HomeMy WebLinkAboutAll Temp Service Inc. -1997 05 01 >~ -~ 'ropol1ul ALL TEMP SERVICE ~r?~)h:I I ~ ff''''iI,'' ;:).. \ ~...-;-,- ; -~'-~ 'N ~..!5;: v ~,,, 714 WEST AMELIA STREET / ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32805 MAY., 71q79 w...,,.,.....,,j. rID '..'......J..,.l.~,.,.... n i! - '" .! i~, /,;;"\HII ~"~ r ( II II il I; Allt CONDITIONING - R!fRIGElATIOH - HEATING " il; ;j I , PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE 843-3770 JOB NAME PHONE WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA ;; CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION ! ~ " ARCHITECT I DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit spectf,caloons and estimates lor: 'j All Temp Service Specialized Maintenance will be furnished by us fran to May 20 1 gfW inclusive, for the sum of g7.R? per Equipnent will be serviced at the following location(s): City of Winter Springs M:>ss Road Winter Springs, Florida This agreanent includes all necessary maintenance, including lal:or and material to keep described equiI;ITIent in operating condition. This agreerrent would include periodic checks of equipnent in order to alleviate future problems and down time. Repairs and adjusbnents v.ould be made during these periodic inspections if necessary or requested. May 20, 1979 Mont:h .j Ii 'I All lal:or and material necessary to maintain these units and to keep operational would be included in the m:mthly fee. The exception to this fee v.ould overtime work performed on an emergency basis after 4: 30 P.M. and before 8: 00 A.M. M:>nday through Friday and on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. i! J ~ ii , I' All Temp Service, Inc. would be entitled to any credits and warranties on any equipnent still in warranty period. All Temp Service, Inc. will have service available 24 hours per day, including Saturdays, Sundays and on Holidays. Equipnent covered under this agreanent is as follows: ;\ II il l\ d II Ii " !i !l JIlt JrOpD,S' hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications. for the sum of: dQllars ($ ) ,. J' ;, .' oj q TERMS OF PAYMENT: Progress payments to be invoiced as follows: 60"10 at completion of rough-in piping and ductwork, balance in progress payments every thirty days less 10"10 retainage. Final payment for lobar, materials and retainage due within thirty (30( days after completion and date of invoicing with legal rote of interest and service charge not to exceed 1 1/2% per month after maturity. In the event the tenns of payment indicated are defaulted, lor we, agree to pay all cost of collections, including court costs and 0 reasonable attorney's fee. I or we, have the authority to order the above work and materials. Existing structure - Tenns: Net thirty (30) days. It is agreed that the seller will retain title to any equipment or materials that are furnished until final payment is made, and if settlement is not made os agreed, the seller sholl have the right to remove some and will be'held hannless for any damage resulting from the removal thereof. CONSUtVERS RIGHT OF CANCELLATION: You may cancel this contract without penalty or obligation within 3 business days from date of acceptance. days. !l d " :1 ;i 'i All matHia' is lIua,antee<l to be as speci'ied. All wo,~ to be completed in a M)'~manlih Authorized iI manne' accor-jinl to st.lndard practices. Any alteration or devi.tion from abe"e specific.. Signature j tio", involvlnl ...ra costs win be eaecuted only upon wr,Uen ord.". and wtll becofne an extra cha'le ow, and abOve the estimat.. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents " or delays beyond our control. 0."., to carry tire, tornado .and other n4!'Cessary In'urllnCI. '~ Our work.rs a", fullv cow",d bv Workmen's Ccmoensation Insurance and Liability. // (7 Arttphtntt of Jropngal- The above prices, specifications !I and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authOrIZed SIgnature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. !I " Data of Acceptance: ". ..~..- S'gnature -- .ji!:~'-::- - ~,-_._~..~ ~-,-"~_...~~.,~-,,...,._....., Jrnponul ALL TEMP SERVICE ARCHITECT I DATE OF PLANS We hereby .ubmit .pec.f'catlons and estimates for: I JOB PHONE ,,~ Ii L I I, Ii Ii Ii 'I I i I I I I i , I Ii I! II II I INC. 714 WEST AMELIA STREET I ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32805 AIR CONDITIONING - RURIGeRATION - HEATING PHONE 843-3770 PftOPOSAl SUBMITTED TO PHONE I DATE 5/1/79 Ci tv of Winter Sorinas STREET JOB NAME !=illri noS. Florida CITY. STATE AND liP CODE JOB LOCATION 2 Carrier 38BQ006310 B404022 - C339382 with air handlers-Sta 1 Bard Package MP36A SjN 84390-A-ll Police Station 4 ':[\..10 each 4-8-4 Package Gaffers-Statter-Recreation Bldg. SjN C29466C6, C29457C6, C2949C6 C229454C6 1 Frazer-Johnson 24AIA with air handler SjN 143607 CUstarer's equiprent will be in good operating condition at the start of the contract. Repairs necessary to bring this equipnent to a good working condition would be charge- able to custaner and is not part of the rronthly fee. Contractor is not responsible for repairs occasioned by abuse of the equipnent, stonn, fire and lightning dama.ge. Contractor will not be responsible for additional equipnent required by insurance c0m- pany or govennental agencies. I I' :1 II " I' I' II Ii I .1 This contract does not include any duct work, electrical service to units or any non- operating portions of the equipnent. Bl1' Jropose hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications. for the sum of: dQllars ($ ) ! i I Ii I: i" 11 11 't I: ,I Ii I II Ii II Ii ii i: Ii ~ Ii Ii 11 II I; j; !i i. :1 days. I ~, M:mthly fee does include a rronthly filter change on all air conditioning equipnent. Cleaning of exhaust filters is custaner s responsibility. Effective date of this agreement shall be .This agreement will remain in effect for one year from effective date. Either party may tenninate this agreement any ti..Ire during the effective pericxi by sul:mitting in writing after thirty (30) days. TERMS OF PAYMENT: Progress payments to be invoiced as follows: 60% ot completion of rough-in piping and ductwork, balonce in progress payments every thirty days less 10% retainage. Final payment for labor, materiols and retainage due within thirty (30( days after completion and date of invoicing with legol rate of interest ond service chorge nat to exceed 1 1/2% per month ofter maturity. In the event the terms of payment indicated are defaulted, lor we, ogree to pay all cost of collections, including court costs ond a reasonable attorney's fee. lor we, have the authority to order the above wark and materials. Existing structure - Terms: Net thirty (30) days. It is agreed that the seller will retain tifle to any equipment or materials that are furnished until final payment is made, and if settlement is not mode os agreed, the se Iler shall have the right to remove same and wi II be he Id harm less for any damage resulting from the removal thereof. CONSUN'ERS RIGHT OF CANCELLATION: You may cancel this contrac't without penalty or obligation within 3 business days from date of acceptance. All maler;a' is auaranleed to be .. speclf,ed, All work 10 be completed in a workmanlike Authorized m.nn~r accordlnll to stand.rd pr.dtces. Any alteratton or de"'tatlon from above ,peclfica. S.gnature lions ;nvolv;ne edr. costs will bfo e.ecuted only upon written orders. and WIll become an ca:tr. charw:e ower and above the estimate. All agr,ements contingent upon !.tr.kes., accidents or delays beyond our control. Owne, to car')' fire. lornado and other necesury ,nsurance. Note: Thi5 proposal may be withdrawn ~ Our worken ore fullv covered bv Workmen's Camoensation Inlurance and Liobility. by us ,f not accepted wlth,n ~ Arrrptanrr of Jropoliul- The abo~e prices, specifIcations and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authOrized Signature to do the work 8S 5pecified. Payment will be made as outloned abo~e. ~ Date of Acceptance: SIgnature Ii n II II ) ~. - Jrovoattl ALL TEMP SERVICE ..~ ~, INC. -,' 714 WEST AMELIA STREET I ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32805 AIR CONDITIOt-lINO - REFRIGERATION - HEATING PHONE 843-3770 f JOB NAME .' '. PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE CITY. STATE AND liP CODE JOB LOCATION ~ i 'i ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE II I, This contractor shall furnish upon request certificates of insurance for workmens canpensation, liability and property damages before proceeding on any work on the custaner' s property. ii I' i: I' ii Ii , d We hereby $ubmit $peclfltalton$ and estimates for: !' " 11 Respectfully sul::mitted, ,_/2 /) &dJ/1/1A0;y/ Cecil M. Lipsey Service Manager I, 11 ~ ! ~ i i' Accepted by: m1' propns!' hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications. for the sum of: dQllars ($ ) TERMS OF PAYMENT: Progress payments to be invoiced os follows: 60% at completion of rough-in piping and ductwork, balonce in progress payments every thirty days less 10% retainage. Final payment far lobar, materials and retainage due within thirty (30( days after completion and date of invoicing with legal rate of interest and service charge not to exceed 1 1/2% per month after maturity. In the event the terms of payment indicated ore defaulted, lor we, agree to pay 011 cost of collections, including court costs and a reasonable attorney's fee. lor we, hove the authority to order the above work and materials. Existing structure - Terms: Net thirty (30) days. It is agreed that the seller will retain title to any equipment or materials that are furnished until final payment is made, and if settlement is not made as agreed, the seller shall have the right to remove same and will be held harmless for any damage resulting from the removal thereof. CONSUfVERS RIGHT OF CANCELLATION: You may cancel this contract without penalty or obligation within 3 business days from date of acceptance. ;1 All ml,,,,ill is luarlntHd to "" .s lp<!cifi"d. All wo,k '0 be completed in I wor~m.nl,k. Authorized manner .ccording to Itllndard practices. Any Blteratlon or deviation from abovt speCifiC,. Signature bonl inYOfvinli extra costs will be executed only upon written order$.. and will bl',orl'~ an ....r. chlrg" ove, .nd .bo"" th" estim.te. All agreements contingen' upon slnkes. accIdents Note: This proposal may be withdrawn or delays beyond our cOfttrol. Owner to C8rry "re. tornado and other necesioary Insurance. by us If not accepted Within Our worken are fullv co....red bv Workmen's Comoen&l:ltion In,uran~ and liability. f. days. /- ( \ !\ttrptanrr of Jroponul - The above prices. speCifications and conditions are $at.sfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authOrized Signature to do 1he work as 6pec;fjed. Payment will be made as outlined above. )1 _Jl Date of Acceptance: Signature /,'