HomeMy WebLinkAboutBellsouth Mobility Short Form Lease Agreement -2000 11 07 ~~o ~.:L.E R'tf O'F fiRcuifc~ouRT ->l.IllrlllU:. l"UUN I 'j', r L RECOf~DEO & VERIFIEO' , .- 641671 ; /y." .~ 01 JAN I 7 AM ,,: 0 l4 Prepared bv and when OR.. L LC>...\<4. 9,. 4,- ~ - e retorded rel"m to, V//.r. /t.--. ,~ .. ....-- ~ . David J. Edwards, Esq. .7 . ~~ ~'",. r ~- e:z:: ~ ~ ~;:? c,;- . Edwards,:d&hen, Jacobs, & Haramis, PA #.P t!7F" /11'0 d'./p',e_'/;?'~//~/~?:.. . 200 N_ LauraBtreet, Suite 1200 . . Jacksonville, Florida 3220~ ~C //~j;t&.:- t!?/ W . .. " \.0, ~\-D . .;f - , . :z 0 r rn n. SHORT FORM LEASE AGREEMENT !=J.: Q .." \.0 r \D This Short Form Lease Agreement is made this ?day of f\1ij~be.y c....:> . 2000, between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, whose address is 1126 East State Road 434, Winter . Springs, FL. 32708, hereinafte~ designated City, and BELLSOUTH MOBILITY ~ with -. '--' .. ." offices at 5201 Congress A venue, Boca Raton, FL 33487, hereinafter designated Tenarif .ll..t!.- . 41: A' l-dY c..c~, .z: ~ ,n JdL4' "'~Af6 . WITNESSETH:. City, upon the terms and conditions more particularly set forth in that certain Lease Agreement dated as of even date herewith by and between City and Tenant ("Lease Agreement"), which terms and conditions are incorporated herein by reference, and in consideration of the fees and covenants therein provided, does hereby lease to Tenant that certain property more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Property"). l. City hereby leases to Tenant the Property for an initial term of five (5) years commencing on JtPJ~ bvl 7, JlX\Q, upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Lease Agreement. 2. Tenant further has the option -to extend the initial term for three (3) additional consecutive five (5) year periods upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Lease Agreement (the "Extension Options"). For purposes of providing notice to third parties . hereunder, it shall be preswned that the Extension, Options have been exercised in the-future unless Tenant executes and records in the public records an instrument which indicates that an Extension Option has not been exerciseq. or this Short Form has been terminated. 3. City covenants that upon exercise of the 'Option, Tenant, on paying the rent and performing the c~venants set forth in the Lease Agreement, shall peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Property, 4. It is tUlderstood that this is a Short Form Lease Agreement, which is for .the same fees and upon the same agreement as the Lease Agreement, which Lease Agreement is incorporated herein by reference and shall be a part of this instrument as fully and completely as if the same were set forth herein. . . f .... - .. . ; ~. ., . . "" '. ,,~.-:,'-.f?'~" ."~Ji;~:i~,:' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Tenant have'signed, seille'd ~.dcliYFr6d'th.is Short Form Lease .Agreement as o,f the date and year first above written fO.r~B~'\-~~;~f.J?roviding .'. , recorded notIce of Tenant's nghts under the Lease Agreement., c." ,/ro.,">, ..',... '" ..,. 1,';;_. ...., " \:\,: ,i:;'1' . . ~ _ . . I. . I " . '1'1!' -" , ,'~ ....,..~. .. ....:>: ,. ,..". :.h-~';,;. S~gne~, seal~d.and delivered ' ~ CITy~.6F' ~'R S~GS_,....tf>, \ j\- ~#i<' in the presence of:. . 'j,;," ;. ~: C'\ : 2: ~' ,;1. " cj ~ - ~ '. ..\~~ !~~ ',~F . "'." '"'-f ..' . --,' ' ~ ..' ~ '::: I . - . \ J... ^- ....- .... ~ .~~. 8mcprinted. ~~-~~ Name:.'PATIL. p, j .;,.... . W Title: MAYO~r ."". U) _:,':.0.. .'i. .. ~. \.D .,' . 3:. - e prinlcd;::r~ n 1 C.e '? c; ,I... t! . -r\ <.J ':V;~:, ~:,;, -.' ':..':' -";, ~ .,<,::,:,' g <::) STATE-OF.FLORIDA. .;}':". -'-.0 COUNTY OF . ~~ ' r- ~ .r-. 1;I1e forer~strumertt was acknowledged before me this.;!. day of~,,';JN 200~, by _ fJo...u...Q. . ko.., as Y7V1a~ ~ .1 of the CITY OF WIN ER SP GS, a Florida municipal corporation, on behalf of e corporation, who is personally known to me Ul whu has l*Dduecd as idontificatioFr. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: Print Name: Commission No. (12 q J.-D?Of.( r;. ~ Deborah L Gllletple (Seal) *~*MyCommlsalonccmooa '..,y Ellp!ret March 21; 2004 Signed, sealed and delivered _ V BELLSOUTH MOBILITY fNe LL~ in the presence of: . _\ tJj: I?u,oy U(!, IT:5 ,f"ue- ~,!;.,~dEL - d)~t2.:c .c-- Name: p. <!L-f :!},fP'I.b - ZA~ -.' Name: !EO. N~. , Title: r',ees A/C'7N1'~ t1,Pee9~ NJ~..,It- , i ~,- ~ ~ STATE OF f:rto~Q/ft- COUNTY OF FilL. 10 ,J / Thefor.egoing)nstrurnent was acknowledg.~d b~fore methlsrday of.NuvemW,2000, by _Eo f?GtI/1t)~, ...'.' the ~/?CS,~.tiO~tJAlJo( BELLSOljtH. MOBI~:;, ~;;:=. eo'!'o....o", on behalf of the corporation, who is personallyiV;~,~\"" to me fl . ." ft':l Hient1fk~tlOn..t.'~1;'i":'~' <!. . .. '~IS)l.",.. .\. lL . ..' . , .~ <:,.:. ,. ~ /I; --1~ii2':'\itl4} . '. '?, ..' ..,.. .:,;;;~f{:.~'i". ". o ;J../;;'cJ Z-lln6 NOTARY PUBLIC . ~.,(..' 'J\ IUllq'....~.y My Commission Expires: Print Name: /~U>i)!It~'1 '" ~ L,'" ConumsslOn No.6w)~ un.:.:~ 2>~ ..}~t~;,\:!~ ~>.:~. :.,.. ;....~\,,"~ ~.. ~ ~ . .(Seal) .';'--: '.. '" 'r"'f'~ ->\\\ ,.' :'J;~.'~r:/~~;~.:>:"'I'~: ':' 11''.'~l.':'' ,,",: W \.D ~. \.D :r - :z: 0 r IT\ n 0 p -., ~ r- '-..0 U1 ...-> ..~ . -. l .- - L. ~ .. '. \- ,/ ~ . Exhibit A - LANb DESCRfP1l0N .. , (cnt "tQW[R srm , .. ;.. F"AAal. or l.ANO e!1NQ ~. ~~ ~ \..QT. lea, Bl..CQ( o~ Q' TH! ~T .c.R. MJT01n.J.;'S.,SURVEY QFT1-1C: L.rVr c;:IllAA..T OH L.JJ(t "':S5.)Pj-. ~ ~E~IN. . p1J.T !OO)( 1, p~ ~ r:Ji THi PtJtlUC'U!:c:.c:fItcs. ~.sntlNOU ,CoUNTY.. . .. F\,CRI0;...a..tJNO ~ORL. PAATIC1JLlAL.Y Q~C'AS r~ClW:5:' . . -- - OOM);lENClNC "T n;!: H~n;tAST CCNofDt.Of ~ PUT .~TH ~cc. RANOff:S'.$/!C. '-, AS R.!:COIllXO IH .PLAT.!ljOI<.l2. PAC/( J. or ~E PU6UC. RECORDS OF sn.uHC:U: COUNTY, FU:"..ltiDA; l}lD/a;. S~ 07"'11 '3"-. EAST. - . ,4.LCt4(; T'H€ ~ST R1CHT ~ WAY UNE" 'OR SHORE' ~OAO AS SHOWN ON'S4fJO F"J. r. A OlSTANCt: a: 20.gJ F'EtT; niENes::. O~:.lRT1NQ SAIO R1Q-fT OF' 'WAT. ~ H~lH e7":37'~- EAST. A CI~.lNC€ OF lISeO.J2 rttTi lrlENCE !OUl'H. ~ OO'22'~. E-lST, A OISTANC!: Of".2~O~ ~.,..'TO 'n1t POU~T or aEOINNIH~' en . \.D IT1 . . TH~NCE COH11NUE SCXJlH oe:22'co~ EAST, " OIST....NCE: CF '00.00 '~r:' :z '- TI1ENC! scum a:nr~~.~, A CISTANCX or I.~.OO r:n:T: 'n-IENa: NCA-n; :z: 0 oe~2~O:\. ~.s-T. A DISTANce CF 1oo.CO raTi T11tNct NCfltTH. e~'37'ss. r '.' EASJ' ~ CiI.STANcr.Oz'P 100.00'~. ~.:-.'l1-ie ~e~T Of' eEGI~.N:NQ.._ '._~_ _ . . . m -. ('") C) ...... . ., Cl SAl0 LANDS SZiUATE IN THE OTY Of:' W1NiER sr'~~. SGllNot! COJNTI', .." \.D F\.Ofll!lOA ANO C.ONTAlN 10,000 SOUARE: F'EET. MORE' 0" USS. r u:> . .- en - ..I,.AND~ ~~ ANDUJiLITY~. A !7ARCBL OF J..AND BEING A POlttION '<:1' Ler 100, BLOClt D. (II. 11m PLAT -oJt Mr.OCHEI.I.'S SURVEY OF '!'Be ~.GR.<\NT' ON lA1CB JE1StJP"'. AS JlE('()'QnmJ IN PLAT l3OO.Kl,. P-"1OB '. OF mB POBLI'C JlHC091)S (ji ~. COlJNTY;.FtCIRJD~ BEING MCRR PAIlTICUI..ARLy JJeSClUEED.AS FOCI.OWS: . ' . COM:MENC1r A'rTHR N~s:r CO&NEJiOF 'mIi.!'LAT-:NOHT.Ji.Ou..umo ~.l~ SEe 1", AS~ IN fLAT BOOK 11, PAGE.3, OF nm 1UBUC..RECORDS' 0iP.~ COUNTY, FLORJDl\. AND RUN TImNC.E ALONG.'WB l!A$I' m(UlF ar WAY lJltaS OF ~. ROAD, AS SHOWNUPO.N SAm P.LAT, SOU:m07'"l1'3T"E.A:ST.A.IlIST.AM:EQF2d.93.~'1Q . nm OOINT OP BHC'iINNINti a"'TBE BEREJ:loJ DBSCRlBED P.A.RCEL; 'l'BEl'<<::2.DEPARl'ING SAJJ) . lUPBtOF WAY ~ Nmmv-n'.53'" BAST. A.nISrA:NCB Qfl6aO.37EmT; ~ sovm.... 060Z2 ~ EAST., A DlSr.A.NO: OF 4.1-11 FEET; 'J'.BEN(E'8OtJTB IMT"'- .WESr~ 'A.plSTANCE OF 20,00 FEE1'; mENCe ~06"DW:WESr, AoDISTANCE OF'26,46 FEEl'; l'HE!'fl:EsqurH 1W3T~:r WEST, A DlSTANCB OP 166Q03 PElrr. mA .POINi OP ~.wrnr ru;e . ~~ATO BMT lllGIiT OIl WAY LINB OF BJB.E BoAD; 'l'BENEE. Al.ONO MlPEASf RJGRT ~.WAYUNE, l'OttH(J1011~ WBST,.A~.OP ~.fT1 PeT TO TBEJlOlNT ap BEGINNING... -: ..", . - SAio ~s .SITUA1E IN 'IBB CrrY OF WINTER SPRINGB,:. SEMl:M:LE .COOYrY_l'l..QUDA" AND. CONrAJN1NGo. 7S3 A.aU:s (34.,120 SQUAllE1'H5T) OF UND. MORE <la.I..E8S.