HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlumberg, Lewis and Juanita D. Warranty Deed -2001 06 21_ NNIIIIIINNINNNIIINININNINII~NNINIIIIIIN
._, ~ ~;
Anthony A. Garganes`~, Esq. CHELSEA TITLE CO~APA E tY
Brown, Ward, Salzman & Weiss, P.A. 489 E. SEMORAN BLVD. 3TEg 4164 PG 1552
P o Box 2873 CASSELBERRY, FL 32707 CLERK'S # 2(10174484()
Orlando, FL 32802-2873 RECORDED 09/10/2601 02:14202 PM
DEED DOC 7Ax a~_ nn
THIS WARRAN'T'Y DEED, executed this o~l~day of June, 2001 by LEWIS BLUMBERG and
JUANITA D. BLUMBERG, his wife, whose post office address is P O Box 195430, Winter Springs, FL 32719-
5430, (hereinafter called the grantor) to CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida municipality, whose post office
address is 1126 East S. R. 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708, Florida, (hereinafter called the grantee).
(Wherever used herein the terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument
and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of
WITNESSETH: That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable
considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases,
conveys and confirms unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in Seminole County, Florida, viz:
Attached hereto as Exhibit L°A" and made a part hereof.
Subject to:
(a) Zoning, restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposed by
governmental authority;
(b) Restrictions and matters appearing on the plat or otherwise common to
the subdivision; and
(c) Public utility easements of record.
Together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever.
And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee
simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully
warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and
that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to 2000.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first
above written.
P NT NAME: Gc l ~ e ~(- ~ 4.~D ~ LEWIS BLUMB RG
~. 1
PRI T NAME: i 14u iLlf! ~ n[~w•. ~ ~- Jo „I J ANITA D. B UMBERG
,~ \ COUNTY OF HANCOCK .,_.._,
(~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County
V aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared LEWIS BLUMBERG, Mme known personally or ^
who produced as identification, to be the person described in and who executed the
foregoing instrument and he acknowledged before me that he executed the same for the purposes set forth herein,
and he did not swear an oath. '~~~~~ ~~ "~
WITNESS my hand and official seal in the State and County last aforesaid this ~ day Q~ 2001.
_ ,•
' ..
1`Ty Commission Expires: ;' `'~
STATE OF MAINE dW,rt~u. u y 4 • ' y _ e
COUNTY OF HANCOCK ~ ~..~1~~ ~ o
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized i e State aricT'~ounty
aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared JUANITA D. ;3LUMBERG, to me known personally
or ^ who produced as identification, to be the person described in and whoex~cuted
the foregoing instrument and she acknowledged before me that she executed the same for the purposes set forth: r~
~`~ ; ,,
herein, and she did not swear an oath. "~""` ' ~-.
WITNESS my hand and official seal in the State and County last aforesaid this ~~ „~t~ fit,?0(~1': _
j TARY PUBLIC .. ~ m '
My Commission Expires: u '~ ~ ry
~i. ~T~Ctt~tx~,,~i.~~ ~' , `
~~~~ •~
FILE hIUM 2t70174484t7
"' OR BOOK (74164 PAGE 1553
P~1FrCEL ti
DESC>trF naw.
That port of Lots 28, 29 and JO t3fock 'b', C.P.. shlchsd's Survey of the Levy Croat on Lake Jessup as
recorded rn Plot Soak t, Poge 5 0l the Public Records o/ Seminde County, llorido, magi particularly
descn6ed os follows:
Commence of the Northwest comae o1 sad Lot 28, Block B ; D.R. sfltehell's Surtiry of the Levy Grant art
Lotto Jeswp os rccorrled in soid Public Records soi0 point being o recovered 3/4 arch lron Ppe; ,thence run S
19~~8',, W long the, West lpn• of. so;d tot ?B a d;atonef.Ol 7?Q17 feet to the. Norih.Rfgsht of Way line
of First Street ('a;.30: foot vnoprrt~ r,ght .ot"work tAenot /zu- S,7t?4'03' E foi a"datancs o/ s?J.48 feet
tp~;~he~,~t $~'.BE~CtNNt1VG, tttir'-ci N.:#~~5:5~" f a~'dbtor-r~ +o6`~DO~ Ier1; Ehanc~. S 7-?1'03"
£''o da a`rttr •el"103~5:?!3-" fief;' [hene~"5.8~43J2'" E a'dritonci'ot' 136.29 feet; tliennce .N 692~t'02" E
~ distance of 5J.?S fort to the Dotnt of rur~oture of a curer to the ieit hoeing o radius o! t5 00 /eek~ and
chrrd heorinQ of N 49'N'?^o" £,• il,snce run Nartheosterly olan9 the .xc of soid curve through o csrtraf
ort¢'s of 3D'l9'07" for an arc distance of 10.29 legit to the point oI cusp; sad point lying on the Walt Right
of Wog line of Tuscowilio Rood (ton»erty Brantley Avartue); thence 5 30'Oa3.S" W along sold (Vest Right
of fete o d;sfonce of 109.7) feet to the olorementioned North R;Qttt of Way lute of Fret Street; -twee N
71 r4'OS" W dong so;d North Right o1 Nby o distance of 60.?7 legit; thence /saving sotq RiQhf: o/ way
:ine run N 29'itY28° E o distance of 25.?1 feet; thence N 15332" W o dsfonce of 2t,?t' first; thante
N 60'4332" W a d;ata»ce o! 95.56 feel; thence N 7174'05" W a distance of 301.47 feet; thence S
633535" W a distance of 2L21 fact; thence 5 183555" ri o dstonoe of 30.00 feetr thence S
26?t'03" E o drstonce of ?1 21 fast to the arorementloned North Right of ~Yoy line of First Street thence
N 7t74'OS" N' olonQ and North Right of Wog a dstonce a/ 50.00 feet; thence lsorr-g said ,North Right
of Wcy run N 53:3555" £ o dlstonce oI 27.21 /eat; thence N 1835'55" £ o dstonte of-30.00 fist:
thence N 2674'05" W o daton~ oI 11.21 feat; thence N 7f24b5" W a dstonce of 89.72 legit: thence
S 6J33'SS" W o d;stonce of 21.21 legit: thence S 1835'55" W o 0l3tonce of 30.00 feet; lhance S
2624 i~.5" E a d»tonce o/ 21,21 feet fo the alorement,or-ed .North Rfyht of Way Tina of Fast Sirtet; thence
N 7124'05" W ofong soid North RApltt of Woy lane for o dlstoncs of $0.00 legit; thence /eovlnQ soid North
R;ghi of Woy ti},s run N 63'35'55" E o d»tanc~e of 21.21 leet• thence N 18'JS'SS" E a diston'ce of
30.00 feet; thence N 2674'05" W a distance of 21.2f leek thence H 71?4'05" W o distance of 476 87
legit: thence 5 63 JS 35" W o distance of Zf.?1 legit; thence S 193535" W o distonct of 30.OD feet;
thence S ?bs4'OS" E o dstanca of 2f.21 fca to the olorementioned North Right of Woy llne of First "
Street; thence N 7174'05" W vtang soid North R;ght o/ Woy lute Ior o distance of 65.00 feet to the
~mtoining 1.0491 acres more or less.
-~RrEC 7
~£sCRIP noN:
that port of the tlnnumbarsd tot et 8taat 8 ; O.R, spTCHEtL'S StJRVE?' ~ THE Ll=V'Y
t:RMIT ON LAXE .~SStIP os recorded ,b Plot Book 1. Page 5 of the Py~fic .Records of Seminole
County Florida, more portatrlarly des+~tbed os fat/ows~
Commence of the Northwest carrier o! sold lot ?8, 8/odc ~ ; p.R. allTt~tELL'S SURVEY OF
Tim LEVY ptMIT ON L,t1Cf dESSUP oa recoroed in so;d Pubfie Records sold point being o
'rc'overed 3/i inch iron pipe; dunce run S 1838'28" W along the Nest line o! said Lot 28 0
d%stonce of 720.17 /eel: to the North Right of Woy line of Fkst Stmt (v 30 foot unopened r;ght of
way) ; thence run 5 7174'05" E along soid North right of way line for o distance of 423 48 legit;
thence S 65:37'18`" W a dlstoncs of 44.01 feet to the South Right o/ Woy lane al sord First Streit
and the POINT OF BfC1NtNNC,• thence S 71?4' OS` E o distance of 71.39 feel; thence S
Sl'?4' SS' W o distance al 282.94 feet to the Northeasterly Right of Woy fine of State Rood
434 per Florida Deportmsrit of Tronsportotion Right of Woy slop Section 77070-?5,+6; thence nl
d'43' 16' W o d;stonce o1 60.00 feet: thence N S1 24' SS' f o distance of 2<4.39 legit
l0 the Point oI 8eg;nning.
t:onrrrnmg 0.363? acres more ar .'ess.
~/ ~/