HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 03 22 Lorie Taylor Day OFFICE OF THE MAYOR WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA WHEREAS, Lorie Taylor has been a lresident of the City of Winter Splrings slmce Septembelr Jl98S and a resident of the Oalk FOlrest commuumity since ]alnlualry Jl986 ,amdl sen/ed Olnl the O;;nlk fOlrest Comlmmmity lBoalrd fOlr a nmmbelr of ye;;nlrs volunteelring in numeJrous w,ays to hdp bettelr heir ndghbolrhood!; and WHEREAS, Lorie Taylor was then appointed to the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee in August Jl999 as one of the oJriginal Hve ifollJllnlding membelrs; and WHEREAS, Lorie Taylor in so lmany, m;amy w;;nys has tlmly been commiued! to m;adking;;n dHfelrence in the Hves of eveJryone that she has touched; ,and has dedicatedl ill glre;alll: de,al oif heir Hfedme hdping othelrs, just beCillllJISe she c,allred to tlry to millke things bettelr; ;amldl WHEREAS, Lorie Taylor - ifolr the pillSt 118 ye;allrs, has given so much of helrsdif to heIr ndghbolrs ;;nnd ifdendls in the Oak FOlrest community - in dIme, enelrgy, spiidt, illndl love - but mOJreOVelr, to ;;n~~ of the ddzens of the City of Wintelr Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN F. BUSH, by vilrtue of the ;;nuthodty vested in me <lIS M;;nyolr of the City of Wintelr Spiring'S, Flodd;;n, do helreby pJrodaim March ZZ, 2004, as ..... LORIETAYLORDAy..... 1m the City oif Winter Splrings, Flodda, in lre::;ognition of Lorie Taylor's love and! concelm fOlr heir bmHy, fdendls, and ndghbolrs in Oak Forest <md the endlre Wintelr Spdngs comlmmmity. Robelrt S. Mmelr Michael S. IBtadke COlmlmissiolnlelr COlmlmissllonelr ~.. tt'iblleM ttt/wreo/ ,f;,aLJe Iwrermto det ll!!l j/d eattded mi6 deal to 6f' a#:~'ed. ~~ E BUSH, MAYOR AT\ES~; ~I ~\ V CI~Y C~~' ~ John f. Bush Mayor Edwan:J1 M;;nlrdnez, ]Ir. COJmllmissionelr Sany McGinnlls O;;nvid W. McLeod COlmlmissioneJr COlmmissionelr