HomeMy WebLinkAboutArchitects Design Group Proposal for City Hall -1997 04 29 \f\C, -~9' ~f\~"'- ~eC~ p.\C~\ql ~~ ~s a. ?\0'0'0 00 '~eC\S ~~C"0~ ,I p..~.p.. eS'" <;<.ee'-l \sf.: er'\ preSIO p..~.p... . Oi'" <;<.0\1':)) t "e'-l\i\ . oe('\ Y' oreS\ '.j\ ,J'cer Nes "I V-. <;<.ee v..\Oi\ . \ S\OG iOe('\t . pres \liCe NJSoi\ \..'00 \611~ '1ler Co('\tro CJ('\ce o p..ssl.lr \0 "OoG QI.lCJlitY "elg at " "to( C J. S Direc el \\,C. I ser.JiCe coo? ('\iCCJ ,~jO~ tlecll \"'. (0 Di(ecto 0e ?-,\G S p..'-lei\ o "00'1- '\ V-.i\o-..tJ\e ?J?-1qG ? . ~Ol''i\ 'f\OI\o.O ?J?J?J ?01Y--' \'P \!'l\i\WI c;.1-,\1 l\G11 s_SS?-S ,\e\. IIltP .J l\G 'fo" April 29, 1997 Mr. Ronald W. McLemore CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Winter Springs City Hall Proposal for Furnishings and Finishes InventorylEvaluation Report Dear Ron: We have received the revised proposal for the Furnishings Evaluation report from our Interior Designer that the City has requested. This proposal breaks down the Scope of Services and identifies the Professional Fee Schedule as it was identified within the Owner/Architect Agreement. This endeavor was also identified within the 0/ A Agreement, Attachment "B", as an additional service for the negotiated fee of $7200.00. This figure represented the identical services for the Police Department. However, as per your direction, only the City Hall portion (Administrative offices, Lobby, Council Assembly) of the facility will be incorporated into this scope for the total fee of $3925.00. Our Interior Designers have stated that they could proceed with these services to the City immediately upon receiving notice to proceed. If there is any other information that you require as pertaining to this proposal, please notify us at your earliest convenience. If this proposal meets your approval, please indicate such by providing your signature below, as this shall serve as our notice to proceed. We look forward to your response. I remain, sincerely, ~A.~ Ian A. Reeves Project Manager /~~tJ.'i~ v Mr. Ronald W. McLemore City Manager - City of Winter Springs, Florida cc: ISKR V - President / Architects Design Group, Inc. Terry Dawson - Controller / Architects Design Group, Inc. Retwlar Meetin2 City Commission March 10. 1997 , 96-97-10 Pa2e 10 Discussion on the left turn lane, Attorney Michael Jones, Attorney for the developer, spoke regarding the project Ann Schlayman, Onita Court, spoke about the safety issue with the left turn lane, Ed Martinez, Leopard Trail, representing the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association, spoke about this agenda item. Mayor Partyka called a recess at 9:50 p.m. Mayor Partyka reconvened the meeting at 10:02 p.m. Discussion on this item. It was determined that the City Manager will work with Attorney Jones and with D,O.T. on tbe matter of the left turn lane. Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve the Final Engineering of Tuscawilla Tract 15, Parcel 3, based on Staff's findings of fact and subject their stipulations that are numerated in the agenda package, one through nine - excluding #2 and 3 and anything else that allows the devdoper to access the property through Vistawilla and also exclude #7 which redefines substantial development; also to state that #3 will remain with the exception of that verbiage relating to the allowance of access to the property through Vistawilla from 434; also aU contractors and subcontractors will be duly notified of the restriction of traffic on Vista willa Boulevard and through the remainder of the Tuscawilla PUD as outlined in #3. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes. REPORTS K. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher: No Report. L. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore: Manager McLemore reminded the Commission of the meeting on Monday, March 17, 1997. Manager McLemore asked the Commission about their "feed back" regarding renovations at City Hall. It was the consensus of the Commission to have the City Manager bring back to the Commission a proposal. 1.'1 Manager McLemore mentioned that he has only received one proposal for the assessment district and will report back to the Commission at the March 24, 1997 meeting. Manager McLemore said an issue has been brought to him relative to the use of Police for the St. Patrick's Day Run, and said there is approximately 4 to 5 hundred dollars in cost and the sponsors .'=::'.' ...- -.....-----.-------- .-.--. ..-.,.,,- .-.". PAGE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 E. STATE ROAD 434- WINTER SPRI~ FLORIDA 32108 (407) 327..1800 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER 41177 ~. . !'::lIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL PACKAGES,INVOICES AND CORRESPONDENCE PURCHASE ORDER DATE DATE REOUIRED RQUISITION NUMBER VENDOR NO. SPCL INST./PURPOSE U2;/,::"U/':3i U:;.; .c:U.I 'J f .lJ.iU UUt; .:>:>1 ::Jb c.. V i"..LUF..l' 1\..11'-1 I t ut'J~.l :Jntd:' .:. ii ~ ~rt VENDOR ARc:HITECTS DESIGr'1 GRaJP / rl';c. P.O. BOX 1210 333 NORTH i<:?lCWLES AVE ~.J INTER P A.",,-'<. FL 32790 SHIP TO CrT! OF WIt~ SPRINGS L.~m }.t~NAGD1E1'IT 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 CONFIRMATION BlANKET CONTRACT PAYMENT TERMS FREIGHT " L~~J. J_ l..jt1..J..~' ,M. QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE .1. 0,.).0 l.~ =~ 1\\...1. UV J.. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSIC ~..~'L......uU ':;j.:.._ CGrlTRACT FOR FUF.NI5HINGS AL"ID FINISHES IN\TENTORY/ E\!}\LUATION REPORT !'DR CITY HF"LL PORTION OF t.ful'lI C r PAL SU I LDI NG . ~~~ ,..-""",-.. .<.~ '- ~ -,l. ... ~ TOTAL PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT 3925 1900 54661 3925.00 BY < " :'.,/ - /' DATE PURCHASING (J P PETRENCSIK) BY ..... ,..... ~ , , /! - i CITY MAt'lAGER DATE TAX NO. 69-13-035082-54C SID NO. May 22, 1997 To: City Clerk ~ Land Development Coordinator W From: Re: Contract with Architects Design Group Furnishings and Finishes Inventory/Evaluation Report City Hall Attached for your records is the above referenced signed contract with Architects Design Group dated April 29, 1997. Also attached is a copy of the Purchase Order for this contract. This IS NOT associated with the public safety complex.