HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 October as Pregnancy/Infant Loss Awareness AUG 07 2002 10:33 FR REALUEST 4078753137 TO 94073274753 P.03/03 , 4.." IContact Person: -, ;.---_.,--" PROCLAMATION INFORMATION FORM ~\\~~_Qf ~...__.~. Adc1fess:_.-=- ~~?~'~b\O~\~Ch.' Y?r'~"-==' .. ~f1Q.DCLQL~.\= \...O:<iQ.o"-32ro.l-.,, , _.- ---.----~l Phone.Num~er:,. .' _;\ ~ ~<.-\ 7 - .. ~(S\( ,Q..--I{'I\()\' \\__..-1 Fax Nwnber: ~ REQUESTED riA TEFOR PROCLAMA TION:October i5~ 2002 -- PROCLAMA nON NEEDED BY; SePtember 1. 2002 or !IOOoer O!ould Uke to have for _.,-----.. . --- . .,.--. .--".- remembrance ceremonies. etc:J Background of Organization: The founders of We HOPE (We Help Other Parents Endure), Robyn Bear (pain, Heartache, and Hope). and Tarruny Novak (Angel Babies Forever Loved. Inc., a nOD profit organization), are working to achieve a Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. All three groups have been supporting parents who suffered miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal loss, and SIDS. We would like to take this a step further and have our cities recognize October as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Mission Statement of Organization: To diligently work with local, state and national leaders to obtain a National Day of Remembrance, October 1511\ and the entire month of October recognizing the need for community education and awareness when a family loses a child to miscarriage, stillbirth. and/or neonatal death.. while promoting the need for openness, understanding and col4l?3ssicn during a famiJy',~ timp vf gri~f and most i~portantly, allowing those who wish, to remember these children who we now hold dear. AUG-07-2002 10:36 4078753137 96;.~ ** TOTAL PAGE.03 ** P.03 AUG 07 2002 10:33 FR REAL VEST " r. JD ~f Kara Gallagher 582 Babl'onica Drive Orlando, FI 32807 (407) 492-7842 WeHOPE Inc. BabyT aytor52002@yahoo.com 4078753137 TO 94073274753 P.01/03 M.9~4' F--;< '1~ - )'2.., - '-I 10. ,l )1.-,.7 -- t ~ Q August ~EIVEC AU6 0 2 200Z CIT)'~ ~;~~JNGS J Cc: cc[eV'~Ul/0 W~ ~ () J' Dear Mayor Partyka, ~. ~~ ~ My name is Kara Gallagher. lam working in conjunction with Lisa Brown of WeHOPE: We Help Other Parents Endure, to have October proclaimed Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awarness Month. An overwhelming number of Americans suffer miscarriage. stillbirth, and infant loss in our country ever year and our left to grieve alone. It is not a subject that can easily be talked about among others, as we are grieving. This day will bring our loss to a new awareness, hopefully offering support and education to those who suffer in silence. This year we also hope to increase our international participation. In 1988 President Ronald Reagan proclaimed October as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. We woUld like to have this proclamation as we are planning remembrance ceremonies throughout Central Florida to increase support, education and awareness. Governor Bush has proclaimed October 15,2002 to be Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Last year on October 9, 2001 the United States House of Representatives passed a H. Res. 254 supporting the goals of this day. We know that this is an important issue that certainly would be of consideration for you and your staff. Attached you will find the Proclamation Request Form and Suggested Wording. Please contact me at your earliest convinence if you have any questions or concerns. We are requesting that this be signed by September 1 ,2002 or sooner so that we may start our public service annoucments and notify the media. Thank you very much for your time on this important matter of the citizens of Central Florida. AUG-07-2002 10:36 4078753137 96;~ P.01 AUG 07 2002 10:33 FR REALUEST 4078753137 TO 94073274753 P.02/03 . 4. ,. lA Proclamation for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness -'"I Month Proposed for: October 2002 Suggested wording: WHEREAS, According to a 1996 study by the C.D.C. 16 percent of6 million-plus pregnancies ended in either a miscarriage or a stillbi~ that's almost a million perinatal losses. Of those 6 million plus pregnancies, 62 percent (3,720,000) ended in live births~ and 26,784 of those births ended in infant deaths from 11 months and younger. This does not reflect the 22 percent who are lost to abortion; WHEREAS) the availability of information and support is of the utmost importance to families who suffer from Pregnancy and Infant Loss to better help them cope; and WHEREAS, a public that is infonned and educated about Pregnancy and Infant Loss can better learn how to respond with compassion to affected families; and WHEREAS, professionals who come in contact with families who have suffered Pregnancy or Infant Loss, such as physicians, clergy, emergency medical technicians, funeral directors, police officers, public health nurses, and employers, can better serve families if they have special training and better knowledge of Pregnancy and Infant Loss; and WHEREAS, a Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, October 15, 2002, is set aside to remember all of the Pregnancies and Infants lost in order to heal and be comforted in a time of pain and heartache, and to have hope for the future; NOW, THEREFORE, I , Mayor of the City of , do hereby proclaim October 2002, as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. AUG-07-2002 10:36 4078753137 96~{ P.02