HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmeritek Orlando Inc. Advanced Support Group Plan B -1997 08 08 " AUG. 6.1997 4'01PM NO.66B P.3/3 ~ , ,. l4a4~~C1~( ~::'~=~;;~~~'(~~~j " II " ,. ,: 0 R L A N D 0.1 N C, j ~t~ ii ; i./ I 01 FLEXHOURS SUPPORT AGREEMENT d , 'j 'i 'I :, I' Ii , Ameritek Orlando, (nc. 's Advanced Support Group (hBl'8in albIr csJled ASG), agrees to sell advance service and support labor (RElXHourt) i: ;) ji to be used by the customer In accordElnce witt) the following provisions: I" i " " I; " 1. FlexHolJrs can be used fOf any lSelVice whlcll ASG provides. " :..: :! :! 2 Requests for eTn!!rgency 5eJV1ce Will be guaranteed a four hour QIHiIte reapOnlse time, except due to circumstances beyond our I. ,I l'~ ;1 control. All ather set'Vices must be schetluled with th9 Service Dispatcher. , !'"! ,f '" '/ 3. An Accounting will be maintained of man hours purcl1ased and man hours used with a monthly status report pf1:lVided to the .f :1 customer IndIcating \Wfk performed and t1l9 Cllrrent balance ramainlng. Tlma col1StJTnfld will be posted to the costomers account' f' : ~ :1 in fifteen minute increments with a minimum of 1 % hmlrs fur each on.site vilsil :1 ".; !; 'q 4. Travel time will not be attarged Bgalnst the customer's l!ICCOunt unless the C!Jstomer speclncally requests emergency mwel to : " " ," expaflte a repair or InstBfIatIon. SCandartf servicing area Is a 25 mne radlus frOm I~~Me 4 BTI~ Highway 50. Any point which ,I \1 :1 rans outside of thIs servicing area Is subject to 15ft per mile tr1p fee from portal to portal , '~~ J 'j 6. Parts or any other hardWBre necessery to implement a repair requested by the ~tomer wlll m1 be covered under this , " agreemmrt.. The customer will have the optlon ct prtI'Jidlng the part or hardWare to ASG for InstaJl~on or or purohaslng the Item , 'i 1 from ASG at the quoted, discounted price. .,i 'I Maintenance prav;ded by ASG unciar this aglliKlment WIll be dU~'" NORMAl. BUSINESS HOU~S of Ameritek.. The NORMAL ., " :'1 6- ,.; BUSINESS HOURS ct Atneritek shall mean the hours of 8:00 ,to 5:00 PM, Monday thnJ Fr1day, excluding Ameritek reoognized '. :j ! holidays. Weekday overtime servfcs, If requested, will be cflarged to the customer's account at the rate of 2 times the current .,j ~ RexHour me.. Week.gnd overtime will be charged at :1 times the current TElte. I) I, " 7. When the cuttomer's acoount bslsnCQ dJDpl!i /:Ielow :2 hotmO. the cusfJ)m8T will be notified and given the option of purchasing ,: II additional hour.;. ,\ " " Ii 8. CustDmElr agrees to purchase and pay for AexHounlln advance. The customer also agrees to pay Invoices for parts or hardware ,. ,/ , wlthifT1(td~:t delivery of the item. " j' 30 .. : 9. In no avent shall ASG be liable for Ioas or profits Indl~ special, oonsequenUat or slmllar darmses arising out of any breach " i of thf$ag~ement or obligation under this 3gJeefT1ar,t. 'j f Jj ,I 10. ASG shall net be fMponsible for the loss cf any ccmputer f11!!S or loss of proflls due to the loss of flies, whether they bB data, ~ , " program, or system files for any reason, be It failure to backup, operator failure or system failure. e *-e pr -fOr 1't ~ nic:::CUl e. "/'0". L Customer Account #: OR373 Datu: AUGUST 8, 1997 ~ I <, ; Customer Name: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS " Address: 1126 EAST S.R. 434 Telephone #: 327~1800 i II I ZipCD~!l: 32708 :1 II City: WINTER SPRINGS Facsimile f#: 327005131 I! " l' -, '!, .1 , Initial AexHour Plan # Purchase~:~;B " , " , , " Special: ~1~.fJ,t. ,I " " Special Notes: RENEWAL UPON 5H~R (1A,l.A.NCE ' , Connet Cost: $ 1nS.DD ' I .j ,I ! , ,; Authorized Signi1tul'e. ~~' '.,' I' ~, \ , I: i Client Printed NanHt ]0(\0- I d " W, ~ Le/'n 0 r e... ASG Apprv'l Ii ; , '. !! I ' , ~! ; , , Serving Central Florida Since 1976 ': i"Y'.~~_.........,~~I;<l!";!;l~~,~....,.IlI~~""""",~~..-.iWi4~~ilIlle......~~...._~ ( .L ::l~....!o.w ~ -=:J~ . NO. 558 P.2/3 AUG. 5.1997 4:00PM :Purchase Agreement Amentek Orlando, Inc. 151 Semoran Commerce Place Apopka. FI- 32703 Telephone: 407.888.2.323 Advanced Support Group Fax: 407.886.6220 Computer EquIpment, Peripherals, Integration ServIces, & Software Portable Fax: 407.600.3097 BfLL TO SHIP TO: MRS. JOANNE DALKA CITY OF wrNTJ;R SPRINGS SAME 1126EASTS.R,434 WINTER SPRINGS. FL 32708 TEL 407-327-1800 FAX: 407-327-5131. OR 407-327-6912 30 ~ DATE SALES REP CUSTOMER ACCT# PURCHASE OfmER COO NET )(OA YS Aug 6, 1897 LDS OR3733 X QTY. PART ,. DESCRIPTION UNIT PR!CE TOTAL 1 PLAN 8 FL.EXHOUR AGREEMENT - 25 HOURS ~ 1,775,00 $ 1,n5.0Q $ 0,00 $ 000 ~ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0,00 . .. .....-~~ INSTALLATION SUBTOTAL OR LEASING AMOUNT $ 1,775.00 SALES TAX RATE SALES TAX ~ 0.00 JS.s~ ,orQ) Cv~, OWJt'- PURCHASE TOTAL $ 1,775.00 Authorized, igoature for\P\t1ct-.r3se I 8 8' ,(11 Date: I Ameritek Orlando, Inc, Officer Acceptance nmlllllllrallal ~ 1lIrod1tIg_=:::;: ~~ ~~ bv S.II.. Gmown 15 Aowr1!1lk Ot1Br>clO, IIlCoJ IIllr5 homll af'lk:e. TllE orQar IT\lIY OCJI pa ca1lC8tad or ailBrllcl a!llIf aDClIll!llm:e wtlhou1: S.1~5 ~ SIC.". >IJll\l r<lJ I>oIIIlIbIIt fw , ll)lIIoIlwr Of ~ q.1ll}ta oct:lIlIIOnetllIY ClMIB lMIyllna se.lII"& COI1Im~ 1/lCl1/ll111Q WiIllCIIt nll1)tJltloO, 0li1IClI8, ~ ty <lII4. by 8I1iPP11T1. ca",.".. ty _, oa:lalrG ar~lT1IIlt_ Senerall9llllOt b81)e11l8l\>ranv &p!CIBr. Indlrec:l or a:llll6qu&mlal c1~ JlQr $!Ian s.n.r lit nable rn mtY IIWOt lor marwlt1llll tt- s.lr~$ iIMlIllt Pfl" or ~r .q4lpllNll! llrllllpll1m Eodl ~ una... ttrbtol'llor Is tQ ~ QV11$1<lmlf M1 fndMdu.'I!lIfll'IlClloo.. TI1~ Is a blodll1ll~cr, and IlOt B &B18 01\ appllMlI or1l1a11lllBIB. PJuvl&loll6 0( IttIIi c:urttml:t. oncll aa:wpwc! by&llor, Cllr...t(lIl\lI ~ entll1l4llllWll1&111 b_n purch_r ai'll sell!!!' ~ 8Upe!II!lI!!ll5 40 ollWWllIIerl oro~ COmmU""&lIOIl ~l' tIlt~... Thol SlIIJtor '* tpDcfflOl(l\o not ))O"l'\a Ily&nyoral or W!tuIn ~ ITIIllIIllYlll'BflIpl~ or ~IB. P~nBIIO I!IlytI' w!lkoI1 /lO 001 al'f\'ar herein In wlfIlflllo All r1gh~, U~'. or tota,.ntD Iha IIQUIPllllll1t or 5~. c1~ h&TW1n sIIep qrn.", It. ~(f ATT1IriIK(Qr 1l'a:leui09 IIiIIl11l unt11 pIIlclln fun, Alllnlm/coo lI/I! clUII eIld ~a OIl tf1a ClIIB 0( I/'Mllos..,,, ~ll'Jtlr earo'~ to ~r &0 Inlartlt 111" or 1 'I!. par /l'IQl1tl1 on *I1r Il!l\au~ nol".tI w!Ill/lI1Q IllIyllltIM\odCllC\119. I3UoJet 1IIlt~ P*Y'" gf Aml!hl<n.llItm ~ ~llICIiao gf Bny ama'lOt due hera~dBf.ln l/1a -wor anY property &U/'QUant /lMlllI or 'n Illa an'lllI:II~ Of lr. ~"hlB aaal"&! buywr. lndudlnUIM5lIIlBbNt BIlm1B)'a tBell, ~Bltter 0/ "Dlllll~ bt!lllJelClht Atr( QIMlOr<temnlli wlll be ggYIIfJIed by ROllda law Ilnd b11ld In 18110II County. F1or1dll,