HomeMy WebLinkAboutADT Security Systems Commerical Sales Proposal/Agreement -1997 02 25 COMMERCIAL SALES PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT Date January 13, 1997 To: (Customer Name and Address) Winter Springs Police Department 300 North Moss Road Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Don LeBlanc 407-327-1800 COMMERCIAL SALES PROPOSAUAGREEMENT ADT Security Systems. Inc. (ADT) 803 South Orlando Ave. Suite J Winter Park, FL 32789 407-628-5000 Pat Walsh * * Customer acknowledges that: (a) ADT has explained the full range of protection, equipment, and services available to Customer; (b) additional protection over and above that provided herein is available and may be obtained from ADT at an additional cost to the Customer; and (c) Customer desires and has contracted for only the equipment and services itemized on this Agreement. For the sum of $ 8 .000.00 payable V,.cON I tv Va t <..e upon acceptance of this proposal and the balance payable upon completion of the installation and as a pre- condition to activation of the system and, if applicable, connection to central station or direct connection service. In addition for the service(s) to be provided as indicated above, Customer agrees to pay $ -0- per annum, annually in advance for a period of five years effective from the date service is operative under this agreement. After the five years, this agreement shall be automatically renewable yearly unless termi- nated by either party upon written notice at least 30 days prior to the anniversary date. ADT shall have the righf to increase the annual service charge after 1 year. In the event of termination prior to the end of the contract term, the Customer agrees to pay, in addition to any charges for services rendered prior to termination, 90% of the service charge remaining to be paid for the unexpired term of the agreement as liquidated damages (but not as a penally). The Customer agrees to pay, in addition to the service charges above, any false alarm assessments, taxes, fees or charges that are imposed by any governmental body, telephone or signal transmission company (for numbering or other changes) or costs of ADT related to reprogramming alarm controls and other devices to comply with such numbering or other changes relating to the installation or service provided under this Agreement and to pay any increase in charges to ADT for facilities required for transmission of signals under this Agreement. In the event ADT's representative is sent to the Customer's premises in response to a service call or alarm signal caused by the Customer improperly following operating instructions or, failing to close or properly secure a window, door or other protected point, or improperly adjusting monitors or accessory components, there shall be a service charge to the Customer. Failure to pay amounts when due shall give ADT, in addition to any other remedies, the right to terminate this Agreement and to charge interest at the highest legal rate on the delinquent amounts. Customer agrees to pay all costs, expenses and fees of ADT's enforcement of this Agreement, including collection expenses, court costs, and attorneys' fees. Any installation charge quoted in this agreement is based on ADT perform- ing the installation with its own personnel. If for any reason this installation must be performed by outside Contractors, said installation charge shall be subject to revision. Customer warrants that the Customer: (1) has requested the equipment/services specified in this Agreement for its own use and not for the benefit of any third party, (2) owns the premises in which the equipment is being installed or that Customer has the authority 10 engage ADT to carrY~u ins ta."alion in t premis- es and (3) will co Iy with all laws, codes, and regulations pertai~ing to Ih ~h q' services. CENTRAL STORAGE FACILlTY Customer Acceptance In acceping this Proposal, Customer agrees to the terms and conditions contained herein including those on the reverse Side It is understood that they shall prevail over any variation in terms and condi- tions on any purchase order or other document that the Customer may Issue. Any changes in the system requested by the Customer after the execution of thiS Agreement shall be paid for by the Customer and such changes shall be authorized in writing ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE WARRANTY, LIMIT OF LIABILITY AND OTHER CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. Ronald W. McLemore Signature PS Walsh TERMS ANO CONOITIONS Jl Signal RecelVll1g and Notltlcabol1 Service shaillle pfOVliJed 01 IIDr If the re"",r;e side otll1lS Agreement Includes a charge lor S,ona: fle<;elVlng and N<<,"catiOn SeMu) and In me ll\OllIIlan .Ivrn SlgrlO! re<J'~ at Allrs Central Stahon. AllY shail ende<Mlrto ncllty me appropriate Police or fife Departr",,", and the designalOO representalll'! o!the Customer In lI1tll\Ollllt a burglar alarm Signal or hill slgnallllQ.sters at AllTs Gem,.1 Statioo. AllT .tlts sole dlsoe\1Ofl may endeavorto CA>I1!act the Customer s premises by telephone 10 <e!1ly that rhe alarm IS noltalse FallinO to contact l!\e Cuslllmef promptly 0< Questioomg the nature oll!\e ~ 1IlOIIved upon sucn COIltlcl, AllY shall endeavor 10 nOl,Iy Ihe "pprl1l'rlm. Police nepartment or fire Oepartm.n! In Ih. evenl a supervisory slanal or li\lubl. signal registers at AOr s C.ntral Slalion, AOT ,h.11 .ndeavOl to notify promptly Ih. d..ignated representallve of the Customer. In lh. event ALARM VERIFICA nON SERVICE's belOglumished, rt i, mutually ""d.flllood and aoreed thaI "'luop",...,l.s being mstalled whlth, as 10 cerlam klcalion, in lhe pr","lSos, will raqulfIl lIMo activlltion ot two ~ensing devices, ill . second activ"tmn of . 'ID91. alarm sensor, or a COr.1muoos al.rm evenl from. ,rnpl. sensor, '" ord.r fm an alarm sig"~1 to In tr_mitl!lll. ~ ,. mutually agrred lhat lh. Cuslome, .ssum.s full r.sporudbrlity lor Ih. op.ralion 01 any and .Ii bypass or .wdch uMs provioed fur disconrwctmg or ,ecoooecti"1lthe alarm soondi""llOO!ar tn.nsmlttq fllOlpmtnt lit Custom.r's premises Tht Custcme, represen1s Ihat any vauh to b. by AllT h.reunde! by sound Of vib,;tiOl1 hilS the millimum conslruction cha,acts1Istirs prescribed by the Und.lWfill!ts' Wlhoratr.>1Ies, Inc, Th. C"!lOmer 10 telll any ultrasonic, top.ell.nce or nthilr el.ctwnlc equipmenl on tile Schedule 01 Protection prior to S'I1"'ij the al.,m syslem fur dO$!IIl periods, arcorol""lo procedur.s by AllY. .nd to notify AOT promptly 111 lh. event lb.t such equ'llm..t !aos to respond to th. lest II Customar hp. un th. '..e,.o side t. . 5 dB, Fomm.rilltion Pe,ioo full...ing co"",leti.o 01 inst.lI.li.., ..d if "oed.d .. .'l..,tio. p.".d, fur C.lI1.mer trllIe.Dm. 'amm.. witll 111. .,tlem lh". FamilierllBtion ?enml C.,'.",.r 00'''' tltol In Ill. ..ont ""y .ignel lineluding .. .f.,,,, ,,;~.ali .f nelu'o '8lIiS',,0,1Il A01'$ ~.nlral stallo., AOT thllll eel: ,up.nd I. .., .nd...., to nolify 110. omh.,ili.", Cust.",., .r CJ,to",.r'. duignal.d '.pr....t.li.., ., ..dertake a.y .th., eclion ragard t. .ny $lgnai, wit.lll" or nol dUll to a_ actual ameroe_c, ..ant. Communication FaenitiM - A, AUTHORIZATION Customer iulOO,il.. AOT t. mah rtqussts fu, inlo1lllation, sflViCi, crOm or i. on Inhlllll of Customer to . tlllllpilolrf or atllsf lIfl!lty pro.iIli"" laciiities or M.",il;es 101 tm..mission of signals unller this Agnosm8!'l!, II to~".tlio. to the AIJT Cm!rII Station is to by Cuslomm to e ttrnnm;on yi. " trol~n. jacJr to a choo!1lll AllT llGuipm8!'l!, Such ronnmilln shlli! lit fIIactritllltj lim llIIfurl lIny othtf shall within 10 flltt of lhe PIIMI ff reque$!ed CustomB\', pl'wllle suth wnflllt1ion el the cost 01 the CulloillBf, The CurtOillBf UndllrstllOOi !hat under 1t!i3 i1 uses lIlaod.rd Imll$ as Ihe tnmsmb.ion mode 01 sllllding sigllalSllOO MiminalM lIMo need 1m d!lllim!llltelephllllt 11IC1!i!in..'1Cl the lIrga (;Oil A on suth lar:ili1il$, ~"tl3i'$tHllll Mil 1I0e$ nol rllnin _.m lit. Ifll.lIilllll..illD III.. is \lr .am.s.lHi- c,.IlIli",.clsll4 tIm slp.ls Qm tllrlllillt ~. .lIellivlllrll if l~. lruimin!oo mode ill tilt. iilltemnil mtli Of iIalutIlIlrII- C, DER!\IEO LOCAL CHANNEl - The Iacilities llOO SllMcas provided by lhil in connection with the !fI!'IDS tn In ;m~ldad to the CU$IOmW hllilluodev detrmDed lIS !leriv!lll l.DCII Chlillmoi slIVlar {and which may In providedunller SplICmc $l!tViu or !tlVke nam311 01 irnJividuiil Tmephon. CIlmptnlll1ij, Tho$$lacildill1i and ttlV"rlS rallllt to !hi! si!lnal paths, it_ioG llOO lrwmission, Tho CuSl_ lI<JralS thit tlJe liillility of tilt Telephone Company is Ilm;ted in accmd"nee with, and Ihe Talephonu Comp""y l11ay IOvoke, *e proVIS,""S ot Paragraph E of thl. O. RADIO INTERFACE - If con,,;21io" In the AOT Centrat Sta"0I1 is 10 be by any radio hequ$l1cy metTIod, such as cellular Of pnvate iadio, then customer understands dHe to the nature of waVES that there may he times when th~ system is t.Jllsble to senJ1f, maintain or retl ansmit an alarm signal and. thus, the titiliZation of an adrl!tiona! II, ff d.lOe! sale is indicated on the rovers. side. "ny p.rt of the 'yslem, Ag.lltm.nl which 'proyU to In defucll\le III melenal or woiltmansh!? wilIlm mnety (90, days 01 mplaced at AnI'. a nM 01 l.l100r .nd mlrtodlll ''''luirOO tc.pHllrliPi" sucl\ detecti'ft'Cii1illOllilllt5 ..~I be l1w 01 charge tor a day. tht complmOon 01 orlliinlll instal!lIllco. . ThIS Warranty does not lisled helow and In lhe event Custom... calls AOT 10, ..",it! und., the Warranty and opon I"spoctilln by AOT'. 'tpreseMatlve d is !aurid tllat one ollhes. conddions tas led thil moperability or apparent inopembllity of lhe system, a be made lor the service call ot AIJT's replesentatMlwhtlh.. 0' nat he actU<llly wo,ks on tile systlm.$hou!d Ii actually be necess.'lro malre rep."s 10 th. system due to on. althe 'TcoditlCnr" not covered by a ebarg. w~! made for such work ADT's lb." applicabit rmes 10. labm aod matatia: Service will be furnished by AllT dun0~ "or. normal working hours of 8.00 A M 104:30 PM.. Monday through Friday. .<c.pl nolday, . CDl'dillcns nol cove,ed hy Oam.ge resolt,"1l 110m accidems, arts of &ld, .Itetatm,r. m'suse, liImporma 0' aifuse. B1 Fail",e oJ lhe Cuslomet to pmperly follow op8r3tlll9 instructions p,e,ided by AOT at 111118 of InslallaMn Dr '" E lalel date nfressltated by mlSailgnm.m of CCT\! cameras. 'mpmp.. adlustment 01 mondm brlt1htness ~nd contrast t"mag dials or ins"tfic..nt light on Ihe a,.. VlllWOO by the T,ouble dll. to 1I11el,option of commerCIal po..., 01 to the phone seMe. . THE WAIlRANTY is IN UEU Of All OTlIEIl WARRANTiES, EXPRESS 011 IMPUElJ;-,iNCUllliNG: BUT NOT LIMITED TO. ANY iMPliED W/lRRAlHIU Of MERCHANTlIl3ll1TY OR mNESS Hill A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, THE PIII1CHASHI'S U:ClUS1\lE IUMEllYWlTH InSPECT 10 ANV ANll lIillll:>:>E:> OR DAMAGES RESlllTlNG HWM AllY CAUSE WHATSIHVUl, INCHl!llNG AllT'S NEGUGl'I\ICE. SHAll liE REPAIR OIlIUPLACUUt4T AS SPECIFiED AIlOllf AOT SHAll IN NO EVUIT BE WltllE FOR ANY CONSHwnmAl OR INCIllElHIU DAMAGES Of ANV NATURE, INCUlOING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DiUIJAGU FOR PERSOI'JAt iNJURY 011 DAMAGES TOJ'lIOPEllTY AND HOWEVER tlCCASHl IrI HI, WHETHER AtlUHI) AS RESUlTING fROM BREACH Of WARRANTY 011 CONTRACT IlY AOT ORIIEGUGENCE Of ~,l:lT Oil OTJUiIlWH\E M.IRten.nce --- If the r....erse side of this agrt!mefllll1dicales this service lS beinll p<ovid!lll, AllT \/IIKI. Custum!>,'s requesl pmvloo urdinary and ,epai, of such system due to normal wear and tear bear tilt expense tiltreol, The axpense 01 all e,lraortiinary maimeoalice and r.pa;, due to alt.atations the Custome(s premiSllS, alt.e,almns of the medt at the req\ll1$t ot the Custom$r, 01 made n.cessaryby changes in the damaj)€ to the pre"".es fir 10 the alarm system, N to "ny cau.e bllyond Ihe Cllfrtmt.nl ApT.!tlJaAbe aorl!Wllilt lIllstll!"ef, The Cuuomtlf ~as klM"Ish any ;..cessa"! .Iectnc corrent Mrough the mett< ahd at the Cuslorn"". own an out!.ll wnhll1lO fill!! oflhe I\OT Conlral Panel. It IS mutual~ agleed lh.t the wurk of in~lallation and AllT's repa"$ of iI1e shall be perwmed nelween AnTs nomwl wcrkmg bows ot 800 to 4.'30 PM . Monday thrOlJgh friday. except holidays EXCLUSIONS MarOleoanee on the loliow,"!) deVices wll' be provdec oni, 00 . lime aod ma%".1 111 wlOdow tOll (2 i sec""!): screens. P1 any exterio' mounted dev":'ll$ 141 PROM (programmable Read Only Memoryl, loj Coodiilons not covered by wananty listed allove In p..aglaph II , his "od.."ooo and Jy"eillhat AnT s obliijatlOn ,dales to the malOte"anCe solely oJ the ,pttilie pfDte~lnn system and lhal AnT is;n no way ohligated 10 mamlaln s.rvice, ,eplace, ope,il1. or aSIU'. thr operatIOn of ,ny deVice 01 dWI,'" 01 the Cus,omer or of other< nol IOs1.lled hy AnT 11 not cont,acted lor helme the expHaticr 01 the Warr~n!):, 4.IJT wiil entN iI1In B Mamlenance S."". Connon only alt.et mspertlng lh. syslem and m"",ng ilfl'(J1ecesspry I.palrs or replacements to Ihe syslem al a charge to tl1. Custom.r for lallo. .nd/or matenal 01 AOT's then pr.vaillOg rJias . ' INSPECTIONS - AOT ..ill proVIde Ihe 1l1""l1er 01 i"'ucClion, of lhe Alarm syslem only .s specified on the reverse side of this lIyr..men! h.tweeit 'AOT. normal w~rl<ing hours of 8.00 ,~M.tQ 430 PM.. Mcnday through Friday. except holidays and $uhjerJ tn e%f.bsions set forth above for maifitenam;6 lJ If INVESTIGATOR RESPONSE SERVICE 's bO'"9 lu,,,,,I,.o mdicated on the ,"vem Side. the Iwels avallaW. ale as bllows [e"ll- E".riol In,ostls.lion, Upon "relP' aia"" Signal flom Ihe [u.tc'''", premISe' AOT, in a~d,tlOn to rlolllyrng Ihe Police Oepartmenllls md,caletl aho,e. will ende.,or to notily the Tht rBpre:>entative wli~ make Ji'1lM€stigah)o pi Uie.exte~l;.1r 01 the premise;;. Itom fl,!;' vehic(e lfI add!tJOf1 tD ncMying the police uepartrrwhf a..""lndicated abo\1t. wili endea'/Cl to o;spatctl a ~h!Ch must bt proyujed by the Customer (lrld make an mtencr lMVeStlgil!I{:n 110:Ne\l~r, it 00 notltied if there has be€:f13fl attack Qth~frWise 3 notice of the aiairr wd! bE' jet! at ttl~ w'li noPy Ihe level 1I~lrtl.rior In...tlg.lloo, Up",' representative wI1I conduct evidence ot ttw AOT contrDI F::1f Elt;ier lflif'l investigation, the CustonH1U 3utnorilfs and dlierts ADT to cause the arrest of ariy ptra.on or fJefwnfunauthOfued to enter tus prfmlses and to held him Dr them until released by the: Custorner 01 3fi authumetl bown represer;t3t~ye, and m Stich caSfS te indemnify AUT iFly l!ab!htv, cost Of expense CD!1Sequem:e of such airest II the Cunomer ,eQufsts tllat Ih€ AOT Replete"lall'" 'HEaln al th. P.ndln9 Cuswme". .'flvai. aod AOT agmes 10 comply, th. Custom.r will b. charged al AOT's Ihen prevailmg ,.Ie lor I.bm E IT IS UNOERSTOOD THAT AilT IS !\lOT A~ INSUIlER THAT INSURANCE. If ANY, SHALL IE OIlTAINED llfTlIE CUSTlJMEil AND TRAT THE AMOUm PAYABlE TO AllT HEIlWNllEI1 ARE SASm UPOI'rI THE VAWE Of THE SERVICES All!!) THE SCOPE Of WlllltlTY AS HEREIN SET fOIlTH ANO ARE UNlIElATED TO THE VAUlE Of TilE CUSTOMER'S PROPEIlTY Oil PROPEllf'l Of OTIIERS lllCATf!l IN CUSTOMEil'S I'RUIIISES. CUSTOM Ell AGREES TO tOOK EXClUSI\lElY TO CUSTOMER'S INSlJllfll TiJ liE COVER fOlllNJURIES Oil OAMAGE !i'i THE EVENT Of ANY LOSS llIlINJt.lIlY AND IIHEASES AND WAIVES All. fliGHT OF IIEC!lVERY AGAIIIIST AIlT ARISIIIIG BY WAY OF SlJIlROGATl!llll. AOT MAKES I'rIG GUAIlANTY 011 'NAnnA/HY, INCUllllNG AIIV !IIIIPLlHl WAlIilAl\lTY OF IIUIlCHANTAIlIUTY Oil mNESS, THAT THE SYSTEM Oil SERVICES SUPPUHl, Witt AllERT 011 ?lnVENT OCClJllRENCES OIlIHE CllMSEllUEIilCES THEIlHROi\t WHICH TIlE SYSTEM llll SElWICE IS OESIllIIED TO m:m:T, IT IS IMPIlACTiCiU AND EXTIlEMElY DiffiCULT TO fiX THE ACTUAL DAMAGES, IF AMY, WHCH MAY PIIllJWIIIATHY RESULT fllOM fAllIJRE ON THE I'AllT OF AllT TOI'EllfOlIM AMY Of ITS OllllG/mOIlS HERHllilllEll THE CUSTOMEIl OOES NOT OESmE THiS COIHMCT TO PROVIl.1E fOil FUll WlllllHY Of ADT ANll AGREES THill AllT SIlAtlllE EXEMPT fllOM UillllUH FOil lOSS, OAMilGE OR INJUIIY lJUE [lIllECTlV llR I1'r11l1RECTlY Tll OCCIJRIlHlICES, 011 ClH~SHlUENCES THEIlEfROM, WIlICH THE SEIIVICE'IlR SYSTEM is OUHGNEll TO DETECT OR AllERT; illAT If Alli SHOUt[) BE fOUND UAlltE fOR LOSS, DAMAGE OR iNJURY OUE TO 1\ fAILURE Of SERVICE OR E!1ll1PMUH IN ANY IIESPECT, ITS lIAlllUTY SHAll !IE UMlTEil TO A SUM mUA[ TO HI% OF THE ANNUAL SERVICE CHAIlGE 011 WHICHEVER IS GREATEIl, AS TilE AGREED UPOIll OAMAGES AIIO NOT AS iI AS HiE EXWJSIVE REMrOY; ANO THAT THE PROVISIONS Of TillS PAMGIlAI'Il APPtY If tOss, DAMAGE Oil INJURY, IIlIlESI'ECTIVE Of CAUSE OR ORIGIN, mllrCTn OIlINOlRECTlY TO PERSON OR 1'1l0PERTY fllOM PERfORMANCE IlR !'!lOMPERfOIlMAI'rICE llf llBlIGATIONS IMPOSED BY TillS CONTMCT Oil fRllM NHlUOEI'rICt ACTlIIE llR OTHERWISE, STRICT UAIlIUTY, VIOlATlIlN OF ANY APPLICABLE COIiSIlIIl!EIlI'RlJiECTWN lAW 011 AllY OTHER ALLEGED fAUlT ON THE PART llf ADT. ITS AGElHS OR U'IPLOYHS, 140 SUIT llil ACTION SHAU BE BROUGHT AGA1I'rIST AIlT MORE THAN ONE mill AfTER THE ACCRUAL Ilf THE CAUSE llf ACTION THEIlI:Hl!!. IT IS fUIlTHER AGREEO THlIT THE UMiTATlOlilS illi UAllIUTi', E)(I'RESSEll HE!1E!I\l, SHAlt "WilE THE BEIiEm Of Mill APPlV TO AU PAREIITS DIRECT ANIlII'lO!llECT), SlJIlSlll14RlES AI'CO AffiliATES Of AIlT. If THE CUSTOMER DESIIlES AIlT TO ASSUME A GREATER lIAl'llUTY, A01' SHAlt AMEliO TillS In AITACHUim A RIOER SEITING fORTH THE AMOU!\IT Of ADlltTIOl<1H UAlmlTY A!\Ill THE AODlTIONAl AMOUNT I'AYAIlLE llY HIE CUSTOMEIl FOil TilE ASSiJM!'TIOIllIlY AlJT OF SUCH GREATEIl UAlllllTY PIlO',/!!lHl. HOWEVUi. THAT SUCH !lIOER ANO ADDITIONAL llBUGATlO1\l SHAlt IJI JlO WAY BE INTEIlI'RHEll TO IlOLO AllT AS All INSURER IN THE EVENT IIl'tY PERSON, IIOT A PART\' TO THIS AGIIH1II'IENT, SHAll MAKE ANY CLAIM 011 filE ANY lAWSUIT AGAINST AOT III ANY WAY RELATING Hl TilE HlUlPMENT Oil SElllflCES THAT AilE THE SUBJECTS Of THIS AGREEMENT, !IIWJllING HIR fAIUlIlE OF iTS H\!JIPMEIiT 011 SERVICE Iii ANY CUSTOMER AGIlEES m INDEMNifY AND HOlD AllT HAllMlESS fROM ANY AND AU SUCH CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS !IIICUJIJING THE PAYMENT OF AU DAMAGES, COSTS AHO ATTORNEYS' FEES, If THlS AGREEMENT PRlJIJlIlES fOR A OIRECT CONNECTIOIi TO i\ MUNICIPAL P!lUCE OR fiRE llEPARTMEI'rIT Oil OTHER ORGANllATlOII, THAT IJEI'AIITMENT OR OTHI:II11IlGANllATIIJi\! MAY INVOKE THE PllllVISIONS HEREOf AGi\I!'!lSl ANY CLAIMS BY THE CUSTlJMER IlUE Tll ANY fAIHlIlE Of SU~H llEPARTMENT OR IlIlGAl'rIllAT!OH, f. In the event INTRUSION DETECTION SERVICE WATCKMAI{S REPORTING SfRV1CE IS lurnlShed undet tillS Ag,..menl the ,.,....,C. ",!II he proY><kd m o<<mdoo" WITh AOT's fORM NUMBER 837 m 838. which shall b. attached to and made a part 01 lhis G, If CCTV EQUIPMfilH IS INVO[ VEO, Coslom., will Jde~".lB ,liumll1.110n "ndEl all operaliona; conomons lor th. pmp., oprratlOn of tire closed CIIcwllelevls,on eam.,a and wi!1 provide lhe 110 AC pow.r wbere i.qulred ;" well as shclf or desk space tm moni!DlS It, A Connection to th. MUnicipal Poiics. fire Oepartmem other Agenoy shown shall b. prOVided II Ihe ,e..". s,de 01 thiS Agreemenl provides tor such clirecl connect s.rvlre Ii IS mutually understood and agreed rhat signals tfmlsmrtted hereunder will be monitored in MUfiKipa! Police and.ror Are Departments 01 ctht~ (oc8Nlf1 and fhat the pe1snnnel of SUc:fl Municipal Pollee and. Qf FIre Deocirtments 01 other locahon are fiot the of AOT 10r does APT assume any H!S.pOflSibllity tm the manner in whIch soth signais an'! monitored or the le~pO(lSe, 11 anv, te slJch Signals L At ADT' 3: optlOil, th~ Cvstnmer may be ChfffQefj for any alarm caused the Customef m for an, Um1€CeSS~H\ servlCf HHl j, CAIICElLATlON-lt CB"".I IS tum.sh.o, Ihls may be termmated.1 :he of AOT i! AOTs Cenllal $lalloo rs ,ullstanlially damaged by (II. 01 olastmphe or,1 AOT is unable to ha,a <OOMellon, or priviteges tm".mit signals AOT's 0' the Municipal fire or Police O.partmenl 01 other agency and ADT shaM not be hab!€: fOI any damage;;: or Suhj€C1 to anv pena!ty such :erminaHDfl II IS understood .nd agreed th.. he by Am ,,'tll. eyert lnat the Cemme! ta.1s 10 toliow any recommsndatlon! Am may ma.elol the iepalf replacement of deiect"e parts oJ hl$ ~yst&m net cuvered l..mder the Wanantv m Senilce COfltcar:t m the event that the Custc,mer's hulw€ to follow the cperat1f1Q insHudiuns provided by AOT results m an undue number of false alarms Of ,f the premises in wtllth the $'{'5tern imnaHtd rue mnriifmd att@red ant; ir,s!sH3tino as to render contlnuatiDn of SNV1C;! lfnpractica! ~. AUT IUJ liABILITY fOR OHMS II\III\ISTAUA TlOr; THE EIlUlPMUT OR fOR THE COIiISEOOnCU THEREfROM, HOWEVER CAUSED, OR FOR IIltTERRUPTltJlIS OF SERVICE OR FOR THE TMRHROIR TO STRIKES. HOOOS, ACTS OF tWO OR AllY CAUSES BEYO!lO THE COtIlTRot OF AOT, UO WHLIIOT BE RHWIREO m SUPPLY SERVICE 10 TllE ClJSTOMER WHILE IIiTERRUPTIOII OF SEIII/ICE TO ANY SUCH CAUS!' SHALL COllTlIiUE L This Agroomenr 's not assignable Cuslom., excapl upon w,,!ten coosant of AOT [,slll.ing olJtamad AOT shall ha,e!he "llreement wrtoouf notiC!! 10 Custom&! M. If any Df ffOV1SlC!15 of ths Jgf!i:emHd shaH determmed tle mva1id Of urH:~fltNceablll, the remamwg fWjV1Sl0ns shaH 18!T\iHr1 in full force and III THIS MIRHI\lHlIlf CllNSTlTUTES Hn HHlRE AGRElliIOIT SHWHN THE CUSTOl\IIHl AND Aor IN EXECUTING nm; AGIlHMENT, CUSTOMER tS NOT RUYING ON ANY ADVICE 011 AOVE!H1SfMENT Of CUSTllMER AGRHS THAT ANY REPRESENTI\TilJN, PROMISE. CONllITION. INOUCEMHH OR WARIlANTY. UPIlUS ORIMPmO, NOT lNCLUfltll IN WRiTlNC iN SIIAll NOT IlE IlINOING UPON ANY PIlf\TY.IINO THAT nil' TERMS AND CONDITIONS IIERHlf APPlY AS PRtNTEO WITIIOUT AUERJHlllN Oft OUAWICATlllN EXCE?T AS MOOlflED IN WRlTING. THE TERMS AND cOl'wmol\is Of I\GRHMENT SHAU GOIIH1N NllTWITItSTAl\illlNG ANY INCONSISTENT OR AIHliTlONAL TERMS ANIJ Oil ANY PURCHASE DIIIlEII DR SIJIlWHTIED BY litE CUSTOflUIl to assigo this 'G.eemao! Dr 10 suhcontract ani of its obligatlOrlS "ndt! Ihrs '~ February 25, 1997 To: City Clerk Land Development Coordinator From: Re: ADT Security Systems, Inc. Contract Public Safety Complex Attached, for your files, is the original contract executed between the City and ADT Security Systems, Inc. This contract is for the relocation and update of the security system from its present location here at City Hall to the new public safety complex.