HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 10 08 Carl Bilancione Day
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WlrEREAS~ the Shaba Reserve, Kenya, Afrlca is a long, long, long way from th(~ Chelsea Woods of Tuscawilla
subdivision of the City of Winter Springs - however, one of our bravest, strongest, and definitely most daring and courageous
residents and neighbor CARL J3ILANCIONE wiH be visiting the dangerous and inhospitable terrain of the Shaba Reserve; and
WIIEREAS, during his visit to the Shaba Reserve, CARL BILANCIONE will be trying to stay away from the
numerous snake pits that dot the scorching, dusty region of the Shaba Reserve; will be trying to not sink into any quicksand; and
will celtainly be hearing the roar of lions - big lions - very, very big, hungry lions; will be scouring the dangerous terrain for a mere
sip of water to quench his very, very dry throat; and will be hoping that his "Deet"-laden bug spay will ward of any malaria carrying
mosquitoes - all of this will be what CARL BILANCIONE will be enduring for the next few months; and
WIIEj{EAS, CARL BILANCIONE of the Chelsea Woods of Tuscawilla subdivision of the City of Winter
Springs will be traveling to the Shaba Reserve, not to scout for a new location for his dental practice; or for a summer vacation spot,
but as one of the 16 daring and fearless competitors of "SURVIVOR 3"; and
\VlIEREi\S, the latest CBS Survivor show will premiere on October 11 th, and will be billed as "SURVIVOR
AFRICA" and our very own neighbor CARL BILANCIONE will be there to fight of marauding predators; defy all odds of not
catching a life threatening disease; and hope that he comes out unscathed, alive, and hopefully victorious as the fiercest survivor of
NOW, TIIEREFC)RE, I, P AlJL P. P AR"l-YKA, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of
Winter Springs, Florida, do hereby proclaim this day in the City of Winter Springs, Florida as
SEC'TIC)N 1 - That this Proclamation urges all of our citizens to tune their television sets to their CBS channel on
Thursday evenings beginning on October 11, 2001 at 8 p.m. and cheer on our fellow neighbor CARL BILANCIONE and hope that
he defies all the incredible odds as he tries to outlast his competitors in the dangerous, hazardous, and treacherous jungle of
SI~(Vrl()N II - And most importantly, that CARL BILANCIONE knows how proud the City of Winter Springs is
to have him as a resident, as a good neighbor, and as our friend who has helped put the City of Winter Springs on the map, so that
all the Inillions of viewers who watch this show will know that Carl is what the city is all about h. hard working~ honest, respectable,
community minded citizens who care about their community! Thank you Carl and Best afLuck!
Paul P. Pa11yka
Robert S. lV1 iller
1\iichael S. I31ake l'~d\vard iVJartinez. Jr.
('olnrnissioner C:0111nlissioner
[)avid \V. IVlcLeod
(.:Olnin Jssioner
WHEREAS. the Shaba Reserve, Kenya, Africa is a long, long, long way from the Chelsea Woods of Tuscawilla
subdivision of the City of Winter Springs - however, one of our bravest, strongest, and definitely most daring and courageous
residents and neighbor CARL BILANCIONE wil' he visiting the dangerous and inhospitable terrain of the Shaba Reserve; and
\VIII It AS. during his visit to the Shaba Reserve, CARL BILANCIONE will be trying to stay away from the
numerous snake pits that dot the scorching, dusty region of the Shaba Reserve; will be trying to not sink into any quicksand; and
will certainly be hearing the roar of lions - big lions - very, very big, hungry lions; will be scouring the dangerous terrain for a mere
sip of water to quench his very, very dry throat; and will be hoping that his "Deet" -laden bug spay will ward of any malaria carrying
mosquitoes — all of this will be what CARL BILANCIONE will be enduring for the next few months; and
WHEREAS. CARL BILANCIONE of the Chelsea Woods of Tuscawilla subdivision of the City of Winter
Springs will be traveling to the Shaba Reserve, not to scout for a new location for his dental practice; or for a summer vacation spot,
but as one of the 16 daring and fearless competitors of "SURVIVOR 3 "; and
\\III Iti \S. the latest CBS Survivor show will premiere on October 11th, and will be billed as "SURVIVOR
AFRICA" and our very own neighbor CARL BILANCIONE will be there to fight of marauding predators; defy all odds of not
catching a life threatening disease; and hope that he comes out unscathed, alive, and hopefully victorious as the fiercest survivor of
NO\V. 11!FRE1 ORE. I. PAUL. P. PAR YKA, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of
Winter Springs, Florida, do hereby proclaim this day in the City of Winter Springs, Florida as
SECTION 1 — That this Proclamation urges all of our citizens to tune their television sets to their CBS channel on
Thursday evenings beginning on October 11, 2001 at 8 p.m. and cheer on our fellow neighbor CARL BILANCIONE and hope that
he defies all the incredible odds as he tries to outlast his competitors in the dangerous, hazardous, and treacherous jungle of
SECTION 11 — And most importantly, that CARL BILANCIONE knows how proud the City of Winter Springs is
to have him as a resident, as a good neighbor, and as our friend who has helped put the City of Winter Springs on the map, so that
all the millions of viewers who watch this show will know that Carl is what the city is all about hard workin, honest, respectable,
community minded citizens who care about their community! Thank you Carl and Best of Luck!
IN WITNESS 4 ERE I e :.. nto h. e set and and caused the
Seal of the City of "nter Sp 4 - `9 atfi ed/f h' j day o; October, 2001.
Pi UI. '. PAR /YK .. YOK
Paul P. Partyka
Robert S. Miller Michael S. Blake Edward Martinez, Jr. Cindy Gennell David W. McLeod
Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner