HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 Brandon Littler - Eagle Scout ... ~ ~ r-, AUG 23 2002 18: 43 FR REALI.)EST I i , I Pastor: i Allgust 5, 2002 Rev, Richard Walsh I Charter Representative:: I Steve Thagard I Paul P. partyka Committee Chairman I Mayor of Winter Springs Scott Bunkers ! 1126 Est Rd 434 Scoutmaster: · Michael Mather I Winter Springs. FL 32108 I Assnt. Scoutmaster: i Tom DeAngelo, Glenn Fleming, : Dear Mayor Partyka: John Hirt(Eagle), Bob LitUer, Tom I MatzKc(EagJc), Mike Mather. Doel . · - h Salcedo. John Timme~ (T62 Eagle) \ Boy Scout Troop 62 at St. Margaret Mary Pansh IS proud to announce that Brandon Littler as Secretary; I earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Kathy Both Fi~~~I~e~cring l Brandon auends.~inter S?r~n~ I:I!~. Scho?.1.::I-I~ .~~~:m~~ofthe~'!.~lub, Sc:.i.~c~ 9~b and .. Advance'me"t: I...the swmi club ana has Deen actIve In Sc-outlng for many years. Brandon IS currently bemg Joni Meyer cOP$idered for the National BSA Heroism Award for protecting two YOWlger scouts while being Chapl~in: I pulled behind a boat before they hit a dock. Brandon was seriously injured, but is making John Tl,mmes (!62 Eagle) ; significant strides towards a full recovery. Communny SCrvlce~ i Mary Soule f Fund Raising: Il Brandon is dedicated to his religion and has earned the God and Country religious metal. Paul Bouldin, Scott Bunkers, . HC:I~ and gafelY: I Mr. Linler's Eagle project was to repair and upgrade the rwo playgrounds at St Margaret Marys Out~~~a ccr i Church in Winter Park, FL. With the help of many volunteers in the troop and community, the Ood Salcedo I project was completed using new equipment and raw materials provided by the school. The Philmont-200 1 : I playgrounds are used by both students and teachers and are a significant improvement for the Bob Littler ; community. Quarterma.~tcr; I Jack Hawki"~t Bunnie Roby Refreshments; ?:It Reichard Summer Program-200 1 Mcg Decring, Paul Henderson, Ann Mather, Bob Linlcr Trek To First C1M~: Mik~ Mather), John Hirt (ECl~I~) Trek To Easle: Tom Matzkc(Eoglt:) WEB Master: Bob Li ttlcr ..~ ~.~~ _bsa[~o~~.2 .<>.n~.. ~r;j 2001 011 my honor J will do my best To do nay duty to Cod (JI'Jd my counJry and 10 obey th~ Scout L"w; To help c/nd" people at 0/1 tlme.f,' To k2ep myself phy~;cuJJy strong, menlully e;wakt, and morally SI(Uight. ~~~~\~h.\~' .lleu ndi.\Tl Litflc: r, df)l~ AUG-23-2002 18:47 4078753137 TO 94073274753 P.02/02 Boy Scout Troop 62 St. Margaret Mary Church Winter Park, Florida r.\;:7-' ~.:..= C. ')~~",'j ',.' ../ ....._- ..~. .., '~Uib... ,. :tt~ ~ \J~ ~ D I:. U~ 0 7 1'<"_i~'1 {..:~ V l~v' crry '-Jt: WINTER sr~"'~~.'JGS lt~Yi~r~K( CA I ( Within the next few weeks we will be conducting his Eagle Court of Honor. Please send a letter of congratulations to this young man for his Eagle rank. Scouting embraces all of the good things we want our children to be. Brandon Littler has accoDlplished this and more. After rec,eiving this letter, I will read and present the letter at his Eagle Court of I..Ionor. i In order that \'le might compile all of his recognition letters/certificates into a special presentation I album, we would appreciate if you would send your correspondence to: I I Thomas Matzke, Troop 62 281 ~ Bongan Road "Winter Park:FL-32792 Yours In Scouting~ j ~t'7f~ I ( i Thomas C. Matzke" I Eagle, Troop Eagl~ Advisor, Assistant Scoutmaster 4078753137 9 5 ~.'; ** TOTAL PAGE.02 ** P.02