HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 05 23 National Missing Children's Day OCLAMATIO WHEREAS, the plight of missing and exploited children is a national tragedy, and; WHEREAS, an estimated 1.5 million children are missing nationwide, and an estimated three to four thousand are missing in Florida alone, and; WHEREAS, these children have the same right to safety and security as other citizens, yet are vulnerable to exploitation of every kind, and; WHEREAS, the families of these children live with the terrible sorrow of not knowing what has happened to their children, and; WHEREAS, because so many of our nation's children are victims of abduction and exploitation, we should be saddened, and inspired to join with the volunteers and professionals who seek to save these children. NOW, THEREFORE, 1, JOHN F. BUSH, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby recognize ((NATIONAL MISSING CHILDREN'S DAY" in May 2005, in the City of Winter Springs, and urge all citizens to join together to protect the children who are safe at home, and search tirelessly for all those who are missing. [\>i;"""' . ~~}H ~'l.", ' ~~ e~ee@@~e#;o~ ~ ;,e= .#0 ~. ee:~~ ' - ~t: ~~. .~ \~ i ~#'~ ", i~ ~ :- ~ ~\ V~~~ ~ c~.. .~ ~.Kll" ~.: (~~ ,-g: I),-,",'"'\~t ,-~~",\: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of May, 2005. ~~ I .. MISSING CHILDREN CENTER, INC. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: JOAN THOMPSON 276 East Highway 434 · Winter Springs, Florida 32708 (407) 327-4403 * (800) 330-1907. FAX: (407) 327-4514 Email ;mlssingchildren@cfl.rr.com MI:SSINu (.;HILUKt:N l;I:N II:K, IN\,;. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: JOAN THOMPSON 276 East Highway.34 . Winter Springs. Florida 32708 (407) 327-4403. (800) 330-1907. FAX: (407) 327-4514 Email: McciNina@aoJ.com Fax #: (407) 327-4514 Date: S- J.c3-0,) Time: Please deliver the following pages to : Company: (A )( ';'h" .sfM~ 1.-0 (1:~1' f-iaLf2 AUn. rdO eh 1 fJ ' . Department : m eut1 J (I b. '" 13.1< .s1l () JI' 'c( City / State : W /1"1 17/\ S fUU In 1 II ( ~ I Faxl(4t/7 )Jd 7-:75.3 This fax is being sent by: ~ '1 C+~l~ I< Number of pa~ ineludm. this cov"' letler : J Comments: ~ [0 f1 A) 2 LtJ n1 Q knf.'7A) f1 S A (:J ~; (~ l:;~.~: (~:;~1,) ~~J t!:; ~:;~ ~l Cft{ A p,~ (! ~/(t111111L . i t h../J ,'t1)( J 01L-. www. mis~ingchild rcnccntcrinc.Cll'g E I - 6 [88 '0 K JKI J3tClm ~KJSn! N\fQZ: 0; son TZ '^q~ MISSING CHILDREN CENTER, INC. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: JOAN THOMPSON 276 East Highway 434 * Winter Springs. Florida 32708 (407) 327-4403. (800) 330-1907. FAX: (407) 327-4514 Email: missingchlldren@cfl.rr.com May 23,2005 City of Winter Springs Mayor John Bush 21 Tarpon Circle Winter Springs, Fl 32708 Dear Mayor Bush, As you know, National Missing Children's Day is just around the comer. We are once again requesting a Proclamation from the beautiful city of Winter Springs to be read at the program on May 25th. Enclosed is a copy oflast year's Proclamation. This year National Missing Children's Day will be held at the Winter Springs Seventh Day Adventists Church located at 50 Moss Road. Again we would appreciate it if you could read the proclamation for us at the ceremony. which is to be held at 7 -9pm. Thank you so very much for all your help with our mission to make people aware of this epidemic in our society involving our children. Sincerely, ~1~ i:.~,uJ~ Cynthia Krummenacker Public Relations Administrator Missing Children Center. Inc. www.missingchildrencenterinc.org E/E 'd 6[88 'J N )NI 'NjH01:H) ~NISS]W WVOZ:Ol SOOZ 'EZ 'HW R'ESOLUTION THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOTED AT THE RlGULAR MEETINC OT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON nn: ~ DAY OF MA Y, A.D.,lOCW. WJaREAS, tilt Board of Coullly Commi5llIon(;l& D1wllye nri,,~, 10 ~ the qullli!)' oClile oCiu rc:!idcnlB, and WHEREAS. the prillW)' eonco:m of the Semin?le Co.m!)' ~d of CQUnt)' Comm..~ionor1 iJ \he well~c"'! of iu ~.donts; and WHEREAS. lilY media report describins lhc lr:\8lc ClrculllBWICClI of a miBBing child aff= _ oaly the immediate fiunily of this cJlild bul our entire eOl'lUT\uai!)', lII\d WHEREAS, public ~9 of the ue<:d fur incn:astd child saEct}' lw done milch to cducak pamIll aboul what they catI do 10 p~elll gime; commillcd ~t Ihe;r o..n chddrcn; and WHEREAS. lhc pov",e ~r il playing .~ ever-iJ1Cnwme mle to ani$l ia Ihet. prncnlioa efforts; 1lIld WHEREt\S. du~ lbe p~ 20 yea"', die MimnS CbJldrCII CGI\lQt, I~,. lQUlcd in Willler Sprinsa, Florida. has worked b.lId III hlllld willi scan:hing ~hc$, WBCCrned child lOvocate I16caci.. ami I.... caforccmcnl pf')m~on.l. 10 help reco,-of m.n'ne children; and WHlREAS.lhiB Jaf" lbcmc tor lbe dGdiGation IIlIl camlle 1i8hMS ~mony te be held at Lbe Wisit<< SpfWJ8:l ~ Chun:h ia "1.""t Their W.,! Home", \'lOW THEIltFORE. Bt IT JU:SOI. \lED, th.1 tIIco Board of County Commillioncrs in IIId tor ScmIDQle Coonty. FIIlrida do hereby prlXlllim Tv")', May 25, 20(l4 AS "National Miaeiq Chilclrca'a Day" in memO/')' of all ebildren who haw. b_ criminally abducted. ~taIl)' abductod, (JII' cll.uihcd .. runawaY'. aIllI CACQllr~e the citizelll of Seminole Cowl!)' \0 rlQl Olllt remember thOle chil4ren who haye ,,"n d.e Victims of crime bUllO alto renew our Joint dcwmination to pMlltt Ollr ellilclrtn f'tgm hum. BE IT FURmER RESOLVEnt IIlat the Sc.minole Coumy Board of County CQnUlIJI$iOllcr:l believes \hat ehild prot.e.crion is CVl:ryonc', lQpOIllIibility and dlat we should Slnve Ivr lbe clay \IObc:n OIlr children liv. Oee f'tgrn tbe lhteal$ of abdUGtion and e1IploiwioaJ. BE 11 Fll~THllt JU:SOL YED, that the Seminole CDUmy 8cwI\ of Counly C_stionm cxpteUCS its $illGCIll appru:iatiOll to the many voluntcas and proCc&Ilioaal.i who !>avo clcvOlCld lbei. lime and OilerS)' to rbi. impolWlt eaUIC IIId thst it join !be rr:sidCIILS of Semillole CWIlt)' ;n offering prayera for thll $a{c rclIlm of all miSling children so Ihat lhcir f.uni\io, 11\1)' be made whole api", BE IT roRTRER RESOL YED, that th;, re$olulion bc 'l'rQ.d upOll lhc Official Manul" b)' lbe CICl1<. of the CilW.t Court of Seminole County, F1oricb, lIIIlI this RaoluliOll be prcaentcd 10 JOIIII ThomplOll, &o::ulivc l>im:tlll", Mining Children Ccnltr.Ino, ADOFtED lhiB 2Sn. day of May, 2004, ................................. AnTST: [ '2 'j 6[88 'ON JNI ]3HG1IEJ ~NISS:W WV 02 : 0 1 SOD Z T 2 'A B W