HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 Eagle Scout Chris Kleinknecht (/J .D ..... (l) (l) en en (l) en ~ .2 _en- :E Irl . (/J ~ Q) 00 0 ~ .~ ::c g CIS - 0 ~ ;:j~ ~ N (l) E U en ~ lfl ....:l c: E - Q) 0 ~ c: 0 ";j 5 = E i3u ;s - en >-, ti .~ .. e ~ Q) en CIS 0 N = U Q) C/)~ .~ 0'1:: ..c:: ~ < C) U Q) .g ~ o'"d~ Cl 0 ~ a en i: ~ (/J ...... ~ c..-. t-< .- ..... ~ C/) ~:E'o '1:: c: (l) ~ 5 P- :::J .S c: 0 '1:: ~ Q) CI) 0 CJ .S Z o = ~ ....:l ~ 0 _ .g 0 u u (/J ~ u ~ CIS ~ 15 r:/l ~ .~ C/) ~ Q) >>~ r- ~ 0 I:il en - ;:j ~ ~ rJ) ~ ~t3 ~ ~ 0 c..-. .....:l ~ g ~ OC/) '1:: >. Cl)U ~.s ~ 0 0 Z ~ ?::I:il ::c~ c <r: f-4 '"d ..... U ......N u~ ~ ~ N ..... ~ ...... u...... Q) o.~ U ~ I:ilG ~o 15 CIS .s ~ ..... .l:l ~ ~ ~~ ~ >< 0 ~ Z ~8 Q) U rJ) ~ ~ c..-. tb Q) c..-. ::c ~~ 0 ~ 0 t;~ o ~ S u (l) >. ;:j Q) ..... ~ ~ ...c o ..... ~ ~ ~~ ~I:il _ 0:8 ~ ~ VJ E (l) U .s ~ ~ ;:l ..... _ c: ~ ~~ ~ o::i 0 .- 0 z 0 .s - en .>> CJ '(/j = t:: en ~ CI:l . VJ enQ CIS Z .E~ <r:: .- ...... 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This letter is to ask for your assistance in recognizing the achievements and service of Chris Kleinknecht, a resident of this community and a member of Troop 787. Would you please be so kind as to send Chris a letter of greeting, along with any other items you wish to be presented to him during a recognition ceremony to be held on April 19, 2005 at Willow Creek Presbyterian Church in Winter Springs. Please address your letter and recognitions to Eagle Scout Chris Kleinknecht, in care of the following address. All of the recognitions and letters will be compiled, placed in a binder or other suitable keepsake, and after they are read, will be displayed during this special occasion for Chris. 1736 Cinnamon Circle Casselberry, FL 32707 Thank you very much for taking time from your extremely busy work schedule to help this community and this unit recognize the personal achievement and service of Eagle Scout Chris Kleinknecht. Sincerely, -k; Tom Hoisington, Eagle Scout Eagle Advancement Chairman Troop 787 Important Facts About Eagle Scout Chris Kleinknecht I Chris is a senior at Winter Springs High School where he is an active member of Key.Club, the Latin Club, the Philosophy Honors Society, and played Lacrosse. He is a National Merit Commended Scholar and College AP Scholar. Chris has been accepted at the University of Florida in Gainesville where he will major in Computer Engineering/Computer Science. Chris joined the Boy Scouts while living in Maryland and joined Troop 787 when his family relocated to Central Florida several years ago. During his Scouting career, Chris has demonstrated his leadership abilities by serving in the positions of Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Senior Patrol Leader. He is a Brotherhood Member of the Order of the Arrow, the honor camping society. Chris cites as the highlights of his years in Scouting his service on the camp staff at Camp Airy in Mt. Airy, Maryland where he taught swimming and served as a lifeguard, his introduction to mountain biking, rock climbing and rappelling. Important Facts About Eagle Scouts To achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, a young man is required to earn a minimum of twenty-one merit badges. Twelve of these badges are required. Citizenship in the World Family Life Camping Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving The Scout is also required to earn a minimum of nine elective merit badges. These enable the Scout to explore areas of personal interest. Additionally, the Scout is required to demonstrate leadership ability by accepting leadership positions within both his patrol and the troop; and, through the completion of a service project that benefits the community. The Eagle Court of Honor Handbook tells us that, of 100 boys who join Scouting, ... . Only rarely will one appear before a juvenile court . Twelve will receive their first time religious contact . Five will receive Church affiliated awards . One will join the clergy of his chosen faith . Eighteen will develop hobbies which will last a lifetime . Eight will enter a career based on Merit Badge work . Seventeen will become Scout Leaders . One will save a life using skills learned in Scouting . One will save his own life using skills learned in Scouting . Only TWO will achieve the rank of EAGLE Citizenship in the Community Personal Management First Aid Citizenship in the Nation Personal Fitness Communications Swimming, Hiking, or Cycling Environmental Sciences