \8\ A()lltJi 0'09\C glo0?' to'/.. . . o09@ soesl90 rl\O\\' '\ee\ e\" OIC"\ .~ Re: '''inter Springs Public Safety Facility Outstanding Warranty Items Dear Captain Brunelle: As you are aware, Architects Design Group, Inc. has repeatedly brought to the attention of the General Contractor, Southland Building Contractors, Inc., that there are open warranty items that they are legally responsible to address but our actions have been to no avail. On numerous occasions, we have contacted SBCI by letter and phone to request their participation in bringing the remaining warranty items to closure to the satisfaction of the City of Winter Springs. On many of these occasions, we have been .told directly by Mr. John Gibson, President of SBCI, that he was going t~ be in immediate contact with the Police Department to schedule his visit or one of his sub-contractors) Through our conversations with you and other members of the Police Department, we are aware that no contact has been forthcoming, and unfortunately, at this time we are not inclined to believe that any shall be. The open warranty items that we are aware of include, bUJ~PY not be limited to, the following: . The roof scupper along the west elevation above room 174 continues to leak when hard rains occur. This roof area has received remedial work by the roofing sub-contractor previously and requires further attention. . There are numerous exterior window locations along the building perimeter that have been documented as allowing water/moisture intrusion along the sills. These areas include, but are not limited to the following: Room 150 - Investigations Work Area, Room 106 - Computer Services, Rooms 107-111, and Room 111 - Lieutenant's Office. This i~ a major area of concern, as it remains a continual problematic area. ( ( ~ ( f I t' ru Adm i nil obIS 3 4/lanll etters/Brun 0 529-91 tr Captain Kevin Brunelle WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT May 25, 1999 Page two .1 ( Captain, both of these issues of concern are well documented and have been brought to the attention of the General Contractor prior to the buildings' one-year warranty period expiring. ADG has used all methods available to us to encourage the General Contractor to fulfill their legal obligations to provide the City of Winter Springs with a building that meets the contract documents. Having no further avenue to encourage the General Contractor to perform their contractual duties to close this project's outstanding warranty issues, we have no choice but to recommend the City seek the counsel of their representative attorney to discuss these issues. Please notify us if we may be of any further assistance in helping resolve these problem areas. Sincerely, 2tJA.~v(J Ian A. Reeves Project Manager Cc: Mr. David McLeod, Commissioner - City of Winter Springs Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager - City of Winter Springs Mr. Dan Kerr, Chief of. Police - Winter Springs PoJice Department ISK Reeves, FAIA, President- Architects Design-a;oup, Inc. ~ c c ~ l l l ~ l (..... L HI Adm in/I obiS 34/IanllenersIBrunO 5 29-91 tr Architects Design Group, Inc. AA COOl 197 Architects and Planners ~ ~ ~ . . . P. O. 80x 1210 - 333 North Knowles Avenue. Winter Pork. Florida 32790 Phone (407} 647-1706 - Fox (407} 645-5525 L F A X TRANSMITTAL LET TEn =:J date: sender: 1?V:;.qq I AN l%eVf::::, time: project name: lNl~~ S~IN'G<; P,S.F: project number - file number: ~~ J 2- tJ-b attention: company: ~ON t^A c.L€ MOl't€, ~ flY ~NA6G~ , fax number: CATV ~p VJf~ S~IsJ6S 32 7- Lj-15~ Total number of pages ? (including cover page) Comments: Re>N, VJ(6 fel,;f" l-r AW~~~ 10 COlf''1 'IOu ~<::~r=: <t 111€ cD\MV\f\\~~\.E)..r~ ~ 11+\S 1VV'l(...... p~e- GlVt ~ Cku..... \ F -r~ is AN'f~ WE 0rN TO 00 H'~(.,Y' t<fi~l,VIN6s' ~ (~6VeS. ~ The following facsimile is illtended solely for the individual to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential. If you have received this collllnunication in error. plense notify liS by tckrhone and mail the original message back to the above address. Thank You. IS.K. Re~ves V, FAIA Ptesidcnt KeVin Ratlg.nn. A.LA Vice President Dcsig.ii Studio Director Ten)' L. Daw50n Vice Plcsidcnt Sergio BJca Director of Sp~CiDI Projects Peler L BJ\lcr, CSI Dirc..:hH of Cons!/llction Adllll::.isfratiot'J