HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrowning, Harold Settlement Agreement PE -1993 02 08 -. . . . f EB 10 . '::13 14: 13 (407) 650-8343 '-p 2 i!r oj? 3 SfJTTL~NT J.G:RB,~ltT (tOR CITY COMMISSION) Plaintiff, HOWARD BROWNING, and Defendant, CITY or "WINTER SPRlNGS t individually and by and throuqh their . . authorized repre~entatives, who are; 811 the partios to thet litigation styled HOWARD BROWNI~G vs~ CI1Y OF WINTER S~;NCS4 " '. . . .,,". A....-'D~n!-9iRal cQrpor~~~9.D, Cas. No. g.1-9~4"'CI:V-ORL"'18~' currently pendinq in uni tad Stat.., D1$trict c~urt,.:,. Middle. District of F19rid&, Orlanc1o 'Divi8ion, , he~'~bY:~~re~ .' to" , " resolve all diff6rences between them wh1chare the. s~j.ct of the . above-styled . litiq~tion upon the followinq te1'1nS . and conditions: with 1. Lump-sum payment pursu~nt to' ~i~lif~~i~~~"a.gfe~.nt , .' .', . ..':i}~)""it;:t:~:J::~;;:..>:~\':';';" Plorida League ~t C1t~es, I~O., Flo'JiI~t\:'!;,HubJ.ci.pat ".' .. ' _' ::. _."T, ~;,~,.\::~;':'.:';".< _. , . "i.~'"~..t,;,,.>~})~,j,,';/ Liabili ty Self-Insurers Pl:ogrn. .'~:!'i;l;,("" ... 2 · BROWNING shall);eeei v~ a hearin~ . bi'tore the ,':':(:,'v...,:"',:: ~:";'.'~)>:~>~.;-~?-; . City .Commission of the CITY OF WI~ER SPRINGs.to.determlne <~,,'/ .'~;: :.::-:, '.-" . ".\. ~":";':"\' ;r:,: : whether ~r not h~' should. be reinstated' to.' h!s"ernploYtnent.. The hearinq will be held as Soon as praoticable subsequent to execution of this agre~ment, at the mutual convenience of the parties. 3. The only issue presen1::ed to the Cownission for determination shall be .whether or not proper cause existed for Howard Browning's termination frQlI ".2rIployment. as stated in the Notice of Termination dat.d March 18, 1988. It ~ot~" PAGE 1 OF FOUR PAGES FEB 10 '~: 14:13 :407) 6bD-B34~ r-.,;) . what is the appropriate remedy?- "'. The City's attorneys shall not. recommend , against reinstate~ent, but ~ay present and argue the city'. co~peting v~rsion of the facts conc.~n1ng the conduct formlnq the stated basis tor the termination. 5.. All arguments and. facts shall be presented exclusively by Tho~as 'J. Pilacekand Michael Roper: and no,' presentation' nor comment shall be made by the city's attorney, Frank Kruppenbacher Cor his designee). 6. BROWNING remains, free to take the position; th~t . his tenllination was the 'result ofa political vendet~a by" ci ty . Manager Richard Rozansky; . and . was not for the r~aso!r, 0'flioial1y stated. ' :, 7. At .the the . hearing, with'out any" other advice ot' inpu~, the Comml..io!'l ~ouidthen vote on the I issue. . . ' B. The Commission will be advised only that . ,f . . BROWNING has received an unspecitiedsum of money paid br the League o~ cities in settlement ot only the non-wage IU'Ie! benefit aspeets of BROWNING's claim. The Commi.sion t?hall not be advised as to the amount, but '~hal1 be advised that it is their exclusive province to determine the amount due to BROWNING for payment ot lost wages and benetits, should ;they determine that t~e,termlnat1on was improper. 9. The com:mission is entitled to establish: the . i amount ot back pay, if any, to be received by BROWNING ,upon . PAGE 2 OF FOUR,PAGES --C-~-~~I::J n:, - ':'/,:, J.'l. J.q-C\ ql:J () bbl:J-t:l.:lq,:, r."4 . reinstatement in its discretion. . 10. The commission may be advised that any aMounts awarded tor back pay would, be paid in addition to the pay.m~nt made by the League ot cities exolusive tro. CITY tunds. 11. While the commission" f:lhall b. advised that .it is their exolusive provinoe to determine BROWNING's en~i~lemant to back pay, it any, nevertheless, ,Michael Roper, Esq. (or hisc1esiqnee) aha,ll be' permitted to argue that BROWNING should receive no more money. 12. Subsequent to exeoution of this &9reement, ~nd in relianoe hereon, counsel tor the parties may adv:1se the united statesOistriot Court that the contt:'o~ersy haa been-- settled and m~y be removed from the trial docket. 13. All. parties shall execute'standard formmut\1al releases which apply to allolaillls, whioh were or ,COUld 'ha'l.e, been made the.' 8ubjectot litiga'fion 'oradlaini~t~ati~~ action by BROWNING pertaining to bis employment and/or te:t1ll1~atloh, from employment by the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS up to and . includinq date ot execution ot ,this settlement a.qree1l1ent. Mutual releases ma.y contain non-admission clauses at the option of either party. l~ . By execution ot this agreement under oath BROWNING repres.nts, stipulates and aqrees that he has executed this agreement voluntarily with ~ull advice ot counsel, and that his att~rn.y of 'record, Thomas J. Pilacek, . PAGE 3 OF FOUR PAGES " ;" ---,:-:-::-.--:--'.--;-,';-: :.~.\~:;:~~~~~; .. . ... . , . FEB 10 '93 14:14 (407) 650-8343 ,." '.' '-' ':'.':-';-",!;';":~,~- ,"" ,'. P.5 . - I" .. ... . Esq., is hereby authorized to execute this settlement in reliance upon thQ terms hereof and on his behalf. DATED this HOWARD BROWNING plaintiff 3 day of ---&t>1lU;:;{' . 1993. CITY or WINT SPRINGS Defendant ~ By: if.~~~ By& Michael J., RopAr, Esq. Counsel tor Defendant By: Thomas J. pilacek, Esq. Counsel for plaintiff STATE or PLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANG! . . . ,'," : PERSONALLY APPEARED'betore the'undersigned, HOWARD "", BROWNING, who is personally known tome, and who hereby acknowledged hil underst~~d1n9 and exeoutionot the toregolng instrument this day of I 1993. By: Notary Public, state ot PL Cert.. No. My Commission Expires: . PAGE 4 OF FOUR PAGBS