HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 April as Water Conservation Month OFFICE OF THE MAYOR WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA WHEREAS, watel~ ~s a bask and essendal need of eveJry Hv~ng creatllue; and the State of Flodda, Water Management D~stdcts, C~ty of W~ntel~ Spl~~ngs, and Sem~nole SoH and Watel~ ConseJ~atlon D~stdct <11l~e wOlddng together to ~Jr1\CJ~ease awal~eness about the ~Jmport<llnce of water conservation; and WHEREAS, W~Jrilter Splr~lIllgs and the State of HOlr~da has des~g'lnlated AprH, typ~caHy .at dlry Imolf1lth when watel~ delm<llnds aJre most acute, Flor~da's Water Consel~ation Month, to educate dtizens abolUIt how they can help save Flol~ida's pJredous watel~ resources; <ltJrnd WHEREAS, Wintelr Spl~~ngs has always encoUIJragedl <lmd S1lJlppolrted watel~ conservation, tlluough vadous educational plrogl~ams and spedal events; and WHEREAS, evelry bus~ness, lndustlry, school and ddzen can Im<llke a d~Herence when ~t comes to conserving water; and every bus~ness, ~ndustlry, school alllld dtizen can help by sav~ng water and thus plromote a healthy ecollllomy and commun~ty. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN F. BUSH, by vil~tue of the authol~~ty vested ~n me as Mayol~ of the Oty of WiJrnter SpJ~ings, Horida, do helreby ]fuoda~m the month of April as -- WATER CONSERVATION MONTH -- in the C~ty of Wintel~ Spr~ngs, Hodda, and al~e caning upon each dtizen .and bus~ness to help protect OUl~ predous J~esource by pJ~acddng watel~ sav~ng measUIJ~es and becoffilng JmOl~e awal~e of the need to save water. RobeJ~t S. Mmer Mkhael S. Blake COJmm~ssioneJr COlmJmiss~oner ~. IIIallOyJ 1{lhereq/ ~cUJe /wramto. Jet /If? !tall r'atlJed tAb deal to. 6e q/i{~'ed. I:~ F. BUSH, MAYOR A 1~S~1 I'\~ . f' ' '---- .~ ~ CITY CL \JkI{' JOhlfl1 F. Bush MayoJr EdwanJl MaJ~tinez, JJ~. Comm~ss~oneJ~ SaHy McGinnis Dav~d W. McLeod CommissloneJ~ COlmmissloner